Multi-level GROUP BY clause not allowed in subquery - sql

I have a query as follows in MS Access
SELECT tblUsers.Forename, tblUsers.Surname,
FROM tblGrades
WHERE UserID = tblUsers.UserID
AND (Grade = 'A' OR Grade = 'B' OR Grade = 'C')) AS TotalGrades
FROM tblUsers
I've put this into a report and now when trying to view the report it displays an alert "Multi-level GROUP BY clause is not allowed in subquery"
What I dont get is I dont even have any GROUP BY clauses in the query so why is it returning this error?

From Allen Browne's excellent website of Access tips: Surviving Subqueries
Error: "Multi-level group by not allowed"
You spent half an hour building a query with subquery, and verifying it all works. You create a report based on the query, and immediately it fails. Why?
The problem arises from what Access does behind the scenes in response to the report's Sorting and Grouping or aggregation. If it must aggregate the data for the report, and that's the "multi-level" grouping that is not permitted.
In report design, remove everything form the Sorting and Grouping dialog, and do not try to sum anything in the Report Header or Report Footer. (In most cases this is not a practical solution.)
In query design, uncheck the Show box under the subquery. (This solution is practical only if you do not need to show the results of the subquery in the report.)
Create a separate query that handles the subquery. Use this query as a source "table" for the query the report is based on. Moving the subquery to the lower level query sometimes (not always) avoids the problem, even if the second query is as simple as
Use a domain aggregate function such as DSum() instead of a subquery. While this is fine for small tables, performance will be unusable for large ones.
If nothing else works, create a temporary table to hold the data for the report. You can convert your query into an Append query (Append on Query menu in query design) to populate the temporary table, and then base the report on the temporary table.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm reposting the info here because I believe Allen Browne explicitly allows it. From his website:
You may freely use anything (code, forms, algorithms, ...) from these articles and sample databases for any purpose (personal, educational, commercial, resale, ...). All we ask is that you acknowledge this website in your code, with comments such as:
'Adapted from:

Try this version:
SELECT users.Forename, users.Surname, grades.TotalGrades
FROM tblUsers AS users
LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(ID) as TotalGrades, UserID FROM tblGrades WHERE (Grade = 'A' OR Grade = 'B' OR Grade = 'C') group by userid) AS grades on grades.UserID = users.UserID
I have not tested it. The query itself should be OK, but I'm not sure whether it works in the report data source.

try this:
SELECT users.Forename, users.Surname, count( AS TotalGrades
FROM tblUsers AS users
INNER JOIN tblGrades AS grades ON users.ID=grades.UserID
WHERE grades.Grade in ("A","B","C") group by users.ID;
This is a simple joined table. Basically it means. Select all cases where a user has a grade with "A" or "B" or "C" (which would give you a table like this:
user1 | A
user1 | B
user1 | A
user2 | A
And then it groups it by users, counting how many times a grade appeared -> giving you the number of grades in the desired range for each user.


SQL will output my query only if I alias my columns in my select statement... Not sure why

Alright this is my curiosity, my question is why...
First this is the ERD to understand the tables and connections...
Now my Query is supposed to "Provide a table that provides the region for each sales_rep along with their associated accounts. Your final table should include three columns: the region name, the sales rep name, and the account name. Sort the accounts alphabetically (A-Z) according to account name"
I created this query:
select , ,
from region reg
join sales_reps srep
on srep.region_id =
join accounts as acc
on acc.sales_rep_id =
order by 1;
This resulted in outputting only the first column of my query like so:
But it's not until I add aliases to each of my columns that the output is generated:
select account_name
, region_name
, sales_rep_name
from region reg
join sales_reps srep
on srep.region_id =
join accounts as acc
on acc.sales_rep_id =
order by 1;
Can anyone tell me why that is ? Thank you !!!!
IMPORTANT CONTEXT INFO:This is using MODE and it's part of the SQL Course on Udacity COURSE Joins Section step 12
You never told us what your actual SQL engine is (e.g. MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc.). But this doesn't really even matter, because on most engines your first select would in fact have generated a result set with three columns all called name. You may confirm this behavior by just running your query directly against the actual SQL database.
What is likely happening here is that the Udacity SQL tool has inserted some layer in between the SQL database and the UI, the latter whose output you have been posting in your question. This additional layer is, for some reason, resolving duplicate column names in the result set by keeping only one of them. The workaround, as you have already figured out, is to just use unique aliases.

SQL Query - select multiple rows from 2 tables

I'm new to SQL and recently saw this question, which is described on the [attached picture]
. Any suggestions on how to solve it? Thanks in advance.
In most cases such requirements are better to resolve by starting from the end. Let's try that: "have more than 3 items ... and total price".
select InvoiceId, sum(price)
from InvoiceItem
group by InvoiceId
having count(1) > 3;
This query gives you the overall price for every invoice that has more than 3 items. You might be wondering why there is that funny "having" clause and not the "where" clause.
The database executes first "from" and "where" parts of the query to get the data and only after that using aggregations (sum, count etc.) is possible, so they are to be specified afterwards.
The query above actually returns all the data from requirement, but I assume that whoever gave you this task (that was a teacher, right?) was asking you to retrieve all the data from Invoices table that correspond to the records within the InvoiceItem table that has more than 3 items and so on.
So, for now all you have left is to join the Invoice table with a query from above
select, i.customername, i.issuedate, sum(it.price)
from InvoiceItem it
join Invoice i on it.invoiceid =
group by, i.customername, i.issuedate
having count(1) > 3;
Teacher might ask you why did you use count(1) and not count(*) or count(id) or something. Just tell him/her all these things are equal so you picked just one.
Now it should be working fine presumably. I did not tested it at all as you did not provide the data to test it on and it is late so I am pretty tired. Because of this you might needed to fix some typos or syntax errors I probably made - but hey let's keep in mind you still have to do something on your own with this task.

Query build to find records where all of a series of records have a value

Let me explain a little bit about what I am trying to do because I dont even know the vocab to use to ask. I have an Access 2016 database that records staff QA data. When a staff member misses a QA we assign a job aid that explains the process and they can optionally send back a worksheet showing they learned about what was missed. If they do all of these ina 3 month period they get a credit on their QA score. So I have a series of records all of whom have a date we assigned the work(RA1) and MAY have a work returned date(RC1).
In the below image "lavalleer" has earned the credit because both of her sheets got returned. "maduncn" Did not earn the credit because he didn't do one.
I want to create a query that returns to me only the people that are like "lavalleer". I tried hitting google and searched here and but I'm only coming up with instructions to use Not null statements. That wouldn't work for me because if I did a IS Not Null on "maduncn" I would get the 4 records but it would exclude the null.
What I need to do is build a query where I can see staff that have dates in ALL of their RC1 fields. If any of their RC1 fields are blank I dont want them to return.
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE NOT UserLogin IN (SELECT UserLogin FROM tablename WHERE RCI IS NULL);
You could use a not exists clause with a correlated subquery, e.g.
select t.* from YourTable t where not exists
(select 1 from YourTable u where t.userlogin = u.userlogin and u.rc1 is null)
Here, select 1 is used purely for optimisation - we don't care what the query returns, just that it has records (or doesn't have records).
Or, you could use a left join to exclude those users for which there is a null rc1 record, e.g.:
select t.* from YourTable t left join
(select u.userlogin from YourTable u where u.rc1 is null) v on t.userlogin = v.userlogin
where v.userlogin is null
In all of the above, change all occurrences of YourTable to the name of your table.

MS Access SQL code - query issue with NOT IN

I'm trying to find out which partners has not paid the monthly tuition in a particular month.
I have a table called Socios containing all partners names SocioNome and another table called RegistroPagamento contaning all payments done (This particular table is fulfilled by a form where the user input the Partner Name, Amount Paid and which particular month/year the payment is related to).
I have created a query where I used the SQL code below:
SELECT [SocioNome]
FROM [Socios] NOT IN
(SELECT [SocioNome] FROM [RegistroPagamento] WHERE [MesBoleto] = [Forms]![Selecionar_MCobranca]![TBoxMes] AND [AnoBoleto] = [Forms]![Selecionar_MCobranca]![TBoxAno]);
[Selecionar_MCobranca] is the form I have mentioned before and the [TBoxMes] & [TBoxAno] are the combo boxes from the form which the user can select the month and the year the payment refers to.
When I run the code, a error message pops up indicating that there is a FORM clause syntax issue, and I don't know exactly what is causing the problem.
NOT IN is a comparison operator in the WHERE clause. It does not belong in the FROM cluase. I strongly recommend using NOT EXISTS instead. The idea is:
SELECT s.SocioNome
FROM Socios as s
FROM RegistroPagamento as rp
WHERE rp.MesBoleto = [Forms]![Selecionar_MCobranca]![TBoxMes] AND
rp.AnoBoleto = [Forms]![Selecionar_MCobranca]![TBoxAno] AND
rp.SocioNome = s.SocioNome
NOT IN returns no rows if any row in the subquery is NULL. To protect against this, just use NOT EXISTS. It has the expected behavior in this case.

What is the best way to reduce sql queries in my situation

Here is the situation,each page will show 30 topics,so I had execute 1 sql statements at least,besides,I also want to show how many relpies with each topic and who the author is,thus
I have to use 30 statements to count the number of replpies and use other 30 statements to find the author.Finally,I got 61 statements,I really worry about the efficiency.
My tables looks like this:
Topic Reply User
------- ---------- ------------
id id id
title topic_id username
... ...
You should look into joining tables during a query.
Joins in SQLServer
Joins in MySQL
As an example, I could do the following:
SELECT, reply.authorid, reply.text, reply.topicid,
FROM reply
LEFT JOIN topic ON ( = reply.topicid)
LEFT JOIN user ON ( = reply.authorid)
WHERE (reply.isactive = 1)
ORDER BY reply.postdate DESC
If I read your requirements correctly, you want the result of the following query:
SELECT Topic.title, User.username, COUNT(Reply.topic_id) Replies
FROM Topic, User, Reply
WHERE = Reply.topic_id
AND Topic.author_id =
GROUP BY Topic.title, User.username
When I was first starting out with database driven web applications I had similar problems. I then spent several years working in a database rich environment where I actually learned SQL. If you intend to continue developing web applications (which I find are very fun to create) it would be worth your time to pick up a book or checking out some how-to's on basic and advance SQL.
One thing to add, on top of JOINS
It may be that your groups of data do not match or relate, so JOINs won't work. Another way: you may have 2 main chunks of data that is awkward to join.
Stored procedures can return multiple result sets.
For example, for a summary page you could return one aggregate result set and another "last 20" result set in one SQL call. To JOIN the 2 is awkward because it doesn't "fit" together.
You certainly can use some "left joins" on this one, however since the output only changes if someone updates/adds to your tables you could try to cache it in a xml/text file. Another way could be to build in some redundancy by adding another row to the topic table that keeps the reply count, username etc... and update them only if changes occur...