Make graphs based on Excel data - adobe-illustrator

I'm not that into Illustrator, so this might be a easy thing to do.
I would like to create thousand of graphs (eg. pie charts) based on rows of data in Excel.
Something like this:
Create some sort of template.
Import data. Directly from the Excel-file or via CSV.
Make chart files, based on the template. Generate 1 file per row.
The first column in the Excel, could be a customer number that sets the filename.
Is this possible.
The goal is to link the graphs to an InDesign template where the customer number tells InDesign what file to link to the current post.

I think this is not possible, if you want to make a graph then hit "J" and start making any kind of graph. But doing in batch might be possible using javascript.


UiPath pdf table scraping into a DataTable type

Can I somehow import a table from pdf to a UiPath DataTable?
I can do it via loading it to a string array and after that splitting it. But I hope so there is a better and more safe solution to get a table from PDF.
The easiest way is to use the Read PDF Text activity.
As it's often changing, it does really make sense to give you a tutorial here about how you add it to UiPath and what parameters you currently have. Overall all info you can find on the official detailed tutorial.
Basically this activity gives you the easy way of extracting data and managing it.
If the result is not okay you will need to switch to the OCR activity with nearly the same name. This one reads the data visually. But from what you gave here, I would not recommend you that.
There are many other activities out there, like extracting it into an Excel Workbook. So simply try out what you need.

Headless LibreOffice or OpenOffice as a PDF report generator?

I hope it’s Ok to post a complete naive question here for LO or OO experts.
I’m looking for advice on whether scripting LibreOffice or OpenOffice would be suitable for the following:
General Question
I’m looking to generate PDF reports, based on a combination of a “template” and a set of data (currently in JSON format) and inserted images.
This would act as a headless service that gets invoked when necessary from a web server, when a user requests a PDF report (on linux).
We have a need to frequently modify/customise/generate new templates, hence the reluctance to go down a route of using something like Reportlab (plus I don't know Reportlab at all, so face huge learning curve that way
This is in contrast to using an approach of using a PDF library like Reportlab directly within the web server, and having to build up the template/report programmatically.
As LibreOffice/OpenOffice is obviously a lot faster for generating good looking report "templates", this is a question about doing both the template generation, plus final template + data -> PDF generation all directly within LibreOffice.
Some more specifics
The data values would mostly either be substituted into fields in the template, with no to minimal processing of values required.
However, there would be situations where some of the data is in “sets” that would be shown in a table type view, and the number of fields (and so number of table rows for instance) would need to vary per report, based on the number of values in that particular JSON data.
Additionally, I’d need to be able to include (“import”) images into the report. Some of the JSON data would be paths to image files, and I’d like to include those. Again for these, the number of image may vary between each report.
This wouldn't be high frequency at all, so would not need to run either LO/OO as a service, but could simply invoke when required with a sys call. Conceptually something like "LibreOffice --template '' <data.json> <output_file.pdf>"
If this approach would be reasonable in either LO or OO, what languages are best to script in? (Hopefully python3).

Exporting/copying data from PDF to Excel and aligning the columns and rows together

In real estate, I usually have to manually write each tenant and their information into our models. We usually get PDFs and not excel spreadsheets. There are two problems that happens a lot if I try to export PDF using Adobe standard. Photo 1 is where I hold CTRL and copied everything over, except I have to manually move over the data into the same column then I concatenate the data so I can then finish by copy pasting it into my spreadsheet.
The other way is using the exported PDF data and manually working around it. When there's 50 tenants, it can take me all day.
Does anyone have solutions I can use? I feel like i'm wasting so much time. Any VBA solutions or creative exporting solutions using adobe standard?
In the end, I need a column for Tenant Names, the square footage, the base rent, the rent per SF, the lease start date, end date. As you can see, the data gets thrown all over the place.

Intuitive auto-population of data between two worksheets

I have two excel tables. One is a list of names with a calendar that tracks number of days traveled and puts it in percentage. The other table shows proposed travel schedules for the same list of people but in a different format. I have to manually find their percentage in table 1 and input them to the second table for presentations. I want to develop something that reads the names in both tables and can copy their travel time percentage into the second chart. Maybe adding it in the cell or to a blank row below. I have been unable to find any previous threads relating to this. I am new to programing and do not know if this can be done in VBA macro for excel. Does anyone know what functions I could use to accomplish this?
The quickest way is to use powerpivot. You'll have to look at your version of excel to see how to access it. For instance, powerpivot is included and preset in excel 2016, and is a free add-on you'll need to download for excel 2010.
You can uplaod both those tables into the powerpivot model, define the relationship between the two tables (as simple as dragging the relationships in a diagram view). Then you literally have a pivot table that connects both and you can create a measure that does what you're saying. The plus is that there's so much more you can do!
Hearing how your data is set up if you run through a powerpivot table tutorial you might even rethink your data set-up. The advantage is you don't need to learn vba just learn to apply your current and new excel skills. A good starting point is here:
There are also 5 min youtube clips that'll give you a good idea of what else you can do with it.

Create owl file from csv file

Currently I am using Protege application to add classes, sub classes for the added classes and label for each subclass/class. I have many classes and I am really fed up adding many of these manually. I have got all of these classes, sub-classes and labels in a csv file. Each row contains these three things- class,sub-class and label separated by comma.
I would like to create OWL file with all these classes. Is there any way I could automate the process?
This use case seems pretty close to what a tool named Populous does. See its description here
Populous presents users with a table based form in which columns are constrained to take values from particular ontologies. Populated tables are mapped to patterns that can then be used to automatically generate the ontology's content. These forms can be exported as spreadsheets, providing an interface that is much more familiar to many biologists.
The table/spreadsheet format is equivalent to CSV, so easy to convert. The project is Open Source, so easy to reuse the code to achieve your target.
See for more details.