Is Objective-C converted to C code before compilation? - objective-c

I know objective C is strict superset of C and we are writing the same thing.
But when i write
#interface Myintf {}
Does it get converted to a C struct or is it that the memory layout for the data structure Myintf prepared by Objective c compiler is same as that of a C struct defined in runtime.h?
and same question about objc_msgsend
Apple document says
In Objective-C, messages aren’t bound to method implementations until runtime. The compiler converts a message expression, into a call on a messaging function, objc_msgSend. This function takes the receiver and the name of the method mentioned in the message—that is, the method selector—as its two principal parameters:

Does it get converted to a C struct
In the old days it used to, but with the modern runtime (OS X 10.5+ 64 bit and iOS), I think it's a bit more complicated. It can't be using a traditional struct because the Fragile Instance Variable problem is solved.
and same question about objc_msgsend
Yes. All method invocations - or more correctly, all message sends - are converted into calls to obj_msgsend() (except for when super is used as the receiver when a different C function is used).
Note that early implementations of Objective-C were implemented as a preprocessor and produced C source code as an intermediate step. The modern compiler does not bother with this and goes straight from Objective-C source code to an object code format.

No and no. Both cases ultimately rely on the runtime. In a way, it is converted to use C interfaces, but there is a level of abstraction introduced -- it's not entirely static.
It will help to look at the assembly generated by the compiler to see how this works in more detail.
Given the declaration:
id objc_msgSend(id theReceiver, SEL theSelector, ...);
The compiler inserts a call to objc_msgSend when your implementation calls a method. It is not reduced to a static C function call, but dynamic dispatch -- another level of indirection, if you like to think of it that way.


Objective-C Blocks in C

While reading through the blocks conceptual overview in Apple Docs, I saw the following statement:
Although blocks are available to pure C and C++, a block is also
always an Objective-C object.
How is this possible? I mean an Objective-C object available in pure C. I'm getting confused.
How is this possible? I mean an Objective-C object available in pure C.
Matt Gallagher wrote an article that nicely explains how blocks work. In a nutshell, blocks are defined as structs that meet the requirements to be a valid Objective-C object (for example, the struct starts with an isa pointer). None of this causes a problem for C, and the compiler knows what the definition of a block is, so even when compiling plain old C it can still do the right thing to make blocks work.
The added Objective-C aspect of blocks doesn't affect how blocks are used in C, but still provides the ability to treat blocks as objects so that they can be added to collections and otherwise managed like any other object.
This isn't really so strange. If you think about it, all Objective-C objects are "available" in C at some level -- the entire Objective-C runtime consists of C functions that manipulate structures that represent Objective-C objects and classes. And even disregarding that, blocks aren't the first example of a data type that's usable in both C and Objective-C -- we've had toll free bridging between Foundation and Core Foundation for many years. The implementation of blocks may be somewhat different, but it's not a new thing to have objects that work in both worlds.
Objective-C can be freely mixed with C. As long as your class has a C API (which blocks do, with Block_copy, Block_release, etc.), the C code doesn't care if it's implemented in Objective-C or C.
From the same document,
float (^oneFrom)(float);
oneFrom = ^(float aFloat) {
float result = aFloat - 1.0;
return result;
oneFrom a variable referencing the block (object) { float result = aFloat - 1.0; return result; }
Blocks are available to pure C and C++, ie. the block can consist of pure C or C++ code.

Objective C Class Methods vs C Functions

While working on on open source project, I came across the following C function declaration and implementation:
// FSNData.h
NSString *stringForMimeType(MimeType type);
#interface FSNData : NSObject
// All the expected objective-c property and instance method declarations
// FSNData.m
#import "FSNData.h"
// where 'type' is an enum
// this does work as expected
NSString *stringForMimeType(MimeType type) {
switch (type) {
case MimeType_image_jpeg: return #"image/jpeg";
case MimeType_image_png: return #"image/png";
NSLog(#"ERROR: FSNData: unknown MimeType: %d", type);
// do not return "application/octet-stream"; instead, let the recipient guess
return nil;
// all properties and methods defined in FSData.h implemented as expected
This example could easily be re-written as a class level method with out any problem. As it is, using stringFormMimeType() sill requires importing the FSNData header file anyway.
Looking at the Apple docs, it states only:
Because Objective-C rests on a foundation of ANSI C, you can freely
intermix straight C code with Objective-C code. Moreover, your code
can call functions defined in non-Cocoa programmatic interfaces, such
as the BSD library interfaces in /usr/include.
There is no mention of when C functions should favour Objective-C methods.
The only benefit I can see at this point, is that calling the above function, as opposed to a class method, some Objective-C runtime call(s) would be skipped. In a typical use case of FSNData, this would not give a noticeable boost in performance to the user (probably even to developers)*.
What benefit exists (other than coding style) for favouring a C function over a class method?
*FSNData is used as part of the FSNetworking library, so I doubt there would be thousands upon thousands of network operations being performed during any application's life cycle.
In short, C (or C++) implementations are very useful:
For Abstraction
For Reusability
When making medium and large scale programs
In performance critical paths
For 'Interior' implementations
What benefit exists (other than coding style) for favouring a C function over a class method?
ObjC messaging introduces indirect function calls. These are firewalls for optimizers.
C functions can easily restrict access, whereas 'private' ObjC implementations may be looked up using the ObjC runtime, or accidentally overridden.
C functions may be removed from your executable if not referenced, or they may be made private. If you write reusable code (and you should), this can have a huge impact on your binary sizes and load times -- C functions which are not referenced/used may be removed, but ObjC types and methods will be preserved (including everything they reference). This is why your app's binary size may grow significantly when you use only small part of an ObjC static library -- every objc class in the library is preserved. If that library were C or C++, then you could get by with very small growth because you need only what is referenced. What is or is not referenced is easier to prove with C and C++.
C functions can be inlined, either during compilation or during Link Time Optimization phases.
The compiler and optimizers are able to do much optimization with C functions (e.g. inter-procedural optimizations), but very little with ObjC methods because they are always indirect.
To avoid ObjC message dispatch overhead (as you mentioned)
Potential for additional reference counting operations and autorelease pool activity when interacting with ObjC objects.
Of course you won't always hurt paying for things you don't need or use -- and remember that ObjC class methods have some benefits over C functions, too. So, just look at C or C++ implementations as another tool in your toolbox. I find them very useful as complexity and project sizes increase, and they can be used to make your programs much faster. Just do what you are least likely to regret in 2015 ;)
You already touched on the marginal performance difference of avoiding an objc_msgSend call. Objective-C class methods are also subject to overriding in subclasses, so implementing a method in C will prevent it from being overridden in a subclass. Relatedly, because of that runtime inheritance/polymorphism, an Objective-C method can never be inlined, whereas a C function can potentially be inlined by the compiler for added performance.
When it comes to avoiding objc_msgSend, a wise man once told me, "If the overhead of objc_msgSend is too great for you, Objective-C is probably the wrong tool for the job."

Can Foundation tell me whether an Objective-C method requires a special structure return?

Background as I understand it: Objective-C method invocations are basically a C function call with two hidden parameters (the receiver and the selector). The Objective-C runtime contains a function named objc_msgSend() that allows to invoke methods that way. Unfortunately, when a function returns a struct some special treatment may be needed. There are arcane (some might say insane) rules that govern whether the structure is returned like other values or whether it's actually returned by reference in a hidden first argument. For Objective-C there's another function called objc_msgSend_stret() that must be used in these cases.
The question: Given a method, can NSMethodSignature or something else tell me whether I have to use objc_msgSend() or objc_msgSend_stret()? So far we have found out that NSMethodSignature knows this, it prints it in its debug output, but there doesn't seem to be a public API.
In case you want to respond with "why on earth would you want to do that?!", please read the following before you do:
Objective-C uses the same underlying ABI for C on a given architecture, because methods are just C functions with implicit self and _cmd arguments.
In other words, if you have a method:
- (SomeStructType)myMeth:(SomeArgType)arg;
then really this is a plain C function:
SomeStructType myMeth(id self, SEL _cmd, SomeArgType arg);
I'm pretty sure you already know that, but I'm merely mentioning it for other readers.
In other words, you want to ask libffi or any kind of similar library how SomeStructType would be returned for that architecture.
NSMethodSignature has a -methodReturnType that you can inspect to see if the return type is a struct. Is this what you're trying to do?
The rules for which struct types return in registers are always
arcane, sometimes insane. ppc32 is trivial: structs never return in
registers. i386 is straightforward: structs with sizeof exactly equal
to 1, 2, 4, or 8 return in registers. x86_64 is more complicated,
including rules for returning floating-point struct fields in FPU
registers, and ppc64's rules and exceptions will make your head spin.
The gory details are documented in the Mac OS X ABI Guide, though as
usual if the documentation and the compiler disagree then the
documentation is wrong.
If you're calling objc_msgSend directly and need to know whether to
use objc_msgSend_stret for a particular struct type, I recommend the
empirical approach: write a line of code that calls your method,
compile it on each architecture you care about, and look at the
assembly code to see which dispatch function the compiler uses.

Does Objective-C have closure while C does not?

I have heard that C doesn't have closure, and today I saw the use of closure in Objective-C. Is closure supported in Objective-C and not in C?
Update: thanks for all the answers. I found this guide on the web on blocks as well:
Apple added the ^ operator to add closure support. It is not tied to Objective-C however, and can be used in C and C++ as well, as long as you compile the project with Apple's brach of GCC or LLVM. This new feature is called blocks.
C has closures in the form of application-defined structures that contain both a function pointer and data pointer. The problem is just that many/most interfaces that take a callback pointer (like qsort) accept only the function pointer and not a corresponding data pointer, making it impossible to pass closures to them.
By the way, it's theoretically possible to add closure support at the library level without assistance from the compiler, i.e. create a library that would return a function pointer to a closure. However, the library code would be rather implementation/machine-dependent. It would need to allocate space for executable code and generate code to pass a fixed pointer value (saved as part of the closure object) along with other arguments to the function.

Do "dynamic ivars" break the "strict superset of C" paradigm for Objective-c?

Thank you to Yuji for answering another question I had and pointing me to this article about dynamic ivars in Objective-C.
However, as explained in my other question the sizeof operator now behaves inconsistently. In short, sizeof will not take into account dynamic ivars from outside the class .m file but will take them into account inside the .m file after the #synthesize declarations that create the dynamic ivars.
So my question is does this break the idea that Objective-C is a strict superset of C?
No. All valid C code remains valid Objective-C code with the same meaning it has in C, so Objective-C is still a strict superset. Keep in mind that a superset is allowed to have features not found in a subset — that's the whole reason Objective-C can have all the additional capabilities and syntax that it does while remaining 100% C-compatible.
What this does affect is the implementation detail that Objective-C classes are essentially C struct types with a set of functions that act on them. Note that similar functionality to objC_setAssociatedObject() could be implemented for a CoreFoundation-style pure C struct without changing the C language itself at all — and it would have the similar side effect of making sizeof() not give a fully "accurate" idea of all the data the struct encompasses.
No. If you run Objective-C code through a C compiler it never would have compiled anyway. If you run C code through an Objective-C compiler it will behave exactly as if you had run it through a C compiler (barring compiler bugs).
If you ever find yourself writing sizeof(MyObjectiveCClass) you are almost certainly doing something horribly wrong that will be completely broken.