When we need create an object and take ownership of it we write
NSObject *someObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
After that someObject's retain count will be equal to 1. Which method increases the count, alloc or init, and where in Apple's docs is this behavior described?
After that someObject's retainCounter will be equal 1. Question is
which method increases retainCounter alloc or init and there in Apple
docs this behavior is described?
"Neither", "Both", or "One or the Other" would all be correct answers. A better answer would be "it is an implementation detail and you need to focus on the general, non implementation dependent rule".
First, ditch the notion of absolute retain counts. It is a useless way to think of this.
+alloc returns an object with a +1 retain count. Whatever is returned by +alloc must be -released somewhere. Wether or not the actual retain count is 1 or not is entirely an implementation detail and it often is not 1 for many of Apple's classes.
-init consumes the retain count of the messaged object and produces an object of retain count +1 (not 1, but "plus 1"); the result returned from init must be released to be managed correctly.
More often than not, init simply calls return self; without internally manipulating the retain count. This preserves the above rule.
Sometimes it doesn't, though, which is why you always have to have self = [super init] (checking the return value, of course) in your initializers and why you should never do something like Foo *f = [Foo alloc]; [f init];.
The alloc method does the actual allocation therefore will generally* increase the retain count. The init is responsible for initializing the object after the allocation.
*There are exceptions to this in several foundation classes as well as 3rd party code (class clusters for example) but you are always responsible for calling release/autorelease after a call to alloc in manual memory management
Well, so it's kinda complicated. For almost all cases, +alloc increments the retain count, and -init does nothing to the retain count.
But occasionally, -init will want to return a pre-existing object rather than initializing the blank one alloc passed it. (NSNumber does this, for example.) In that case, -init would release self, then return a new object with a +1 retain count.
In the ARC documentation, they say that -init is a method which "consumes" its recipient, and returns a retained object. Often, that just means init does nothing to the retain count. But sometimes, -init is actually doing some retaining.
If this is confusing to you, don't worry about it.
As I said, +alloc is the one doing the retaining. -init is guaranteed to return a retained object, but doesn't itself do any retaining in most cases.
I have a problem with retainCount
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
self.albumReceiver = [[[FacebookAlbumsDelegateReceiver alloc] init: self] autorelease];
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
The retain count on the first line is 0 but when it gets to third line is 3.
The property on self.albumReceiver is retain property... But as far as i can see it should be 2 where other later retain count should went to 1 since it was autorelease later.
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
albumReceiver = [[[FacebookAlbumsDelegateReceiver alloc] init: self];
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
the retain count start with 0 and in this case the second retain count print 2....
Can somebody give some idea of how this retain and release work....
I thought without 'self' keyword, it will ignore the setter call is it? But if i put autorelease on the second example, i will have error.
Firstly, the retain count is an implementation detail that you should not be overly concerned with. You should really only care about ownership.
Having said that, the explanation for what you are seeingis as follows:
The retain count on the first line is 0
That's because self.albumReceiver is nil at that point. On real objects, you will never see a retain count of 0 (in the current implementation of Foundation).
when it gets to third line is 3
Normally you would expect the retain count to be 2, +1 for the alloc and +1 for assignment to a retain property. However, the init: method might cause some other object to retain it, so might the setter for the property. Another object observing the property might choose to retain the object too. In short, unless you know the exact implementation of all the methods involved and you know for sure nothing is using KVO on albumReceiver, all you can say about the retain count is that self has ownership of it (NB ownership is not exclusive, other things may also have ownership). This is why you shouldn't pay too much attention to retain counts.
Can somebody give some idea of how this retain and release work
Yes. You need to think in terms of ownership. Certain methods give you an object that you own. These are any method starting with alloc, any method starting with new, any method starting with copy or mutableCopy and -retain. If you receive an object in any other way, you do not own it. That includes receiving them as a return result of a method, ass parameters of a method or as by reference parameters of a method or as global or static variables.
If you own an object, you must relinquish ownership by either releasing or autoreleasing it, or it will leak. If you do not own an object, you must not release or autorelease it.
I find that it is best to think of "you" in the above as meaning "the scope in which the object reference was declared".
Anyway, I recommend you to read Apple's Memory Management Rules for the definitive explanation and not to trust answers here. If you look at the original edit for this answer, you'll see that I got the rules slightly wrong because they have been tightened up since I last read them.
Do not use retainCount. (For situations where it’s appropriate to use it, see this website.) Further reading: blog post by bbum, previous SO thread one, thread two. Also note that retainCount is deprecated in recent SDKs. It’s a good idea to pay attention to the deprecation warnings, and even better idea to turn all warnings into errors.
It is generally a bad idea to pay any attention to the retainCount of an object in Objective-C because it is usually impossible to know which secret parts of the frameworks feel a need to retain the object.
In the case you cite where you are adding the object to the autorelease pool, the autorelease pool will presumably be retaining the object until it comes time to flush the pool (during the runloop). This probably explains why the retain count is higher for the autoreleased object.
Note the use of the words "presumably" and "probably" in the above paragraph. I have no idea if this is actually what is happening inside the Cocoa/Cocoa Touch frameworks. This is the problem with using retainCount, you have no way of knowing what the retain count should be at any moment.
If you retain the object (or create it with a method name that contains alloc, copy, mutableCopy or new), you release it. The frameworks are free to also retain the object and they will release it when they are ready. When the retain count reaches zero it will be dealloced.
Update: Having looked at the GNUStep source code for NSObject and NSAutoreleasePool my possible explanation above probably isn't what is happening. However, I have no way to check for sure because I can't see Apple's implementation of these two objects. Even more reason not to trust retainCount or any inferences from it.
The only rule that really exists in environments with manual memory management is
If you use alloc, copy, mutableCopy, new
release it. Otherwise DON'T. retainCounts don't really work for debugging. See here
I might've jumped into Objective-C a little too fast and assumed I knew enough about memory management to dive in. Turns out I wasn't.
Fast forward a bit and I've caught up ... for the most part. One of my last remaining questions regards the #property/#synthesize process and setting those values properly.
I've often seen this:
SomeObject *obj = [[SomeObject alloc] init];
self.obj = obj;
[obj release];
It makes sense, but I wonder if this accomplishes a similar enough thing to be an alternative:
self.obj = [[[SomeObject alloc] init] autorelease];
Would that be acceptable anywhere you might set the value of the #property, obj? Or is direct access to the instance variable preferred over both of those in the init method?
obj = [[SomeObject alloc] init];
EDIT: Definitely related question that discusses half of my question. The autorelease part of my question is referenced in one of the answers, but has not been confirmed.
So my questions still remain:
Is autorelease a valid alternative in this situation?
Can autorelease be used this way in the init method, or should the instance variable always be set directly in the init method?
The only difference is that in your first example, obj is released immediately (although it was presumably retained by the self.obj setter). The two examples are effectively the same.
Note that going forward, we can rely on ARC to deal with releasing objects at the appropriate time, so you can write:
self.obj = [[SomeObject alloc] init];
and let ARC worry about where to put the release or autorelease.
Update: You seem to be asking how things are different inside an -init method. The two things you need to be aware of are:
When possible, you should access ivars directly in -init and -dealloc methods. The idea is to avoid problems that could occur if your accessors are overridden by a subclass. There are a number of other questions here on SO that address this in greater depth, such as:
Why shouldn't I use Objective C 2.0 accessors in init/dealloc?
If you're creating an object in an -init method and assigning it to an ivar, you probably don't want to release it until a later point, such as -dealloc. So yes, it's fine in an -init method to not release the objects you create (so long as you keep a reference to them), but you'll still balance that +alloc with a -release in -dealloc.
We know about the complete pattern of alloc/init that alloc and init must be combined.
NSObject *myObj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
1- init method receives the object from another source(not from a alloc,new,copy or alike or retained) so according to the fundamental memory management rule its not the owner and it must not release it. However, "Allocating and Initializing Objects / The Returned Object" article says that init could free the receiver.
How could this be possible when its against the fundamental rule?
2- Also, from the same article, init could return another object or nil. So, in this case, when we use the complete pattern of alloc/init, we could not release the object returned by alloc but we could only release the object returned from init and, init releases the object it received from alloc instead of us.
But init is not a alloc,new,copy or alike method so we must not release the object returned from it as it does not give us the ownership of object.
How could we release the object returned from init although this is against the fundamental rule?
3- Or, to adhere to the last paragraph of the same article, must we accept init method as a special case and use alloc/init pattern as an exception to the fundamental rule?
Memory Management Fundamental Rule:
You only release or autorelease objects you own.
You take ownership of an object if you create it using a method whose name begins with “alloc” or “new” or contains “copy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or mutableCopy), or if you send it a retain message.
You use release or autorelease to relinquish ownership of an object. autorelease just means “send a release message in the future” (to understand when this will be, see “Autorelease Pools”).
Allocating and Initializing Objects / The Returned Object:
However, in some cases, this responsibility can mean returning a different object than the receiver. For example, if a class keeps a list of named objects, it might provide an initWithName: method to initialize new instances. If there can be no more than one object per name, initWithName: might refuse to assign the same name to two objects. When asked to assign a new instance a name that’s already being used by another object, it might free the newly allocated instance and return the other object—thus ensuring the uniqueness of the name while at the same time providing what was asked for, an instance with the requested name.
In a few cases, it might be impossible for an init... method to do what it’s asked to do. For example, an initFromFile: method might get the data it needs from a file passed as an argument. If the file name it’s passed doesn’t correspond to an actual file, it won’t be able to complete the initialization. In such a case, the init... method could free the receiver and return nil, indicating that the requested object can’t be created.
Because an init... method might return an object other than the newly allocated receiver, or even return nil, it’s important that programs use the value returned by the initialization method, not just that returned by alloc or allocWithZone:. The following code is very dangerous, since it ignores the return of init.
id anObject = [SomeClass alloc];
[anObject init];
[anObject someOtherMessage];
Instead, to safely initialize an object, you should combine allocation and initialization messages in one line of code.
id anObject = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[anObject someOtherMessage];
The init method doesn't receive the object; the object receives the init message. The object does not possess itself; rather, it always knows about itself (through the implicit self argument in every message).
You're right that the object does not own itself, though. If alloc and init were fused in a single new method, that method would be its own (super) caller, so it would own the object (until it returns) and so be unquestionably right in releasing it. Since they are separate, and init is not the caller of alloc, you're right that it does not own the object, so you are right to question this practice.
This is one of the few cases where it's OK for one object to release an object (in this case, itself) on behalf of another. The alternative is not to release it, which, if you're going to either return nil or throw an exception, will be a leak.
In general, anytime you have an object retain or release itself, you should feel dirty. In this specific case, it's OK, because you are preventing a bug (a leak) rather than probably creating one.
2- Also, from the same article, init could return another object or nil. So, in this case, when we use the complete pattern of alloc/init, we could not release the object returned by alloc but we could only release the object returned from init and, init releases the object it received from alloc instead of us.
But init is not a alloc,new,copy or alike method so we must not release the object returned from it as it does not give us the ownership of object.
As init releases the old object on behalf of its caller, if it creates a new object, it does that on behalf of its caller. The caller does own the substitute object that init creates or retrieves for it.
As a corollary to this, if init retrieves a previously existing object, it must retain that, so that the caller will own it.
Again examining the hypothetical* new method, it would also need to both release the old object and create (owningly) or retain the substitute.
In all of these cases, it's init acting on behalf of its caller. It's normally dodgy for one method to do another's memory management, but for these cases, init doing it on behalf of its caller is necessary.
*The new method does exist, but simply sends alloc and init, so there's no need to implement it separately.
If initialization fails for some reason and must return null, then you must release the object in order to avoid leaking memory.
Similarly, init may decide to swap in a different object and return it - in that case you must also release the object in order to avoid leaking memory.
In both cases it's necessary because the original object isn't being returned by init, and will be orphaned after the method returns. Alloc has automatically retained the object, so if you don't release it its retain count will be stuck at 1 forever.
[Would another perspective help?]
The init method (and its siblings initWith... and similar) is a bit of an odd case but is not a special case of memory allocation rules. Init is odd because it has a name that sounds like it is going to change the internals of the instance but in fact it may do more than that (it may substitute some other object and initialize that object, for example). The tip-off is in the declaration of init:
- (id) init // the way it is
- (void) init // in some other universe
The init method returns an object, so it might have been better named something like 'return an object that is (class-wise) an equivalent object and that has been initialized'. Most methods do not perform this kind of switcheroo, which makes init a bit different/odd.
There is nothing 'magic' about the alloc / init nesting -- it's just the simplest way to handle the fact that the object that you get back from alloc may not be the same object you get back from init. This works perfectly fine:
NSSomeClass* s = [NSSomeClass alloc];
s = [s init]; // that 's =' part is really important ;-)
and is exactly equivalent to the 'standard' idiom:
NSSomeClass* s = [[NSSomeClass alloc] init];
This is potentially problematic:
NSSomeClass* s = [NSSomeClass alloc]
[s init]; // bad! you ignored the result of init
The implementation of an init method must be done particularly carefully when the implementation returns a different object than the one it receives as the incoming 'self'. In such a case the init method takes on the responsibility of memory management of the 'self' object (because it's not going to return that object - so who else could be expected to do the management?)
It's possible to do some pretty ugly trickery, BTW. Don't try this at home!
// don't do this!
S* s = [S alloc]
[s retain]; // needs to survive 2 init's
S* ss = [s init......]; // s.retain goes 2-->1
S* sss = [s init.....]; // ... goes 1-->0;
Doing this is extremely poor practice because it depends on the init..... method always returning a new object (instead of the one it receives). That's an obviously bad assumption!
NOTE that by "a method receiving an object in 'self'" I mean that the method was invoked upon/by an object, and that object is made available by convention through the 'self' pointer.
The fundamental rule just doesn't apply in this special situation.
In fact, don't worry about it - unless you plan to do Posing, you won't need to write code that does this, and it will have no impact at all on the code you write.
You should continue to follow the fundamental rule in all your code.
And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.
(Captain Barbosa)
alloc/init is a bit of a special case. You have to do the retain/release stuff inside init in such a way that whatever object the caller gets back is owned by the caller and there are no leaks.
I'm having a recurring problem in Objective-C. I'm either releasing things too many time, or not enough. or perhaps I'm not retaining them enough...
Can someone point me at a good reference that will give me a rule of thumb on when I need to retain and release?
For example:
I remember reading somewhere that some objects come pre-retained, so I need to release them, but not retain them. Which objects are these?
if I alloc an object and only need it in that method, do I need to release it? retain it?
Obviously, if I retained something, I needtorelease it, but beyond that, I get a bit lost.
The rules are generally pretty simple. If you get an object in one of the following ways:
id obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
id obj = [myObject retain];
id obj = [myObject copy];
id obj = [myObject mutableCopy];
then you need to release it at some point -- in the same method, or your dealloc method, generally. In other words, balance your calls to alloc, retain, copy, and mutableCopy with a matching release call.
I remember reading somewhere that some objects come pre-retained, so I need to release them, but not retain them. Which objects are these?
This happens rarely. The documentation for the called method should specify that you are responsible for releasing the returned object; otherwise, you should assume you're receiving an autoreleased object.
if I alloc an object and only need it in that method, do I need to release it? retain it?
Yes, you need to release it (but you don't need to retain it). (You can also use one of the convenience methods that return an autoreleased object if you're only going to use it in that method.)
There is one and only one canonical reference: Apple's Memory Management Guide for Cocoa or iPhone.
I'm seeing something fairly strange here, I've got breakpoints set in various dealloc methods in my app, and on inspection, the retain counts of the object self varies from 1 to 0. When dealloc is called, will the retain count of the object be set to 0 already?
I'm using print (int) [self retainCount] in the console to test this.
The 0's seem to only appear in the dealloc of my NSOperation's that are being run in an NSOperationQueue.
Any idea why this is?
The retain count of your object doesn’t matter in -dealloc. For practical purposes, it’s undefined.
The normal implementation of reference counting uses an external reference count for values greater than zero – see NSIncrementExtraRefCount() and NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(). When the extraRefCount count is zero, the refCount is one. When NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero() is called and the extraRefCount is already zero, it returns YES and -dealloc is called. Except when dealing with the return value of NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero() there is no way to distinguish a refCount of one from a refCount of zero.
That NSOperation gets a zero refCount suggests it’s not using the normal mechanism.
I'm not quite sure how objective-c handles this but if the dealloc method is being called, it means the retain count has hit 0 so object should be released from memory. There's no other way around it, if your object has a retainCount of 2 and you call [obj release] once, your dealloc method will never be called - so if your breakpoints are being hit and written to the Log then you can be sure that the object is on its way to being destroyed
Remember that your object will subclass NSObject so you should be putting a [super dealloc] call in your dealloc method too.