Max number of rows that can be fetched using WCF - wcf

How many rows can I fetch using WCF service ? Is there a upper limit to the number of rows that can be returned using WCF service ?

There isnt an upper limit, if you need more then what is availabe at the time, you need to change the limit in the response, the default is 65536
modify the web.config file to change this


How can I get allowedHostsLimit for each volume using SoftLayer API

I'm trying to get allowed host limit for each volume. using the api in
I always get "0" for the allowed host limit value.
How can I get the right value?
I ran the following Restful and it returns the proper values$StorageID/getAllowedHostsLimit
replace StorageId with the id of the object storage you want to get the allowed host limit
I just called this method
Make sure you have enough permissions to see the storages

Yammer API - Paging

I am trying to gather a range of messages through the rest API, and am aware that you can only retrieve 20 results at a time. I have tried incrementing a page variable, but this has no affect, and I am just getting the same results each time no matter the page number ( I have proceeded to use the newer_than and older_than parameters to page through the results, and it works to some extent, but it appears to be excluding records. I am using the following approach below:
Since just setting a newer_than only results in the 20 most recent records as long as they are newer than the id that is sent in the newer_than parameter, I am also setting a dynamic older_than parameter.
Send request with only a newer than parameter. This returns the 20 most recent records. (eg.
Extract the ID of the 20th id in the JSON, and using this to populate the older_than parameter. The result is 20 different records. (
Repeat step 2 until no results are returned since the newer_than and older_than parameters will eventually overlap.
The problem is that the set of records that is returned with this method is less than the number of records that is returned for messages from the data export API. I am working under the assumption that newer message IDs are always generated with a value greater than any older messages.
Could I possibly be misunderstanding how paging through results is supposed to be implemented with the REST API?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
First of all, the page parameter works only for the search API.
Secondly, the way you are trying to fetch messages will not return any comments on the messages or will return top 2 comments on any message based on the "extended" parameter. By default it returns 2 comments on every message. To get all the comments on the message you will have to get it individually message wise.
That must be causing the difference in the number of messages in the two methods mentioned.
I agree with Farhann - The rest API endpoint returns only top two comments for any message by default. To get all the comments for a post, you have to make a separate request.
With the use of the Data Export API, all the comments along with the message (public and private) are also exported which increases the count of the number of the messages. While, the API call returns only recent 2 comments on any message by default.
The data export includes private messages. Private messages will not be returned by that API call.
Check if the messages you are not seeing are private messages.

What is the maximum permitted response data size?

In the API Docs section Browsing Table Data, there is a reference to the "permitted response data size"; however, that link is dead. Experimentation revealed that requests with maxResults=50000 are usually successful, but as I near maxResults=100000 I begin to get errors from the BigQuery server.
This is happening while I page through a large table (or set of query results), so after each page is received, I request the next one; it thus doesn't matter to me what the page size is, but it does affect the communication with BigQuery.
What is the optimal value for this parameter?
Here is some explanations:
The maximum number of rows of data to return per page of results. Setting this flag to a small value such as 1000 and then paging through results might improve reliability when the query result set is large. In addition to this limit, responses are also limited to 10 MB. By default, there is no maximum row count, and only the byte limit applies.
To sum up: max size is 10MB, no row count limit.
You can choose value of maxResult parameter based on your usage of app.
If you want show data on the report, then you need to set low value for fast showing first page.
If you need to load data to other app, then you can use max possible value (record size * row count < 10MB).
As you say, you manually set maxResults = 100000 to page through result set, it will get errors from BigQuery server. What errors you will get? Could you paste the error message?

WCF stateful service

Or - at least I think the correct term is stateful. I got a wcf service, listing lots of data back to me. So much data in fact, that I'm exceeding maxrecievedmessagesize - and the program crashes.
I've come to realize that I need to split the calls to the db. Instead of retrieving 5000 rows, I need to get row 1 - 200, remember the id of row number 200, get the next 200 rows from the id of row number 200 and so on.
Does anyone know how to do this? Is stateful (as in 'opposite of stateless') the correct way to go? And how would I proceed...? Could someone point me to an example?
You do not need stateful service in your scenario. Stateful services is better to avoid, especially when you want to save 5000 rows there.
Client should specified how much data it needs. So it could be method GetRows(index, amount), where index is start index for getting rows and amount of rows to get beginning from starting index.
Also client should ask about data state from service, and service just sends data state. For example when you have these 5000 rows, you could have method on service GetRowsState(index, amount) and the same story it's just saying you the last updated time for your rows, when time you have received is higher or other then on client, then once more to GetRows from server to update client data state.

Option to fetch results based on a count and offset

Is there a way to fetch results from LDAP using a count and an offset?
Entries returned to search requests are never ordered in any way, nor are attributes, attribute options, or attribute values. Some servers support VLV and server-side sorting, however.
For more information, see LDAP search.