Finding what words a set of letters can create? - sql

I am trying to write some SQL that will accept a set of letters and return all of the possible words it can make. My first thought was to create a basic three table database like so:
Words -- contains 200k words in real life
1 | act
2 | cat
Letters -- contains the whole alphabet in real life
1 | a
3 | c
20 | t
WordLetters --First column is the WordId and the second column is the LetterId
1 | 1
1 | 3
1 | 20
2 | 3
2 | 1
2 | 20
But I'm a bit stuck on how I would write a query that returns words that have an entry in WordLetters for every letter passed in. It also needs to account for words that have two of the same letter. I started with this query, but it obviously does not work:
FROM Words w
INNER JOIN WordLetters wl
ON wl.LetterId = 20 AND wl.LetterId = 3 AND wl.LetterId = 1
How would I write a query to return only words that contain all of the letters passed in and accounting for duplicate letters?
Other info:
My Word table contains close to 200,000 words which is why I am trying to do this on the database side rather than in code. I am using the enable1 word list if anyone cares.

Ignoring, for the moment, the SQL part of the problem, the algorithm I'd use is fairly simple: start by taking each word in your dictionary, and producing a version of it with the letters in sorted order, along with a pointer back to the original version of that word.
This would give a table with entries like:
sorted_text word_id
act 123 /* we'll assume `act` was word number 123 in the original list */
act 321 /* we'll assume 'cat' was word number 321 in the original list */
Then when we receive an input (say, "tac") we sort it's letters, look it up in our table of sorted letters joined to the table of the original words, and that gives us a list of the words that can be created from that input.
If I were doing this, I'd have the tables for that in a SQL database, but probably use something else to pre-process the word list into the sorted form. Likewise, I'd probably leave sorting the letters of the user's input to whatever I was using to create the front-end, so SQL would be left to do what it's good at: relational database management.

If you use the solution you provide, you'll need to add an order column to the WordLetters table. Without that, there's no guarantee that you'll retrieve the rows that you retrieve are in the same order you inserted them.
However, I think I have a better solution. Based on your question, it appears that you want to find all words with the same component letters, independent of order or number of occurrences. This means that you have a limited number of possibilities. If you translate each letter of the alphabet into a different power of two, you can create a unique value for each combination of letters (aka a bitmask). You can then simply add together the values for each letter found in a word. This will make matching the words trivial, as all words with the same letters will map to the same value. Here's an example:
WITH letters
AS (SELECT Cast('a' AS VARCHAR) AS Letter,
1 AS LetterValue,
1 AS LetterNumber
SELECT Cast(Char(97 + LetterNumber) AS VARCHAR),
Power(2, LetterNumber),
LetterNumber + 1
FROM letters
WHERE LetterNumber < 26),
AS (SELECT 1 AS wordid, 'act' AS word
SELECT wordid,
Sum(distinct LetterValue) as WordValue
FROM letters
JOIN words
ON word LIKE '%' + letter + '%'
GROUP BY wordid, word
As you'll see if you run this query, "act" and "cat" have the same WordValue, as do "tom" and "moot", despite the difference in number of characters.
What makes this better than your solution? You don't have to build a lot of non-words to weed them out. This will constitute a massive savings of both storage and processing needed to perform the task.

There is a solution to this in SQL. It involves using a trick to count the number of times that each letter appears in a word. The following expression counts the number of times that 'a' appears:
select len(word) - len(replace(word, 'a', ''))
The idea is to count the total of all the letters in the word and see if that matches the overall length:
select w.word, (LEN(w.word) - SUM(LettersInWord))
select w.word, (LEN(w.word) - LEN(replace(w.word, wl.letter))) as LettersInWord
from word w
cross join wordletters wl
) wls
having (LEN(w.word) = SUM(LettersInWord))
This particular solution allows multiple occurrences of a letter. I'm not sure if this was desired in the original question or not. If we want up to a certain number of occurrences, then we might do the following:
select w.word, (LEN(w.word) - SUM(LettersInWord))
select w.word,
(case when (LEN(w.word) - LEN(replace(w.word, wl.letter))) <= maxcount
then (LEN(w.word) - LEN(replace(w.word, wl.letter)))
else maxcount end) as LettersInWord
from word w
cross join
select letter, count(*) as maxcount
from wordletters wl
group by letter
) wl
) wls
having (LEN(w.word) = SUM(LettersInWord))
If you want an exact match to the letters, then the case statement should use " = maxcount" instead of " <= maxcount".
In my experience, I have actually seen decent performance with small cross joins. This might actually work server-side. There are two big advantages to doing this work on the server. First, it takes advantage of the parallelism on the box. Second, a much smaller set of data needs to be transfered across the network.


how can function SUBSTR can help me remove vlues from my column

25779101724|GTG1105-Kibimba .These are the telefone numbers, there is more like this.After the numbers the following characters are a location of the telefone number. so i want to remove everything after these numbers(the bar,the location, and the space) so that i can query in the db the numbers which are active among these. and then i dont want to lose these location after numbers because i will need them to report the active numbers AND their location. how can i remove these location and query the active numbers and then replace the location.
I am hoping a response.
From my point of view, your by far the best option is to normalize that table and store each piece of information into its own column. Because, as long as you can easily split that string into several parts, joining it to another table will suffer as number of rows gets higher.
Anyway, here you are.
Sample data:
SQL> with test (msisdn) as
2 (select '25779101724|GTG1105-Kibimba' from dual union all
3 select '25776030896|BRR1351-Kaberenge2' from dual
4 )
Query begins here:
5 select
6 substr(msisdn, 1, instr(msisdn, '|') - 1) phone_number,
7 substr(msisdn, instr(msisdn, '|') + 1) the_rest
8 from test;
------------------------------ ------------------------------
25779101724 GTG1105-Kibimba
25776030896 BRR1351-Kaberenge2

SQL query for finding different records in succesive rows of the same column

I have a SQL database of morphologically parsed (analyzed) texts. Every row contains data of succesive words from a text. Columns describe the morphology of the word. So, for instance, column 3 is for grammatical gender; column 4 for grammatical number, 5 is for Tense, and so on.
aaa 1 M P ø
bbb 2 F P ø
ccc 3 ø P F
How do I build a query in SQL or SQLite to find all instances where a Word X with GENDER "M" is followed by word x+1 with NUMBER "P" and by word x + 2 with TENSE "F"?
I'm not following particularly well I'll admit, but this sounds like a window function using lead so I'll have a stab. It requires an ordering criteria and I am assuming your sample data is not correct with all words having position_in_text=1, surely this should be incrementing by each word position?
select Word, Position_In_Text, Gender, Number, Tense
from (
select *,
lead(number,1) over(order by position_in_text) NextNumber,
lead(Tense,2) over(order by position_in_text) NextTense
from table
where gender='M'
where NextNumber='P' and NextTense='F'

In SQL, how to check if a string is the substring of any other string in the same table?

I have table full of strings (TEXT) and I like to get all the strings that are substrings of any other string in the same table. For example if I had these three strings in my table:
cup 0
cake 1
cupcake 2
As result of my query I would like to get something like this:
cupcake 2 cup 0
cupcake 2 cake 1
I know that I could do this with two loops (using Python or JS) by looping over every word in my table and match it against every word in the same table, but I'm not sure how this can be done using SQL (PostgreSQL for that matter).
Use self-join:
select w1.word, w1.word_id, w2.word, w2.word_id
from words w1
join words w2
on w1.word <> w2.word
and w1.word like format('%%%s%%', w2.word);
word | word_id | word | word_id
cupcake | 2 | cup | 0
cupcake | 2 | cake | 1
(2 rows)
The task has the potential to stall your database server for tables of non-trivial size, since it's an O(N²) problem as long as you cannot utilize an index for it.
In a sequential scan you have to check every possible combination of two rows, that's n * (n-1) / 2 combinations - Postgres will run n * n-1 tests since it's not easy to rule out reverse duplicate combinations. If you are satisfied with the first match, it gets cheaper - how much depends on data distribution. For many matches, Postgres will find a match for a row early and can skip testing the rest. For few matches, most of the checks have to be performed anyway.
Either way, performance deteriorates rapidly with the number of rows in the table. Test each query with EXPLAIN ANALYZE and 10, 100, 1000 etc. rows in the table to see for yourself.
Create a trigram index on word - preferably GIN.
CREATE INDEX tbl_word_trgm_gin_idx ON tbl USING gin (word gin_trgm_ops);
PostgreSQL LIKE query performance variations
The queries in both answers so far wouldn't use the index even if you had it. Use a query that can actually work with this index:
To list all matches (according to the question body):
SELECT t2.word_id, t2.word, t1.word_id, t1.word
FROM tbl t1
SELECT word_id, word
FROM tbl
WHERE word_id <> t1.word_id
AND word like format('%%%s%%', t1.word)
) t2;
To just get rows that have any match (according to your title):
Use an EXISTS semi-join:
SELECT t1.word_id, t1.word
FROM tbl t1
FROM tbl
WHERE word_id <> t1.word_id
AND word like format('%%%s%%', t1.word)
I would approach this as:
select w1.word_id, w1.word, w2.word_id as substring_id w2.word as substring
from words w1 join
words w2
on w1.word like '%' || w2.word || '%' and w1.word <> w2.word;
Note: this is probably a bit faster than doing the loop in the application. However, this query will be implemented as a nested loop in Postgres, so it won't be blazingly fast.

Count particular substring text within column

I have a Hive table, titled 'UK.Choices' with a column, titled 'Fruit', with each row as follows:
There are 2.5M rows and the rows are much longer than the above.
I want to count the number of instances that the word 'Apple' appears.
For example above, it is:
Number of 'Apple'= 5
My sql so far is:
select 'Fruit' from UK.Choices
Then in chunks of 300,000 I copy and paste into Excel, where I'm more proficient and able to do this using formulas. Problem is, it takes upto an hour and a half to generate each chunk of 300,000 rows.
Anyone know a quicker way to do this bypassing Excel? I can do simple things like counts using where clauses, but something like the above is a little beyond me right now. Please help.
Thank you.
I think I am 2 years too late. But since I was looking for the same answer and I finally managed to solve it, I thought it was a good idea to post it here.
Here is how I do it.
Solution 1:
| Fruits | Transform 1 | Transform 2 | Final Count |
| AppleBananaAppleOrangeOrangePears | #Banana#OrangeOrangePears | ## | 2 |
| BananaKiwiPlumAppleAppleOrange | BananaKiwiPlum##Orange | ## | 2 |
| KiwiKiwiOrangeGrapesAppleKiwi | KiwiKiwiOrangeGrapes#Kiwi | # | 1 |
Here is the code for it:
SELECT length(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(fruits, "Apple", "#"), "[A-Za-z]", "")) as number_of_apples
FROM fruits;
You may have numbers or other special characters in your fruits column and you can just modify the second regexp to incorporate that. Just remember that in hive to escape a character you may need to use \\ instead of just one \.
Solution 2:
SELECT size(split(fruits,"Apple"))-1 as number_of_apples
FROM fruits;
This just first split the string using "Apple" as a separator and makes an array. The size function just tells the size of that array. Note that the size of the array is one more than the number of separators.
This is straight-forward if you have any delimiter ( eg: comma ) between the fruit names. The idea is to split the column into an array, and explode the array into multiple rows using the 'explode' function.
SELECT fruit, count(1) as count FROM
explode(split(Fruit, ',')) as fruit
FROM UK.Choices ) X
GROUP BY fruit
From your example, it looks like fruits are delimited by Capital letters. One idea is to split the column based on capital letters, assuming there are no fruits with same suffix.
SELECT fruit_suffix, count(1) as count FROM
explode(split(Fruit, '[A-Z]')) as fruit_suffix
FROM UK.Choices ) X
WHERE fruit_suffix <> ''
GROUP BY fruit_suffix
The downside is that, the output will not have first letter of the fruit,
pple - 5
range - 4
I think you want to run in one select, and use the Hive if UDF to sum for the different cases. Something like the following...
select sum( if( fruit like '%Apple%' , 1, 0 ) ) as apple_count,
sum( if( fruit like '%Orange%', 1, 0 ) ) as orange_count
from UK.Choices
where ID > start and ID < end;
instead of a join in the above query.
No experience of Hive, I'm afraid, so this may or may not work. But on SQLServer, Oracle etc I'd do something like this:
Assuming that you have an int PK called ID on the row, something along the lines of:
select AppleCount, OrangeCount, AppleCount - OrangeCount score
select count(*) as AppleCount
from UK.Choices
where ID > start and ID < end
and Fruit like '%Apple%'
) a,
select count(*) as OrangeCount
from UK.Choices
where ID > start and ID < end
and Fruit like '%Orange%'
) o
I'd leave the division by the total count to the end, when you have all the rows in the spreadsheet and can count them there.
However, I'd urgently ask my boss to let me change the Fruit field to be a table with an FK to Choices and one fruit name per row. Unless this is something you can't do in Hive, this design is something that makes kittens cry.
PS I'd missed that you wanted the count of occurances of Apple which this won't do. I'm leaving my answer up, because I reckon that my However... para is actually a good answer. :(

substring and trim in Teradata

I am working in Teradata with some descriptive data that needs to be transformed from a gerneric varchar(60) into the different field lengths based on the type of data element and the attribute value. So I need to take whatever is in the Varchar(60) and based on field 'ABCD' act on field 'XYZ'. In this case XYZ is a varchar(3). To do this I am using CASE logic within my select. What I want to do is
eliminate all occurances of non alphabet/numeric data. All I want left are upper case Alpha chars and numbers.
In this case "Where abcd = 'GROUP' then xyz should come out as a '000', '002', 'A', 'C'
eliminate extra padding
Shift everything Right
abcd xyz
3 GROUP 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
4 GROUP 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
To do this I have tried TRIM and SUBSTR amongst several other things that did not work. I have pasted what I have working now, but I am not reliably working through the data within the select. I am really looking for some options on how to better work with strings in Teradata. I have been working out of the "SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions and Predicates" online PDF. Is there a better reference. We are on TD 13
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WHEN abcd= 'GROUP'
WHEN SUBSTR(tx.abcd,60, 4) = 0
SUBSTR(tx.abcd,60, 3)
END AS abcd
FROM db.descr tx
WHERE tx.abcd IS IN ( 'GROUP')
The end result should look like this
abcd xyz
1 GROUP 000
2 GROUP 002
I will have to deal with approx 60 different "abcd" types, but they should all conform to the type of data I am currently seeing.. ie.. mixed case, non numeric, non alphabet, padded, etc..
I know there is a better way, but I have come in several circles trying to figure this out over the weekend and need a little push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance,
The SQL below uses the CHARACTER_LENGTH function to first determine if there is a need to perform what amounts to a RIGHT(, 3) using the native functions in Teradata 13.x. I think this may accomplish what you are looking to do. I hope I have not misinterpreted your explanation:
ELSE tx.abcd
FROM db.descr tx;
EDIT: Fixed parenthesis in SUBSTRING