OPenLDAP account lockout - passwords

I have openldap server and lot of applications are getting authentication setup via LDAP. I am using an Auth user for the apps which is getting locked again and again because of that I have to reset the password of Auth user to make my application start authentication again.
I have implemented ppolicy and made and exception for my Auth user. Which seems working for sometime but account locking started again. I have account lockout policy for 5 wrong password attempts which is working fine with exception to Auth user when I try manually entering wrong password more than 5 times.. So I am suspecting there must be some other system policy for account lockup may be for 250+ wrong attempts or so...
I am just looking for an option to make Auth user unlimited wrong password tries. Is it possible? Is yes how?


Invalid user or password or the account is blocked due to multiple failed login attempts

Error Message:- Invalid user or password or the account is blocked due to multiple failed login attempts. If so, it will be unblocked automatically in a short time.
I have installed Openproject in Ubuntu environment.
Today morning i updated the Openproject.
When i tried to login using my user name and password I got the above error message
The database is Postgresql.
I could able to login to db.
what is the solution to resolve this issue and i am want to unblock the account.
All the accounts, including admin account could not able to login.
Create a new username and password with admin rights in postgresql DB.
Grant admin rights to the user.
Login to the website using the new username and password.
GO to adminstration - Authentication -
Block user after this number of failed login attempts
--Give the input Zero - 0
It will allow the user to login any number of times if they fail.

generalException - Unexpected exception returned from the service

We are getting this exception from RestoreMostRecentFromCacheOrAuthenticateUserAsync() on the MsaAuthenticationProvider object from the OneDrive authentication sdk. When we use AuthenticateUserAsync() we are presented with a login prompt requesting email address and password as though it's not recognizing the locally authenticated account on the machine. Only once we authenticate using AuthenticateUserAsync() and grant permissions are we able to use RestoreMostRecentFromCacheOrAuthenticateUserAsync() to authenticate the user. I don't know when this problem started, I just know that we've recently gotten a complaint from a user that changed their password for their Microsoft account, and suddenly encountered the generalException. For test purposes, we removed granted permissions for the app and a few minutes later we encountered the generalException. When we first implemented and tested this sdk, everything worked perfectly.
Is this a problem with the sdk or on the service end? When can we expect resolution?

wso2 appm issue with ldap authentication when login on store or publisher

I'm trying to use wso2 APPM (vers 1.10.0) with an external ldap as authentication without real success.
I'll try to be as factual as possible to let it be testable:
I've unzip the wso2appm zip file under linux
I've setup the java_home var
I've start the ==> no problem displayed in the log, at this step I must precise I'm using the default database of wso2.
Then logging to carbon gui, and adding a new userstore management setting up to a read-only external ldap.
after few seconds, the ldap users appears in the user list.
then selecting me in the list and adding the internal/store role.
opening the store url, and trying to login with the login / password of my user
Then having a message to inform me that the user has not the store profile.
If I log into carbon with my ldap user, it's working.
The same use case with the API looks fine to log into the store.
Any fix or ideas are welcome.
By the looks of it I suspect your issue is, the privileges are not set correctly for your ldap user store roles. Please make sure that you have assigned the internal/subscriber role to the relevant user in your permission tree. You can find more details about this at JIRA ticket [1]
Hi and thank your for your answer,
first: I've checked this morning the solution you've proposed, and there is no change.
In a second time, I've tryied to add all privileges without more success
but if I create a new user manually, this one can login.
The following error in the log are shown when I try to login with an ldap user.
[2016-05-09 07:48:54,272] INFO - ReadOnlyLDAPUserStoreManager LDAP connection created successfully in read-only mode
[2016-05-09 07:48:54,283] INFO - UserStoreDeploymentManager Realm configuration of tenant:-1234 modified with /opt/wso2appm/repository/deployment/server/userstores/orange_com.xml
[2016-05-09 07:50:18,187] WARN - CarbonAuthenticationUtil Failed Administrator login attempt 'admin[-1234]' at [2016-05-09 07:50:18,187+0200]
[2016-05-09 07:50:18,189] WARN - AuthenticationHandler Illegal access attempt at [2016-05-09 07:50:18,0188] from IP address while trying to authenticate access to service RemoteAuthorizationManagerService
[2016-05-09 07:50:18,189] ERROR - AUDIT_LOG Illegal access attempt at [2016-05-09 07:50:18,0188] from IP address while trying to authenticate access to service RemoteAuthorizationManagerService
[2016-05-09 07:50:18,221] WARN - acs:jag User jaav7491 does not have permission to access the store application. Make sure the user has the store role.
the login is "jaav7491"
Thank you for your ideas,

IdentityServer V3 does not accept login

We are trying to build OAuth2 Authorization with IdentityServer3.
So we downloaded the Bytes from nuget and connected it with our database.
The database was initialized with the default scopes and the sample clients from Thinktecture self.
Then we connected AD FS as IDP via OWIN and made an simple ExternalUserService.
So far everything worked fine and the permissions page of the IdSrv could be opened, showing the username and that no application has consent up to now.
Then we tried to connect Xamarin.Auth to that and got an error Cannot determine application to sign in to and in the logs an error Signin Id not present (after logon at the ADFS IDP).
To reduce complexity, we decided to go back to the InMemoryUserService and created one InMemoryUser. This worked for the permissions page (at least for a short period of time - time is over now), but it did not allow OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow, which ended up in showing the login page again and again and again. And there is no evidence of any error in the logs.
How can we debug, what is happening? Is there any way to see, why a user gets redirected to the login page again despite being logged in?
We reduced the complexity even further by creating a new empty MVC application, which just uses a simple InMemoryUserFactory.
Now it's getting a little bit confusing: one user was able to logon from his machine - other machines (same user - since we created only one) are not able to login and get prompted with the login over and over again.
If using IdentityServer3 and you use own external login methods you should really pay close attention to the API of the IdSrv3.
We tried to create a login resutl with just the subject - this is made for local login on the server. If this is switched off at the same time, you will end up having problems.
So if you use an own external login provider and switch off local login, make sure to call the right overload for the authenticate method (3 Parameters in our case).

Authenticate Radius user using pam and ssh

I am able to authenticate radius users using radius server+pam+ssh with creating local user with blank password in linux.
Is it possible to authenticate radius users without creating users in local machine with blank password?
/etc/pam.d/ssh file as below
auth sufficient debug
auth sufficient use_first_pass
auth required
account sufficient
account required
session required
You can authenticate the user without creating an entry for him in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. But now , the user is not associated with any shell in '/etc/passwd' , so it can be of no use.
Do you want to launch a shell after authentication or you want the user just to be authenticated?
I found two nss libraries that could help in this case:
libnss-mapuser from Cumulus Linux.
The general process is that these will map unknown (but authenticated) user to a single user template. Each user will get his/her own /home folder though but both libs have in common that the user id will be the same.
These packages are mainly targeted at network devices where there is no ldap setup done. Cumulus describes the setup nicely.
I recommend reading to understand what is happening there.