Total count for a limited result - dojo

So i implemented the paging for to use as store in the dojox.grid.DataGrid. In the server im using Symfony 2 and as ORM Doctrine, im new to this two frameworks.
For Dojo jsonRest the response of the server must have a header Content-Range containing the result offset, limit and the total number of records (without the limit).
So for a response with a Content-Range: items 0-24/66 header, if the user where to scroll the grid records to the 24 row, it will make a async request with Range: 24-66 header, then the response header should have a Content-Range: items 24-66/66. This is done so Dojo can know how many request it can make for the paginated data and the records range for the presented and subsequent request.
So my problem is that to get the total number of records without the limit, i had to make a COUNT query using the same query that has the offset and limit. I don't like this.
I want to know if there is a way i can get the total count and the limited result without making two queries.
public function getByTextCount($text)
$dql = "SELECT COUNT( FROM Bundle:Something s WHERE s.text LIKE :text";
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($dql);
$query->setParameter('text', '%'.$text.'%');
return $query->getSingleScalarResult();
public function getByText($text, $offset=0, $limit=24)
$dql = "SELECT r FROM Bundle:Something s WHERE s.text LIKE :text";
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($dql);
$query->setParameter('text', '%'.$text.'%');
return $query->getArrayResult();

If you're using MySQL, you can do a SELECT FOUND_ROWS().
From the documentation.
A SELECT statement may include a LIMIT clause to restrict the number
of rows the server returns to the client. In some cases, it is
desirable to know how many rows the statement would have returned
without the LIMIT, but without running the statement again. To obtain
this row count, include a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option in the SELECT
statement, and then invoke FOUND_ROWS() afterward:
-> WHERE id > 100 LIMIT 10;

If you want to use Doctrine only (i.e. to avoid vendor-specific SQL) you can always reset part of the query after you have selected the entities:
// $qb is a Doctrine Query Builder
// $query is the actual DQL query returned from $qb->getQuery()
// and then updated with the ->setFirstResult(OFFSET) and ->setMaxResults(LIMIT)
// Get the entities as an array ready for JSON serialization
$entities = $query->getArrayResult();
// Reset the query and get the total records ready for the Range header
// 'e' in count(e) is the alias for the entity specified in the Query Builder
$count = $qb->resetDQLPart('orderBy')


Filter a Postgres Table based on multiple columns

I'm working on an shopping website. User selects multiple filters on and sends the request to backend which is in node.js and using postgres as DB.
So I want to search the required data in a single query.
I have a json object containing all the filters that user selected. I want to use them in postgres query and return to user the obtained results.
I have a postgres Table that contains a few products.
name Category Price
LOTR Books 50
Harry Potter Books 30
Iphone13 Mobile 1000
SJ8 Cameras 200
I want to filter the table using n number of filters in a single query.
I have to make it work for multiple filters such as the ones mentioned below. So I don't have to write multiple queries for different filters.
{ category: 'Books', price: '50' }
{ category: 'Books' }
{category : ['Books', 'Mobiles']}
I can query the table using
SELECT * FROM products WHERE category='Books' AND 'price'='100'
SELECT * FROM products WHERE category='Books'
SELECT * FROM products WHERE category='Books' OR category='Mobiles'
But I want to write my query in such a way that it populates the Keys and Values dynamically. So I may not have to write separate query for every filter.
I have obtained the key and value pairs from the request.query and saved them
const params = req.query;
const keys: string = Object.keys(params).join(",")
const values: string[] = Object.values(params)
const indices = Object.keys(params).map((obj, i) => {
return "$" + (i + 1)
But I'm unable to pass them in the query in a correct manner.
Does anybody have a suggestion for me? I'd highly appreciate any help.
Thank you in advance.
This is not the way you filter data from a SQL database table.
You need to use the NodeJS pg driver to connect to the database, then write a SQL query. I recommend prepared statements.
A query would look like:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE price < ...
At least based on your question, to me, it is unclear why would want to do these manipulations in JavaScript, nor what you want to be accomplished really.

Share NHibernate parameter in multiple queries

I have two queries, first query return top 10/20 recoords, second query return total record count from first query. Both queries need to use same filter condition.
How can I write filter condition and parameter used in filter condition in one place and use in both the queries.
Condition I can store in string variable and use in both the queries but how to share parameters?
I am using HQL
Check this similar Q & A: Nhibernate migrate ICriteria to QueryOver
There is a native support in NHiberante for row count. Let's have some query
// the QueryOver
var query = session.QueryOver<MyEntity>();
It could have any amount of where parts, projections... Now we just take its underlying criteria and use a transformer to create brand new criteria - out-of-box ready to get total rowcount
// GET A ROW COUNT query (ICriteria)
var rowCount = CriteriaTransformer.TransformToRowCount(query.UnderlyingCriteria);
Next step is to use FUTURE to get both queries in one round trip to DB
// ask for a list, but with a Future, to combine both in one SQL statement
var list = query
// execute the main and count query at once
var count = rowCount
// list is now in memory, ready to be used
var list = futureList

Limit 1 should be used with queryRow in Yii?

I am usually using queryRow to get a single record. eg:-
$lastReport = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(
'SELECT * FROM report ORDER BY created DESC'
I looked the MySQL log to know which query is used for it.
SELECT tbl_report.* FROM report ORDER BY created DESC
It seems that Yii is retrieving all the records from the table and return the first record.
So I think we should use LIMIT 1 whenever we are using queryRow. eg:-
$lastReport = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(
'SELECT * FROM report ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1'
Since the queryRow is returning "the first row (in terms of an array) of the query result", Yii should automatically add the limit. otherwise user will use this query to get a single record and that will cause to performance degradation.
Is my understanding is correct or I missed something?
Yii should not add limit 1 to query, because queryRow is designed to get results row by row, for example in while. Yii has limited functionality with raw SQL code, but Query Builder is available:
$user = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->select('id, username, profile')
->from('tbl_user u')
->join('tbl_profile p', '')
->where('id=:id', array(':id'=>$id))
More information available here:
You should rather use ActiveRecordClassName::model()->findByPk($id); or ActiveRecordClassName::model()->find($criteria), because it uses defaultScope() and other improvements.

ScrollableResults size gives repeated value

I am working on application using hibernate and spring. I am trying to get count of result got by query by using ScrollableResults but as query contains lots of join(Inner joins), the result contains id repeated many times. this creates problem for ScrollableResults when i am using it to know total no of unique rows(or unique ids) returned from database. please help. Some part of code is below :
StringBuffer queryBuf = new StringBuffer("Some SQL query with lots of Joins");
Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryBuf.toString());
ScrollableResults results = query.scroll();
if (results.isLast() == false)
int total = results.getRowNumber() + 1;
logger.debug(">>>>>>TOTAL COUNT<<<<<< = {}", total);
It gives total count 1440 but actual unique rows in database is 504.
Thanks in Advance.
You can try
Integer count= ((Long)query.uniqueResult()).intValue();
Unfortunately, getRowNumber does not give you the size, or the number of results, but the current position in the results. ScrollableResults does not provide a way to get the number of results out-of-the-box.
I am referring to ScrollableResults Hibernate Version 5.4.
As a workaround, you can try
Long l_resultsCount = 0L;
while( {
getRowNumber() gives the number of the current row.
Call last() and afterwards getRowNumber()+1 will give the total number of results.

NHibernate How to Select distinct objects based on specific property using HQL?

How can HQL be used to select specific objects that meet a certain criteria?
We've tried the following to generate a list of top ten subscribed RSS feeds (where SubscriptionCount is a derived property):
var topTen = UoW.Session.CreateQuery( #"SELECT distinct rss
FROM RssFeedSubscription rss
group by rss.FeedUrl
order by rss.SubscriptionCount DESC
Where the intention is only to select the two unique feed URLs in the database, rather than the ten rows int the database instantiated as objects. The result of the above is:
Column 'RssSubscriptions.Id' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
It's possible just to thin out the results so that we take out the two unique feed URLs after we get the data back from the database, but there must be a way to do this at the DB level using HQL?
EDIT: We realise it's possible to do a Scalar query and then manually pull out values, but is there not a way of simply specifying a match criteria for objects pulled back?
If you change your HQL a bit to look like that:
var topTen = UoW.Session.CreateQuery( #"SELECT distinct rss.FeedUrl
FROM RssFeedSubscription rss
group by rss.FeedUrl
order by rss.SubscriptionCount DESC
the topTen variable will be an object[] with 2 elements in there being the 2 feed URLs.
You can have this returned as strongly typed collection if you use the SetResultTransformer() method of the IQuery interfase.
You need to perform a scalar query. Here is an example from the NHibernate docs:
IEnumerable results = sess.Enumerable(
"select cat.Color, min(cat.Birthdate), count(cat) from Cat cat " +
"group by cat.Color"
foreach ( object[] row in results )
Color type = (Color) row[0];
DateTime oldest = (DateTime) row[1];
int count = (int) row[2];
It's the group by rss.FeedUrl that's causing you the problem. It doesn't look like you need it since you're selecting the entities themselves. Remove that and I think you'll be good.
EDIT - My apologies I didn't notice the part about the "derived property". By that I assume you mean it's not a Hibernate-mapped property and, thus doesn't actually have a column in the table? That would explain the second error message you received in your query. You may need to remove the "order by" clause as well and do your sorting in Java if that's the case.