Accessing local apache server from virtual box - apache

I have apache installed on my machine. And I have windows xp installed on virtual box in the same machine. Can I share apache between them?

I'm running a virtualbox with w7 on wxp. On the host (wxp) i'm running a local apache install.
I can access the host apache install from the guest system using ip
I've added an entry to the guest hosts file (windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts) pointing the domain i want to test to the ip above. Thus:
From my guest w7 system i can now access, which is now served from the local apache on my host system. This works including mysql db support on the host.
I found the ip number in this thread:
Hope this helps.

yes but you have to configure the network of the XP VM to "Bridge". Then you can access your Apache server on the host machine with the browser on the XP VM ( for example). Both the host and the VM are on the same network then.

What do you mean "share"? If you've got an apache installation on your main system, you can browse to pages served by that installation.
If you've got a virtual machine with windows XP on it, and its own apache installation, that is a seperate installation. You can do port forwarding to that virtual machine, so you can access that too.
For instance, you can have have Apache 1 (main system) running on port 8112, and Apache 2 (virtual machine) on 8113, etc...
I guess you could put htdocs in a shared virtualbox folder, so you can update site contents from both systems, but they still would be served by seperate apache installs.


Jenkins (windows) on AWS works fine on localhost:8080, but not reachable from outside

I installed Jenkins on an AWS instance along Apache (Bitnami WAMP stack) on a windows machine
Apache works great and can be contacted under http://locahost internally and http://x.x.x.x (my own IP) externally
Jenkins works great under http://locahost:8080 internally but does not work with http://x.x.x.x:8080 externally
I have opened an inbound TCP rule for port 8080 on the security group on AWS
I opened the jenkins.xml config and launched it each time with following parameters
I read that i should change the $HTTP_HOST variable, but not sure where i should do that on a windows machine
This is really frustrating me
Check the windows firewall configuration on the server. Usually Windows denies external access by default.
Check this for firewall configuration :

How to configure custom hostname to IP resolutions in my system for web development

A web app can potentially
serve different pages,
depending on the
that is requested by the browser,
even if all hostnames are resolved
to the same
IP address.
For example, at,
which resolves to,
users will find the user interface
and at,
which also resolves to,
awaits a dashboard
through which
only the app's owner can
administrate users and data
in the app.
What We Need
In short,
we need to enter,
for example,
in our browsers
and have that resolve to
The Question
How can I configure
custom hostname to IP address resolutions
in my development environment?
(Ubuntu and Derivatives) Configure NetworkManager's dnsmasq
Ubuntu Desktop's default networking configuration is
composed of NetworkManager and its slave dnsmasq.
The slave dnsmasq listens at and /etc/resolv.conf lists it as the only nameserver.
This has
some benefits.
What it means for this purpose is that we have a fully configurable DNS server, comfortably configured by default.
We can create
and put in it whatever address statements we'd like:
We can even use wildcards!
See the
dnsmasq documentation
for details
(look for --address).
Since dnsmasq is started by the network-manager service,
then I would assume that the following would restart it
so that new configuration would take effect:
$ service network-manager restart
But its init-script does not control slave dnsmasq.
Therefore the dnsmasq process must be killed and then
the above command would have it start again.
And that is it!
(Linux) User Specific HOSTALIASES File
Very limited
This would have been my preferred answer
it refrains from
altering system configuration.
It does not support wildcards
It does not support hostname to IP address resolution
It does not support freely configurable subdomains
It will not work if you have a local DNS server,
which is the case in modern Ubuntu.
What is It
It is a user specific host aliases file.
Notice that the format is not the same as the hosts file.
In short, you create a file
which contains host aliases.
For example
foo localhost
bar localhost
and place it at ~/.hosts.
Then you set an environment variable
with the path to the aliases file.
So, for this example
$ export HOSTALIASES=~/.hosts
If Testing In a Virtual Machine
In a virtual machine and localhost
will not reach the host,
but the guest.
In VirtualBox, for example,
by default, the host can be reached
So, the guest VM's hosts file can look like host
Proxy DNS Nameserver Inside a Virtual Machine
If you're setting up
a proxy DNS nameserver
inside a virtual machine
(perhaps for wildcard support in Windows)
the upstream nameserver
is usually provided by the host.
In VirtualBox, it is
(Windows) Configuring Acrylic DNS Server
Acrylic DNS Proxy is easy to install and configure.
It can help us get hostnames with aliases quickly in Windows.
And it is open source.
Install it.
Open the hosts file (via the start menu entry).
Put in some entries, like >app.
Clear its cache and restart it (via the start menu entry).
Set your DNS server to
(Windows, Linux, OSX) System Wide Hosts File
Simply edit the
hosts file.
Its location
depends on the OS.
For example: app.localhost admin.localhost
On Windows you can use
this nifty open source GUI
for editing the hosts file:
Hosts File Editor.
The hosts file does not support wildcards!
Ubuntu Desktop
Since Ubuntu 12.04,
Ubuntu desktop comes with
a local DNS server,
which might not respect
the hosts file (/etc/hosts).
So, for Ubuntu desktop, this answer
is best.
Since all the major distributions are migrating (or already did) to systemd stack the proper place to implement wildcard support would be systemd-resolved: see for details.
That would be the place to set custom overrides for DNS as well.
As for windows - its VM should just get DNS from host machine: it's to risky to run it on bare metal anyway.

Access virtual host on apache without host redirection?

I have apache 2.4 installed on Ubuntu server 14.04 and have setup different virtual host like,, The web server is meant to be accessed only from local network. So I tried to edit /windows/syste32/drivers/hosts and added line like this
and can now access the domain1 from that machine by simply putting in browser. However I wonder if I can access specific virtual host on apache without editing the hosts file, I mean entering something like this in browser
, but this doesn't work since apache tries to retrieve content from the default host. In other words: If I know the apache server ip and virtual host domain, can I access it via browser directly?

Access virtual host from a local virtual machine

I have a virtualhost called project so in my localhost I access http://project and everything is ok, the webserver is in Apache 2.2 in Ubuntu 11.04. Then I need to test this project on Safari and IE, I have a Virtual Machine with Windows XP in the same computer (using VirtualBox).
How can I access to my virtualhost from the virtual machine? I've tried http://project from IE in the virtual machine and it didn't work. I could try (my local ip) it work but I really need to access with the virtualhost name (http://project) because a lot of code and rewrite rules only work when I use http://project
As an administrator, edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on your XP virtual machine and add the line; project
After that, you should be able to access it by host name.

Are there any issues when installing apache tomcat with apache webserver already installed under Windows 7?

I am currently trying to install apache tomcat for running on localhost as I am planning to run a new development project using Java.
Will this be a problem if I have already apache webserver installed locally on my machine already? In other words, will there be any port conflicts or anything other issues with the two servers running on the same machine?
No. Because Tomcat uses default port 8080 for the webserver while the "normal" webserver uses port 80 for html displaying. You can change that in the catalina properties of the tomcat server but on first install the defaults are not causing problems with a port 80 webserver.