Trouble creating Security-Scoped Bookmark - objective-c

I'm converting my Lion app to use the App Sandbox. I'm trying to make use of the security-scoped bookmarks feature introduced in 10.7.3 to allow persistent access to a folder. The code I have below returns a nil bookmark, and produces the following log message: XPC couldn't look up the Mach service for scoped bookmarks agent.
I set the User Selected File Access entitlement to Read/Write Access, and also tried with and without the surrounding ..AccessingSecurityScopedResource calls.
I think I'm doing everything right according to the documentation, so I'd appreciate any pointers. The code was working to retrieve a plain URL before I began sandboxing the app.
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setCanChooseFiles:NO];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
NSInteger result = [openPanel runModal];
if( result == NSFileHandlingPanelCancelButton ) {
NSArray *urls = [openPanel URLs];
if( urls != nil && [urls count] == 1 ) {
NSURL *url = [urls objectAtIndex:0];
NSData *bookmark = nil;
NSError *error = nil;
bookmark = [url bookmarkDataWithOptions:NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope
relativeToURL:nil // Make it app-scoped
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error creating bookmark for URL (%#): %#", url, error);
[NSApp presentError:error];
NSLog(#"bookmark: %#", bookmark);
Update (x3)
Now that I got it working, I can verify that the calls to -startAccessingSecurityScopedResource and -stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource are not necessary in the code above, since the Powerbox grants access to the resource after the user selects it in the NSOpenPanel.
If you're creating a bookmark from another security-scoped URL, such as making a document-scoped bookmark from an app-scoped bookmark created in another app session, then you need to get access to the file first.

It turns out I was missing a crucial entitlement, not listed in the UI, but listed in the documentation:
Update 12/18/2018
According to this Twitter thread, this entitlement may not be required anymore. Thanks #pkamb for alerting me to this.


Getting filename from NSOpenPanel dialog

It's been a year since I last played with Cocoa and it seems a lot has changed.
I am trying to run an open dialog and retrieve the file path. This used to be very simple but now...
The code is:
-(NSString *)getFileName{
NSOpenPanel* panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
__block NSString *returnedFileName;
// This method displays the panel and returns immediately.
// The completion handler is called when the user selects an
// item or cancels the panel.
[panel beginWithCompletionHandler:^(NSInteger result){
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
NSURL* theDoc = [[panel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];
// Open the document.
returnedFileName = [theDoc absoluteString];
return returnedFileName;
NSLog(#"openFile Pressed");
NSString* fileName = [self getFileName];
NSLog(#"The file is: %#", fileName);
(The indentation has been screwed up in the post but it's correct in the code)
My problem is that the final NSLog statement is being executed as soon as the open dialog opens and not waiting until the dialog closes. That leaves the fileName variable null which is what the final NSLog reports.
What is causing this?
There is a similar question to yours:
How do I make my program wait for NSOpenPanel to close?
[openPanel runModal]
helps you. It waits until the user closes the panel
The stuff I had written a year ago used runModal so on Christoph's advice I went back to that.
It would appear that the beginWithCompletionHandler block is unnecessary, at least in this case. Removing it also had the advantage of removing the necessity to use the __block identifier.
The following now works as required
-(NSString *)getFileName{
NSOpenPanel* panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
NSString *returnedFileName;
// This method displays the panel and returns immediately.
// The completion handler is called when the user selects an
// item or cancels the panel.
if ([panel runModal] == NSModalResponseOK) {
NSURL* theDoc = [[panel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];
// Open the document.
returnedFileName = [theDoc absoluteString];
return returnedFileName;
And well done Apple for deprecating the obvious and easy and replacing it with increased complexity.

startAccessingSecurityScopedResource never returns success

I'm developing a sandboxed Mac App Store app which asks the user where to save files it downloads from elsewhere. I have this code to get the folder from the user (stripping out some error checking):
NSOpenPanel* openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];
[openPanel setResolvesAliases:YES];
NSInteger result = [openPanel runModal];
NSArray* urls = [openPanel URLs];
NSURL* folderURL = [urls objectAtIndex:0];
NSError* error;
NSData* bookmakeData = [folderURL bookmarkDataWithOptions:NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope
_saveFolderBookmark = bookmakeData;
and when it comes time to move a file into this folder, I have this code:
BOOL isStale;
NSError* error;
NSURL* saveFolder = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:_saveFolderBookmark
BOOL success = [saveFolder startAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
// Move the file somewhere else
NSWorkspace* workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];
NSInteger operationTag;
BOOL copied = [workspace performFileOperation:NSWorkspaceMoveOperation
source:[[self getDocumentsFolder] path]
destination:[saveFolder path]
files:[NSArray arrayWithObject:filename]
[saveFolder stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
Which is a lot of code to list to say that startAccessingSecurityScopedResource never returns success for me, either immediately after getting the ULR from NSOpenPanel or in a later run, with the bookmark data being saved in NSUserDefaults.
In the entitlements file, amongst other items, I have:
Is there anything wrong with this code?
This one is very easy. You're resolving with NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope instead of NSURLBookmarkResolutionWithSecurityScope. Just change that line and it should work.
(It may not work during the same session where you create the bookmark, when you already have access to the URL, because you're not supposed to call it in that case. But on later runs it should, of course, because that's the whole point.)
The correct solution has been given above, but I thought I’d add another possibility for those who are having the same symptom (startAccessingSecurityScopedResource never returning YES). Make sure that you are using the actual URL returned by Powerbox, which can (probably will) be different than the URL of the actual resource you are trying to access. For example, Powerbox will return a URL to a path, which you would use with startAccessingSecurityScopedResource to access a specific file underneath that directory.

NSSavePanel is not saving a file after sandboxing an app

I'm having a problem saving a string file with NSSavePanel after sandboxing the app for the Mac App Store. I set to YES and the NSOpenPanel is working as it should.
When I try to save a new file, though, it seems that everything is working fine but then there is no saved file where it should be....
This is the code I am using to save the file:
NSSavePanel *save = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
long int result = [save runModal];
if (result == NSOKButton)
NSString *selectedFile = [save filename];
NSString *fileName = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#.dat", selectedFile];
NSString *arrayCompleto = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:#"bla bla bla"];
[arrayCompleto writeToFile:fileName
First of all, the -[NSSavePanel filename] selector has been deprecated. Use -[NSSavePanel URL] instead. Second, the way that the -[NSString writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error] tells you what you're doing wrong is with the error:(NSError**) argument.
You should also handle errors for file I/O in particular, because even if your code is 100% correct, there still might be errors on the user's system (insufficient privileges, etc.) and presenting the error to the user will allow them to see it failed (and have some idea why). Handling the error in code will also allow your app to recover. For instance, if you tried to read in the file below the code you pasted (after writing it to disk), but the user tried writing it to a network share they didn't have access to, your app might crash. If you know the write failed, you can proceed accordingly (perhaps prompting for a different save location).
In this case, though, I believe the following line is your problem:
NSString *fileName = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#.dat", selectedFile];
When your app is sandboxed, the user needs to give you permission for either a specific file or a specific directory through the open/save panels to bring them into your sandbox. What you're doing is taking the file the user gave you permission to write and saying "that's great, but I want to save a different file", which violates the sandbox. What you should do instead is set the extension in the Save Panel. The complete fixed solution would be:
NSSavePanel *save = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
[save setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"dat"]];
[save setAllowsOtherFileTypes:NO];
NSInteger result = [save runModal];
if (result == NSOKButton)
NSString *selectedFile = [[save URL] path];
NSString *arrayCompleto = #"bla bla bla";
NSError *error = nil;
[arrayCompleto writeToFile:selectedFile
if (error) {
// This is one way to handle the error, as an example
[NSApp presentError:error];
If in the future something else is wrong, you can check the value of error at runtime. While debugging, set a breakpoint inside the if (error) statement to check error object's value (do a po error in Xcode's debugger). That should help you figure out what's wrong.

Calling -[NSFileManager setUbiquitous:itemAtURL:destinationURL:error:] never returns

I have a straightforward NSDocument-based Mac OS X app in which I am trying to implement iCloud Document storage. I'm building with the 10.7 SDK.
I have provisioned my app for iCloud document storage and have included the necessary entitlements (AFAICT). The app builds, runs, and creates the local ubiquity container Documents directory correctly (this took a while, but that all seems to be working). I am using the NSFileCoordinator API as Apple recommended. I'm fairly certain I am using the correct UbiquityIdentifier as recommended by Apple (it's redacted below tho).
I have followed Apple's iCloud Document storage demo instructions in this WWDC 2011 video closely:
Session 107 AutoSave and Versions in Lion
My code looks almost identical to the code from that demo.
However, when I call my action to move the current document to the cloud, I experience liveness problems when calling the -[NSFileManager setUbiquitous:itemAtURL:destinationURL:error:] method. It never returns.
Here is the relevant code from my NSDocument subclass. It is almost identical to Apple's WWDC demo code. Since this is an action, this is called on the main thread (as Apple's demo code showed). The deadlock occurs toward the end when the -setUbiquitous:itemAtURL:destinationURL:error: method is called. I have tried moving to a background thread, but it still never returns.
It appears that a semaphore is blocking while waiting for a signal that never arrives.
When running this code in the debugger, my source and destination URLs look correct, so I'm fairly certain they are correctly calculated and I have confirmed the directories exist on disk.
Am I doing anything obviously wrong which would lead to -setUbiquitous never returning?
- (IBAction)moveToOrFromCloud:(id)sender {
NSURL *fileURL = [self fileURL];
if (!fileURL) return;
NSString *bundleID = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:#"CFBundleIdentifier"];
NSString *appID = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"XXXXXXX.%#.macosx", bundleID];
BOOL makeUbiquitous = 1 == [sender tag];
NSURL *destURL = nil;
NSFileManager *mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if (makeUbiquitous) {
// get path to local ubiquity container Documents dir
NSURL *dirURL = [[mgr URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:appID] URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"Documents"];
if (!dirURL) {
NSLog(#"cannot find URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier %#", appID);
// create it if necessary
[mgr createDirectoryAtURL:dirURL withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:nil];
// ensure it exists
BOOL exists, isDir;
exists = [mgr fileExistsAtPath:[dirURL relativePath] isDirectory:&isDir];
if (!(exists && isDir)) {
NSLog(#"can't create local icloud dir");
// append this doc's filename
destURL = [dirURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[fileURL lastPathComponent]];
} else {
// get path to local Documents folder
NSArray *dirs = [mgr URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask];
if (![dirs count]) return;
// append this doc's filename
destURL = [[dirs objectAtIndex:0] URLByAppendingPathComponent:[fileURL lastPathComponent]];
NSFileCoordinator *fc = [[[NSFileCoordinator alloc] initWithFilePresenter:self] autorelease];
[fc coordinateWritingItemAtURL:fileURL options:NSFileCoordinatorWritingForMoving writingItemAtURL:destURL options:NSFileCoordinatorWritingForReplacing error:nil byAccessor:^(NSURL *fileURL, NSURL *destURL) {
NSError *err = nil;
if ([mgr setUbiquitous:makeUbiquitous itemAtURL:fileURL destinationURL:destURL error:&err]) {
[self setFileURL:destURL];
[self setFileModificationDate:nil];
[fc itemAtURL:fileURL didMoveToURL:destURL];
} else {
NSWindow *win = ... // get my window
[self presentError:err modalForWindow:win delegate:nil didPresentSelector:nil contextInfo:NULL];
I don't know if these are the source of your problems, but here are some things I'm seeing:
-[NSFileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:] may take a while, so you shouldn't invoke it on the main thread. see the "Locating the Ubiquity Container" section of this blog post
Doing this on the global queue means you should probably use an allocated NSFileManager and not the +defaultManager.
The block passed to the byAccessor portion of the coordinated write is not guaranteed to be called on any particular thread, so you shouldn't be manipulating NSWindows or presenting modal dialogs or anything from within that block (unless you've dispatched it back to the main queue).
I think pretty much all of the iCloud methods on NSFileManager will block until things complete. It's possible that what you're seeing is the method blocking and never returning because things aren't configured properly. I'd double and triple check your settings, maybe try to simplify the reproduction case. If it still isn't working, try filing a bug or contacting DTS.
Just shared this on Twitter with you, but I believe when using NSDocument you don't need to do any of the NSFileCoordinator stuff - just make the document ubiquitous and save.
did you try not using a ubiquity container identifier in code (sorry - ripped out of a project so I've pseudo-coded some of this):
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL *iCloudDocumentsURL = [[fm URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil] URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"Documents"];
NSURL *iCloudFileURL = [iCloudDocumentsURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[doc.fileURL lastPathComponent]];
ok = [fm setUbiquitous:YES itemAtURL:doc.fileURL destinationURL:iCloudRecipeURL error:&err];
NSLog(#"doc moved to iCloud, result: %d (%#)",ok,doc.fileURL.fileURL);
And then in your entitlements file:
Other than that, your code looks almost identical to mine (which works - except I'm not using NSDocument but rolling it all myself).
If this is the first place in your code that you are accessing iCloud look in for a message like this:
taskgated: killed yourAppID [pid 13532] because its use of the entitlement is not allowed
Anytime you see this message delete your apps container ~/Library/Containers/<yourAppID>
There may also be other useful messages in that will help you solve this issue.
I have found that deleting the app container is the new Clean Project when working with iCloud.
Ok, So I was finally able to solve the problem using Dunk's advice. I'm pretty sure the issue I was having is as follows:
Sometime after the WWDC video I was using as a guide was made, Apple completed the ubiquity APIs and removed the need to use an NSFileCoordinator object while saving from within an NSDocument subclass.
So the key was to remove both the creation of the NSFileCoordinator and the call to -[NSFileCoordinator coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:writingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:]
I also moved this work onto a background thread, although I'm fairly certain that was not absolutely required to fix the issue (although it was certainly a good idea).
I shall now submit my completed code to Google's web crawlers in hopes of assisting future intrepid Xcoders.
Here's my complete solution which works:
- (IBAction)moveToOrFromCloud:(id)sender {
NSURL *fileURL = [self fileURL];
if (!fileURL) {
BOOL makeUbiquitous = 1 == [sender tag];
if (makeUbiquitous) {
[self displayMoveToCloudDialog];
} else {
[self displayMoveFromCloudDialog];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[self doMoveToOrFromCloud:makeUbiquitous];
- (void)doMoveToOrFromCloud:(BOOL)makeUbiquitous {
NSURL *fileURL = [self fileURL];
if (!fileURL) return;
NSURL *destURL = nil;
NSFileManager *mgr = [[[NSFileManager alloc] init] autorelease];
if (makeUbiquitous) {
NSURL *dirURL = [[MyDocumentController instance] ubiquitousDocumentsDirURL];
if (!dirURL) return;
destURL = [dirURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[fileURL lastPathComponent]];
} else {
// move to local Documentss folder
NSArray *dirs = [mgr URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask];
if (![dirs count]) return;
destURL = [[dirs firstObject] URLByAppendingPathComponent:[fileURL lastPathComponent]];
NSError *err = nil;
void (^completion)(void) = nil;
if ([mgr setUbiquitous:makeUbiquitous itemAtURL:fileURL destinationURL:destURL error:&err]) {
[self setFileURL:destURL];
[self setFileModificationDate:nil];
completion = ^{
[self hideMoveToFromCloudDialog];
} else {
completion = ^{
[self hideMoveToFromCloudDialog];
NSWindow *win = [[self canvasWindowController] window];
[self presentError:err modalForWindow:win delegate:nil didPresentSelector:nil contextInfo:NULL];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), completion);

NSMetadataQuery doesn't find iCloud files

I used as described in the Apple Docs NSMetadataQuery to search my iCloud file. I have only one file and I know its name. My problem is that sometimes this file doesn't exist (I guess because it has not yet been downloaded) and NSMetadataQuery is unable to find it.
Ever tried to force download with NSFileManager startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL:error: and it returns me an error. (Read EDIT)
My solution is that I created the file the first time, then I guess it exists and I open it with UIDocument. But It couldn't exist or it could be the first time the user opens the app. I can't be sure of these things. My first question is: if UIDocument opens the file, it means that it found the file somewhere. How could it use the file if it DOESN'T EXIST?
And then, second question: If I app which has to manage multiple files or files with unknown name. How can I find them if NSMetadataQuery doesn't work.
if startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL should be used to start downloading a file, how can I know when the file finished downloading (perhaps with a notification)? But, a more important thing: How can I download the file if is always says (removed original names)?
Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
No such file or directory" UserInfo=0x166cb0 {
NSDescription=Unable to get real path for Path
'/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/teamid~com~team~app/Documents/file.extension'
I suggest the following load routine for iCloud files. It involves 4 steps:
First, testing if iCloud is accessible
then look for your files (either look for a specific file like you indicated or for all files with a certain extension like *.txt, or if you don't really know what file extension you are looking for, something like NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"NOT %K.pathExtension = '.'", NSMetadataItemFSNameKey]; will return all files which have an extension, like jpg, txt, dat etc.)
then checking if the query is done, and
finally attempt to load the file. If the file doesn't exist, create it. If it does exist, load it.
Here is the code that exemplifies these four steps:
- (void)loadData:(NSMetadataQuery *)query {
// (4) iCloud: the heart of the load mechanism: if texts was found, open it and put it into _document; if not create it an then put it into _document
if ([query resultCount] == 1) {
// found the file in iCloud
NSMetadataItem *item = [query resultAtIndex:0];
NSURL *url = [item valueForAttribute:NSMetadataItemURLKey];
MyTextDocument *doc = [[MyTextDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:url];
//_document = doc;
doc.delegate = self.viewController;
self.viewController.document = doc;
[doc openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
if (success) {
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: existing document opened from iCloud");
} else {
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: existing document failed to open from iCloud");
} else {
// Nothing in iCloud: create a container for file and give it URL
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: ocument not found in iCloud.");
NSURL *ubiq = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil];
NSURL *ubiquitousPackage = [[ubiq URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"Documents"] URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"text.txt"];
MyTextDocument *doc = [[MyTextDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:ubiquitousPackage];
//_document = doc;
doc.delegate = self.viewController;
self.viewController.document = doc;
[doc saveToURL:[doc fileURL] forSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: new document save to iCloud");
[doc openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: new document opened from iCloud");
- (void)queryDidFinishGathering:(NSNotification *)notification {
// (3) if Query is finished, this will send the result (i.e. either it found our text.dat or it didn't) to the next function
NSMetadataQuery *query = [notification object];
[query disableUpdates];
[query stopQuery];
[self loadData:query];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification object:query];
_query = nil; // we're done with it
-(void)loadDocument {
// (2) iCloud query: Looks if there exists a file called text.txt in the cloud
NSMetadataQuery *query = [[NSMetadataQuery alloc] init];
_query = query;
[query setSearchScopes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDocumentsScope]];
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: #"%K == %#", NSMetadataItemFSNameKey, #"text.txt"];
[query setPredicate:pred];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(queryDidFinishGathering:) name:NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification object:query];
[query startQuery];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: app did finish launching");
self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]] autorelease];
// Override point for customization after application launch.
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
self.viewController = [[[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewController_iPhone" bundle:nil] autorelease];
} else {
self.viewController = [[[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewController_iPad" bundle:nil] autorelease];
self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
// (1) iCloud: init
NSURL *ubiq = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil];
if (ubiq) {
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: iCloud access!");
[self loadDocument];
} else {
NSLog(#"AppDelegate: No iCloud access (either you are using simulator or, if you are on your phone, you should check settings");
return YES;
edo42, did you solve the issue? I had purchased a new 4S to go back to AT&T and I had backed up my first 4S and then restored from backup on new 4S and then this was happening for me.
When I do a [iCloudFileURL getResource:&fileState forKey:NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey error:&error] I get the same error.
Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory" UserInfo=0x448500 {NSDescription=Unable to get real path for Path '/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/~UbiquitousDir~/Documents/MyDocument.ext'
(Works fine on my iPad 2)
Then I would do the NSMetadataQuery but then it comes back with no results. (Works on my iPad 2 just fine to see the document on iCloud).
I checked to see that the ubiquitous file exists but it is not there as the error suggest.
I tried using [fileMgr evictUbiquitousItemAtURL:ubiquitousDocumentsDir &error] and it does succeed. But when I try the NSMetadataQuery it still comes back with no results.
Hope this helps to figure what is wrong in both cases.
UPDATE: Ok there is a real problem with iCloud for this device that I restored from a backup:
I have deleted my app from the iPhone device.
I deleted the backup files for my app from Manage Storage.
I have even delete the file for my app from iCloud (Documents & Data) under Managed storage.
The iCloud file is no longer there and I look on iPad 2 and it's gone.
I started my app on my iPad 2 and he successfully saves a new iCloud document.
The new iCloud file shows on my iPhone.
I build and run my app on my device but he cannot download the file with NSMetadaQuery query.
I had a similar problem, metadataQueryDidUpdate and metadataQueryDidFinishGathering would fire, but the NSMetadataQuery's results would be empty. There was a provisioning profile problem that Xcode didn't tell me about until I attempted to test it on my device, where it failed, saying that my bundle identifier was invalid (it wasn't).
What fixed it for me was going into Preferences and clicking the Download All button for the provisioning profiles, and then doing a Clean in Xcode. Rebuild, run, and all my files showed up. Check in the developer portal to make sure none of your profiles are marked as Invalid. None of mine were, so it's not required to trigger this, but it can happen.
Not exactly scientific, but this did work for me.