Reading comment lines correctly in an input file using Fortran 90 - file-io

It is my understanding that Fortran, when reading data from file, will skip lines starting with and asterisk (*) assuming that they are a comment. Well, I seem to be having a problem with achieving this behavior with a very simple program I created. This is my simple Fortran program:
1 program test
3 integer dat1
5 open(unit=1,file="file.inp")
7 read(1,*) dat1
10 end program test
This is "file.inp":
1 *Hello
2 1
I built my simple program with
gfortran -g -o test test.f90
When I run, I get the error:
At line 7 of file test.f90 (unit = 1, file = 'file.inp')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input
When I run the input file with the comment line deleted, i.e.:
1 1
The code runs fine. So it seems to be a problem with Fortran correctly interpreting that comment line. It must be something exceedingly simple I'm missing here, but I can't turn up anything on google.

Fortran doesn't automatically skip comments lines in input files. You can do this easily enough by first reading the line into a string, checking the first character for your comment symbol or search the string for that symbol, then if the line is not a comment, doing an "internal read" of the string to obtain the numeric value.
Something like:
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
character (len=200) :: line
integer :: dat1, RetCode
read_loop: do
read (1, '(A)', isostat=RetCode) line
if ( RetCode == iostat_end) exit ReadLoop
if ( RetCode /= 0 ) then
... read error
exit read_loop
end if
if ( index (line, "*") /= 0 ) cycle read_loop
read (line, *) dat1
end do read_loop

Fortran does not ignore anything by default, unless you are using namelists and in that case comments start with an exclamation mark.

I found the use of the backspace statement to be a lot more intuitive than the proposed solutions. The following subroutine skips the line when a comment character, "#" is encountered at the beginning of the line.
subroutine skip_comments(fileUnit)
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit
character(len=1) :: firstChar
firstChar = '#'
do while (firstChar .eq. '#')
read(fileUnit, '(A)') firstChar
end subroutine skip_comments
This subroutine may be used in programs before the read statement like so:
open(unit=10, file=filename)
call skip_comments(10)
read(10, *) a, b, c
call skip_comments(10)
read(10, *) d, e
Limitations for the above implementation:
It will not work if the comment is placed between the values of a variable spanning multiple lines, say an array.
It is very inefficient for large input files since the entire file is re-read from the beginning till the previous character when the backspace statement is encountered.
Can only be used for sequential access files, i.e. typical ASCII text files. Files opened with the direct or append access types will not work.
However, I find it a perfect fit for short files used for providing user-parameters.


FORTRAN 90 - Input Syntax Error

This should be an easy one.. I can't figure out why my read statement has a syntax error. I have a file 7477 lines long and I want each of those variables to correspond in each line like my format specifies. Any help here would be great. Thanks!
implicit none
integer :: spe, flen = 7477, i
real, dimension (7477):: wnum,s,A,abh
character :: other
integer :: lun = 11
write(*,*) 'Opening File!'
open(lun,file ='h2o_allbands',status = 'old',action ='read')
write(*,*) 'Success!'
17 format (1x,i2,3x,F9.6,1x,E9.3,1x,E9.3,F5.5,A120)
do i = 1, 7477
read(lun,17) spe(i),wnum(i),s(i),A(i),abh(i),other
write(*,*) wnum(i)
end do
The read has spe(i) as an input list item. spe is not declared as an array, so the compiler probably thinks spe(i) is a reference to an integer function. You cannot read "into" the result of a plain integer function.
Perhaps spe should be declared as an array?
Without seeing a line from your input file, it is difficult to say what the exact problem is: However:
First of all, you should not use a format statement when reading entities (unless in special cases), as this can lead to all sort of different errors, if your line is not well formatted for whatever reasons. So just replace the read line with:
read(lun,*) spe(i), wnum(i), s(i), A(i), abh(i), other
If all the lines are read in well apart the last one, then make sure, that you have a newline at the end of the last line.

Reading a character string of unknown length

I have been tasked with writing a Fortran 95 program that will read character input from a file, and then (to start with) simply spit it back out again.
The tricky part is that these lines of input are of varying length (no maximum length given) and there can be any number of lines within the file.
I've used
read( 1, *, iostat = IO ) DNA ! reads to EOF -- GOOD!!
if ( IO < 0 ) exit ! if EOF is reached, exit do
I = I + 1
NumRec = I ! used later for total no. of records
allocate( Seq(I) )
Seq(I) = DNA
print*, I, Seq(I)
X = Len_Trim( Seq(I) ) ! length of individual sequence
print*, 'Sequence size: ', X
end do
However, my initial statements list
character(100), dimension(:), allocatable :: Seq
character(100) DNA
and the appropriate integers etc.
I guess what I'm asking is if there is any way to NOT list the size of the character strings in the first instance. Say I've got a string of DNA that is 200+ characters, and then another that is only 25, is there a way that the program can just read what there is and not need to include all the additional blanks? Can this be done without needing to use len_trim, since it can't be referenced in the declaration statements?
To progressively read a record in Fortran 95, use non-advancing input. For example:
CHARACTER(10) :: buffer
INTEGER :: size
READ (unit, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO', SIZE=size, EOR=10, END=20) buffer
will read up to 10 characters worth (the length of buffer) each time it is called. The file position will only advance to the next record (the next line) once the entire record has been read by a series of one or more non-advancing reads.
Barring an end of file condition, the size variable will be defined with the actual number of characters read into buffer each time the read statement is executed.
The EOR and END and specifiers are used to control execution flow (execution will jump to the appropriately labelled statement) when end of record or end of file conditions occur respectively. You can also use an IOSTAT specifier to detect these conditions, but the particular negative values to use for the two conditions are processor dependent.
You can sum size within a particular record to work out the length of that particular record.
Wrap such a non-advancing read in a loop that appropriately detects for end of file and end of record and you have the incremental reading part.
In Fortran 95, the length specification for a local character variable must be a specification expression - essentially an expression that can be safely evaluated prior to the first executable statement of the scope that contains the variable's declaration. Constants represent the simplest case, but a specification expression in a procedure can involve dummy arguments of that procedure, amongst other things.
Reading the entire record of arbitrary length in is then a multi stage process:
Determine the length of the current record by using a series of incremental reads. These incremental reads for a particular record finish when the end of record condition occurs, at which time the file position will have moved to the next record.
Backspace the file back to the record of interest.
Call a procedure, passing the length of the current record as a dummy argument. Inside that procedure have an character variable whose length is given by the dummy argument.
Inside that called procedure, read the current record into that character variable using normal advancing input.
Carry out further processing on that character variable!
Note that each record ends up being read twice - once to determine its length, the second to actually read the data into the correctly "lengthed" character variable.
Alternative approaches exist that use allocatable (or automatic) character arrays of length one. The overall strategy is the same. Look at the code of the Get procedures in the common ISO_VARYING_STRING implementation for an example.
Fortran 2003 introduces deferred length character variables, which can have their length specified by an arbitrary expression in an allocate statement or, for allocatable variables, by the length of the right hand side in an assignment statement. This (in conjunction with other "allocatable" enhancements) allows the progressive read that determines the record length to also build the character variable that holds the contents of the record. Your supervisor needs to bring his Fortran environment up to date.
Here's a function for Fortran 2003, which sets an allocatable string (InLine) of exactly the length of the input string (optionally trimmed), or returns .false. if end of file
function ReadLine(aunit, InLine, trimmed) result(OK)
integer, intent(IN) :: aunit
character(LEN=:), allocatable, optional :: InLine
logical, intent(in), optional :: trimmed
integer, parameter :: line_buf_len= 1024*4
character(LEN=line_buf_len) :: InS
logical :: OK, set
integer status, size
OK = .false.
set = .true.
read (aunit,'(a)',advance='NO',iostat=status, size=size) InS
OK = .not. IS_IOSTAT_END(status)
if (.not. OK) return
if (present(InLine)) then
if (set) then
InLine = InS(1:size)
InLine = InLine // InS(1:size)
end if
end if
if (IS_IOSTAT_EOR(status)) exit
end do
if (present(trimmed) .and. present(InLine)) then
if (trimmed) InLine = trim(adjustl(InLine))
end if
end function ReadLine
For example to do something with all lines in a file with unit "aunit" do
character(LEN=:), allocatable :: InLine
do while (ReadLine(aunit, InLine))
[.. something with InLine]
end do
I have used the following. Let me know if it is better or worse than yours.
!::::::::::::::::::::: SUBROUTINE OR FUNCTION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
!__________________ SUBROUTINE lineread(filno,cargout,ios) __________________________
subroutine lineread(filno,cargout,ios)
Use reallocate,ErrorMsg,SumStr1,ChCount
! this subroutine reads
! 1. following row in a file except a blank line or the line begins with a !#*
! 2. the part of the string until first !#*-sign is found or to end of string
! input Arguments:
! filno (integer) input file number
! output Arguments:
! cargout (character) output chArActer string, converted so that all unecessay spaces/tabs/control characters removed.
implicit none
cargout=''; nlen=0; isp=0; nsp=0; ich=-1; ios=0
Do While(ios/=-1) !The eof() isn't standard Fortran.
READ(filno,"(A)",ADVANCE='NO',SIZE=size,iostat=ios,ERR=9,END=9)ch ! start reading file
! read(filno,*,iostat=ios,err=9)ch;
READ(filno,"(A)",ADVANCE='no',SIZE=size,iostat=ios,EOR=9); if(nlen>0)exit
end if
if(ich<=32)then ! tab(9) or space(32) character
end if
eend if; cycle;
elseif(ich==33.or.ich==35.or.ich==38)then !if char is comment !# or continue sign &
READ(filno,"(A)",ADVANCE='yes',SIZE=size,iostat=ios,EOR=9)ch; if(nlen>0.and.ich/=38)exit;
if(isp==1.and.ip==0)then; nlen=nlen+1; crad=>reallocate(crad,nlen); nsp=nsp+1; endif
nlen=nlen+1; crad=>reallocate(crad,nlen); crad(nlen)=ch;
isp=0; if(ip==1)isp=2;
end if
end do
9 if(size*ios>0)call ErrorMsg('Met error in reading file in [lineread]',-1)
! ios<0: Indicating an end-of-file or end-of-record condition occurred.
!do i=1,nlen-1; write(6,'(a,$)')crad(i:i); end do; if(nlen>0)write(6,'(a)')crad(i:i)
nsp=nsp+1; i=ChCount(SumStr1(crad),' ',',')+1;
call ErrorMsg(SumStr1(crad)// " is too long!",-1)
! call ErrorMsg(SumStr1(crad)// " has unrecognizable data number!",-1)
end if
end subroutine lineread
I'm using Fortran 90 to do this:
X = Len_Trim( Seq(I) ) ! length of individual sequence
write(*,'(a<X>)') Seq(I)(1:X)
You can simply declare Seq to be a large character string and then trim it as your write it out. I don't know how kosher this solution is but it certainly works for my purpose. I know that some compilers do not support "variable format expressions", but there are various workarounds to do the same thing almost as simply.
GNU Fortran variable expression workaround.

Fortran, How do I get Fortran to ignore lines from a data file that has random spacing

I am writing a FORTRAN code that uses data in a file made by a MD program. the data is a list of values but has breaks in the data for list updates in the form (# Neighbor list update .. 6527 indexes in list), These breaks are at random intervals so I can't just skip every x
I when I do my code it doesn't ignore these lines and randomly adds the value from the previous step.
1, 0.98510699999999995, 0.98510699999999995
2, 1.9654170000000000, 0.98031000000000001
3, 2.9427820000000002, 0.97736500000000004
4, 3.9186540000000001, 0.97587199999999996
4, 4.8945259999999999, 0.97587199999999996
5, 5.8697910000000002, 0.97526500000000005
note the double step 4 with an identical value from the true step 4
How would I go about skipping this line. Please find the sample code below
do i=1,50
If(IS_IOSTAT_END(ios)) Exit
print*, step, test, temp
End Do
It is not clear to me what the "breaks" in the file are. Are they blank lines? If so, the following code should work:
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
character (len=200) :: line
read_loop: do
Read (10,'(A)',IOSTAT=ios) line
If(ios == iostat_end) exit read_loop
if (len_trim (line) == 0) then
write (*, *) "blank line"
cycle read_loop
end if
read (line, *) step,temp,kinetic,potential,total,pressure
print*, step, test, temp
end do: read_loop
write (*, *) "total is", test
The above is not tested. The "len_trim" test is based on bad records being blank lines. If breaks are otherwise defined you will have to create a different test.
do while (i<=50)
If(IS_IOSTAT_END(ios)) Exit
IF( cycle
When a bad record is read, ios is assigned a system dependent non-zero number (it is zero on success). Apparently you've written a function (IS_IOSTAT_END) to tell if you've reached the end of the file, but other error conditions can exist (for example, the read statement doesn't match the data). That will return a different non-zero ios than an end-file record, so you should just restart the loop at that point (e.g. cycle)
I assume you want to read exactly 50 lines from the file, so I changed your do loop to a do while, but if the number of records you read doesn't actually matter, then feel free to change it back.

Fortran read statement reading beyond an end of line

do you know if the following statement is guaranteed to be true by one of the fortran 90/95/2003 standards?
"Suppose a read statement for a character variable is given a blank line (i.e., containing only white spaces and new line characters). If the format specifier is an asterisk (*), it continues to read the subsequent lines until a non-blank line is found. If the format specifier is '(A)', a blank string is substituted to the character variable."
For example, please look at the following minimal program and input file.
program code:
PROGRAM chk_read
CHARACTER(len=MAXLEN) :: str1, str2
read(*,*) str1
write(*,'(3A)') 'str1_start|', str1, '|str1_end'
read(*,'(A)') str2
write(*,'(3A)') 'str2_start|', str2, '|str2_end'
END PROGRAM chk_read
input file:
----'input.dat' content is below this line----
----'input.dat' content is above this line----
Please note that there are four lines in 'input.dat' and the first and third lines are blank (contain only white spaces and new line characters). If I run the program as
$ ../chk_read < input.dat > output.dat
I get the following output
----'output.dat' content is below this line----
str1_start|yamanakako |str1_end
str2_start| |str2_end
----'output.dat' content is above this line----
The first read statement for the variable 'str1' seems to look at the first line of 'input.dat', find a blank line, move on to the second line, find the character value 'yamanakako', and store it in 'str1'.
In contrast, the second read statement for the variable 'str2' seems to be given the third line, which is blank, and store the blank line in 'str2', without moving on to the fourth line.
I tried compiling the program by Intel Fortran (ifort 12.0.4) and GNU Fortran (gfortran 4.5.0) and got the same result.
A little bit about a background of asking this question: I am writing a subroutine to read a data file that uses a blank line as a separator of data blocks. I want to make sure that the blank line, and only the blank line, is thrown away while reading the data. I also need to make it standard conforming and portable.
Thanks for your help.
From Fortran 2008 standard draft:
List-directed input/output allows data editing according to the type
of the list item instead of by a format specification. It also allows
data to be free-field, that is, separated by commas (or semicolons) or
The characters in one or more list-directed records constitute a
sequence of values and value separators. The end of a record has the
same effect as a blank character, unless it is within a character
constant. Any sequence of two or more consecutive blanks is treated as
a single blank, unless it is within a character constant.
This implicitly states that in list-directed input, blank lines are treated as blanks until the next non-blank value.
When using a fmt='(A)' format descriptor when reading, blank lines are read into str. On the other side, fmt=*, which implies list-directed I/O in free-form, skips blank lines until it finds a non-blank character string. To test this, do something like:
PROGRAM chk_read
INTEGER :: cnt
write(*,'(I1,3A)')cnt,' str_start|', str, '|str_end'
100 continue
END PROGRAM chk_read
$ cat input.dat
Running the program gives this output:
$ a.out < input.dat
1 str_start| |str_end
2 str_start| |str_end
3 str_start| |str_end
4 str_start|yamanakako |str_end
5 str_start| |str_end
6 str_start|kawaguchiko |str_end
On the other hand, if you use default input:
You end up with this output:
$ a.out < input.dat
1 str1_start|yamanakako |str1_end
2 str2_start|kawaguchiko |str2_end
This Part of the F2008 standard draft probably treats your problem:
10.10.3 List-directed input
7 When the next effective item is of type character, the input form
consists of a possibly delimited sequence of zero or more
rep-char s whose kind type parameter is implied by the kind of the
effective item. Character sequences may be continued from the end of
one record to the beginning of the next record, but the end of record
shall not occur between a doubled apostrophe in an
apostrophe-delimited character sequence, nor between a doubled quote
in a quote-delimited character sequence. The end of the record does
not cause a blank or any other character to become part of the
character sequence. The character sequence may be continued on as many
records as needed. The characters blank, comma, semicolon, and slash
may appear in default, ASCII, or ISO 10646 character sequences.

Fortran: How do I read the first character from each line of a text file?

this is my first time trying to program in Fortran. I'm trying to write a program that prints the first 1476 terms of the Fibonacci sequence, then examines the first digit of each term and stores the number of 1s, 2s, 3s, ..., 9s that occur in an array.
The problem that I can't seem to figure out is how to read the first digit of each term. I've tried several things but am having difficulty with my limited knowledge of Fortran techniques. I write the terms to a text file and the idea is to read the first digit of each line and accumulate the respective number in the array. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to do this?
Here is my code so far:
(edit: I included the code I have for reading the file. Right now it just prints out 3.60772951994415996E-313,
which seems like an address of some sort, because it's not one of the Fibonacci numbers. Also, it is the only thing printed, I expected that it would print out every line of the file...)
(edit edit: After considering this, perhaps there's a way to format the writing to the text file to just the first digit. Is there a way to set the number of significant digits of a real number to one? :P)
subroutine writeFib(n)
integer :: i
real*8 :: prev, current, newFib
prev = 0
current = 1
do i = 1, n
newFib = prev + current
prev = current
current = newFib
write(7,*) newFib
end do
end subroutine
subroutine recordFirstDigits(a)
integer :: openStat, inputStat
real*8 :: fibNum
open(7, file = "fort.7", iostat = openStat)
if (openStat > 0) stop "*** Cannot open the file ***"
read(7, *, iostat = inputStat) fibNum
print *,fibNum
if (inputStat > 0) stop "*** input error ***"
if (inputStat < 0) exit ! end of file
end do
end subroutine
program test
integer :: k, a(9)
k = 1476
call writeFib(k)
call recordFirstDigits(a)
end program
Although the suggestions were in place, there were also several things that were forgotten. Range of the REAL kind, and some formatting problems.
Anyways, here's one patched up solution, compiled and working, so try to see if this will work for you. I've took the liberty of choosing my own method for fibonacci numbers calculation.
program SO1658805
implicit none
integer, parameter :: iwp = selected_real_kind(15,310)
real(iwp) :: fi, fib
integer :: i
character(60) :: line
character(1) :: digit
integer :: n0=0, n1=0, n2=0, n3=0, n4=0, n5=0, n6=0, n7=0, n8=0, n9=0
open(unit=1, file='temp.txt', status='replace')
!-------- calculating fibonacci numbers -------
fi = (1+5**0.5)/2.
do i=0,1477
fib = (fi**i - (1-fi)**i)/5**0.5
end do
do i=0,1477
line = adjustl(line)
if(digit.eq.' ') n0=n0+1
if(digit.eq.'1') n1=n1+1
if(digit.eq.'2') n2=n2+1
if(digit.eq.'3') n3=n3+1
if(digit.eq.'4') n4=n4+1
if(digit.eq.'5') n5=n5+1
if(digit.eq.'6') n6=n6+1
if(digit.eq.'7') n7=n7+1
if(digit.eq.'8') n8=n8+1
if(digit.eq.'9') n9=n9+1
end do
write(*,'("Total number of different digits")')
write(*,'("Number of digits 0: ",i5)')n0
write(*,'("Number of digits 1: ",i5)')n1
write(*,'("Number of digits 2: ",i5)')n2
write(*,'("Number of digits 3: ",i5)')n3
write(*,'("Number of digits 4: ",i5)')n4
write(*,'("Number of digits 5: ",i5)')n5
write(*,'("Number of digits 6: ",i5)')n6
write(*,'("Number of digits 7: ",i5)')n7
write(*,'("Number of digits 8: ",i5)')n8
write(*,'("Number of digits 9: ",i5)')n9
end program SO1658805
Aw, ... I just read you need the number of digits stored in to an array. While I just counted them.
Oh well, ... "left as an exercise for the reader ..." :-)
Can you read with a FORMAT(A1)? It's been 20 years so I don't remember the exact syntax.
I wonder why the open statement succeeds when file 7 hasn't been closed. I think you need an endfile statement and/or a rewind statement in between writing and reading.
Paul Tomblin posted what you have to do after you solve your problem in getting reads to work in the first place.
I am getting an 'end of line' runtime error
You don't show the ! code to read here... which makes it kind of difficult to guess what you are doing wrong :-)
Perhaps you need a loop to read each line and then jump out of the loop to a continue statement when there are no more lines.
Something like this:
read(7,*,end=10) fibNumber
end do
10 continue
Better still - look at the more modern style used in this revcomp program.
here are some hints:
You don't need to use characters,
much less file i/o for this problem
(unless you forgot to state that a
file must be created).
Therefore, use math to find your statistics. There are lots of resources on Fibonacci numbers that might provide a simplifying insight or at least a way to independently spot check your answers.
Here is a complicated hint in non-Fortran lingo:
(Put this in Wolfram Alpha to see what it does.)
A simpler hint (for a different approach) is that you can do very
well in Fortran with simple
arithmetic inside of looping
constructs--at least for a first pass at the solution.
Accumulate your statistics as you
go. This advice would even apply to your character-driven approach. (This problem is ideally suited
for coming up with a cute indexing
scheme for your statistics, but some
people hate cute schemes in
programming. If you don't fear
cuteness ... then you can have associative
arrays in Fortran as long as your
keys are integers ;-)
The most important aspect of this
problem is the data type you will
use to calculate your answers. For
example, here's the last number you
will have to print.
Cheers, --Jared