Difficulty with activesupport when attempting to deploy - ruby-on-rails-3

I have a rails application that I am trying to deploy onto the internet. I have setup a server on the Amazon EC2 cloud, that I know works because I have deployed another site to the same machine.
When I try to run this new application either through 'rails console' or when running 'rake db:seed' or just by trying to browse to the application, rails crashes saying it cannot find activiesupport:
/home/ec2-user/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.2.2/lib/active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions.rb:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- bigdecimal (LoadError)
My Rails version is 3.2.2 and I'm using ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30) [x86_64-linux]. My database is MongoDB which I access through Mongoid. And I'm using Passenger and Apache as a server.
Is there any configuration step or something like that that I have missed?
P.S. I know I shouldn't be using ec2-user, I'm still experimenting. And also, I've never had much luck with RVM.

I encountered the same problem with Rails 3.2.3 and Ruby 1.9.3p0 on my Amazon EC2 instance, where Ruby had been installed with the ruby19 yum package. In my case, the problem seemed to be that I had installed the bigdecimal gem manually using the gem command instead of using Bundler. To fix the problem, I uninstalled the gem manually, added the line
gem 'bigdecimal'
to my application's Gemfile, and re-ran bundle install. This reinstalled the gem and then my application was able to load it successfully.
My gems are also installed in ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/, even though I am running Ruby 1.9.3p0. This does not appear to be a problem.


(can't activate mysql2 (~> 0.3.10), already activated mysql2-0.5.4. Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile.)

Ubuntu 20.04
Ruby 2.3.7
mysql2 8.0.29
Above are the versions that currently i'm using for my project(app).
In Gemfile mysql2 version is 0.3.18 but this version throwing me errors and not allowing me to run complete bundle.
But, when i'm trying to run bundle with different version of mysql2 gem like 0.5.4, bundle successfully running but after that when i try to create db(database) or to start server this above error mentioned in question appears.
Anyone please help me out in this regard if you guys have any idea about that.
Thanks in advance

I tried to install Rails 4 gem y my CPanel and didnt work

I have almost finished my first Ruby on Rails application, i have used Ruby 2.1.2 and Rails 4.2.4.. then i want to deploy it, the hosting i took gave me 1month trial but they have installed CPanel 11 (it has rails 2.3.18 by default)
but when i try to install the rails 4.2.4 gem it gives me this:
> Error installing rails: i18n requires Ruby version >= 1.9.3.
My questions are:
Is there a way to update the ruby?
Would i have any trouble if they just update to 1.9.3 when i have used 2.1.2?
this is a screenshot from the gems in the cpanel
Recently I had to upgrade my Ruby version to a higher one and I was in a very similar situation like yours.
I used rvm for this.
Use rvm for listing the ruby version with the following command:
rvm list known
Then upgrade ruby with: rvm install version_of_your_choice
Also, search the internet for tutorials. StackOverflow has all the answers.

Passenger throws Bundler::GemfileError after "gem update --system"

On my local machine, I tried installing the 'bullet' gem via my gemfile, and bundle seemed to go without incident, however upon restarting my app passenger began throwing the error Invalid gemspec for uniform_notifier. It seems someone else had this issue and the suggested resolution on StackOverflow said to update RubyGems by running:
The issue
gem update --system
This produced no error messages upon running, however now none of apps will start. They all give the same vague Passenger error:
There was an error in your Gemfile, and Bundler cannot continue. (Bundler::GemfileError)
I removed 'bullet' from my gemfile so it's now back in a state when it was working yesterday, so I don't think there can be an error in my gemfile. Furthermore, all of my other apps are now broken and their gemfiles haven't changed at all.
For reference:
ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-darwin10.5.0]
rails -v
Rails 3.2.6
rvm --version
rvm 1.1.4 by Wayne E. Seguin
And when I do gem list for the global and local gemsets, it shows bundler 1.1.0 installed.
Edit: I should also mention that running rails s starts up a WEBrick server just fine and I can access my apps at localhost:3000, so it's only under Passenger that this error crops up.
Have you committed your Gemfile.lock?
I was able to fix this by rolling back rubygems-update to the previously installed version by running
gem update --system 1.8.11
At which point all of my apps began working again. I'm still not sure what the problem was, and will gladly switch the accepted answer from my own to someone who can provide more insight into why updating rubygems-update would break Passenger integration.
I wish someone from Phusion Passenger would give a definitive answer but just wanted to say that I've experienced the same thing. Updating rubygems has broken passenger-nginx integration for us and requires recompiling the passenger-nginx module. Not sure why this would be. My speculation is that the module is somehow compiled with a hard reference to a specific version of rubygems.

rails command doesn't work

I've tried to start the rails server with this line:
$ rails s
create app/controllers
create app/helpers
create app/models
create app/views/layouts
create config/environments
create log/test.log
But if I write down this:
$ script/rails s
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:138: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 in PATH, mode 040777
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 3.0.1 application starting in development on
Anyone can see the problem? I think is a problem with environment variables, but I don't know how to fix it.
I just came across this problem. I was switching from a Windows environment to Linux. My Linux version of rails is 2.3.14 while my Windows version was 3.0.1. On Windows "rails s" or "rails server" worked as expected to start a server, but on Linux it just created new projects with the names "s" and "Server" respectively. What finally explained it is the answer to the question below. Apparently the command behavior was changed between rails versions.
rails script/server doesn't start the server
The best solution is probably to update to the latest rails.
I was able to do that on my linux box by following the instructions below and using "sudo gem install rails"
this issue come from the different version in rvm, I faced this issue when my app was created using rvm 1.9.2 and I tried to run the server while rvm 1.9.3 was the running rvm version, simply switch to rvm1.9.2 and all will work properly (rvm use 1.9.2) in the terminal in ubunutu
Are you in a rails application directory? When you're running rails s make sure you've cd'd into the correct Rails directory. Common problem :)

Running Rails server on ubuntu

I'm trying to get rails running on Ubuntu (11.04). I've installed my gems and whatnot -- I can see all of them thru 'gem list'. However, when I run the command rails s or rails server, rails for some reason tries to create a new app called 's' or 'server' (respectively) instead of running the server. Any advice?
check the output of rails -v, it'll probably report rails 2.3.x - that will be your problem.