i have a column were i want the image to come out but at run-time only the name appears
MIMEType: image/jpeg Source: Database Value: =Fields!Image.Value
i saw this code but idk were to put it:
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
Image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
return ms.ToArray();
please help
Do something like
Bitmap _img = new Bitmap(10, 10);
public byte[] MyPicture
// Generate bitmap
// Convert to stream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
__img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
return ms.ToArray();
i'm using xamarin.forms app and need to save file(it this situation pdf file). This is my scenario: I'm using media plugin to save images with camera and from that images with PdfDocument object i generate PDF file:
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
for (int i = 0; i < Images.Count(); i++)
PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add();
PdfGraphics graphics = page.Graphics;
Stream imageStream = Images.ElementAt(i);
PdfBitmap image = new PdfBitmap(imageStream);
page.Graphics.DrawImage(image, new PointF(40, 100));
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
String localPath =
Task.Run(() => DependencyService.Get<ISave>().SaveFile(stream, "test.pdf")).Result;
And everything is working fine, its generates me pdf document with pages stream is filled with bytes, and the problem is in this SaveFile:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(Save))]
namespace PdfSave.Droid.Shared
public class Save: ISave
private readonly string _rootDir = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "TestFolder");
public async Task<string> SaveFile(Stream pdfStream, string fileName)
if (!Directory.Exists(_rootDir))
var filePath = Path.Combine(_rootDir, fileName);
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
await pdfStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, memoryStream.ToArray());
return filePath;
the problem is in this line
await pdfStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
the memory stream is empty! . Anyone know what should might be the problem?
We are in project for educational domain, where we are looking for importing Arabic content, Images (uri/base64 crypted texts), html tables.
We are facing issue while executing using HtmlWorker with Stream data. It throws error as "the document has no pages"
string str="html content contains arabic font texts/images";
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (iTextSharp.text.Document document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 25, 25, 30, 30))
using (iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer = iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance(document,ms))
using (var htmlWorker = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker(document))
//HTMLWorker doesn't read a string directly but instead needs a TextReader (which StringReader subclasses)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(str)) /// We are facing issue at this juncture where it throws error.
//Parse the HTML
Response.ContentType = "pdf/application";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=First_PDF_document.pdf");
Response.OutputStream.Write(ms.ToArray(), 0, ms.ToArray().Length);
Could you please help us regarding this?
I have tried with other approach:
using (var htmlWorker = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker(document))
using (Stream s = GenerateStreamFromString(str))
using (var srt = new StreamReader(s))
//Parse the HTML
htmlWorker.Parse(srt); //this line throws error now.
public Stream GenerateStreamFromString(string s)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
return stream;
Error message:
"The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters."
I am using itextsharp in ASP.NET. We populate a PDF with fields that are taken from one of our online forms. I need to change the way we handle the documents - we need to be able to use some of the fields as the name of the document(firstname-lastname.pdf), and to save that PDF into a directory. Here is the code I am using now:
PdfStamper ps = null;
DataTable dt = BindData();
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
PdfReader r = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray("http://www.example.com/Documents/ppd-certificate.pdf"), null);
ps = new PdfStamper(r, Response.OutputStream);
AcroFields af = ps.AcroFields;
af.SetField("fullName", dt.Rows[0]["fullName"].ToString());
af.SetField("presentationTitle", dt.Rows[0]["presentationTitle"].ToString());
af.SetField("presenterName", dt.Rows[0]["presenterFullName"].ToString());
af.SetField("date", Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
ps.FormFlattening = true;
PdfStamper and PdfWriter both use the generic Stream class so instead of Response.OutputStream you can use a FileStream or a MemoryStream
This example writes directly to disk. Set testFile to whatever you want, I'm using the desktop here
//Your file path here:
var testFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "test.pdf");
using (var fs = new FileStream(testFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
PdfReader r = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray("http://www.example.com/Documents/ppd-certificate.pdf"), null);
var ps = new PdfStamper(r, fs);
This next example is my preferred method. It creates a MemoryStream, then creates a PDF inside of it and finally grabs the raw bytes. Once you've got raw bytes you can both write them to disk AND Response.BinaryWrite() then.
byte[] bytes;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
PdfReader r = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray("http://www.example.com/Documents/ppd-certificate.pdf"), null);
var ps = new PdfStamper(r, ms);
bytes = ms.ToArray();
//Your file path here:
var testFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "test.pdf");
//Write to disk
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(testFile, bytes);
//Send to HTTP client
Can anyone please tell me how an image(.jpg,.gif,.bmp) is converted into a byte array ?
The easiest way to convert an image to bytes is to use the ImageConverter class under the System.Drawing namespace
public static byte[] ImageToByte(Image img)
ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
return (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(img, typeof(byte[]));
I've assumed what you want is the pixel values. Assuming bitmap is a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource:
int stride = bitmap.PixelWidth * ((bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);
byte[] bmpPixels = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
bitmap.CopyPixels(bmpPixels, stride, 0);
Note that the 'stride' is the number of bytes required for each row of pixel ddata. Some more explanation available here.
If your image is already in the form of a System.Drawing.Image, then you can do something like this:
public byte[] convertImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image image)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
// or whatever output format you like
return ms.ToArray();
You would use this function with the image in your picture box control like this:
byte[] imageBytes = convertImageToByteArray(pictureBox1.Image);
to get the bytes from any file try:
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(pathToFile);
Based off of MusiGenesis; helped me a lot but I had many image types. This will save any image type that it can read.
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat ImageFormat = imageToConvert.RawFormat;
byte[] Ret;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
imageToConvert.Save(ms, ImageFormat);
Ret = ms.ToArray();
catch (Exception) { throw; }
return Ret;
You can use File.ReadAllBytes method to get bytes
If you are using FileUpload class then you can use FileBytes Property to get the Bytes as Byte Array.
public Image Base64ToImage(string base64String)
// Convert Base64 String to byte[]
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0,
// Convert byte[] to Image
ms.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms, true);
return image;
I want to convert byte[] to image, however System.Drawing.Image is not supported in Silverlight. Any alternative?
You need to create an ImageSource and assign that to an Image control or use an ImageBrush to set on the background. BitmapImage is located in the System.Windows.Media.Imaging namespace.
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0,
BitmapImage im = new BitmapImage();
this.imageControl.Source = im;
or for the ImageBrush
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0,
BitmapImage im = new BitmapImage();
imageBrush.ImageSource = im;
this.BoxBorder.Background = imageBrush;
this code can convert image to byte[]
BitmapImage imageSource = new BitmapImage();
Stream stream = openFileDialog1.File.OpenRead();
BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);
currentImageInBytes = new byte[0];
currentImageInBytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
stream.Position = 0;
and this code can convert byte[] to image
public void Base64ToImage(byte[] imageBytes)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length))
BitmapImage im = new BitmapImage();
img.Source = im;
An other way:
public static BitmapImage ConvertStreamToImage(Stream stream)
BitmapImage _resultImage = new BitmapImage();
return _resultImage;
which uses these name spaces:
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;