How to manipulate pom.xml while creating project via archetype - maven-2

I'm making an archetype via the goal create-from-project and a propertyFile for webservice projets which using jaxws. Therefore I have to enter the service endpoint implementation into the configuration of the jaxws plugin.
My POM-Snippet:
How can I manipulate the ws.ExampleWSBean?

I solved my problem. After the creation of the archetype project via the command:
mvn archetype:create-from-project
I modified the pom.xml in the archetype-resources. I only replaced the ws.ExampleWSBean against ${package}.ExampleWSBean.


springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin not generating output file when used with spring.webflux.base-path

I have a maven Spring Boot project that uses Webflux. I generate the open api spec into an output file using springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin in my pom:
I also added the springdoc-openapi-webflux-ui dependency in my pom:
The above setup was working all fine and a new openapi.json file was generated each time I compiled.
However, I had a need to add a prefix for all my API paths. So I ended up adding a spring.webflux.base-path property in my application.yml file, which worked as expected.
base-path: "/myproject"
Once I did this, open api was not able to generate the output file (openapi.json) anymore. Is this expected? Is there a way to debug open api related errors?

how to control the pom.xml inside jar built by maven?

When maven builds a jar it places a pom.xml at META-INF///pom.xml.
This is the original pom of the artifact.
No variables are expanded or inherited and no inherited dependencies are listed.
This makes the information of the production jar dependent on the build environment.
How can the pom inside the jar be configured ?
Best would be some configuration of the maven-jar-plugin.
I had a similar requirement, as I wanted to get all the information that belongs to the parent pom.xml. In others words, I wanted to have, in addition to the "raw" pom.xml, the effective pom inside the JAR generated.
The idea is to use the help:effective-pom plugin and goal during the generation of the JAR, and put it with the pom.xml. This is done with this configuration:

adding artifacts to standard maven deploy

I was hoping someone could help me with maven deployments (typically run through the release plugin).
I want to deploy files other than just the packaged jar to the repo upon release, such as specific instruction documents and generated SQL files.
It would be good if i did not have to use deploy:deploy-file for each one. it would be best if I could just add each file to a list within my POM file and it would be picked up automatically for me upon release.
Either use the Maven Assembly Plugin to package them into an assembly that will get installed/deployed.
Or use the attach-artifact goal of the build-helper plugin:
<file>some file</file>
<type>extension of your file</type>

Maven: How can my mojo access its own resources?

I have a project (here called my-artifact) which needs to generate sources from a model file. I've created a maven-plugin (my-code-generator) which is used as described in the pom.xml excerpt below. It loads and processes the model.xml from my-artifact's resources and generates code using some predefined templates stored within the plugin. The question is how my-code-generator could access these templates as they are not in the project resources but within its own resources.
Thanks in advance
Just use the ClassLoader, to get resources from the MyCodeGenerator Maven plugin.
Add something like this to your MyCodeGeneratorMojo
URL getTemplate(String fileName) {
return this.getClass().getResource(fileName);
Within the MyCodeGenerator Maven plugin, add the template(s) to the src/main/resources directory (don't forget to use the correct package entry (directories) within that directory).
By including them in the jar file for the plugin and referencing them via classpath, via ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream.
By packaging them as another artifact, declaring them as a dependency, and calling the dependency-resolution API, which is a lot more work.

How to wrap an Ant build with Maven?

We use maven for our large-ish product. All of our artifacts are deployed to a shared archiva repository using the maven deploy goal. I am now integrating a third party product that has an ant build. I know how to call ant targets from maven using the antrun plugin, but I'm not sure how to setup the pom in this instance. I don't want maven to actually generate an artifact, but I do want it to pull the artifact that was built by ant when the maven deploy goal is run.
I am planning on having the pom adjacent to build.xml. The pom will use the antrun plugin in the package goal to call the ant target at the appropriate time to build the .war artifact.
a) I am creating a .war file but it is created via ant, not Maven, so having a war packaging type in the pom doesn't make sense. What should my packaging type be?
b) How do I cause maven to pull the artifact from my ant output directory for the deploy goal?
c) If there are no good answers to A and B, then are there ant tasks that replicate the maven deploy functionality for getting my .war artifact into the shared repository?
You can use the maven-antrun-plugin to invoke the ant build. Then use the build-helper-maven-plugin to attach the jar produced by ant to the project. The attached artifact will be installed/deployed alongside the pom.
If you specify your project with packaging pom, Maven will not conflict with the ant build.
In the example below, the ant build.xml is assumed to be in src/main/ant, have a compile goal, and output to ant-output.jar.
<ant antfile="src/main/ant/build.xml" target="compile"/>
You can actually wrap an ANT project with Maven by using multiple ant run goals as I wrote in a different question. Assuming your existing ant project has clean and build tasks, this might be a useful way of wrapping the project so you can use maven goals and have it map to existing ant code.
Refer this: Why you should use the Maven Ant Tasks instead of Maven or Ivy
And specifically, how to invoke a Maven goal from Ant can be found in this example:
With the information above you should be able to achieve what you need. Let me know if you have any questions.