Matplotlib: how to set dashes in a dictionary? - matplotlib

Can anybody tell me how to use a custom dash sequence in a dictionary. I cannot get that running and the only thing I cannot work with (not a programmer) is the documentation =-(
def lineCycler(): #must be invoked for every plot again to get the same results in every plot
_styles = [{'color':'#b21a6a', 'ls':'-'},
{'color':'#65a4cb', 'ls':'[5,2,10,5]'},# this shoul be some custom dash sequnece
{'color':'#22b27c', 'ls':'-.'},
{'color':'k', 'ls':'--'}
return _linecycler

Use dashes keyword for that (and you need a list, instead of a string):
def lineCycler():
_styles = [{'color':'#b21a6a', 'ls':'-'},
{'color':'#65a4cb', 'dashes':[5,2,10,5]},
{'color':'#22b27c', 'ls':'-.'},
{'color':'k', 'ls':'--'}
return _linecycler


How to call traverseLinkedWorkItems method using Velocity script block?

In the Polarion documentation:,java.util.Set,java.util.Set,com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.ITerminalCondition)
I have created empty sets using $objectFactory.newSet() to account for the first 3 parameters, and I have tried "null" for the conditional parameter, but nothing works.
This is an example of what I have tried:
#set($project = "Project X"
#set($workItem1 = 'ABC-123')
#set($emptySet = $objectFactory.newSet())
#set($ts1 = $trackerService.getWorkItem($project,$workItem1))
$ts1 ##output: PObject(WorkItem; subterra:data-service:objects:/default/Project X${WorkItem}ABC-123)
The output is always $ts1.traverseLinkedWorkItems($emptySet,$emptySet,$emptySet,'null')
Is there no way to do this in Velocity? I have seen only one other post regarding this question:
Have you tried $null as the last argument? As an undefined reference, it will translate to null.
But this solution will only work if Velocity is not running in strict mode.

Remove elements from a list in karate?

after using scripAll() to get list of style attribute values, I need to eliminate a few. Wanted to know if there is something like remove() in python which can be used for the same.
* def list_colors = ["rgb(245,60,86)", "rgb(245,60,86)", "rgb(245,00,00)", "rgb(245,00,00)" ]
Want to remove rgb(245,00,00) from the list. How can I do this in karate?
I think you missed that scriptAll() can take a third "filter function" argument, please refer the docs:
* def list_colors = scriptAll('.my-css', "['display']", x => !x.includes('245,00,00'))
Otherwise please refer JSON transforms:
* def filtered =, x => !x.includes('245,00,00'))

How can I access value in sequence type?

There are the following attributes in client_output
weights_delta = attr.ib()
client_weight = attr.ib()
model_output = attr.ib()
client_loss = attr.ib()
After that, I made the client_output in the form of a sequence through
a = tff.federated_collect(client_output) and round_model_delta = tff.federated_map(selecting_fn,a)in here . and I declared
#tff.tf_computation() # append
def selecting_fn(a):
return round_model_delta
in here. In the process of averaging on the server, I want to average the weights_delta by selecting some of the clients with a small loss value. So I try to access it via a.weights_delta but it doesn't work.
The tff.federated_collect returns a tff.SequenceType placed at tff.SERVER which you can manipulate the same way as for example client dataset is usually handled in a method decorated by tff.tf_computation.
Note that you have to use the tff.federated_collect operator in the scope of a tff.federated_computation. What you probably want to do[*] is pass it into a tff.tf_computation, using the tff.federated_map operator. Once inside the tff.tf_computation, you can think of it as a object and everything in the module is available.
[*] I am guessing. More detailed explanation of what you would like to achieve would be helpful.

Django Concat columns with integers and strings

I have run into an issue using attempting to add values from two different columns together in a query, namely that some of them contain numbers. This means that the built in Concat does not work as it requires strings or chars.
Considering how one can cast variables as other datatypes in SQL I don't see why I wouldn't be able to do that in Django.
cast(name as varchar(100))
I would assume that one would do it as follows in Django using the Concat function in combination with Cast.
queryset.annotate(new_col=Concat('existing_text_col', Cast('existing_integer_col', TextField())).get())
The above obviously does not work, so does anyone know how to actually do this?
The use case if anyone wonders are sending jenkins urls saved as fragments as a whole. So one url would be:
url_fragment: name/
url_number: 123456
I ended up writing a serializer that inherits from the base serializer that contains the urls fragments and a lot of other things. In it I made a MethodField for my complete url and defined a getter function that loaded in the different fragments and added them together. I also redeclared the fragmented fields to None.
The code inside the new serializer is:
complete = serpy.MethodField("get_copmlete")
serverUrl = serpy.Field(attr=None, call=False, required=False)
jobName = serpy.Field(attr=None, call=False, required=False)
buildNumber = serpy.Field(attr=None, call=False, required=False)
def get_complete(self, obj):
return obj.server_url + obj.job_name + '/' + str(obj.build_number)

How to use pysam.view to emulate all functions of samtools view

I am trying to use pysam.view() to filter out certain alignments from a BAM file. The problem I am facing is how to include several regions in the filter.
pysam.view() emulates the samtools view command which allows one to enter several regions separated by the space character, eg:
samtools view opts bamfile chr1:2010000-20200000 chr2:2010000-20200000
But the corresponding pysam.view call:
pysam.view(ops, bamfile, '1:2010000-20200000 2:2010000-20200000')
does not work. It does not return any alignments. I'm quite sure the problem lies in how to specify the list of regions, since the following command works fine:
pysam.view(ops, bamfile, '1:2010000-20200000')
and returns alignments.
My question is: does pysam.view support multiple regions and how does one specify this list? I have searched for documentation regarding this but not found anything.
The short answer to your question is that the format you'd use is
pysam.view(ops, bamfile, '1:2010000-20200000','2:2010000-20200000')
(Also note that the number indicating the end of each of your regions is ~10x larger than the beginning - it seems you might have intended 2010000-2020000 instead.)
I have tested it using the following code:
import pysam
my_bam_file = '/path/to/my/bam_file.bam'
alignments1 = pysam.view(my_bam_file, '1:2010000-4000000')
alignments2 = pysam.view(my_bam_file, '1:5000000-6000000')
alignments3 = pysam.view(my_bam_file, '1:2010000-4000000', '1:5000000-6000000')
print(len(alignments1) + len(alignments2) == len(alignments3))
[Output:] True
However, this way of extracting alignments is not very efficient, as the output you get is one large str, instead of individual alignments. To get a list of separate alignments instead, use the following code:
import pysam
my_bam_file = '/path/to/my/bam_file.bam'
imported = pysam.AlignmentFile(my_bam_file, mode = 'rb')
regions = ('1:2010000-20200000','2:2010000-20200000')
alignments = []
for region in regions:
bam = imported.fetch(region = region, until_eof = True)
alignments.extend([alignment for alignment in bam])
Each element of alignment then ends up being a pysam.AlignedSegment object, with which you can work further using the functions in pysam API.