Visual Basic LINQ -

I have two files one with senators who are retiring and one of complete senators. I need to remove the retiring senators from the complete list. I am using LINQ for this bu itt is not working as i would expect it to. I am trying to compare one query to another only take the senator out of the current list who are not retiring and then add them into a new file. But when i open the new file it has not removed the retired senators. Here is my code thanks for any help in advance.
' Query for retired senators
Dim senateRetiered = From line In retieredSen
Let data = line.Split(","c)
Let retName = data(0)
Select retName
' query length
Dim index As Integer = senateRetiered.ToArray.Length
' Add one to our index we will remove it later in our next query
index += 1
' Query for or 110th senate compare to our other query and only select senators that have not retiered
Dim senate110Query = From line In senate110
Let data = line.Split(","c)
Let name = data(0)
Let state = data(1)
Let party = data(2)
Where name <> senateRetiered(index - 1)
Select line
' Write the remaining sentators to a new file
IO.File.WriteAllLines("sortedSentate.txt", senate110Query)

I'm not sure I really understood your question, but I think the second query should look more like that:
Dim senate110Query = From line In senate110
Let data = line.Split(","c)
Let name = data(0)
Let state = data(1)
Let party = data(2)
Where Not senateRetired.Any(Function(r) r.Name = name)
Select line

I have an alternative solution which is somewhat more complicated; however, it yields the senators as class. If you need to do some other work with senators in addition to file creation it could be useful
Class Senator
Public Name As String
Public State As String
Public Party As String
Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
Dim other = TryCast(obj, Senator)
If other Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Return Name.Equals(other.Name)
End Function
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", Name, State, Party)
End Function
End Class
With this declaration you can do this
Dim senateRetiered = From line In retieredSen _
Let data = line.Split(","c) _
Select New Senator() With {.Name = data(0)}
Dim senate110Query = From line In senate110 _
Let data = line.Split(","c) _
Select New Senator() With {.Name = data(0), .State = data(1), .Party = data(2)}
Dim nonRetired = senate110Query.Except(senateRetiered)
Dim nonRetiredString = nonRetired _
.Select(Function(sen) sen.ToString())
'Note: I have to append a ".ToArray()" with .NET 3.5
IO.File.WriteAllLines("sortedSentate.txt", nonRetiredString)


Visual Basic Text File

I'm currently learning about Visual Basic text files but I came across a problem. I'm supposed to create a text file (Players) with data inside and I have to design a form with listbox to include the players’ names that are more than 30 years old.
This is my current code:
Dim q1 = From itm As String In IO.File.ReadAllLines("Players.txt")
Let Data=itm.Split(","c)
Let fname = Data(0)
Let age = Data(4)
Let newline = fname * " "& age
Where age > 30
For Each itm1 As String in q1
My expected output should show the names of players that are over 30 years old. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help me solve this issue.
You can use linq. For example: assume you have a txt like that
Giuseppe, 30
Pippo, 13
Luca, 32
to extract only over 30 years old you can do...
Dim obj = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("Players.txt").Split(vbCrLf).ToList()
Dim ret = (From a In obj Where a.Split(",")(1) > 30 Select a).ToList
The result is
Luca, 32
Best to use a class to define Player. I also made a class Players to hide the file processing from the consumer.
Public Class Player
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Age As Integer
End Class
Public Class Players
Private _list As New List(Of Player)()
Public ReadOnly Property List As IEnumerable(Of Player)
Return _list
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(path As String)
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines(path)
For Each line In lines
Dim split = line.Split(","c)
If split.Count = 2 Then
_list.Add(New Player() With {.Name = split(0), .Age = Integer.Parse(split(1))})
End If
End Sub
End Class
And use databinding to populate the ListBox
Dim ps = New Players("Players.txt")
Me.ListBox1.DataSource = ps.Items.Where(Function(p) p.Age >= 30).ToList()
Me.ListBox1.DisplayMember = "Name"
If you're not into the whole Players class and Items property, you can still use the Player class, and just do all the processing in your consuming code (it's basically the same thing, but the processing code is not encapsulated in the model).
Dim ps = New List(Of Player)()
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("Players.txt")
For Each line In lines
Dim split = line.Split(","c)
If split.Count = 2 Then
ps.Add(New Player() With {.Name = split(0), .Age = Integer.Parse(split(1))})
End If
Me.ListBox1.DataSource = ps.Where(Function(p) p.Age >= 30).ToList()
Me.ListBox1.DisplayMember = "Name"

VB.NET Index out of Range exception related to text file

I have some code I have used many times over which has always worked great for me. The latest use, however, throws an exception under certain circumstances that I cannot seem to resolve. Here it is:
I read from a text file to an array, use it as a binding source for some of my controls (it autofills 3 controls based on the selection of a single control). I created a Student class with 4 properties (Name, ID, DOB and DOE). Here is the code I use:
Private Sub autoFill()
Dim rost As String = "Roster.txt"
Dim lines As List(Of String) = File.ReadAllLines(rost).ToList
Dim list As List(Of Student) = New List(Of Student)
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Count - 1
Dim data As String() = lines(i).Split(":")
list.Add(New Student() With {
.StudentName = data(0),
.StudentID = data(1),
.StudentDOB = data(2),
.StudentDOE = data(3)
StudentBindingSource.DataSource = list
End Sub
Now here is the problem. In the "For" loop when I set i to 0 to lines.count -1 it throws this error:
However...If I change i to 1 instead of 0 it works OR if I take away data(2) and data(3) it works with i = 0. I would prefer to use 0 so that I can have a blank line in the combobox or "--choose--", etc. The only thing I have thought that might be useful is that my first row in the text file has nothing to split. Here is the line format of the text file:
Student Name ID# DOB DOE <-----This header row is NOT in the text file
Last Name, First Name : 0000000 : 01/01/2021 : 01/01/2021
I'm going to assume I'm missing something really simple here. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Before we get to the actual problem, let's re-work some things.
A better way to structure code, especially when working with data loading, is to have a method that accepts an input and returns a result. Additionally, calling ToList() or ToArray() is a very expensive operation for performance. Very often you can improve performance dramatically by working with a lower-level IEnumerable for as long as possible.
With those principles in mind, consider this code:
Private Function ReadStudentData(fileName As String) As IEnumerable(Of Student)
Dim lines As IEnumerable(Of String) = File.ReadLines(fileName)
Return lines.
Select(Function(line) line.Split(":")).
Return New Student() With {
.StudentName = data(0),
.StudentID = data(1),
.StudentDOB = data(2),
.StudentDOE = data(3)
End Function)
End Function
Private Sub autoFill()
StudentBindingSource.DataSource = ReadStudentData("Roster.txt")
End Sub
Now on to the actual issue. The problem was not from looping through the list variable. The problem is the data array. At some point you have a line that doesn't have enough elements. This is common, for example, as the last line in a file.
There are many ways to address this. In some cases, the exception is already the appropriate result, because if you have bad data you really don't want to continue. In other cases you want to log the bad records, perhaps to a report you can easily review later. Or maybe you just want to ignore the error, or pre-filter for rows with the right number of columns. Here is an example of the last option:
Private Function ReadStudentData(fileName As String) As IEnumerable(Of Student)
Return File.ReadLines(fileName).
Select(Function(line) line.Split(":")).
Where(Function(data) data.Length = 4).
Return New Student() With {
.StudentName = data(0),
.StudentID = data(1),
.StudentDOB = data(2),
.StudentDOE = data(3)
End Function)
End Function
Private Sub autoFill()
StudentBindingSource.DataSource = ReadStudentData("Roster.txt")
End Sub
The problem is that you didn't check 'data' to have enough elements to create the 'Student'. A simple check should fix it.
Private Sub autoFill()
Dim rost As String = "Roster.txt"
Dim lines As List(Of String) = File.ReadAllLines(rost).ToList
Dim list As List(Of Student) = New List(Of Student)
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Count - 1
Dim data As String() = lines(i).Split(":"c)
'Check data
If data.Length >= 4 Then '
list.Add(New Student() With {
.StudentName = data(0),
.StudentID = data(1),
.StudentDOB = data(2),
.StudentDOE = data(3)
End If
StudentBindingSource.DataSource = list
End Sub
try this code:
Dim list As List(Of Student) = New List(Of Student)(100)
basically initialize the student list with a capacity. This is the capacity of the list, not the count/length.

Split a string array problems

I am new to VB.NET and would like to split a string into an array.
I have a string like:
I want to split this into a array at ",".
I tried:
Dim variable() As String
Dim stext As String
stext = "mystringhere"
variable = Split(stext, ",")
My problem is the part of
is split too. I want this to get all together in variable(5). Is this posible?
thank you for help
What you need is a CSV parser in which you can set the field quote character. Unfortunately the TexFieldParser which comes with VB.NET doesn't have that facility. Fortunately, other ones do - here I have used the LumenWorksCsvReader, which is available as a NuGet package *.
Option Strict On
Option Infer On
Imports System.IO
Imports LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s = "613,710,200,127,127,'{\""js\"":{\""\"":\""16\"",\""43451\"":\""16\"",\""65815\"":\""16\"",\""43452\"":\""16\"",\""41147\"":\""16\"",\""43449\"":\""16\"",\""43467\"":\""16\"",\""1249\"":\""16\"",\""43462\"":\""16\"",\""43468\"":\""48\"",\""43438\"":\""64\"",\""43439\"":\""80\""}}','rca',95,2048000,3,1,'AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLL=','xx.xx.xx.xx',NULL"
Using sr As New StringReader(s)
Using csvReader = New CsvReader(sr, delimiter:=","c, quote:="'"c, escape:="\"c, hasHeaders:=False)
Dim nFields = csvReader.FieldCount
While csvReader.ReadNextRecord()
For i = 0 To nFields - 1
End While
End Using
End Using
End Sub
End Module
which outputs
Note that the double-quotes are doubled up in the literal string as that is the way to enter a single double-quote in VB.
If you really want the backslashes to remain, remove the escape:="\"c parameter.
If you are reading from a file then use the appropriate StreamReader instead of the StringReader.
Using the above, perhaps you have a Windows Forms program where you wanted to populate a RichTextBox with the data from, say, a text file named "C:\temp\CsvFile.txt" with the content
you could use the above to come up with
Imports System.IO
Imports LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv
Public Class Form1
Public Class Datum
Property A As Integer
Property B As Integer
Property C As Integer
Property D As Integer
Property E As Integer
Property JsonData As String
Property SocketType As String
Property F As Integer
Property G As Integer
Property H As Integer
Property I As Integer
Property Base64Data As String
Property IpAddy As String
Property J As String
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"{A}, {SocketType}, {IpAddy}, {B} ,{C}, {D}, {E}, {F}, {G}, {H}, {I}, {JsonData}, {Base64Data}, {J}"
End Function
End Class
Public Function GetData(filename As String) As List(Of Datum)
Dim data As New List(Of Datum)
Using sr As New StreamReader(filename)
Using csvReader = New CsvReader(sr, hasHeaders:=False, delimiter:=","c, quote:="'"c, escape:="\"c, comment:=Nothing, trimmingOptions:=ValueTrimmingOptions.UnquotedOnly)
Dim nFields = csvReader.FieldCount
If nFields <> 14 Then
Throw New MalformedCsvException("Did not find 14 fields in the file " & filename)
End If
While csvReader.ReadNextRecord()
Dim d As New Datum()
d.A = Integer.Parse(csvReader(0))
d.B = Integer.Parse(csvReader(1))
d.C = Integer.Parse(csvReader(2))
d.D = Integer.Parse(csvReader(3))
d.E = Integer.Parse(csvReader(4))
d.JsonData = csvReader(5)
d.SocketType = csvReader(6)
d.F = Integer.Parse(csvReader(7))
d.G = Integer.Parse(csvReader(8))
d.H = Integer.Parse(csvReader(9))
d.I = Integer.Parse(csvReader(10))
d.Base64Data = csvReader(11)
d.IpAddy = csvReader(12)
d.J = csvReader(13)
End While
End Using
End Using
Return data
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim srcFile = "C:\temp\CsvData.txt"
Dim dat = GetData(srcFile)
For Each d In dat
RichTextBox1.AppendText(d.ToString() & vbCrLf)
End Sub
End Class
It might be necessary to perform more checks on the data when trying to parse it. Note that I made a function for the .ToString() method of the Datum class and put the properties in a different order just to demonstrate its use.
* Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... Choose the "Browse" tab -> type in LumenWorksCsvReader -> select the one by SĂ©bastien Lorion et al., -> tick your project name in the pane to the right -> click Install.
I am new to VB.NET and would like to split a string into an array.
variable = Split(stext,",")
Instead of
variable = Split(stext,",")
variable = stext.split(",")
If you want to get a bit more complicated on your split you would create an array of char data as such
dim data(3) as char
data(0) = ","c
data(1) = vbcrlf
data(2) = chr(34)
data(3) = vbtab
... and so on
variable = stext.split(data)

(VB.NET) Find all duplicates in a list of objects based on multiple properties

I have a list of CommissionStatement objects which i created. I need to create a new list which only holds the duplicates found in this list based on 3 properties: Firm; Provider; and Total (ie each of these 3 have to be the same in 2 or more objects for it to be recognized as a duplicate)
Object is a simple object of strings at the moment.
Private Class CommissionStatement
Property Provider As String
Property Firm As String
Property Source As String
Property Media As String
Property Total As String
Property Received As String
End Class
I have a list of all CommissionStatments as follows:
Dim fileLocation As String = importText.Text
Dim csvText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(fileLocation).Replace(", ", " ")
Dim providerString As String = ""
Dim allStatements = New List(Of CommissionStatement)
Dim countIndex As Integer = 0, maxIndex As Integer = csvText.Split(vbLf).Length
For Each line As String In csvText.Split(vbLf)
'' Remove the top row
countIndex += 1
If countIndex = 1 Then
Continue For
End If
statementProgress.Value = ((countIndex / maxIndex) * 100)
'' Build the New commissionStatement object and add it to the allStatements list
If Not line = "" Then
Dim commissionStatement = New CommissionStatement
With commissionStatement
.Provider = line.Split(",")(0)
.Firm = line.Split(",")(1)
.Source = line.Split(",")(2)
.Media = line.Split(",")(3)
.Total = line.Split(",")(4)
End With
providerString &= commissionStatement.Provider & ","
End If
First post on StackOverflow so sorry if its not very clear! The duplicate list needs to also be a list of CommissionStatements which contain the duplicates from the allStatements list based on Firm Provider and Total
Your best bet is to use a lambda expression. The function below should do what you ask.
Private Function GetDuplicateCommisionStatements(tempStatement As CommissionStatement) As List(Of CommissionStatement)
Return allStatements.FindAll(Function(x) x.Firm = tempStatement.Firm And x.Provider = tempStatement.Provider And x.Total = tempStatement.Total)
End Function
And use it like this..
duplicatelist = GetDuplicateCommisionStatements(testCommisionStatement)
using your own object names of course.
Incidentally, you could shorten the sub using the With statement like below
Private Function GetDuplicateCommisionStatements(tempStatement As CommissionStatement) As List(Of CommissionStatement)
With tempStatement
Return allStatements.FindAll(Function(x) x.Firm = .Firm And x.Provider = .Provider And x.Total = .Total)
End With
End Function

Converting LINQ Result to String VB.NET

I have a module that is correctly pulling a Linq query and writing it to a text file. I just need to know how to convert this to the actual string value. Thanks.
Imports System.IO
Module CheckExists
Public objStreamWriter As StreamWriter
Public Function SimpleQ4()
Dim dc As New DatabaseDataContext
Dim q = _
From a In dc.GetTable(Of tblDealer)() _
Where a.chvDealerName = "Something" _
Select a
Return q.ToString
objStreamWriter = New StreamWriter("path.txt")
End Function
End Module
This is returning in myt text file
SELECT [t0].[iD], etc....
Public Function SimpleQ4()
Dim dc As New DatabaseDataContext
Dim q = _
From a In dc.GetTable(Of tblDealer)() _
Where a.chvDealerName = "Something" _
Select New With
myFirstColumn = a.columnName,
mySecondColumn = a.anotherColumnName,
objStreamWriter = New StreamWriter("path.txt")
End Function
The LINQ query will not have data until the streamwriter actually starts writing data due to LINQs deferred execution.
Inside the curly braces you are creating an anonymous type. Every column you want a property for would be on the left side of the equal sign. If you don't want to create and map all of the columns use this instead:
From a In dc.GetTable(Of tblDealer)() _
Where a.chvDealerName = "Something" _
Select a
If you need to see the contents of the query, add q.ToList() on the line before creating the streamwriter.
The following code works
Public Sub textFile()
Dim ddc As New DatabaseDataContext
Dim q = _
(From a In ddc.GetTable(Of Table)() _
Where a.Name = "Something" _
Select a.Name).ToList
For Each item In q
End Sub