VB Macro to ftp file - vba

I have a CSV file.Once i click button on csv file.I have to copy that file using ftp into unix server using VB macro.
No clues on this.Please provide any kind of sample.

I wrote some code to FTP gif files. You can see all the code at
There's a lot more there than you need, but the relevant parts are:
'Create text file with ftp commands
Open sFname & ".txt" For Output As lFnumFtp
Print #lFnumFtp, "open " & sSITE 'open the site
Print #lFnumFtp, sUSER
Print #lFnumFtp, sPASS
Print #lFnumFtp, "binary" 'set file transfer mode
Print #lFnumFtp, "cd " & sDIR
For i = LBound(vFname) To UBound(vFname)
Print #lFnumFtp, "send " & Dir(vFname(i)) 'send files
Next i
Print #lFnumFtp, "bye" 'close ftp session
Close lFnumFtp 'close text file
lFnumBatch = FreeFile
'open a batch file
Open sFname & ".bat" For Output As lFnumBatch
Print #lFnumBatch, "ftp -s:" & sFname & ".txt"
Print #lFnumBatch, "Echo ""Complete""> " & sFname & ".out"
Close lFnumBatch
'run the batch file
Shell sFname & ".bat"


code not working: Copy file From one directory to another with vba

I have write a VBA code to copy file from one directory to another; but I can't figure out why it is not working. Any ideas? I know how to do it using FileSystemObject but I will like to learn - doing it with SHELL.
Sub copy_file()
Dim dirPath As String, srcFile As String
dirPath = "E:\Download\"
srcFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name
Shell ("cmd /c copy /y """ & srcFile & " " & dirPath & """")
End Sub
You're over-complicating.
You don't need to use Shell and go through the command line for this.
There's a built-in command: FileCopy
This example uses the FileCopy statement to copy one file to another. For purposes of this example, assume that is a file containing some data.
Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile
SourceFile = "SRCFILE" ' Define source file name.
DestinationFile = "DESTFILE" ' Define target file name.
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile ' Copy source to target.
Read the documentation for FileCopy at the source.
I'd also suggest taking a few minutes to read through all the standard VBA objects and their available methods/functions/properties/etc to get an idea of what kind of tasks have built-in functionality with VBA and/or Office.
Here is the main page of the official documentation for Office VBA.
srcFile is the same file that you are using to hold your vba code, and therefore that file is already open. In that case Windows shell copy command will not work, by design.
You can duplicate your opened source file with the ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs method.
Further reading: How to do a "Save As" in vba code, saving my current Excel workbook with datestamp?
Further problem: your active workbook will immediately renamed, therefore you have to close it. In order to avoid having save as dialog before exit, read that tutorial: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/213428/how-to-suppress-save-changes-prompt-when-you-close-a-workbook-in-excel
Shell ("cmd /c copy /y """ & srcFile & " " & dirPath & """")
Quotes issue. You should be check your path and try this code below:
Sub copy_file()
Dim dirPath As String, srcFile As String
dirPath = "E:\Download\"
srcFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name
MsgBox "cmd /c copy /y " & srcFile & " " & dirPath
Shell ("cmd /c copy /y " & srcFile & " " & dirPath)
End Sub

Uploading and Downloading files from FTP client using Excel

I am having trouble getting the code below to work (from an answer here Using FTP in VBA). I'm in an FTP client from WinSCP and I'm not 100% sure how to use the code. When I run the macro, I get the successful MsgBox "Sent" popup, and I see that a file named whatever I put as FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME gets created holding the following info:
"open " & FTP_ADDRESS
"mput " & sWorkingDirectory & sFileToSend
The person who posted the code noted that -
"While stepping through code, you could type the following command in the immediate window and then copy/paste the results into a Command Window:"
? Shell "ftp -i -w:20480 -s:" & sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME
But when I do step through the code, and after the yellow highlight passes this line in Excel, I enter this line in and I get an error that '?', sWorkingDirectory, and FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME is not recognized as an internal or external command.
I thought that after typing it at Cmd line I'd be able to get the contents of FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME into sFileToSend, but nothing is put into sFileToSend.
Option Explicit
Const FTP_ADDRESS = myHostAddr
Const FTP_USERID = myUsername
Const FTP_PASSWORD = myPassword
Sub Macro1()
If Not SendFtpFile_F() Then
MsgBox "Could not (send/get?) ftp file"
MsgBox "Sent"
End If
End Sub
Function SendFtpFile_F() As Boolean
Dim rc As Integer
Dim iFreeFile As Integer
Dim sFTPUserID As String
Dim sFTPPassWord As String '
Dim sWorkingDirectory As String
Dim sFileToSend As String
Const FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME = "a file in FTP I want to get.ftp"
SendFtpFile_F = False
sWorkingDirectory = "C:\Users\...\Documents\"
sFileToSend = "test.txt" 'is this the file I want to put it into?
On Error GoTo FtpNECAFile_EH
'Kill FTP process file if it exists
If Dir(sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME) <> "" Then
Kill sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME
End If
'Create FTP process file
iFreeFile = FreeFile
Open sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME For Output As #iFreeFile
Print #iFreeFile, "open " & FTP_ADDRESS
Print #iFreeFile, FTP_USERID
Print #iFreeFile, FTP_PASSWORD
Print #iFreeFile, "mput " & sWorkingDirectory & sFileToSend
Print #iFreeFile, "quit"
Close #iFreeFile
'Shell command the FTP file to the server
Shell "ftp -i -w:20480 -s:" & sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME
SendFtpFile_F = True
MsgBox "Err", Err.Name
Exit Function
End Function

Wrap full filepath in double quotes

I have a file which I need to FTP using VBA and I have figured most part of it except last one where I need to insert " in the file name but not able to do.
csvPath = "C:\Users\10613527\Desktop\test\"
sWorkingDirectory = csvPath
sFileToSend = "Price_Change_10-08-15 20-35-49.csv"
iFreeFile = FreeFile
Open sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME For Output As #iFreeFile
Print #iFreeFile, "open " & FTP_ADDRESS
Print #iFreeFile, FTP_USERID
Print #iFreeFile, FTP_PASSWORD
Print #iFreeFile, "ASCII"
Print #iFreeFile, "put " & sWorkingDirectory & sFileToSend
Print #iFreeFile, "dir"
Close #iFreeFile
'Shell command the FTP file to the server
Shell "ftp -i -w:20480 -s:" & sWorkingDirectory & FTP_BATCH_FILE_NAME
In the above code , I get the error that the file is not found.
The reason is that the file path and name is not in "", for example this code is writing another script file and executing that one.
So it needs to be
open ftp path
put "C:\Users\10613527\Desktop\test\Price_Change_10-08-15 20-35-49.csv"
and not
open ftp path
put C:\Users\10613527\Desktop\test\Price_Change_10-08-15 20-35-49.csv
Notice the " " in the PUT statement, I have no idea how to place them there.
Use "" to escape " in a vb string.
Print #iFreeFile, "put """ & sWorkingDirectory & sFileToSend & """"

VBA - creating .vbs and .bat to issue keystrokes to external program

I have created a vba script which creates two files. A .vbs file is used to open an external program and send a keystroke. This program is called via a .bat file. The external program (Mathcad) opens, but it won't carry out the later operations (sendkeys). How could I debug the .vbs file unless anyone can spot the error?
Public Sub Execute_Mathcad()
Dim ExportPath As String
Dim iFileNum As Long
Dim iFileNumvbs As Long
Dim wsActive As Worksheet
Dim sTempFileName As String
Dim sTempFileNamevbs As String
Set wsActive = ActiveSheet
'Create batch file
With wsActive
'create .vbs file for keystrokes (called in .bat file)
ExportPath = "C:\Temp\"
sTempFileNamevbs = ExportPath & Trim(.Name) & ".vbs"
iFileNumvbs = FreeFile
Open sTempFileNamevbs For Output As #iFileNumvbs
Print #iFileNumvbs, "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(" & Chr(34) & "WScript.Shell" & Chr(34) & ")"
Print #iFileNumvbs, "WshShell.Run(" & Chr(34) & "C:\Users\blah.xmcd" & Chr(34) & ")"
Print #iFileNumvbs, "WScript.Sleep 10000"
Print #iFileNumvbs, "WshShell.AppActivate"; Spc(1); "WshShell"
Print #iFileNumvbs, "WScript.Sleep 5000"
Print #iFileNumvbs, "WshShell.SendKeys"; Spc(1); """^{F9}"""
'create .bat file
sTempFileName = ExportPath & Trim(.Name) & ".bat"
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open sTempFileName For Output As #iFileNum
Print #iFileNum, "#Echo off"
Print #iFileNum, "wscript"; Spc(1); """C:\Temp\Results.vbs"""
End With
Close #iFileNum
Close #iFileNumvbs
'run batch file
retVal = Shell(sTempFileName, vbHide)
'this returns an error if sTempFileName is incorrect
If retVal = 0 Then
MsgBox "An Error Occured"
Close #FileNumber
End If
'exit Excel using VBA command
End Sub
Code corrected and now works. Thanks for everyone's input. I'm sure there is a neater solution but this does the job!

Excel vba ftp successful but no document on server?

I hope you can help me with some code here. I've created a module that creates a ftp command file and then a batch file to execute it.
I got this process from another StackOverflow post:
FTP a text file to a server using VBA in Excel
Some of the time test.txt shows up on server, most of the time it doesn't. However, ftp prompt always reports successful transfer.
Private Sub SendFileToServer()
Dim sCmdFile As String
Dim sBatFile As String
Dim vPath As String
Dim iFileNum As Integer
vPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
sCmdFile = vPath & "\" & "ftp" & "\" & "ftpCommand.txt"
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open sCmdFile For Output As iFileNum
Print #iFileNum, "open 555.555.555.55"
Print #iFileNum, "user username"
Print #iFileNum, "password"
Print #iFileNum, "hash"
Print #iFileNum, "ascii"
Print #iFileNum, "lcd " & vPath
Print #iFileNum, "cd dsi_Timesheets"
Print #iFileNum, "put " & vPath & "\" & "test.txt"
Print #1, "close"
Print #1, "quit"
Close #iFileNum
Shell "ftp -n -i -g -s:" & vPath & "\ftp" & "\ftpCommand.txt " & vFTPServ, vbNormalNoFocus
SetAttr vPath & "\ftp" & "\ftpCommand.txt", vbNormal
Kill vPath & "\ftp" & "\ftpCommand.txt"
End Sub
Figured out the problem: I'm viewing ftp server files using Filezilla. test.txt wasn't showing up on the ftp server because I was viewing a cached version. By refreshing the ftp directory in Filezilla every time code runs, text.txt is there.