#interface multiple inheritance? - objective-c

I am using Objective-C in my app and I have a question about multiple inheritance in #interface declarations.
Pretty much this is what my .h looks like now:
#import "cocos2d.h"
#interface UIViewController (Save)
- (void)saveImage:(UIImage*)image:(NSString*)imageName;
- (void)removeImage:(NSString*)fileName;
- (UIImage*)loadImage:(NSString*)imageName;
#interface CCLayer (Save)
- (UIImage*)loadImage:(NSString*)imageName;
- (BOOL)checkExists:(NSString*)thePath;
So as you can see, I have declared the loadImage method twice. I do not want to do this. This also means I have to have the same code in my .m twice for that method.
Is there any way to mix the UIViewController and CCLayer into 1 #interface so that I do not have to declare it multiple times?

ObjC has no multiple inheritance.
you do not want multiple definitions of the same SEL in the same class.
you could declare (and adopt) a protocol. then you would define the method (loadImage:) in the #interface which declared adoption. you can also declare it in a dummy category, then define loadImage: in another #implementation scope.
an alternative to this is composition -- basically, you would add a class or protocol instance variable to your class and let it perform the work. if this is pubic interface, then you could also provide an accessor to it, or you could wrap it as needed. this is worth consideration if your 50 methods per #interface may be logically subdivided.


Objective-C #interface and #implementation clarification

I'm still fairly new to Objective-C but I'd love to learn more about how it should be done.
I'm building a simple cheat sheet that I'd like to print and put on my office wall as a reminder.
Here's what I have so far:
// Headers (.h)
// Shows what's available to other classes
#interface ExampleViewController : UIViewController
// Declare public methods, ivars &
// properties that are synthesized.
// Implementation (.m)
// Defines the content of the class
#interface ExampleViewController ()
// Class extension allowing to declare
// private methods, ivars & properties that are synthesized.
#implementation ExampleViewController
// Private Properties
// Method definitions
One thing I don't understand is why have both #interface and #implementation inside the implementation .m file?
I get that we can declare private stuff but why not simply throw them in #implementation like:
#implementation ExampleViewController
UIView *view; // private property
- (void)...more code
#1 - Why should I ever use #interface from within my implementation .m file?
#2 - For header .h, why should I ever use #class more than #import?
#import actually gets the whole definition and #class tells the compiler that the symbol is a class. So I just don't see why I should ever use #class?
#3 - Otherwise, is there anything I should be adding somewhere in my .h or .m cheat sheet?
That's not a problem-related question but a more wiki-esque question so we everybody can look it up and completely and quickly understand those concepts as they are very hard to grasp for any newcomer.
Why should I ever use #interface from within my implementation .m file?
Because it's better to clearly separate public and private parts of the class.
For header .h, why should I ever use #class more than #import?
When forward-declaring classes for use in protocols. Like this:
#class Foo;
#protocol FooDelegate
// this wouldn't compile without a forward declaration of `Foo'
- (void)fooDidFinishAction:(Foo *)f;
Otherwise, is there anything I should be adding somewhere in my .h or .m cheat sheet?
That's way too general to be answered in one post.
1 - Why should I ever use #interface from within my implementation .m file?
When you do not intend to expose that interface to any other component. That's certainly the case for private class extensions but may also apply for something like a test which doesn't need a .h file at all because while it does define a class it does not need to expose an interface for any other component to use.
2 - For header .h, why should I ever use #class more than #import?
Invert your question; why should I ever use #import rather than #class?
#class informs the compiler that a class definition of that name will exist to be linked but says nothing about it's interface.
#import makes the class' interface available to you.
A forward declaration requires less work and can allow for faster builds. It is also not always possible to #import a class at all times (as in circular references like #H2CO3's protocol example). If all you need to know is that a class exists then just use the forward declaration. When you actually need to interact with its specific interface (usually in your class' implementation) then you need to #import.
3 - Otherwise, is there anything I should be adding somewhere in my .h or .m cheat sheet?
Unless you intend to actually expose ivars as a public interface (almost certainly not the case) leave them out of your .h and expose only properties instead.
Keep your public interface as simple as possible. Try not to reveal implementation details. However keep it informative enough that users of the class can verify its behavior using that public interface. (I find test driving the design of the class using only it's public interface a good tool for striking this balance.)
Imports and forward declarations expose dependencies. Keep them to the minimum you actually need so that you can understand what the class in question actually depends on.
Delegate protocols and block types are a common part of a class' interface but not part of the #interface. Include them in the .h if they are needed by other classes (e.g. to register callbacks).

How to send a message from an instance method to a object of another class

I tried to search for an answer about this (simple) question but nothing seems to work well, even books are not so specific (atleast the books I've read), or probably I'm simply missing something important, since I'm a little bit confused I've decided to try here.
Here's the question:
Say that I have a ClassA which contains one or many instance variables.
Then I have a ClassB which contains an Instance Method that modify ClassA variable (is this possible right?) the classes have NOT inheritance from each other, both inherits from NSObject
Then I want to call the method of the ClassB over the ClassA object on the UIViewController. I believe I need a reference between classes but i'm not sure on how to set them to make them works. Imagine I have a Paper which contains writes or numbers (in this case numbers) and a class erase to modify it's variable and erase numbers (for example by subtracting).
here's some code:
#interface Paper : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) int numbers;
#import "Paper.h"
#implementation Paper
#synthesize numbers;
and Eraser.h
#interface Eraser : NSObject
#import "Eraser.h"
#implementation Eraser
-(void)eraseMethod {
//here I want to make a subtraction of the ivar declared in Paper
and finally I'm trying to call it on the UIViewController like so
[paperObject eraseMethod];
I tried by declaring #class in each files as I've read somewhere but this won't help in any way... I hope this is clear as question
Ivars are just storage slots and they are private to the class when without specifying access conditions.You can use property for the purpose of accessing from another class. more info here
in order to achive what you speak of,make the method a class method
see here
#import "Eraser.h"
#implementation Eraser
+(void)eraseMethod {
//here I want to make a subtraction of the ivar declared in Paper
thus you can achieve the method in your VC.

Why is there #interface above #implementation?

I am wondering why there is twice #interface. One in class.h and other in class.m. For example:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface TestTableViewController : UITableViewController
and (automatically generated) class.m i find:
#import "TestTableViewController.h"
#interface TestTableViewController ()
#implementation TestTableViewController
... methods delegated from UITable delegates
So my question is, what the #interface TestTableViewController () in the .m file is about. Why it is there? Do I need it?
Thanks in advance
The second #interface directive is in the implementation file (.m) -- you can infer from it that it's meant for declaring stuff that the creator of the class didn't want to expose to the user of the class. This usually means private and/or internal methods and properties. Also note that there are two types of doing this. The one (which you see here) is called a "class extension" and it's denoted by an empty pair of parentheses:
#interface MyClass ()
This one is particularily important because you can use this to add additional instance variables to your class.
The second one, called a "category", is indicated by a non-empty pair of parentheses, enclosing the name of the category, like this:
#interface MyClass (CategoryName)
and it's also used to extend the class. You can't add instance variables to a class using categories, but you can have multiple categories for the same class, that's the reason why it's mainly used to extend system/framework classes for which you don't have the source code -- so a category, in this sense, is the exact opposite of the class extension.
The second "interface" defines an extension for the "TestTableViewController" class, which is not visible to someone who only imports the h file. This is the de-facto way for creating private methods in objective C.
In there you can declare private methods and properties that you only want to use in your class, but not expose to other classes.
The interface in the TestTableViewController.h file is the declaration of a class extension. There are 2 round brackets that show this. The syntax is the same as for writing a category for a class. But in this case it's used to declare some sort of private methods the author does not want to expose in the header file
A normal category interface looks like this:
#interface TestTableViewController (Your_Category_Name)
- (void)doSomething;
And the corresponding implementation:
#implementation TestTableViewController (Your_Category_Name)
-(void)doSomething {
// Does something...
In your example there is no category name specified, so it just extends the class and you can implement the method in the normal implementation.
Normally this technique is used to "hide" methods. They are not declared in the header file and are not visible if you only import the .h file.

what does #class do in iOS 4 development?

Is there any difference in doing
#class MyViewController;
rather than doing the normal import of the .h into the appdelegate.h
#import "MyViewController.h"
I've seen some example recently that use the #class way and wondered if there any differences.
There is a big difference.
#class MyViewController;
Is a forward declaration for the object MyViewController. It is used when you just need to tell the compiler about an object type but have no need to include the header file.
If however you need to create an object of this type and invoke methods on it, you will need to:
#import "MyViewController.h"
But normally this is done in the .m file.
An additional use of forward declarations is when you define a #protocol in the same header file as an object that uses it.
#protocol MyProtocolDelegate; //forward declaration
#interface MyObject {
id<MyProtocolDelegate> delegate;
#protocol MyProtocolDelegate
... //protocol definition
In the above example the compiler needs to know that the #protocol MyProtocolDelegate is valid before it can compile the MyObject object.
Simply moving the protocol definition above MyObject definition would also work.
#class allows you to declare that a symbol is an Objective-c class name without the need to #import the header file that defines the class.
You would use this where you only need the class name defined for the purposes of declaring a pointer to the class or a method parameter of the class, and you do not need to access any methods, fields, or properties in the class.
It saves a minuscule amount of compile time vs the #import, and it sometimes helps avoid messy include circularity issues.
[And, as rjstelling points out, it's sometimes useful where you have interleaved declarations and you need to "forward declare" something.]

Anonymous Category or "private" Category are they same?

Style-wise (and functionally, if there is any difference), for declaring private methods, which of these is better?
#interface MyClass()
#interface MyClass(private)
The two syntaxes serve different purposes.
A named category -- #interface Foo(FooCategory) -- is generally used to:
(1) extend an existing class by adding functionality. Example: NSAttributedString in Foundation is extended by a category in AppKit that adds AppKit specific RTF-like text formatting API.
(2) declare a set of methods that might or might not be implemented by a delegate. Example: Various classes declare -- but don't implement -- #interface NSObject(SetODelegateMethods).
Form (2) has fallen out of favor now that #protocol has been extended to support #optional methods in Objective-C 2.0.
A class extension -- #interface Foo() -- is designed to allow you to declare additional private API -- SPI or System Programming Interface -- that is used to implement the class innards. This typically appears at the top of the .m file. Any methods / properties declared in the class extension must be implemented in the #implementation, just like the methods/properties found in the public #interface.
Class extensions can also be used to redeclare a publicly readonly #property as readwrite prior to #synthesize'ing the accessors.
#interface Foo:NSObject
#property(readonly, copy) NSString *bar;
-(void) publicSaucing;
#interface Foo()
#property(readwrite, copy) NSString *bar;
- (void) superSecretInternalSaucing;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize bar;
.... must implement the two methods or compiler will warn ....
there are the following differences.
1) Using anonymous categories requires implementing its methods in the main #implementation block for the corresponding class; anonymous categories allow you to declare additional required API for a class in locations other than within the primary class #interface block
2) When using MyClass(private), the following must be taken into account: object/category named pairs must be unique. If you declare a private category on your own class, then there are no problems. However, things are different on existing classes. For instance, only one NSString (Private) category can exist in a given Objective-C namespace. This can lead to problems because the Objective-C namespace is shared between the program code and all the libraries,frameworks,and plug-ins.This is especially important for Objective-C programmers writing screensavers,preference panes, and other plug-ins because their code will be injected into application or framework code that they do not control.