how do dispatch queues work - objective-c

Im a bit confused here, Im using queues and I got to a point where Im a bit lost.
I have a method named getPeople who has to fetch pictures of users from the server. In order not to block the app I used this:
dispatch_queue_t getPeopleQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Pinta Ocupantes", NULL);
dispatch_async(getPeopleQueue, ^{
[self getPeople];
The previous code is executed everytime the user taps a button. Something like "Give me pics from this album" and then another tap "Now I want people's pictures from that other album", diferent pics and different amount of pictures. If the user taps the buttons quite fast, the first queue wont finish fetching the data when the second one is already starting. With in getPeople I store the data in an NSMutableArray, so when the 2 queues are executing at the same time both are writing on the same Array and the app crashes due to out of bounds exception.
The way getPeople goes through the data is something like this:
-(void)getPeople:(NSDictionary *)peopleDictionary{
//I receive an NSDictionary and I go through it
NSArray *keys = [peopleDictionary allKeys];
int indexOfArray = 0;
for(NSString *key in keys){
//Complex operation that are not important
[peopleInArray insertObjetAtIndex:indexOfArray];//People in array is a global variable
What I can't figure out is how to get out of this, I thought of stopping the first queue when the second one comes in, but GCD doesnt have this option... any other way to get this done, hopefully without a major recoding, anyway right now Im out of ideas, so any clue will help.

I would suggest that you avoid synchronizing with semaphores, if possible. The design of GCD is to avoid that. A background task should prepare data but not touch outside state. When the data is prepared, it should dispatch the updating of outside state to either a serial queue or, if the state is bound to the GUI, to the main queue.
So, something like this:
-(void)getPeople:(NSDictionary *)peopleDictionary{
//I receive an NSDictionary and I go through it
NSArray *keys = [peopleDictionary allKeys];
for(NSString *key in keys){
//Complex operation that are not important
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[peopleInArray addObject:<whatever>];
If you rather want to replace the array, instead of having two threads adding to it in interleaved fashion, you'd accumulate the whole array in the background and dispatch setting the entirety of peopleInArray to the main queue.
If you want cancellation, you can implement it yourself with a flag, or you should maybe consider using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue instead of GCD. Those have a concept of cancellation built in, although your custom operations still need to check if they've been cancelled and stop working.

You are right, there is no way to stop a queue which was dispatched. One thing you could do to make sure that only one queue is accessing getPeople at the same time is using semaphores (this might be even more interesting).
If you just want to avoid that the users clicks the button multiple times you could use a bool variable stillExecuting which is set to YES in your asynchronous dispatch and set to NO at the end of getPeople. Before creating getPeopleQueue you simply check if getPeople is still executing.
if(!stillExecuting) {
dispatch_queue_t getPeopleQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Pinta Ocupantes", NULL);
dispatch_async(getPeopleQueue, ^{
[self getPeople];

NSString *lastLoginTime =#" Your last login time";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
NSDate* date1 = [dateFormat lastLoginTime];
NSDate* date2 = [dateFormat dateFromString:[NSString currentDateTime]];
NSTimeInterval secondsSinceLastLogin = [date2 timeIntervalSinceDate:date1];
// NSLog(#"Seconds Since Last Login: %g", secondsSinceLastLogin);
int hours = (int)secondsSinceLastLogin / 3600;


NSString gets corrupted, changes to NSPrincipalClass

I have an NSDragOperation that gets a property lists path upon the user dragging it into the window. That seems to work just fine, and I can save the path information to an NSString:
NString *thisPath = draggedFilePath;
NSLog(#" %#",thisPath);
output: 2014-02-09 09:19:46.072 app[5944:303] /Users/Me/Desktop/file.plist
The problem starts when I go into a dispatch queue. When I try and read the NSString from inside the background queue the output becomes NSPrincipalClass. Does anyone know why this is happening, or if I'm supposed to convert the NSString to some other format before entering dispatch_queue_t?
dispatch_queue_t backgroundQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, ^{
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSLog(#" %#",thisPath);
output: 2014-02-09 09:19:56.234 app[5944:12203] NSPrincipalClass
EDIT: the output of the string using NSLog inside dispatch queue turns up random symbols, and also crashes. The last output was <__NSMallocBlock__: 0x55a860> - I have other strings that seem to be just fine within the same function, so I really don't know what is causing this.
one of three things is happening...
it is being deallocated, and a new object is being allocated in its place... you can try zombies...
it is getting assigned to a garbage value ie. draggedFilePath isn't ever initialized to zero, and isn't set to a good value.
your stack is getting smashed and it just happens to be there when it crashes... this is the hardest to find.
you are going to have to turn on zombies, the exception breakpoint and just step through it in the debugger... if that fails you get to either run in instruments with the malloc tool or turn on malloc history logging.
Does it work if you prefix the declaration of thisPath with `__block'? Like this:
__block NString *thisPath = draggedFilePath;

my dispatch_async on q1, that calls a UI object on main queue, which adds a callback on q1, crashes

It sounds confusing but it looks like this
AVPlayer *capturedPlayer = _player;
dispatch_async(_subtitlesQueue, ^{
// Parse the requested subtitle track and create a subtitle time observer
subripString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
subripEntries = [SubRipParser parse:subripString];
if (!subripEntries.count)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
_subtitlesTimeObserver = [capturedPlayer addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:CMTimeMake(1, 5)
usingBlock:^(CMTime time){}];
The above piece of code is called when a button is clicked. It crashes. I'm new to GCD and the whole queue thing so perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but shouldn't the above work?
If I change the call on the main queue to a synchronous then it works. The crash happens from the subtitleQueue on a call to AVPlayer's makePeriodicCall (or the like).
The async call also works if I add the periodic time observer to the main queue instead of custom serial queue. However, the docs say that adding on a different queue should be ok.
Question 2)
And while I'm here, I also have a question about the part that "captures" the AVPlayer. Is capturing the variable like that safe enough or do I have to use __weak and make sure it's not NULL within the block? My situation is such that the controller that contains the AVPlayer is a singleton, so it exists throughout the lifetime of the application. I think this makes not using the __weak modifier ok. Am I correct in thinking this?
Cheers, and thanks for any help!
The exception is a EXC_BAD_ACCESS code 2, so something which shouldn't be accessed is. It happens on a separate thread that is running the _subtitlesQueue. And it happens on a call to [AVPlayerPeriodicCaller _effectiveRateChanged]
I also printed out the values for the capturedPlayer and _subtitlesQueue (pointer values) before the outer dispatch_async is called on the _subtitlesQueue, before the inner dispatch_async is called on the main queue and inside the dispatch_async on the main queue before the addPeriodicTimeObserver is called. They are all the same.
If I add a synchronized block around the periodic time observer creation on the subtitleQueue then things work...
#synchronized(_subtitlesQueue) {
_subtitlesTimeObserver = [capturedPlayer addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:CMTimeMake(1, 5)
There seems to be a bug that causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS in -[AVPlayerPeriodicCaller _effectiveRateChanged] when you add a periodic observer to a playing AVPlayer. The workaround that I'm using is:
BOOL playing = player.rate > 0.0f;
if (playing)
[player pause];
[player addPeriodicTimeObserverForTimeInterval:myTime queue:mySerialQueue usingBlock:myBlock];
if (playing)
[player play];
As you pointed out, another workaround is to pass NULL instead of a serial queue, since that has the effect of enqueueing the blocks on the main thread dispatch queue.

In for Loop, inside GCD, pause, get input, continue

I want to know if there was a way to break away from gcd, show in input alert view and then return to the process? THis was my normal routine:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSIndexPath * ip in [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows]){
[array addObject:[CompanyObjectsArray objectAtIndex:ip.row]];
//I need to check for a an Object here, if present get input from User.
[self addCompaniesOrCreate:[NSArray arrayWithArray:array]];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[MBProgressHUD hideHUDForView:self.view animated:YES];
I add all objects into core data like that,
But I had a need where'd if a company is "Appl3" , i should get an input from the User, and if i get it, continue and loop with the rest, or else skip the current "Appl3" company.
Is there a way i could do this efficiently, while in the for() loop, pause, get input, continue the for() loop.
thanks for the help guys :)
There is no such way I am aware of. The usual pattern would be to write your own method that takes a block as a completion handler. So basically you pass back to the main thread the block that you want to run when you've got your user input you wanted.
Best regards,

iPhone SDK: How to know when background task has completed?

We are trying to get a background task working for the purpose of including an activity indicator in a workhouse screen. From our understanding, this requires one to create a background thread to run it on. I also understand that no GUI updates can be performed on the background thread.
Given that, here is the general pattern of what needs to happen.
a.) Pre-validate fields. Make sure user did not enter any invalid data
b.) Setup background task.
c.) Process results from background task
This is what it looks like in code so far:
//validate fields
[self validateFields];
/* Operation Queue init (autorelease) */
NSOperationQueue *queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
/* Create our NSInvocationOperation to call loadDataWithOperation, passing in nil */
NSInvocationOperation *operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self
/* Add the operation to the queue */
[queue addOperation:operation];
[operation release];
//TO DO: Add any post processing code here, BUT how do we know when it is done???
ConfirmationViewController *otherVC;
//show confirm
//if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
// otherVC = [[ConfirmationViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ConfirmationViewPad" bundle:nil];
otherVC = [[ConfirmationViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ConfirmationView" bundle:nil];
//TO DO: Let's put this in a struct
otherVC.strConfirmation = strResponse;
otherVC.strCardType = strCardType;
otherVC.strCardNumber = txtCardNumber.text;
otherVC.strExpires = txtExpires.text;
otherVC.strCustomerEmail = txtEmail.text;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:otherVC animated:YES];
[otherVC release];
otherVC = nil;
So far, that works pretty well except that we don't yet have a way to know when the background task is complete. Only when it is complete, can we process the results of the background task. Right now, it doesn't work because there is not synchronization to the two. How to solve?
One other thing, noticed that a spinner is now displayed in the status bar. That is a good thing but it doesn't seem to be going away after the background task has completed? What to do?
Thanks in advance.
Your options are, briefly:
key value observe the 'operationCount' property on NSOperationQueue and wait for it to reach 0 (or, equivalently, the 'operations' property and check the count)
have your operations fire off a little notification that they're done (probably on the main thread with performSelectorOnMainThread:...) and wait until the correct number of notifications have been received.
[EDIT: I see you've asked specifically about the old SDK 3.0. In that case, observe operations and check count because the operationCount property postdates SDK 3.0]
There's no automatic system for starting and stopping a spinner in the general case. You'll have to talk to it yourself. However, a neat thing about a spinner is that it continues spinning even if the main thread is blocked, so if you're thread hopping just for that purpose then you don't actually need to.
A spinner appears in the status bar to show data fetches, I believe. If it continues spinning then you still have URL requests ongoing, whether or not you're actually waiting for the results.

NSFetchedResultsController predicate is a little too real time...?

So I've got an NSFetchedResultsController that I activate on ViewDidLoad with the managedobjectcontext that has been passed on from the appdelegate on load.
I put a predicate on some field let's call it "sectionNumber" and say it needs to equal 1 in my predicate.
NSFetchResultsController works fine until I add a new object to the MOContext...
I use MyMO *newObj = [NSEntityDescription insertnewentity]...
start filling the different fields
[newobj setName:#"me"];
[newobj setAge:12];
Once I put [newobj setSectionNumber:1] - it finds it at that very instant and causes the app to crash with different weird errors that all lead to EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
All of this happens on the MAIN THREAD.
Any ideas why? How could one get around that?
It only happens when I use my saveMOC method which is called at the end of an NSXMLParser specific thread I spawned off. The saveMOC is called on a successful parse with the [self performSelectorOnMainThread].... If i just added the extra managedobject via ViewDidLoad (just to check weather this is related somehow to to threading) the problem does NOT occur.
So it's obviously something with the new thread even tho the selector should have been run on the main thread.
This is my spawned thread for the XML Parser:
-(void)getAndParseXML {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
DLog(#"Online storage");
NSXMLParser *parser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:theUrl];
XMLTranslator *translator = [[XMLTranslator alloc] init];
[parser setDelegate:translator];
if ([parser parse]) {
//success call MOC change routine on main thread
DLog(#"success parsing");
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(saveMOC:) withObject:translator waitUntilDone:NO];
} else {
DLog(#"error: %#",[parser parserError]);
[parser setDelegate:nil];
[parser release];
DLog(#"XML parsing completed");
[pool release];
Then this is my saveMOC:
-(void)saveMOC:(XMLTranslator*)translator {
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
for (NSDictionary *dict in [translator retrievedData]) {
APost *newPost = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"APost"
//parse time into NSDate
[newPost setTime:[formatter dateFromString:[dict objectForKey:#"time"]]];
//author, category, description
[newPost setAuthor:[dict objectForKey:#"author"]];
[newPost setCategory:[dict objectForKey:#"category"]];
[newPost setContent:[dict objectForKey:#"description"]];
//create a post id so that the validation will be alright
[newPost setPostid:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[dict objectForKey:#"postid"] integerValue]]];
[newPost setSectionDesignator:sectionDesignator];
This saveMoc method continues and has a [managedobjectcontext save:&error] and more... but it's not relevan to our case as my method crashes I've discovered thru commenting one line after another at the point where I set the sectionDesignator since it equals to the current predicate in my NSFetchedResultsController.
The problem is most likely in the NSFetchedResultsController delegate methods or the lack thereof.
When you add a new object to any context and then save the context, that changes the persistent store which triggers the FRC on any thread to begin an update of the tableview. All the index paths change, especially if you set a value for an attribute used as a sectionNameKeyPath. If the table ask for a cell during the update, it will cause a crash because the table can ask for a cell at a index path rendered invalid by the insertion of the new managed object.
You need to make sure you implement the FRC's delegate methods and that you send the table a beginUpdate message to freeze it while the FRC changes all its index paths.
I am sorry to admit that the problem this whole time was releasing an array that held the sort descriptors in the fetch request that was used within the FRC.
Looking at alot of examples I released that array tho unlike the examples I created my array with [NSArray arrayWithObject:.............];
So there was an overrelease each time the fetch request was accessed more than once.
Feel free to close this. Thank you everybody for your help. I discovered this when peter wrote to look at the whole stack and not just one frame.
I have further analyzed the problem and have realized it occurs inside the loop.
I have further understood that it only happens when I have more than one object, meaning that one FRC takes over after an object insertion into MOC and tries to come back to the for loop, it tries to access an object or a reference that's not there. I haven't found what object causes it and how to retain it properly.
Any suggestions?
Consider the following:
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
APost *thePost = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"HWBPost" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
[thePost setCategory:#"CAAA"];
[thePost setContent:#"SSSSSS"];
[thePost setSectionDesignator:sectionDesignator];
If I change the for loop to i<1 meaning it only runs once, the app does NOT crash. As soon as it is more than one object insertion the app crashes.