I am running a program in windows forms visual basic and im trying to make multiple counters
Here is my code:
If txtAnswer.Text = nMathSum Then
nCount = nCount + 1
lblCorrect.Text = nCount
ElseIf txtAnswer.Text <> nMathSum Then
nIount = nIount + 1
lblIncorrect.Text = nIount
End If
If txtAnswer.Text = nMathDiff Then
nCount = nCount + 1
lblCorrect.Text = nCount
ElseIf txtAnswer.Text <> nMathDiff Then
nIcount = nIcount + 1
lblIncorrect.Text = nIout
End If
It suppose to count how many times i answered correctly and incorrectly
The Counter for the Sum is working fine but the counter for the difference has a problem.
When i input the correct answer it goes to the incorrect label.
You have a misspelling of nIount as nIcount in the seconf Elseif
Also as nIout in the last line. Correct it as:
ElseIf txtAnswer.Text <> nMathDiff Then
nIount = nIount + 1
lblIncorrect.Text = nIount
End If
This is assuming the first appearance (nIount) is the correct spelling.
It's very unlikely that txtAnswer will match both the sum and the difference. So, in your code, you will always have at least one of them incorrect.
Do you have some way of knowing if txtAnswer is supposed to match the sum or difference -- if so, check that before checking the answer.
EDIT (to explain what I mean): Something like
If operation = "+" Then
If txtAnswer.Text = nMathSum Then
nCount = nCount + 1
lblCorrect.Text = nCount
ElseIf txtAnswer.Text <> nMathSum Then
nIcount = nIcount + 1 ' corrected this line to use nIcount
lblIncorrect.Text = nIcount ' corrected this line to use nIcount
End If
If txtAnswer.Text = nMathDiff Then
nCount = nCount + 1
lblCorrect.Text = nCount
ElseIf txtAnswer.Text <> nMathDiff Then
nIcount = nIcount + 1
lblIncorrect.Text = nIcount ' corrected this line too
End If
End If
Where operation is a variable that is set to "+" or "-" depending on whether the user is supposed to provide a sum or difference.
I'm creating a Diabetes management algorithm, and I'm trying to find a way for the user's entered time blocks to be maintained at 4 digits
I've been searching on google, but all I have been able to find is how to check the length of a variable, which I already know how to do.
Sub timeBlocks()
Dim file As String = "C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\meterCodeMaybe\TIMEBLOCKS.txt"
Dim blockNum As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Please be sure to enter times as a 24 hour value, rather than 12 hour, otherwise the input will not be handled.")
Console.Write("Please enter the amount of time blocks you require for your day: ")
blockNum = Console.ReadLine()
Dim timeA(blockNum - 1) As Integer
Dim timeB(blockNum - 1) As Integer
Dim sensitivity(blockNum - 1) As Integer
Dim ratio(blockNum - 1) As Integer
For i = 0 To (blockNum - 1)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the start time of your time block")
timeA(i) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the end time of your time block")
timeB(i) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ratio for this time block (Enter the amount of carbs that go into 1 unit of insulin)")
ratio(i) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the insulin sensitivity for this time block
(amount of blood glucose (mmol/L) that is reduced by 1 unit of insulin.)")
sensitivity(i) = Console.ReadLine()
FileOpen(1, file, OpenMode.Append)
PrintLine(1, Convert.ToString(timeA(i)) + "-" + Convert.ToString(timeB(i)) + " 1:" + Convert.ToString(ratio(i)) + " Insulin Sensitivity:" + Convert.ToString(sensitivity(i)) + " per mmol/L")
End Sub
Basically, I want the user to be able to enter a 4 digit number for their time block, to match a 24 hr time, so if they enter 0000, it is displayed as this, however, it removes all previous 0's and sets it to just 0.
Perhaps pad the number with 4 leading 0's:
Right(String(digits, "0") & timeA(i), 4)
Or as an alternative, store the value as a string so that it can be printed out in its original form.
I have written a Function to get a 24 hours format time from user, I hope it would help:
Public Function Read24HFormatTime() As String
Dim str As String = String.Empty
While True
Dim c As Char = Console.ReadKey(True).KeyChar
If c = vbCr Then Exit While
If c = vbBack Then
If str <> "" Then
str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1)
Console.Write(vbBack & " " & vbBack)
End If
ElseIf str.Length < 5 Then
If Char.IsDigit(c) OrElse c = ":" Then
If str.Length = 0 Then
' allow 0, 1 or 2 only
If c = "0" OrElse c = "1" OrElse c = "2" Then
str += c
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 1 Then
If str = "0" Then
'allow 1 to 9
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 1 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 9 Then
str += c
End If
End If
ElseIf str = "1" Then
'allow 0 to 9
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 9 Then
str += c
End If
End If
ElseIf str = "2" Then
'allow 0 to 4
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 4 Then
str += c
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 2 Then
'allow ":" only
If c = ":" Then
str += c
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 3 Then
If str = "24:" Then
'allow 0 only
If c = "0" Then
str += c
End If
'allow 0 to 5
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 5 Then
str += c
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 4 Then
If str.Substring(0, 3) = "24:" Then
'allow 0 only
If c = "0" Then
str += c
End If
'allow 0 to 9
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 9 Then
str += c
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End While
Return str
End Function
The user can only enter time like 23:59 08:15 13:10 and he couldn't enter formats like 35:10 90:00 25:13 10:61
This is a sample code to show you how to use it:
Dim myTime = DateTime.Parse(Read24HFormatTime())
Dim name = "Emplyee"
Console.WriteLine($"{vbCrLf}Hello, {name}, at {myTime:t}")
I have an Excel file that contains some datas that I want to export into an Access db. In the C column I've got a field called 'Description'. Usually this field occupy just one cell, but it can happens that is more long.
In this case, for example, AP.01 has got 5 rows of description. How can update the first row with the next rows?
Public Sub updateDB(ByVal PathDB As String, str As String, id As Integer)
Dim db As New cDB
Dim v As New cVoce
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset = db.RecordSet
v.Description = str
db.get_rs("UPDATE Voice SET Description = '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'")
End Sub
Public Function get_rs(ByVal query As String) As ADODB.Recordset
If db Is Nothing Then rs = Nothing : Return rs
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic
rs.LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic
rs.Open(query, db)
Return rs
End Function
This code doesn't work because I update my current row, for this reason is useless the UPDATE instruction. How can I fix my code?
EDIT I post here the For loop
For r = 2 To grid.RowCount - 1
vett = Split(grid(r, 1).Text)
total = UBound(Split(grid(r, 1).Text, "."))
If grid(r, 1).Text <> "" Then
Select Case total
Case 0
Dim chapter As New cChapter
flag = 1
id = id + 1
chapter.Cod = grid(r, 1).Text.Substring(0, 1)
chapter.Description = grid(r, 3).Text
If Left(vett(0), 1) >= Chr(65) And Left(vett(0), 1) <= Chr(90) Then
chapter.Cod = Left(vett(0), 1)
oldChap = chap.Cod
If chapter.Cod <> oldCap Then
End If
End If
stringChap = chap.Description
Dim par As New cParagraph
If Left(vett(0), 2) >= Chr(65) And Left(vett(0), 2) <= Chr(90) Then
par.Cod = Left(vett(0), 2)
par.Cod_Chapter = Left(vett(0), 1)
oldPar = par.Cod
If par.Cod <> oldPar Then
End If
End If
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
par.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
par.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
End If
stringPar = par.Description
Case 1
flag = 2
id = id + 1
c_Voc = voc.Cod_Chapter
p_Voc = voc.Cod_Paragraph
voc.Cod_Chapter = grid(r, 1).Text.Substring(0, 1)
voc.Cod_Paragraph = grid(r, 1).Text.Split(".")(0)
voc.Cod_Voice = Right(vett(0), 2)
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
voc.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
voc.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
If voc.Description.EndsWith("-") Then
a = Replace(voc.Description, "-", "")
voc.Description = a
End If
End If
stringVoice = voc.Description
Case 2
flag = 3
id = id + 1
sVoice = New cVoice
oldSvoice = voice.Cod_SVoice
sVoice.Cod_SVoice = Left(vett(0), 2)
If sVoice.Cod_SVoce <> oldSvoice Then
End If
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
sVoice.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
sVoice.Description = grid(r, 3).Text
End If
stringSvoice = sVoice.Description
sVoice.Cod_Voce = Left(vett(0), 5)
sVoice.Price1 = grid(r, 12).Text
sVoice.Price2 = sVoice.Price1
sVoice.UniMi = grid(r, 11).Text
sVoce.Sep = "."
End Select
If flag = 1 Then
stringChap = grid(r, 3).Text
chap.Description = stringChap & grid(r, 3).Text
stringPar = grid(r, 3).Text
paragraph.Description = stringPar & grid(r, 3).Text
End If
If flag = 2 Then
stringVoice = grid(r, 3).Text
voc.Description = voc.Description & stringVoice
voices.updateDB(dbDest, stringVoice, id)
End If
If flag = 3 Then
stringSvoice = grid(r, 3).Text
sVoice.Description = stringSvoice & grid(r, 3).Text
End If
End If
EDIT2 I declared id As Integer and when Code column has a value then id=id+1. In this way I always know which row I have to modify. I modified also updateDB (now I'm using 3 parameters) and I added a WHERE condition into my query. Despite the update, nothing has changed
In database you cannot store records without PrimaryKey (actually you can, but it is bad idea). Since in your solution id is in fact Excel row number (sorry if I'm not correct but it looks like from code) it could be very hard to maintain it in future (in case someone add or remove description row). It would be better to change id column to text and use code as PK.
Storing description then could be solved in 2 ways:
1) Concatenate all rows containing description into 1 variable adding vbNewLine in between and store it in description field.
2) More relational but also more complex - create 2nd table for description with PK as i.e. autonumber, ForeignKey Code referring to main table. Maintenance will be here very complex. Not really worth effort.
Amount of changes in code is quite big, so sorry I'll not provide fixed code but I hope idea is clear.
BTW: The reason why description is not updated is described in your post. You are increasing id only when code is present, so every description field from first group have id = 1. The most simple fix in your code would be to create 2 update statements - One for rows with code
UPDATE Voice SET Description = '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'
Second one for rows without code:
UPDATE Voice SET Description = Description + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'
Essentially, the purpose of this program is for revision. The program will generate a random mathematical expression, convert this into a visual representation of a binary tree and the user will have to traverse the binary tree. However, when I run this code, the initial node is far off centre. How would I go about re-positioning the binary tree to be in the middle of the PictureBox? Here is my code:
Public Class BTT
Dim nodes(7) As Object
'maybe try to alter the form so that the user can only get two incorrect answers'
Dim operators(6) As String
Dim actualAnswer As String = ""
Dim ogEquation(11) As String
Dim newLabel As String = "" 'used to store the equation to be stored in the label'
Dim userAnswer As String
Dim myTime As Double
Dim traversal(3) As String
Dim selectedTraversal As String
Dim treeCounter As Integer = 0
Dim draw As Boolean = False
Structure tree
Dim name As String
Dim left As Integer
Dim right As Integer
End Structure
Dim TreeNode(7) As tree
Dim scoreValue As Integer = 0 'stores the user's score for the game just completed'
Dim updating As Boolean = False 'if there are already 10 scores, the first one will need to be removed, so updating = true'
Class node
Public lineColour As Color
Public lineWidth As Integer
Public posX As Integer
Public posY As Integer
Public radius As Integer
Public Sub draw(e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim myPen As New Pen(Me.lineColour, Me.lineWidth)
e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(myPen, Me.posX, Me.posY, Me.radius, Me.radius)
End Sub
End Class
Sub DrawTree()
'these are the coordinates of the top left of the PictureBox
Dim leftX As Integer = 171
Dim rightX As Integer = 171 + PictureBox1.Width 'will be set to the edge of the picturebox
Dim topY As Integer = 138
Dim bottomY As Integer = 138 + PictureBox1.Height 'will be that number of pixels down, WILL NEVER CHANGE
Dim currentNode As Integer = 1 'will initially be the root node
For i = 1 To treeCounter 'loops based on the number of nodes in the array'
'assigns the basic information common to all of the nodes
nodes(i) = New node
nodes(i).radius = 70
nodes(i).lineWidth = 2
nodes(i).lineColour = Color.Black
'need to go through the binary tree and determine x & y positions, with labels inside the ellipses
ConstructTree(currentNode, leftX, rightX, topY, bottomY)
draw = True
End Sub
Sub ConstructTree(ByRef currentNode As Integer, ByRef leftX As Integer, ByRef rightX As Integer, ByRef topY As Integer, ByRef bottomY As Integer)
'e.g. Dim test As New Label
nodes(currentNode).posX = (leftX + rightX) / 2 'gets average of x coordinates'
nodes(currentNode).posY = topY + ((bottomY - topY) * (1 / 3)) 'gets number of pixels down between bottom of form & last node, goes a third of the way down
If TreeNode(currentNode).left <> 0 Then 'if there is a node to the left
ConstructTree(TreeNode(currentNode).left, leftX, (leftX + rightX) / 2, nodes(currentNode).posY, bottomY)
End If
If TreeNode(currentNode).right <> 0 Then 'if there is a node to the right
ConstructTree(TreeNode(currentNode).right, (leftX + rightX) / 2, rightX, nodes(currentNode).posY, bottomY) 'swaps the left and right x-coords which have been changed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
If draw = True Then
For i = 1 To treeCounter
'ALSO need to draw lines between the nodes, but IGNORE FOR NOW
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
TextBox1.Text = myTime - (0.1)
myTime = TextBox1.Text
If myTime = 0 Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
MsgBox("Time is up!")
End If
'add another if statement checking for two wrong answers, will stop the timer and tell the user that they have got too man questions wrong'
End Sub
Sub resetForm()
Score.Text = "Score:"
Label1.Text = ""
scoreValue = 0
End Sub
Sub writefile()
FileOpen(1, "BTTscores.txt", OpenMode.Output)
Select Case updating
Case True
For i = 2 To 11
WriteLine(1, scores(i))
Case False
For i = 1 To numberOfScores + 1
WriteLine(1, scores(i))
End Select
End Sub
Sub checkupdate()
'need to check whether there are already ten elements in the array. If so, then delete the first score, move all the indices of the other scores 1 to the left and add the new scores on the end'
numberOfScores = 0 'will need to be reset if the user carries on using the program'
FileOpen(1, "BTTscores.txt", OpenMode.Input) 'need to bubble sort values'
Dim line As String
Do Until EOF(1)
line = LineInput(1)
If line <> "" Then
numberOfScores = numberOfScores + 1
scores(numberOfScores) = line 'copies the line to the array'
End If
If numberOfScores = 10 Then 'if one needs to be updated, need to read all but the first line into the array'
updating = True
scores(11) = scoreValue
Else 'if there are less than 10 scores, the user's current score just needs to be added on the end'
updating = False
scores(numberOfScores + 1) = scoreValue
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EnterButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles EnterButton.Click
userAnswer = Answer.Text
If actualAnswer.Replace(" ", "") = userAnswer.Replace(" ", "") Then
End If
Score.Text = ("Score: " & scoreValue)
Answer.Text = ""
End Sub
Sub UpdateScore()
Select Case difficulty
Case "Easy"
scoreValue = scoreValue + 10
Case "Medium"
scoreValue = scoreValue + 15
Case "Hard"
scoreValue = scoreValue + 20
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub StartButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles StartButton.Click
scoreValue = 0
myTime = 60
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub InitialSetup()
Dim currentNode As Integer = 1 'will be root node'
actualAnswer = ""
newLabel = ""
selectedTraversal = traversal(CInt(Math.Floor((3 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1) 'will choose a random traversal'
newLabel = "Traversal: " + selectedTraversal
Label1.Text = newLabel
If selectedTraversal = "Prefix" Then
ElseIf selectedTraversal = "Infix" Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Initialisation()
operators(1) = "("
operators(2) = "-"
operators(3) = "+"
operators(4) = "*"
operators(5) = "/"
operators(6) = ")"
traversal(1) = "Prefix"
traversal(2) = "Infix"
traversal(3) = "Postfix"
End Sub
Sub GetEquation()
Select Case difficulty
'RANDOM NUMBER FORMAT: CInt(Math.Floor((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd())) + lowerbound'
Case "Easy"
'FORMAT: 17 * 4'
treeCounter = 3
ogEquation(1) = CInt(Math.Floor((20 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(2) = operators(CInt(Math.Floor((5 - 2 + 1) * Rnd())) + 2)
ogEquation(3) = CInt(Math.Floor((20 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
'initialising the binary tree iteration'
TreeNode(1).name = ogEquation(2) 'operator is the root'
TreeNode(1).left = 2
TreeNode(1).right = 3
TreeNode(2).name = ogEquation(1)
TreeNode(3).name = ogEquation(3)
'EG: * 17 4
Case "Medium"
treeCounter = 5
'FORMAT: 15 * (17 + 4)'
ogEquation(1) = CInt(Math.Floor((50 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(2) = operators(CInt(Math.Floor((5 - 2 + 1) * Rnd())) + 2)
ogEquation(3) = operators(1)
ogEquation(4) = CInt(Math.Floor((50 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(5) = operators(CInt(Math.Floor((5 - 2 + 1) * Rnd())) + 2)
ogEquation(6) = CInt(Math.Floor((50 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(7) = operators(6)
'initialising the binary tree iteration'
TreeNode(1).name = ogEquation(2) 'root node'
TreeNode(1).left = 2
TreeNode(1).right = 3
TreeNode(2).name = ogEquation(1)
TreeNode(3).name = ogEquation(5)
TreeNode(3).left = 4
TreeNode(3).right = 5
TreeNode(4).name = ogEquation(4)
TreeNode(5).name = ogEquation(6)
'EG: * 15 + 17 4
Case "Hard"
'FORMAT: (17 + 4) * (20 / 10), random numbers are 1-150'
treeCounter = 7
ogEquation(1) = operators(1)
ogEquation(2) = CInt(Math.Floor((150 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(3) = operators(CInt(Math.Floor((5 - 2 + 1) * Rnd())) + 2)
ogEquation(4) = CInt(Math.Floor((150 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(5) = operators(6)
ogEquation(6) = operators(CInt(Math.Floor((5 - 2 + 1) * Rnd())) + 2)
ogEquation(7) = operators(1)
ogEquation(8) = CInt(Math.Floor((150 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(9) = operators(CInt(Math.Floor((5 - 2 + 1) * Rnd())) + 2)
ogEquation(10) = CInt(Math.Floor((150 - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) + 1
ogEquation(11) = operators(6)
'initialising the binary tree iteration'
TreeNode(1).name = ogEquation(6) 'root node'
TreeNode(1).left = 2
TreeNode(1).right = 5
TreeNode(2).name = ogEquation(3)
TreeNode(2).left = 3
TreeNode(2).right = 4
TreeNode(3).name = ogEquation(2)
TreeNode(4).name = ogEquation(4)
TreeNode(5).name = ogEquation(9)
TreeNode(5).left = 6
TreeNode(5).right = 7
TreeNode(6).name = ogEquation(8)
TreeNode(7).name = ogEquation(10)
'EG: * + 17 4 / 20 10
End Select
End Sub
'Traversal Solutions'
'Postfix Conversion'
Sub RPConversion()
Dim myStack As New Stack(15)
Dim empty As Boolean = True
Dim temp As String 'used to store the current part of the original equation'
Dim operatorNum As Integer
Dim peekNum As Integer
Dim stoploop As Boolean = True
For i = 1 To ogEquation.Count - 1 'will iterate through the total number of elements in the array ogEquation'
If myStack.Count = 0 Then empty = True
temp = ogEquation(i)
MatchTempOperation(myStack, temp, operatorNum)
If operatorNum > 1 And operatorNum < 6 Then 'if the value is an operator'
If myStack.Count <> 0 Then 'if the stack contains a value'
CheckPeek(myStack, peekNum)
If operatorNum > peekNum Then
ElseIf operatorNum = peekNum Then
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + myStack.Pop()
Else 'operatorNum < peekNum'
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + myStack.Pop()
stoploop = True
CheckPeek(myStack, peekNum)
If operatorNum > peekNum Then
ElseIf operatorNum = peekNum Then
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + myStack.Pop()
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + myStack.Pop()
stoploop = False
End If
Loop Until stoploop Or myStack.Count = 0
End If
End If
ElseIf temp = "(" Then
ElseIf temp = ")" Then
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + myStack.Pop()
Loop Until myStack.Peek() = "("
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + temp
End If
operatorNum = 0
If myStack.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To myStack.Count
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + myStack.Pop()
End If
End Sub
Sub CheckPeek(ByVal myStack As Stack, ByRef peekNum As Integer) 'does the same as MatchTempOperation but for the top of the stack'
For i = 2 To 5 'skip one and six because we know it isn't a left or right bracket'
If myStack.Peek() = operators(i) Then
peekNum = i
End If
End Sub
Sub MatchTempOperation(ByVal myStack As Stack, ByVal temp As String, ByRef operatorNum As Integer) 'wants to look at the stack but not be able to change it'
For i = 1 To 6
If temp = operators(i) Then
operatorNum = i
End If
End Sub
Sub InfixConversion()
For i = 1 To 11
'check each element for empty spaces / brackets'
If ogEquation(i) <> "" And ogEquation(i) <> "(" And ogEquation(i) <> ")" Then
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + ogEquation(i)
End If
End Sub
Sub PrefixConversion(ByRef currentNode As Integer)
actualAnswer = actualAnswer + TreeNode(currentNode).name
If TreeNode(currentNode).left <> 0 Then
End If
If TreeNode(currentNode).right <> 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ExitButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitButton.Click
End Sub
End Class
Apologies for it's inefficiency, please also note that the "difficulty" variable is Public and stored outside of this form. Thanks :)
enter image description here
As you can see, the root node is far off centre in the bottom left.
I have a problem with my blackjack game in vb.net. This code I have will add the player's score perfectly, but when it comes to the dealer's score, it will not. It only takes the second card that the dealer has.
It is called with this:
addScore("p") 'add player's score
addScore("d") 'add dealer's score
And this is "addScore()":
Public Function card(player As String, index As Integer) As Label
If player = "p" Then
Return GroupBox1.Controls.OfType(Of Label).Where(Function(l) l.Name = "YouCard" & index.ToString()).Single()
ElseIf player = "d" Then
Return GroupBox1.Controls.OfType(Of Label).Where(Function(l) l.Name = "DealerCard" & index.ToString()).Single()
End If
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
Public Sub addScore(ByVal player As String)
Dim currScore As Integer
Dim result As Integer = 0
'Add Score
For value As Integer = 1 To 7
If card(player, value).Text = "A" AndAlso (currScore + 11) <= 21 Then
result = currScore + 11
ElseIf card(player, value).Text = "A" AndAlso (currScore + 1) <= 22 Then
result = currScore + 1
ElseIf IsNumeric(card(player, value).Text) Then
result = currScore + CInt(card(player, value).Text)
ElseIf card(player, value).Text = "" Then
result = result
result = currScore + 10
End If
If player = "p" Then
YouScore.Text = result
DealerScore.Text = result
End If
End Sub
currScore shouldn't be there. Replace it with result
Public Sub addScore(ByVal player As String)
Dim result As Integer = 0
'Add Score
For value As Integer = 1 To 7
If card(player, value).Text = "A" AndAlso (result + 11) <= 21 Then
result = result + 11
ElseIf card(player, value).Text = "A" AndAlso (result + 1) <= 22 Then
result = result + 1
ElseIf IsNumeric(card(player, value).Text) Then
result = result + CInt(card(player, value).Text)
ElseIf card(player, value).Text = "" Then
result = result
result = result + 10
End If
If player = "p" Then
YouScore.Text = result
DealerScore.Text = result
End If
End Sub
I am getting undeclared variable errors with my code and I don't know why! The variables are declared above, but when being used, they are not found! The error in question occurs on the variables with two stars
If hour >= 10 Then
Dim hourAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + hour.ToString)
Dim hourAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_0" + hour.ToString)
End If
If minute >= 10 Then
Dim minuteAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + minute.ToString)
Dim minuteAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + minute.ToString)
End If
'Ann Type
If annType = 1 Then
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.nowApproachPlatform, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) 'The train now approaching platform
My.Computer.Audio.Play(platformAnn, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) 'x
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.isThe, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) 'is the
My.Computer.Audio.Play(**hourAnn**, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) '<hour>
My.Computer.Audio.Play(**minuteAnn**, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) '<min>
Variables are only known in the scope they are created.
If you create a variable in an if-structure, they are only known inside that if. Same counts for functions, for-loops and any other "containing" structures.
Solution for your code:
Dim hourAnn = ""
If hour >= 10 Then
hourAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + hour.ToString)
hourAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_0" + hour.ToString)
End If
Dim minuteAnn = ""
If minute >= 10 Then
minuteAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + minute.ToString)
minuteAnn = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + minute.ToString)
End If
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