Updatable Label text according to combobox filled with an Acces database - vb.net

Hi I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, so I have a combobox that gets filled with items from a data base made with Microsoft Acces, the combobox is filled with the values stored in a column from a table in de database so the user can select an "option" from it, I want to add labels that show the values for the corresponding row of that column. I used the Data Source panel to drag and drop the labels corresponding to the values that I want and it works it show the value that I want when I compile the application (at least I think it does, it could be that it's only selecting the first entry) the problem is that when I select a diferent entry on the combobox the labels don't refresh with the new values. How can I do that?
Ok soo I guess my real question is how does Visual Basic Populates de combobox and gets the value of the other Acces DB entrys to change the .text value of the labels? And I mean the actual code that does that.

See if this helps at all

Put some code in the on_click event of the combo box to change the label captions appropriately.

Ok I figured it out, apereantly Visual Creates new data sources each time you drag and drop an item from the Data Sources Panel so all you have to do is make sure that VB is using the same data source used in the combo boxes and the labels so they will update automatically when you choose an option from the combo box, I did it by finding the proper elements in the Form1.Designer.vb file of my project and editing 'DataBindings.Add' property of the labels.


Limit Combobox input based on other control on same form

I have a database in access for which I made some forms, which is going pretty well.
I only have one small issue I am running into.
I have this form on which I have several comboboxes, which get their Row source from another table. That is working fine.
But for combobox B I wanted the options limited/filtered based on the selection in combobox A. So I filled the following in the row source of combobox B:
So there is another combobox on the same before where the CITY is picked.
Now when open combobox B it asks me to fill in the city manually and then it filters/limits the options in the way I want. However, I want this to happen automatically based on the selection in combobox A (on the same form).
I hope you can help me.
Thanks in advance.
I find this feature very useful. For example I have a form where project managers select there name from a combobox(A) then in the next box(B) select their project. B uses the criteria from the first box to only list their projects.
Specifically the project table I pull the list from has an owner field. I use the name entered into A as criteria on the Owner to pull just their projects.
On the combobox query build I input the Owner criteria like this. The query runs then with whatever data is entered into boxA.
On the first combo box "After Update" event add Me.ComboboxB.Requery. That will make combo box B refresh its contents based on the current value of combo box A every time A's value is changed.

GridViewMultiComboBoxColumn: Allow User to Enter Data

I got a very straight forward Grid connected to a DataSet. I'm doing this in VISUAL BASIC. Using Telerik Winforms Q3 2013.
Every column is a text Column, 2 of them are Multi Column Combo Boxes, attached to a distinct dataset which just brings the possible information. And is only intended for reference.
I want to let the user be able to key into these columns any text they want regardless if it's on the list or not.
I looked at this post http://www.telerik.com/help/winforms/gridview-editors-howto-allow-end-users-to-add-items-to-dropdownlisteditor.html
But this example is just too confusing and most importantly, it saves to the ref/underlining ref dataset, which is not desirable.
How can I set up the comboboxes to allow users to enter any text they want.
The Multi Column Combo Boxes are working with items, these items are gotten from the data source of the Multi Column Combo Box. So in order to allow freely typed text, the latter should be added to the data source.

How to Bind Value of One DropdownList Depending on Other DropDownlist in InfoPath? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to Bind textbox/ListBox from one List with depending on other Dropdownlist populated with Another Sharepoint list in InfoPath?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a DropDownList which is populated with One SharePointList in INFOPATH and the value for other textboxes are filled depending on this DropDownList Selected Value using Rules & Action. This works fine.
i have also tried with XML binding it works. But, Now i want to retrieve data using TWO DIFFERENT SHAREPOINT LISTS in DropdownList2 Depending on Value of DropdownList1
(Want to use ClientID as LookUp value)depending on the Selected value of Dropdownlist1 bind corresponding data in DropdownList2.
Note: There are two Different Lists(Data Connections)
Eg: ClientList(ClientID,Name,City)
Depending on `ClientID` from `DropDownList1` the `DropDownList2` or `ListBox` Must contain `Address1` Value from `ClientAddress Sharepoint List` must be filled with Corresponding Address1,Address2.
Help Appreciated!
You're going to need to do this in the code behind.
Take the first drop down, find the field it is associated with, right click and create a "Changed" event. Note: Make sure the drop down list control properties has "Always" selected in the Browser Forms tab of the properties (right click on the drop down list to access these properties)
In the code behind event, a Changed event will be created for that field. There you can grab the value of the currently selected item of the first drop down. Depending on that value, you can then modify the contents of the second drop down.
However, if the contents of the second drop down come from an external data source, you will need to grab that data, modify it however you want (depending on the value selected on the first drop down) then programmatically populate the second drop down with that newly modified data.
Good luck!

creating a ComboBox in MS Access to hold distinct types

I am trying to create a combo box in an Access form to display all the types in an inventory list (ex. cables, UPS, shelves, ...)
When I make the row source for the ComboBox I only want the type to display there once. The ComboBox will later be used to make a report for the different types of items in the inventory, so I will only need each type in the list box once. These types can be changed later so I want the list to be updated automatically.
Right now I have the ListBox displaying all the types multiple times, but when I try to change the row source to:
Select Distinct Inv_Type
From Inventory;
I just get an empty ComboBox. But when I query that code I get get each type only once (this is what I want). What am I doing wrong? Why am I getting an empty ComboBox?
Doing as what Remou said; I created a ComboBox from scratch, without using the wizard first fixed my problem. Thanks!

Auto populating text boxes on an Access 2003 form when value selected in combo box

I am building a form in access database.
I have a combo box which is linked to a query which is looking up a unique reference number from a table called Tbl_Submitted_Requests.
What I need the form to do is auto populate the other text boxes when the user selects the unique reference from the combo box. How can I get the text boxes to auto populate with the data that is associated with each unique reference?
First, bind your form to Tbl_Submitted_Requests or better, a query that uses this table, you can do this with the form wizard or by setting the Record Source property of the form. Each of the textboxes will also need to have a control source set to the name of a field (column) Next, add a combo and choose "Find a record on my form based on the value I select in my combobox" from the wizard options.
I will agree with Remou's response, with one small edification. Crate a new form, and drag all of the fields from the relevant query or table onto this form. Alternatively, you can drag them from the field chooser if the form has already been bound. Then, create your combo-box, and choose "Find a record on my form based on the value I select in my combobox" from the wizard options.