Linqpad - Outputting into anchor to use title - linqpad

I have a db that stores exception messages.
I would like to create a query that gets these exceptions but instead of dumping huge amounts of text i would prefer it to be "on demand".
I figured putting the exception into an anchor tag like so and then reading the message when needed by mousing over it would work... apparently not.
var logsForErrors = (from error in Logs
select new {
error = LINQPad.Util.RawHtml("<a title='"+ error.Exception+"'></a>"),
errorDate = error.Date,
errorMessage = error.Message
This is throwing an exception (lol) - "Cannot parse custom HTML: "
Encoding the exception message
...RawHtml("<a title='"+ Uri.EscapeDataString(error.Exception)+"'></a>")
Message Could not translate expression 'RawHtml((("h__TransparentIdentifier0.error.Exception)) +
"'>"))' into SQL and could not treat it as a local expression.
will generate a new error
Any ideas? - I am open to alternative solutions to this also.
I just want a container for the message instead of it just dumping right into the output as it it so huge!.

Have you tried using the "Results to DataGrids" mode in the recent betas? It might do just what you need without having to write anything else.
Edit: your error was probably due to emitting HTML without escaping the text. The easiest solution is to call Util.RawHtml with an XElement instead of a string. You could write an extension method that does what you want like this:
public static class Extensions
public static object Tooltipize (this string data)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (data) || data.Length < 20) return data;
return Util.RawHtml (new XElement ("span", new XAttribute ("title", data), data.Substring (0, 20)));
Put this into My Extensions and you can use it from any query.


Parse string into JSON

I have an array of objects $arr and an object has a property named as jsonData which contains json data in a string, how to parse that string to actual JSON object and retrieve lets say value for key name? I tried this:
#foreach ($obj in $arr)
#set ($jsonData = "#evaluate(${obj.jsonData})")
$jsonData.get("name") ## <-- not working
If anyone using velocity in AWS API Gateway ends up here, you can use AWS'
$util.parseJson() to covert a string to JSON.
Make sure you note if your string is using single or double quotes. You may need to use $util.escapeJavaScipt.replaceAll() before parsing the string.
Fixed it like this:
#foreach ($obj in $arr)
#set( $jsonData = '#set( $jsonData = ' + $obj.jsonData + ' )' )
#evaluate ($jsonData)
$jsonData.get("name") ##<-- works now
I was using velocity 1.7
This is mainly AWS lambda (in python) response template related.. so.. if you want to return custom response code with json it is easy to return JSON in node js but when it comes to python as per i know, we cant raise dict as a value. So.. this may help. If you are doing like..
raise Exception({"responseCode": 400, "response": "missing :\"recipientCount\""})
It will throw exception in errorMessage key and value as a string.
To overcome this..
Add response code 400 in Method Response
regExp in Integration Response :
.*'responseCode': 400.*
Add Body Mapping Template as application/json:
$util.escapeJavaScript( $input.path('$.errorMessage')).replaceAll("\\'",'\"')
Make sure you are not using single quotes in value in exception string.
raise Exception({"responseCode": 400, "response": "missing :'recipientCount'"})
raise Exception({"responseCode": 400, "response": "missing :\"recipientCount\""})
I know it is not best solution... but this is the only solution i have found. Feel free if you have better solution.

Google diff-match-patch : How to unpatch to get Original String?

I am using Google diff-match-patch JAVA plugin to create patch between two JSON strings and storing the patch to database.
diff_match_patch dmp = new diff_match_patch();
LinkedList<Patch> diffs = dmp.patch_make(latestString, originalString);
String patch = dmp.patch_toText(diffs); // Store patch to DB
Now is there any way to use this patch to re-create the originalString by passing the latestString?
I google about this and found this very old comment # Google diff-match-patch Wiki saying,
Unpatching can be done by just looping through the diff, swapping
DIFF_INSERT with DIFF_DELETE, then applying the patch.
But i did not find any useful code that demonstrates this. How could i achieve this with my existing code ? Any pointers or code reference would be appreciated.
The problem i am facing is, in the front-end i am showing a revisions module that shows all the transactions of a particular fragment (take for example an employee details), like which user has updated what details etc. Now i am recreating the fragment JSON by reverse applying each patch to get the current transaction data and show it as a table (using But some JSON data are not valid JSON and I am getting JSON.parse error.
I was looking to do something similar (in C#) and what is working for me with a relatively simple object is the patch_apply method. This use case seems somewhat missing from the documentation, so I'm answering here. Code is C# but the API is cross language:
static void Main(string[] args)
var dmp = new diff_match_patch();
string v1 = "My Json Object;
string v2 = "My Mutated Json Object"
var v2ToV1Patch = dmp.patch_make(v2, v1);
var v2ToV1PatchText = dmp.patch_toText(v2ToV1Patch); // Persist text to db
string v3 = "Latest version of JSON object;
var v3ToV2Patch = dmp.patch_make(v3, v2);
var v3ToV2PatchTxt = dmp.patch_toText(v3ToV2Patch); // Persist text to db
// Time to re-hydrate the objects
var altV3ToV2Patch = dmp.patch_fromText(v3ToV2PatchTxt);
var altV2 = dmp.patch_apply(altV3ToV2Patch, v3)[0].ToString(); // .get(0) in Java I think
var altV2ToV1Patch = dmp.patch_fromText(v2ToV1PatchText);
var altV1 = dmp.patch_apply(altV2ToV1Patch, altV2)[0].ToString();
I am attempting to retrofit this as an audit log, where previously the entire JSON object was saved. As the audited objects have become more complex the storage requirements have increased dramatically. I haven't yet applied this to the complex large objects, but it is possible to check if the patch was successful by checking the second object in the array returned by the patch_apply method. This is an array of boolean values, all of which should be true if the patch worked correctly. You could write some code to check this, which would help check if the object can be successfully re-hydrated from the JSON rather than just getting a parsing error. My prototype C# method looks like this:
private static bool ValidatePatch(object[] patchResult, out string patchedString)
patchedString = patchResult[0] as string;
var successArray = patchResult[1] as bool[];
foreach (var b in successArray)
if (!b)
return false;
return true;

An interesting Restlet Attribute behavior

Using Restlet 2.1 for Java EE, I am discovering an interesting problem with its ability to handle attributes.
Suppose you have code like the following:
and on your browser you provide the following URL:
then, of course, the attr attribute gets set to "command".
Unfortunately, suppose you want the attribute to be something like command/test, as in the following URL:
or if you want to dynamically add things with different levels, like:
in both cases the attr attribute is still set to "command"!
Is there some way in a restlet application to make an attribute that can retain the "slash", so that one can, for example, make the attr attribute be set to "command/test"? I would like to be able to just grab everything after testpath and have the entire string be the attribute.
Is this possible? Someone please advise.
For the same case I usually change the type of the variable :
Route route = cmp.getDefaultHost().attach("/testpath/{attr}",SomeServerResource.class);
route.getTemplate().getVariables().get("attr") = new Variable(Variable.TYPE_URI_PATH);
You can do this by using url encoding.
I made the following attachment in my router:
router.attach("/test/{cmd}", TestResource.class);
My test resource class looks like this, with a little help from Apache Commons Codec URLCodec
protected Representation get() {
try {
String raw = ResourceWrapper.get(this, "cmd");
String decoded = new String(URLCodec.decodeUrl(raw.getBytes()));
return ResourceWrapper.wrap(raw + " " + decoded);
} catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
Note my resource wrapper class is simply utility methods. The get returns the string of the url param, and the wrap returns a StringRepresentation.
Now if I do something like this:
I get a 404.
Instead, I do this:
I have URLEncoded the folder path. This results in my browser saying:
haha%2fawesome haha/awesome
The first is the raw string, the second is the result. I don't know if this is suitable for your needs as it's a simplistic example, but as long as you URLEncode your attribute, you can decode it on the other end.

FileHelper library - custom error messages

I am use the FileHelper to parse CSV files. Error messages encountered when parsing the file are displayed to the end user. The end user may not be able to make sense of the technical error message. Not too many clerks know what an Int32 is or Class: UploadFooDto.
I would like to customize the error messages so they are more user friendly. Something like:
Line 1. Column 2. A string (a) was entered instead of a number
Line 2. Column 3. '13-14-15' is not a valid date
I cannot find anything in the API that would allow me to customize the error messages. The most I have so far are some extension methods to clean up the errors:
public static class FileHelperExceptionExtensions
public static string BuildMessage(this ErrorInfo error)
if (error.ExceptionInfo is ConvertException)
return ((ConvertException)error.ExceptionInfo).BuildMessage();
if (error.ExceptionInfo is BadUsageException)
var message = error.ExceptionInfo.Message;
var readTo = message.IndexOf("Class:");
return message.Substring(0, readTo);
return string.Format("Line: {0}. An unspecific error occured.", error.LineNumber);
public static string BuildMessage(this ConvertException exception)
return string.Format("Line: {0}. Column: {1}. Field: {2}. Cannot convert '{3}' to type: '{4}'", exception.LineNumber, exception.ColumnNumber, exception.FieldName, exception.FieldStringValue, exception.FieldType.Name);
but these extensions still leave a lot to be desired. Is it possible to customize the error messages?
It's hard to improve on your extension methods without it being more hassle than it's worth.
You cannot subclass the default converters (e.g., FileHelpers.ConvertHelpers.Int32Converter since they are internal and sealed). You could create your own custom converter for each type (and base it on the corresponding source code from FileHelpers, e.g., Int32Converter). Then you can raise an alternative to ConvertException (also sealed so you cannot subclass) which would format the message differently.

LinQ to SQL : InvalidOperationException in a Windows Service

I have implemented a small Windows Service which runs every 9 minutes and writes the data which comes througth a webservice to the db.
Do do the db work I use Linq To SQL
using (var db = new DataClasses1DataContext())
var currentWeather = this.GetWeatherData();
//////TODO Add the data correct
var newEntry = new WeatherData()
test = currentWeather.dateGenerated.ToShortTimeString()
//var test = db.WeatherDatas.First();
db.WeatherDatas.InsertOnSubmit(newEntry); // this throws Invalid Operation Exception
Why does it throw this exception? the same codeblock in a console programm runs nice
alt text
Have you set up the connection string in app.Config correctly?
IIRC, the default constructor on an L2S DataContext reads the connection string from the config file. If the connection string points to the the wrong database (or one that doesn't exist) you may very well receive an exception.
This could also explain why this piece of code works when executed in a different context.