Make an iPhone property read-only in iOS objective-c - objective-c

OK basically I have a class in an iPhone app where I want it to some read only propertys. Meaning that the owning class can read and write the property, but other objects can only read it. I try the "readonly" option when I declare the property, but then my class can't even write it. What use is that?

Let's assume you wanted to create a property called foo, an int, in your class YourClass.
Do this in your interface (.h) file:
#property(readonly) int foo;
Then in your implementation (.m) file, set up a class extension where you can re-define your property.
#interface YourClass()
#property(readwrite) int foo;
This results in the property being readonly publicly, but readwrite privately.
Then, of course, you synthesize foo in your implementation that follows.
#synthesize foo;

If it's not too inconvenient, just use the ivar or "backing" variable in your class to modify the value. Like this:
In your .h file:
#interface ClassName
#property (readonly,nonatomic) NSInteger readOnlyValue;
In your .m file:
#implementation ClassName
#synthesize readOnlyValue = _readOnlyValue;
_readOnlyValue = 42;

While you could go the route of direct iVar access as described in other answers, a better solution is typically to use class extensions. They were designed exactly to solve this problem and, by using them, you can easily refactor your code later to expose the readwrite definition of the #property to other classes in your app without exposing it to all classes.
I wrote up a detailed explanation a while ago.

You can implement your own setter in the .m class or synteshize as:
foo = _foo; so you can call _foo (private variable) internally

On further reflection, the easiest way to achieve this is to add a normal property in a class extension, then declare just the getter in the header. E.g.
#interface MyClass: NSObject
- (NSString *)someString;
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *someString;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize someString;
You'll be able to get and set, using dot notation or otherwise, and directly access the someString instance variable within the class, and everyone that has sight of the interface will be able to get, using dot notation or otherwise.


Quick inquiry about ivars scope [duplicate]

If you have a property in your public interface like the following
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property(strong) NSString *myProp;
And then synthesize it, in effect synthesizing the variable:
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myProp = _myProp; // or just leave it at the default name..
What is the visibility of the instance variable _myProp? That is, is this considered #public, #protected or #private? I'm guessing since MySubClass could inherit from MyClass then it would also get the properties (naturally), but would it also inherit the instance variable visibility?
What difference does it make if I put the property in a class extension? That would hide the property from subclasses, and I'm guessing the instance variable, too. Is this documented anywhere?
A synthesized ivar is completely invisible to all code that cannot see the #synthesize line (which basically means anything outside of the .m file). It's not #protected, it's not #private, it's simply unknown. With a #private ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that it's private, but with a synthesized ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that the field simply doesn't exist.
As a thought experiment, try imagining a situation where the ivar acted like it was #protected. You make a subclass, and you muck about with the ivar there. Now you go back to the superclass and change #synthesize myProp to #synthesize myProp=foo. What happens in the subclass? When the compiler processes the subclass, it cannot see the #synthesize line, so it would have no idea that you just changed the name of the ivar. In fact, it cannot even tell if the property is backed by an ivar at all, or if it's implemented with custom-written accessor methods. I hope it's obvious why this means that the subclass cannot possibly access the ivar, and neither can any other class.
That said, I'm not quite sure what the compiler does if you write code in the same .m file that tries to access the ivar. I expect it will treat the ivar as #private (since the compiler can, in fact, see that the ivar exists).
Also, none of this has any bearing on the runtime methods. Other classes can still use the obj-c runtime methods to dynamically look up your class's ivar list and muck about with it.
If it is declared in your interface it is virtually public when using the #property declarative. If you want to use #property declaratives and keep them property truly private, you should create a private category in your implementation.
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSObject* foo;
#import "ClassWithPrivateProperty.h"
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject* foo;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize foo;
// class implementation...
A synthesized variable acts as if declared #private:
#interface Garble : NSObject
#property (copy) NSString * s;
#implementation Garble
#synthesize s;
#interface Bargle : Garble
#implementation Bargle
- (void) useS {
NSLog(#"%#", s); // error: instance variable 's' is private
I swear I've seen this in the docs, but I can't find it right now. Will update if I track it down.
You can create a dynamic property and indicate it to the compiler that its instantiation would be at run time.
And then in your subclass write your own getter or synthesize the property.
#interface BaseClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
#implementation BaseClass
#dynamic ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
In Sub classes
#interface Subclass : BaseClass
#implementation Subclass
#synthesize ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses = _ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
or you write your own setter / getter methods.
Hope this helps !
Other classes have access to everything that they #include. In other words, to everything that is inside your header.
If something appears only in your implementation file, other classes (including subclasses) don't know it exists. A synthesized property is like that. Other classes know only about the property (a property means a getter and a setter method) but they don't know anything about the inner implementation of its methods.
Note, that the access specifiers (public/private/protected) in obj-c are only a hint to the compiler that even if something appears in the header file, it can't be accessed. The runtime does not check it in any way.
What happens if you put it into a class extension? Note that a property is a set of two methods. You just hide the methods from every class which includes your class main header but not the class extension header.
We use this for example to declare a property as readonly and in class continuation we declare it as readwrite. Then, we can use the setter only from inside of the class.

Inheriting accessors in Objective-C

this is my first post; this site has been an invaluable resource.
I'm fairly new to objective-c so please bear with.
So I have a base class with a few properties which I want "private" so I made them readonly. To be clear, I don't want them mutable externally, but I DO wan't to use the 'set' accessor within this class. So...
// .h file
#interface Vehicle
#property (nonatomic, readonly) int speed;
Also I repeated the property declaration within a category interface block to make the accessors writable in this class
// .m file
//Private properties and methods
#interface Vehicle()
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) int speed;
#synthesize speed = _speed;
- (void) someMethod {
[self setSpeed:10]; // Works fine
But now if I inherit this class the derived class no longer has the set accessor method (setSpeed in my case). Do I need to synthesize again? Seems like that would defeat the purpose of inheritence. I know i can modify the instance variable directly (_speed = 10;) but would rather not. I'm sure there's something wrong with my understanding. Thanks!
// Example
#interface Ship : Vehicle
- (void) someOtherMethod {
[self setSpeed: 2]; // DOES NOT WORK, would like it to
But now if I inherit this class the derived class no longer has the set accessor method (setSpeed in my case).
Actually, it does have the set accessor, it's just that the compiler doesn't know about it. You have a choice:
put the class extension (the #interface Vehicle() .... #end bit in a separate header file that gets imported into the .m for Vehicle and its subclasses (or use a category)
redeclare the read/write property in a class extension for the subclass. To avoid a warning, use #dynamic speed in the subclass's implementation.
Since there is no such thing as 'protected' methods, you need to create a private shared header where your anonymous category goes. Then both your original implementation and your derived classes include this header to get access to this 'private' stuff.

What is the visibility of #synthesized instance variables?

If you have a property in your public interface like the following
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property(strong) NSString *myProp;
And then synthesize it, in effect synthesizing the variable:
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myProp = _myProp; // or just leave it at the default name..
What is the visibility of the instance variable _myProp? That is, is this considered #public, #protected or #private? I'm guessing since MySubClass could inherit from MyClass then it would also get the properties (naturally), but would it also inherit the instance variable visibility?
What difference does it make if I put the property in a class extension? That would hide the property from subclasses, and I'm guessing the instance variable, too. Is this documented anywhere?
A synthesized ivar is completely invisible to all code that cannot see the #synthesize line (which basically means anything outside of the .m file). It's not #protected, it's not #private, it's simply unknown. With a #private ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that it's private, but with a synthesized ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that the field simply doesn't exist.
As a thought experiment, try imagining a situation where the ivar acted like it was #protected. You make a subclass, and you muck about with the ivar there. Now you go back to the superclass and change #synthesize myProp to #synthesize myProp=foo. What happens in the subclass? When the compiler processes the subclass, it cannot see the #synthesize line, so it would have no idea that you just changed the name of the ivar. In fact, it cannot even tell if the property is backed by an ivar at all, or if it's implemented with custom-written accessor methods. I hope it's obvious why this means that the subclass cannot possibly access the ivar, and neither can any other class.
That said, I'm not quite sure what the compiler does if you write code in the same .m file that tries to access the ivar. I expect it will treat the ivar as #private (since the compiler can, in fact, see that the ivar exists).
Also, none of this has any bearing on the runtime methods. Other classes can still use the obj-c runtime methods to dynamically look up your class's ivar list and muck about with it.
If it is declared in your interface it is virtually public when using the #property declarative. If you want to use #property declaratives and keep them property truly private, you should create a private category in your implementation.
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSObject* foo;
#import "ClassWithPrivateProperty.h"
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject* foo;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize foo;
// class implementation...
A synthesized variable acts as if declared #private:
#interface Garble : NSObject
#property (copy) NSString * s;
#implementation Garble
#synthesize s;
#interface Bargle : Garble
#implementation Bargle
- (void) useS {
NSLog(#"%#", s); // error: instance variable 's' is private
I swear I've seen this in the docs, but I can't find it right now. Will update if I track it down.
You can create a dynamic property and indicate it to the compiler that its instantiation would be at run time.
And then in your subclass write your own getter or synthesize the property.
#interface BaseClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
#implementation BaseClass
#dynamic ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
In Sub classes
#interface Subclass : BaseClass
#implementation Subclass
#synthesize ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses = _ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
or you write your own setter / getter methods.
Hope this helps !
Other classes have access to everything that they #include. In other words, to everything that is inside your header.
If something appears only in your implementation file, other classes (including subclasses) don't know it exists. A synthesized property is like that. Other classes know only about the property (a property means a getter and a setter method) but they don't know anything about the inner implementation of its methods.
Note, that the access specifiers (public/private/protected) in obj-c are only a hint to the compiler that even if something appears in the header file, it can't be accessed. The runtime does not check it in any way.
What happens if you put it into a class extension? Note that a property is a set of two methods. You just hide the methods from every class which includes your class main header but not the class extension header.
We use this for example to declare a property as readonly and in class continuation we declare it as readwrite. Then, we can use the setter only from inside of the class.

Objective C class reference as property

This should be easy as hell, but I can't figure out the syntax on my own.
Couldn't really formulate the question correctly so I couldn't Google the answer. (you can get why with keywords like objective c, property, class)
Anyhow. In one of my classes I want to save a property which references another class, NOT an instance of another class. Which you easily can accomplish with this code:
#property (nonatomic, assign) Class anotherClass;
Although, I don't want to use the generic Class. I want to use my own classes, but I can't figure how, guess I'd like to do something like #property (nonatomic, assign) #class(MyOwnClass) myClass;
Objective-C does not allow for stack based objects. I don't think you'll be able to do this. You'll have to store a pointer to an instance of a class. class is a method of NSObject, and returns a Class object, which is an instance of meta-class. This is why it works with just class, because you're saving the instance of the meta class object.
You can accomplish this using protocols. Declare your Class property to be a Class object conforming to your new protocol (it need't even have methods), e.g.
#protocol MyProtocol
#property (nonatomic, assign) Class<MyProtocol> anotherClass;
Now simply declare conformance to MyProtocol in all base classes you wish to accept for anotherClass.
You can use a custom setter which raises an NSInvalidArgumentException exception if the value isn't the class you are looking for. You need to use Class.
Due to the fact that every object or class argument is id in Objective-C you can't raise a compile error, just document your code well.
Objective-C doesn't have anything like templates or covariant/contravariant return types. There's no way to say "I want to return a Class object which represents a class which is a subclass of MyOwnClass." You have to use the generic Class pointer.
Maybe I am confused, but couldn't you do this?
#interface Temp : NSObject
NSString *myString;
#property(nonatomic,assign) NSString *myString;
#import "Temp.h"
#synthesize myString;
#import "Temp.h"
#interface MyNewClass : NSObject
-(NSString) returnTemp;
#import "MyNewClass.h"
- (NSString) returnTemp
Temp *myTemp = [[Temp alloc] init];
[myTemp setMyString:#"hello"];
return myTemp;

Should I always use accessors for instance variables in Objective-C?

If I have a class with some IBOutlets, it seems kind of silly to create accessors for these.
But then I feel like I'm breaking OO practices by not always going through the accessors for instance variables.
I also feel the same way about some instance variables that should not be public, I'd rather not expose the inner workings of some classes. I can make the actual ivars private but the #property shorthand doesn't seem to be able to specify visibility. This leads me to not create accessors and just access the ivars directly. I'm not sure if this is frowned upon though. Is it?
What's the community's thoughts on this admittedly newbie question? (Please ignore dot syntax)
I'm not sure about accessing instance variables directly, I think one shouldn't, but for some variables it just doesn't make sense to use accessors. Like for the IBOutlets you mentioned.
I can only help you out with private accessors. Starting with Objective-C 2.0 you can declare extensions.
Class extensions are like “anonymous”
categories, except that the methods
they declare must be implemented in
the main #implementation block for the
corresponding class.
Just put this extension into a separate header file and you'll have private accessors that aren't visible in the header.
You can declare your iVars as in the #interface file to be readonly, but then re-declare them in a category so that your class can change them. Here's a quick intro to Categories.
An example:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *name;
#property (readonly) NSString *name;
And in the implementation file you can redeclare this:
#interface MyClass () //declare the class extension
#property (readwrite, copy) NSString *name; //redeclare the property
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize name;
Now, the name property is readonly external to the class, but can be changed by the class through property syntax or setter/getter syntax.
Really private iVars
If you want to keep iVars really private and only access them directly without going through #property syntax you can declare them with the #private keyword. But then you say "Ah, but they can always get the value outside the class using KVC methods such as setValueForKey:" In which case take a look at the NSKeyValueCoding protocol class method + (BOOL)accessInstanceVariablesDirectly which stops this.
IBOutlets as properties
The recommended way is to use #property and #synthesize. For Mac OS X, you can just declare them as readonly properties. For example:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSView *myView;
#property (readonly) IBOutlet NSView *myView;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myView;