Is the following acceptable foreign key usage - sql

I have the following database, the first table users is a table containing my users, userid is a primary key.
The next is my results table, now for each user, there can be a result with an id and it can be against an exam. Is it ok in this scenario to use "id" as a primary key and "userid" as a foreign key? Is there a better way I could model this scenario?
These then link to the corresponding exams...

I would probably not have userid as a varchar. I would have that as an int as well.
So the user table is like this:
userId int
userName varchar
firstName varchar
lastName varchar
And then the forenkey in the results table table would be an int. Like this:
userId int
result varchar
id int
examid INT
Becuase if you are plaing on JOIN ing the tables together then JOIN ing on a varchar is not as fast as JOIN ing on a INT
That depend on how much data you are planing to store. Beause you know that there is a minimum chans that GUIDs are not unique. Simple proof that GUID is not unique. I think if I would design this database I would go with an int. Becuase it feels a little bit overkill to use a GUID as a userid

Provided that each user/exam will only ever produce one result, then you could create a composite key using the userid and exam columns in the results table.
Personally though, i'd go with the arbitrary id field approach as I don't like having to pass in several values to reference records. But that's just me :).
Also, the exam field in the results table should also be a foreign key.

Another way of doing this could be to abstract the Grade Levels from the Exam, and make the Exam a unique entity (and primary key) on its own table. So this would make a Grade Levels table (pkey1 = A, pkey2 = B, etc) where the grade acts as the foreign key in your second table, thus removing an entire field.
You could also normal out another level and make a table for Subjects, which would be the foreign key for a dedicated Exam Code table. You can have ENG101, ENG102, etc for exams, and the same for the other exam codes for the subject. The benefit of this is to maintain your exams, subjects, students and grade levels as unique entities. The primary and foreign keys of each are evident, and you keep a simple maintenance future with room to scale up.
You could consider using composite keys, but this is a nice and simple way to start, and you can merge tables for indexing and compacting as required.

Please make sure you first understand Normal Forms before actually normalizing your schema.


One Primary Key Value in many tables

This may seem like a simple question, but I am stumped:
I have created a database about cars (in Oracle SQL developer). I have amongst other tables a table called: Manufacturer and a table called Parentcompany.
Since some manufacturers are owned by bigger corporations, I will also show them in my database.
The parentcompany table is the "parent table" and the Manufacturer table the "child table".
for both I have created columns, each having their own Primary Key.
For some reason, when I inserted the values for my columns, I was able to use the same value for the primary key of Manufacturer and Parentcompany
The column: ManufacturerID is primary Key of Manufacturer. The value for this is: 'MBE'
The column: ParentcompanyID is primary key of Parentcompany. The value for this is 'MBE'
Both have the same value. Do I have a problem with the thinking logic?
Or do I just not understand how primary keys work?
Does a primary key only need to be unique in a table, and not the database?
I would appreciate it if someone shed light on the situation.
A primary key is unique for each table.
Have a look at this tutorial: SQL - Primary key
A primary key is a field in a table which uniquely identifies each
row/record in a database table. Primary keys must contain unique
values. A primary key column cannot have NULL values.
A table can have only one primary key, which may consist of single or
multiple fields. When multiple fields are used as a primary key, they
are called a composite key.
If a table has a primary key defined on any field(s), then you cannot
have two records having the same value of that field(s).
Primary key is table-unique. You can use same value of PI for every separate table in DB. Actually that often happens as PI often incremental number representing ID of a row: 1,2,3,4...
For your case more common implementation would be to have hierarchical table called Company, which would have fields: company_name and parent_company_name. In case company has a parent, in field parent_company_name it would have some value from field company_name.
There are several reasons why the same value in two different PKs might work out with no problems. In your case, it seems to flow naturally from the semantics of the data.
A row in the Manufacturers table and a row in the ParentCompany table both appear to refer to the same thing, namely a company. In that case, giving a company the same id in both tables is not only possible, but actually useful. It represents a 1 to 1 correspondence between manufacturers and parent companies without adding extra columns to serve as FKs.
Thanks for the quick answers!
I think I know what to do now. I will create a general company table, in which all companies will be stored. Then I will create, as I go along specific company tables like Manufacturer and parent company that reference a certain company in the company table.
To clarify, the only column I would put into the sub-company tables is a column with a foreign key referencing a column of the company table, yes?
For the primary key, I was just confused, because I hear so much about the key needing to be unique, and can't have the same value as another. So then this condition only goes for tables, not the whole database. Thanks for the clarification!

SQL: string PK ( maybe composite ) or auto_number artificial PK with unique constraint?

I am creating a new database and have a dilemma: I have an authors table. My requirements are that it should contain the firstName and lastName columns and I shouldn't allow two authors that have the same firstName and lastName.
My first ideea was to make firstName and lastName composite pk, and that's it!
But, I will tie this table to other tables so, to make my life easier I though of using an int auto_increment PK and make a composite UC of firstName and lasteName.
My question is generally: let's say I have a persons table and I can use the SSN as PK. If i tie this table to n tables duplicating the SSN value in the child tables may consume more memory than rather using an int auto_increment PK and making UC of SSN column?
What approach is better, and when to use what?
Kind regards,
The best approach is to keep your PRIMARY KEY separated from the rest of the table, the business logic. Plus it is way faster to have a separate PK because of indexing, it is so much better for performance, easier to maintain and to link tables to each other, it also ensures faster execution of statements on the table.
Your best bet would be to go for a PK column like id then have a separate UNIQUE constraint for the firstName-lastName.

Best database design for multiple entity types

I'm working on a web app and I have to design it's database. There's a part that didn't come very straightforward to me, so after some thinking and research I came with multiple ideas. Still neither seems completely suitable, so I'm not sure which one to implement and why.
The simplified problem looks as follows:
I have a table Teacher. There are 2 types of teachers, according to the relations with their Fields and Subjects:
A Teacher that's related to a Field, the Field is obligatory related to a Category
A Teacher that's not related to a Field, but directly to a Category
My initial idea was to have two nullable foreign keys, one to the table Field, and the other to the table Category. But in this case, how can I make sure that exactly one is null, and the other one is not?
The other idea is to create a hierarchy, with two types of Teacher tables derived from the table Teacher (is-a relation), but I couldn't find any useful tutorial on this.
I'm developing the app using Django with SQLite db
OK, your comment made it much clearer:
If a Teacher belongs to exactly one category, you should keep this in the Teacher's table directly:
Secondly each teacher belongs to "one or zero" fields. If this is sure for ever you should use a nullable FieldID column. This is set or remains empty.
Category (CategoryID, Name, ...)
Field (FieldID,Name,...)
Teacher (TeacherID,FieldID [NULL FK],CategoryID [NOT NULL FK], FirstName, Lastname, ...)
Remark: This is almost the same as my mapping table of the last answer. The only difference is, that you'll have a strict limitation with your "exactly one" or "exactly none or one"... From my experience I'd still prefer the open approach. It is easy to enforce your rules with unique indexes including the TeacherID-column. Sooner or later you'll probably have to re-structure this...
As you continue, one category is related to "zero or more" fields. There are two approaches:
Add a CategoryID-column to the Field-table (NOT NULL FK). This way you define a field several times with differing CategoryIDs (combined unique index!). A category's fields list you'll get simply by asking the Field-table for all fields with the given CategoryID.
Better in my eyes was a mapping table CategoryField. If you enforce a unique FieldID you'll get for sure, that no field is mapped twice. And add a unique index on the combination of CategoryID and FieldID...
A SELECT could be something like this (SQL Server Syntax, untested):
SELECT Teacher.TeacherID
,Teacher.FieldID --might be NULL
,Teacher.CategoryID --never NULL
,Teacher.[... Other columns ...]
,Field.Name --might be NULL
--The following columns you pick from the right source,
--depending on the return value of the LEFT JOIN to Field and the related "catField"
--the directly joined "Category" (which is never NULL) is the "default"
,ISNULL(catField.CategoryID,Category.CategoryID) AS ResolvedCategoryID
,ISNULL(catField.Name,Category.Name) AS ResolvedCategoryName
,[... Other columns ...]
FROM Teacher
INNER JOIN Category ON Teacher.CategoryID=Category.CategoryID --never NULL
LEFT JOIN Field ON Teacher.FieldID=Field.FieldID --might be NULL
LEFT JOIN Category AS catField ON Field.CategoryID=catField.CategoryID
This was the answer before the EDIT:
I try to help you even if the concept is not absolutely clear to me
Teacher-Table: TeacherID, person's data (name, address...), ...
Category-Table: CategoryID, category title, ...
Field-Tabls: FieldID, field title, ...
You say, that fields are bound to a category in all cases. If this is the same category in all cases, you should set the category as a FK-column in the Field-Table. If there is the slightest chance, that a field's category could differ with the context, you should not...
Same with teachers: If a teacher is ever bound to one single category set a FK-column within the Teacher-table, otherwise don't.
The most flexible you'll be with at least one mapping table:
(SQL Server Syntax)
CREATE TABLE TeacherFieldCategory
--A primary key to identify this row. This is not needed actually, but it will serve as clustered key index as a lookup index...
--Must be set
,TeacherID INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_TeacherFieldCategory_TeacherID FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Teacher(TeacherID)
--Field may be left NULL
--Must be set. This makes sure, that a teacher ever has a category and - if the field is set - the field will have a category
,CategoryID INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_TeacherFieldCategory_CategoryID FOREING KEY REFERENCES Category(CategoryID)
--This unique index will ensure, that each combination will exist only once.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_TeacherFieldCategory_UniqueCombination ON TeacherFieldCategory(TeacherID,FieldID,CategoryID);
It could be a better concept to have a mapping table FieldCategory and this table mapped to the mapping table above through a foreign key. Doing so you could avoid invalid field-category combinations.
Hope this helps...

SQL - NULL foreign key

Please have a look at the database design below:
create table Person (id int identity, InvoiceID int not null)
create table Invoice (id int identity, date datetime)
Currently all persons have an invoiceID i.e. the InvoiceID is not null.
I want to extend the database so that some person does not have an Invoice. The original developer hated nulls and never uses them. I want to be consistent so I am wondering if there are other patterns I can use to extend the database to meet this requirement. How can this be approached without using nulls?
Please note that the two tables above are for illustration purposes. They are not the actual tables.
NULL is a very important feature in databases and programming in general. It is significantly different from being zero or any other value. It is most commonly used to signify absence of value (though it also can mean unknown value, but that's less used as the interpretation). If some people do not have an invoice, then you should truly allow NULL, as that matches your desired Schema
A common pattern would be to store that association in a separate table.
Person: Id
Invoice: Id
Assoc: person_id, assoc_id
Then if a person doesn't have an invoice, you simply don't have a row. This approach also allows a person to have more than one invoice id which might make sense.
The only way to represent the optional relationship while avoiding nulls is to use another table, as some other answers have suggested. Then the absence of a row for a given Person indicates the person has no Invoice. You can enforce a 1:1 relationship between this table and the Person table by making person_id be the primary or unique key:
CREATE TABLE PersonInvoice (
invoice_id INT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person(id),
FOREIGN KEY (invoice_id) REFERENCES Invoice(id)
If you want to permit each person to have multiple invoices, you can declare the primary key as the pair of columns instead.
But this solution is to meet your requirement to avoid NULL. This is an artificial requirement. NULL has a legitimate place in a data model.
Some relational database theorists like Chris Date eschew NULL, explaining that the existence of NULL leads to some troubling logical anomalies in relational logic. For this camp, the absence of a row as shown above is a better way to represent missing data.
But other theorists, including E. F. Codd who wrote the seminal paper on relational theory, acknowledged the importance of a placeholder that means either "not known" or "not applicable." Codd even proposed in a 1990 book that SQL needed two placeholders, one for "missing but applicable" (i.e. unknown), and the other for "missing but inapplicable."
To me, the anomalies we see when using NULL in certain ways are like the undefined results we see in arithmetic when we divide by zero. The solution is: don't do that.
But certainly we shouldn't use any non-NULL value like 0 or '' (empty string) to represent missing data. And likewise we shouldn't use a NULL as if it were an ordinary scalar value.
I wrote more about NULL in a chapter titled "Fear of the Unknown" in my book, SQL Antipatterns Volume 1: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming.
You need to move the invoice/person relation to another table.
You end up with
create table Person (id int person_identity)
create table PersonInvoice (id int person_id, InvoiceID int not null)
create table Invoice (id int identity, date datetime)
You need this for some databases to allow in InvoiceId to be a foreign key as some do not allow NULLS in a foreign key.
If a person only can have one invoice then PersonInvoice can have a unique constraint on the person_id as well as the two columns together. You can also enforce having a single person for a invoice by adding a unique constraint to the invoiceID field.

Generic Database table design

Just trying to figure out the best way to design my table for the following scenario:
I have several areas in my system (documents, projects, groups and clients) and each of these can have comments logged against them.
My question is should I have one table like this:
Where only one of the ids will have data and the rest will be NULL or should I have a separate CommentType table and have my comments table like this:
ResourceID (this being the id of the project/doc/client)
My thoughts are that option 2 would be more efficient from an indexing point of view. Is this correct?
Option 2 is not a good solution for a relational database. It's called polymorphic associations (as mentioned by #Daniel Vassallo) and it breaks the fundamental definition of a relation.
For example, suppose you have a ResourceId of 1234 on two different rows. Do these represent the same resource? It depends on whether the CommentTypeId is the same on these two rows. This violates the concept of a type in a relation. See SQL and Relational Theory by C. J. Date for more details.
Another clue that it's a broken design is that you can't declare a foreign key constraint for ResourceId, because it could point to any of several tables. If you try to enforce referential integrity using triggers or something, you find yourself rewriting the trigger every time you add a new type of commentable resource.
I would solve this with the solution that #mdma briefly mentions (but then ignores):
CREATE TABLE Commentable (
ResourceType INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType)
CREATE TABLE Documents (
ResourceId INT NOT NULL,
ResourceType INT NOT NULL CHECK (ResourceType = 1),
FOREIGN KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType) REFERENCES Commentable
ResourceId INT NOT NULL,
ResourceType INT NOT NULL CHECK (ResourceType = 2),
FOREIGN KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType) REFERENCES Commentable
Now each resource type has its own table, but the serial primary key is allocated uniquely by Commentable. A given primary key value can be used only by one resource type.
ResourceId INT NOT NULL,
ResourceType INT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType) REFERENCES Commentable
Now Comments reference Commentable resources, with referential integrity enforced. A given comment can reference only one resource type. There's no possibility of anomalies or conflicting resource ids.
I cover more about polymorphic associations in my presentation Practical Object-Oriented Models in SQL and my book SQL Antipatterns.
Read up on database normalization.
Nulls in the way you describe would be a big indication that the database isn't designed properly.
You need to split up all your tables so that the data held in them is fully normalized, this will save you a lot of time further down the line guaranteed, and it's a lot better practice to get into the habit of.
From a foreign key perspective, the first example is better because you can have multiple foreign key constraints on a column but the data has to exist in all those references. It's also more flexible if the business rules change.
To continue from #OMG Ponies' answer, what you describe in the second example is called a Polymorphic Association, where the foreign key ResourceID may reference rows in more than one table. However in SQL databases, a foreign key constraint can only reference exactly one table. The database cannot enforce the foreign key according to the value in CommentTypeID.
You may be interested in checking out the following Stack Overflow post for one solution to tackle this problem:
MySQL - Conditional Foreign Key Constraints
The first approach is not great, since it is quite denormalized. Each time you add a new entity type, you need to update the table. You may be better off making this an attribute of document - I.e. store the comment inline in the document table.
For the ResourceID approach to work with referential integrity, you will need to have a Resource table, and a ResourceID foreign key in all of your Document, Project etc.. entities (or use a mapping table.) Making "ResourceID" a jack-of-all-trades, that can be a documentID, projectID etc.. is not a good solution since it cannot be used for sensible indexing or foreign key constraint.
To normalize, you need to the comment table into one table per resource type.
If only one comment is allowed, then you add a unique constraint on the foreign key for the entity (DocumentID, ProjectID etc.) This ensures that there can only be one row for the given item and so only one comment. You can also ensure that comments are not shared by using a unique constraint on CommentID.
EDIT: Interestingly, this is almost parallel to the normalized implementation of ResourceID - replace "Comment" in the table name, with "Resource" and change "CommentID" to "ResourceID" and you have the structure needed to associate a ResourceID with each resource. You can then use a single table "ResourceComment".
If there are going to be other entities that are associated with any type of resource (e.g. audit details, access rights, etc..), then using the resource mapping tables is the way to go, since it will allow you to add normalized comments and any other resource related entities.
I wouldn't go with either of those solutions. Depending on some of the specifics of your requirements you could go with a super-type table:
CREATE TABLE Commentable_Items (
commentable_item_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Commentable_Items PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (commentable_item_id))
commentable_item_id INT NOT NULL,
... (other project columns)
CONSTRAINT PK_Projects PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (commentable_item_id))
CREATE TABLE Documents (
commentable_item_id INT NOT NULL,
... (other document columns)
CONSTRAINT PK_Documents PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (commentable_item_id))
If the each item can only have one comment and comments are not shared (i.e. a comment can only belong to one entity) then you could just put the comments in the Commentable_Items table. Otherwise you could link the comments off of that table with a foreign key.
I don't like this approach very much in your specific case though, because "having comments" isn't enough to put items together like that in my mind.
I would probably go with separate Comments tables (assuming that you can have multiple comments per item - otherwise just put them in your base tables). If a comment can be shared between multiple entity types (i.e., a document and a project can share the same comment) then have a central Comments table and multiple entity-comment relationship tables:
comment_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_text NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE Document_Comments (
document_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Document_Comments PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (document_id, comment_id))
CREATE TABLE Project_Comments (
project_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Project_Comments PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (project_id, comment_id))
If you want to constrain comments to a single document (for example) then you could add a unique index (or change the primary key) on the comment_id within that linking table.
It's all of these "little" decisions that will affect the specific PKs and FKs. I like this approach because each table is clear on what it is. In databases that's usually better then having "generic" tables/solutions.
Of the options you give, I would go for number 2.
Option 2 is a good way to go. The issue that I see with that is you are putting the resouce key on that table. Each of the IDs from the different resources could be duplicated. When you join resources to the comments you will more than likely come up with comments that do not belong to that particular resouce. This would be considered a many to many join. I would think a better option would be to have your resource tables, the comments table, and then tables that cross reference the resource type and the comments table.
If you carry the same sort of data about all comments regardless of what they are comments about, I'd vote against creating multiple comment tables. Maybe a comment is just "thing it's about" and text, but if you don't have other data now, it's likely you will: date the comment was entered, user id of person who made it, etc. With multiple tables, you have to repeat all these column definitions for each table.
As noted, using a single reference field means that you could not put a foreign key constraint on it. This is too bad, but it doesn't break anything, it just means you have to do the validation with a trigger or in code. More seriously, joins get difficult. You can just say "from comment join document using (documentid)". You need a complex join based on the value of the type field.
So while the multiple pointer fields is ugly, I tend to think that's the right way to go. I know some db people say there should never be a null field in a table, that you should always break it off into another table to prevent that from happening, but I fail to see any real advantage to following this rule.
Personally I'd be open to hearing further discussion on pros and cons.
Pawnshop Application:
I have separate tables for Loan, Purchase, Inventory & Sales transactions.
Each tables rows are joined to their respective customer rows by: [serial] = [integer];
= [integer];
= [integer];
= [integer];
I have consolidated the four tables into one table called "transaction", where a column:
transaction.trx_type char(1) {L=Loan, P=Purchase, I=Inventory, S=Sale}
A customer initially pawns merchandise, makes a couple of interest payments, then decides he wants to sell the merchandise to the pawnshop, who then places merchandise in Inventory and eventually sells it to another customer.
I designed a generic transaction table where for example:
transaction.main_amount DECIMAL(7,2)
in a loan transaction holds the pawn amount,
in a purchase holds the purchase price,
in inventory and sale holds sale price.
This is clearly a denormalized design, but has made programming alot easier and improved performance. Any type of transaction can now be performed from within one screen, without the need to change to different tables.