feed single .jpg file true carrierwave? - ruby-on-rails-3

Would it be possible to feed a single.jpg true carrierwave?
Using jpegcam Im generating a temp.jpg and would like to feed this in carrierwave
so it gets stored in the photos table and generate the thumbnails based on the /uploaders/photo_uploader.rb
Any way to feed a single jpg to carrierwave?
def upload
File.open(upload_path, 'w:ASCII-8BIT') do |f|
f.write request.raw_post
render :text => "ok"
def upload_path # is used in upload and create
file_name = ("webcam_1.jpg")
File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, 'public', 'uploads', file_name)
Photo.create(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/public/uploads/#{file_name}"))

If I understand your question correctly, you just want to create a Photo from a file? Assuming your Photo class has an 'image' field that Carrierwave is using, that would be this:
Photo.create(:image => File.open("#{Rails.root}/public/uploads/#{file_name}"))


Process form data before creating table entry

Backstory: I'm building a site that takes in a Soundcloud URL as part of a post. Currently, I store the link they provide and, when a user loads their feed view, I retrieve the associated image / title / favorite count etc. via my post_helper. I have quickly come to realize that this is not scalable and is hurting load times.
So, what I think I should do (feel free to tell me that there is a better way), is to retrieve the SC/YT metadata on form submit and store it along with the other post data (id, user, content etc.) in the posts' table entry. How would I go about calling the helper methods to retrieve such on form submit and include the metadata in the submitted params?
post_helper.rb excerpt:
def soundcloud_info(soundcloud_url, type)
resolve = scClient.get('/resolve', :url => soundcloud_url)
track_info = scClient.get("/tracks/#{resolve.id}")
rescue Soundcloud::ResponseError => e
%Q{ Error: #{e.message}, Status Code: #{e.response.code} }
if type == "title"
elsif type == "image"
elsif type == "favCount"
%Q{Favorite count: #{track_info['favoritings_count']}}
post_controler.rb excerpt:
def create
#post = current_user.posts.build(params[:post])
if #post.save
flash[:success] = "Your post was successful!"
redirect_to root_url
#feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(page: params[:page])
render 'static_pages/home'
So apparently it's pretty straight forward... all I need to do is modify the parameters in the controller before I call #post = current_user.posts.build(params[:post]). My issue was that I was trying to do so in the helper.
I haven't quite adapted the whole thing to get all my required fields, but here's an example of how I have adapted the create method to pull the api URL out if someone submits SoundCloud's embed iframe.
micropost_controller.rb excerpt:
def create
#url = params[:post][:link_html]
if #url[/^.*src="(https|http):\/\/w.soundcloud.com\/player\/\?url=(.*)">/]
params[:post][:link_html] = CGI::unescape($2)
#post = current_user.posts.build(params[:post])
if #post.save
flash[:success] = "Your post was successful!"
redirect_to root_url
#feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(page: params[:page])
render 'static_pages/home'

including rails object in meta tags keywords

I'd like to include a rails object in my keywords as well as straight text but the code is clearly not the right way to do it...how can I do this?
set_meta_tags :keywords => %w[keyword1 keyword2 #{params[:hospital]}]
You might want to have a look at two plug-ins for including rails object in meta tags:
Meta Magic: https://github.com/lassebunk/metamagic
Head Liner: https://github.com/mokolabs/headliner
Edit: For Meta tag gem
What I usually do is write a meta helper that I simply stick in my ApplicationHelper, that looks like this:
def meta(field = nil, list = [])
field = field.to_s
#meta ||= {
'robots' => ['all'],
'copyright' => ['My Copyright'],
'content-language' => ['en'],
'title' => [],
'keywords' => []
if field.present?
#meta[field] ||= []
case list.class
when Array then
#meta[field] += list
when String then
#meta[field] += [list]
#meta[field] += [list]
case field
when 'description' then
content = truncate(strip_tags(h(#meta[field].join(', '))), :length => 255)
content = #meta[field].join(', ')
return raw(%(<meta #{att}="#{h(field)}" content="#{h(content)}"/>))
tags = ''
#meta.each do |field, list|
tags += meta(field)+"\n"
return tags.rstrip
You can simply set meta tags in your views, by adding a call to meta() in it. So in an articles/show.html.erb you might add this to the top of your view:
<% meta(:title, #article.title) %>
And in your layouts, you add it without any parameters, so it'll spit out the meta tags.
<%= meta %>
Or have it output an individual tag:
<%= meta(:title) %>
I bet you there's more elegant solutions, though.
But if you were looking for something already implemented in Rails you're out of luck.
Try this in your view as it worked for me (using meta-tags gem):
<% keywords [[#modelname.keyword1], [#modelname.keyword2]] %>
and you cad additional keywords in text format by adding them within the ruby in the following format ['keyword3']

Dummy data with Factory Girl

How can I set up dummy data with FactoryGirl?
Is there a way to set up dummy data with a factory in my integrated development environment?
I write a seed scribt to solve my problem:
in /db/seed.rb i implemented factory_girl and use a csv file to define custom datas.
require 'factory_girl'
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach(Rails.root.join("datas.csv"), headers: true) do |row|
post = FactoryGirl.create(:post) do |post|
post.text = row[0]
If you want to associate models with your test datas you can use FactoryGirl to create associated objects:
CSV.foreach(Rails.root.join("post_comments.csv"), headers: true) do |row|
Post.all.each do |post|
FactoryGirl.create(:comment, post: post) do |comment|
comment.name = row[0]
You can also use the first CSV scribt and implement an factory wich create comments for each post.
Now you can use FactoryGirl to create x records for testing datas with csv.

API Code Not Rendering JSON From Controller Properly From Heroku

I am trying to write api code that utilizes the JSON rendered from the controller. I was able to successfully get my desired results locally, but when I push to Heroku parts of my JSON is not rendered correctly.
To put in context, I am trying to create a nested JSON with meal information (name, id, etc) and photo urls. Locally the photo urls render correctly in the JSON. However, on Heroku the photo urls show up as null. On Heroku, I have also tested just rendering the url JSON alone and it is getting the urls correctly.
If you know why it is rendering correctly locally and not on Heroku please let me know. Thank you
I create my JSON the following way:
def api
#meals = Meal.all
#urls = Hash.new
#return_val = Array.new
#sorted_meals = Meal.select('meals.name as meal_name, meals.id as meal_id,
COALESCE(sum(meal_ratings.rating), 0) as meal_rating,
restaurants.id as restaurant_id, restaurants.name as restaurant_name').
joins('LEFT JOIN meal_ratings ON meals.id = meal_ratings.meal_id
LEFT JOIN restaurants ON restaurants.id = meals.restaurant_id').
group('meals.name, meals.id, restaurants.id, restaurants.name').
order('meal_rating DESC').all
#meals.each do |meal|
unless meal.meal_photos.empty?
#urls[meal.id] = {"thumb" => meal.meal_photos[0].photo.url(:thumb), "profile" => meal.meal_photos[0].photo.url(:profile)}
#sorted_meals.each do |meal|
#return_val.push("id" => meal.meal_id, "name" => meal.meal_name,
"rating" => meal.meal_rating, "restaurant" => meal.restaurant_name,
"restaurant_id" => meal.restaurant_id, "urls" => #urls[meal.meal_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { render json: #return_val } # render json: #url render json: #meals
The problem was due to Postgres. When I query for a meal_id it returned a string and was not working as a hash key, so I was getting nil. After turning the id string into turn an int everything worked fine. Thanks to the help of Sena this has been resolved.

Where to set session default value?

Prior to asking i should mention, that i`m working without ActiveRecord or any self-hosted-database. So thats why i have to store some values in the session.
From the very begining i desided to set session value of the users city in the layout. - i supposed it would be loaded before anything else. So i`ve done something like this:
<% session[:city] ||= {:name => 'City-Name', :lat => '40', :lng => '40'}%>
But when i`m loading directly to inner page it occurs that session[:city is nil *(
How should i set the session properely, so that it wouldn`t be nil???
I had similar needs in one of the applications I worked on. It needed the users data to be loaded on sign-in and stored in the session. So, wrote a module called session_helpers.rb with the following:
module SessionHelpers
def get_value(key)
def store_data(*objects)
objects.each do |object|
if object.is_a?(Hash)
object.each do |key, value|
session[key.to_sym] = value
def remove_data(*objects)
objects.each do |object|
if object.is_a?(String)
key = to_id(object)
key = to_id(object.class.name)
session[key] = nil
def update_data(key, value)
session[key.to_sym] = value
def to_id(name)
You can make any or all the methods available to views as well:
# application_controller.rb
helper_method :get_value
From the model I would retrieve a hash of the data that needs to be put up in the session about the user:
def common_data
#data = Hash.new
#data.merge!( { 'news' => self.news.count } )
As I wanted to do this after sign-in I overrode the devise method to do this:
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)
store_data( '_count', current_user.common_data )
This way I was able to load important data about the user on sign-in and store it in the session and retrieve whenever I wanted. Hope this helps.