Rich iPad application using motion charts with flexible playback capabilities - data-visualization

What charting tool is the most promising to develop a rich iPad application that can display motion charts with replay capabilities? The end-user should be able to change what are being plotted on the x- and y- axes.
In addition, can such applications be built using QlikView, or Tableau to handle the charting?
Do I use the API for that?
Also, how about FusionCharts?

Tableau can do this for you out of the box, and building the chart itself is trivial.
The basic steps you'd follow to accomplish this are:
Download Tableau Desktop Create your viz using the tool - for
"replay" functionality, drop a database field like "Date" on
Tableau's "Pages" shelf.
Publish the completed viz to Tableau Server
On the iPad, point Safari at the viz as hosted on Tableau Server, or
download the free Tableau app and do the same thing.
The "catch" here, if you want to call it that, is that Tableau Server is doing all the heavy lifting around rendering the viz for you - there is no app-side API or library you're leaning on - you're just using the mobile device as a viewer.

The approach is fairly similar for Qlikview also.
Download the Qlikview Personal edition (free)
Develop your required application
Deploy the application to Qlikview Server (you will need a license for this)
Access the application on the Qlikview server using Safari on the iPad
The same Qlikview application can be accessed via desktop PC's using either the IE Plugin or a browser with no installation using the Ajax client.
If you would like to see some demo applications, you can access them on your iPad at


How can you create an app that accesses a local database

I am a programmer who has a desktop program developed on This program works under Windows with a local Access database. Now what I need is to add functions to query and update the database but from a mobile device (Android and IOS). I understand that the most correct way is to develop a program in Xamarin, but I do not know very well how to access the customer's data. I have little experience with mobile devices and I do not know how to approach the project. I know this is a very generic question, but perhaps someone with more experience in this field could give me a vision on how to approach the project.
The final result will be to access local data from a mobile app

Report Provider to Clients

I have a web solution with about 1000 clients. Nowadays they have access to reports that I provide as a PDF: an ASP.NET script executes SP's in the database and with PDFReactor I create a PDF. This is online and as you may already be guessing, it is unmanageable for large data sets.
I was thinking of using a reporting solution, as Power BI, Tableau or... Qlik. In my investigations I have found out that Qlik is the most complete solution for what I want. Nevertheless, I still have some questions, regarding the application architecture and how I can integrate Qlik with my application.
The first question is how I manage my users? I have a custom authentication provider and user management inside my application... What is the best way to integrate with Qlik? I manually configure all the clients in the Qlik Server also? There are endpoints to do it automatically?
The second question is how I manage what a client can see inside a Qlik document (QVW). I want to have several unique QVD, where several QVW get their data from. But I don't want to create a QVW for each client!! Can I filter a QVW based on a user authentication?
I would like that my clients could see the reports dynamically inside my web app. But my conclusion so far is that the web view of Qlik is static and that for more dynamism my users would have to use Qlik View desktop. Correct?
And this leads me to the final question: does my clients would have to pay licenses or is everything on my side and responsibility?
Thanks for your help!
Out of the box QlikView Server (see 4.2) uses NTFS authentication (local windows users or Active Directory). There is something called DMS - ticket based authentication which allow non Windows users to be authorized to access apps. A bit more info here
QlikView have something called Section Access which is on file (qvw) level. Section Access is part of the QV script. Basically you can create link between user name and data field. The main file will contain all the data but when the user open the document he/she can see only the data that its relevant to this username. More info here and here
For example:
user1 -> can see only UK data
user2 -> can see UK and USA data
user3 -> can see all the data
... etc
The web app and the desktop app are the same. The web client provide same level of interaction as the desktop so you can slice and dice your data as you want
4.1 QV desktop (personal edition) is free but you can open up to 5 qvw files which are not "yours" (not created with the current instance of the personal edition) and the clients need to install it locally on their computers
4.2 QV server is not free. With QV server all the clients are accessing the QV apps via the browser. You (as administrator) are buying the licenses from Qlik Partner and it's up to you if you want to charge your customers or not (and how much)

Is it possible to embed a report held on crystal server into a separate web application?

We're developing an ASP MVC web application for a company to monitor and correct incoming data from third parties, then preview a report output before being distributed to their own clients. We've made a prototype with the reports being generated as Crystal Reports through the application itself using CR for Visual Studio.
The client already has a Crystal Server for some internal reporting, we're wondering if we can hook into that so that all Crystal Reports are stored in the same place and save on duplication. We would need to expose a preview of the report in our application and then export the reports from the Crystal Server in PDF and Excel formats ready to be distributed.
Is that possible? I've found very little on the subject.
In case anybody comes back for the answer... We've managed to get this working by using the 'opendocument' url path feature and embedding it into the site using an iframe. Documentation is here.

Windows 8 Databound App Tutorial

Does anybody know of a good tutorial, preferably with downloadable sample code, for a Windows 8 app that is data oriented?
I am trying to rewrite a fairly simple Windows Forms application, which uses a local SQL Express database, as a Modern UI Windows 8 app, but it seems that Windows 8 apps don't support accessing SQL databases natively. This leaves me wondering what the best way to store the app's data is, and also lost as to how to handle calls to create/edit/delete records, etc.
I've come across the Reversi sample app, which Microsoft claims contains extensive examples of databinding, but actually it all seems to be in an MVVM context, binding visibility of controls, positions of items, etc. I'd like to see an example of a more traditional, simple database application with records that can be browsed, updated, created, deleted, etc. Not least so that I can just see how the data is stored, since an external database apparently isn't an option!
You can use SQLite as database for Windows Store App. There are couple of articles & code sample available.
SQLite samples from MSDN
Using SQLite in Windows 8 Store Apps
WinRT app guide: Step 10: Adding a lightweight database (SQLite) and CRUD support + two-way element binding

Choosing database for the app that target windows phone7 and windows phone8 OS?

I have to develop and enterprise app that should work in both windows phone 7 and 8(app targeting to older and latest OS). This is an app porting from android to windows phone.
The proposed app has lots of database interactions like order processing and payments(bulk CRUD operation should be handled) in both offline and online mode.
Also, at the time of login , the app should check for the DB change in the server and need to make the corresponding changes in the local phone app database accordingly either by downloading the SqlLite file or any otherway from the server.
I heard that, Windows phone supports following approaches to deal with database interactions;
LINQ to SQL Data Context(WP7)
And i would like to design the database/table using an IDE like SQLLite manager or sql server ,for easy of db design.
My Question is: which DB approach is good for my app to achieve the following requirements?
App target the OS WP7 and WP8.
DB design support(IDE to add/modify the DB or tables)
offline data Sync
LINQ Support.
DB changes in server need to be get updated in the local app(by downloading .sdf/.sql kinda file).
I've successfully used the SQLite C# Community port on both WP7 and WP8. I think it is a little out of date now - and doesn't seem to me actively maintained - but it has worked well for me. See for more info.
You can also use the native SQLite library on WP8 - and this is the officially recommended WP8 solution and is maintained - but I've found this requires more project level setup.
For LINQ support, I personally use SQLite-net - - but other solutions are available - e.g. Vici CoolStorage -
For offline data sync and for sdf updates, I've not seen any automated solutions - I believe you may have to code this yourself.