Passing Variable from Windows form to Modal -

Windows Forms, VB. I have searched the web for the correct answer to this and no dice. Either they are missing on what I am trying to accomplish or are in CSHARP making it harder for me to see what they are doing. I have a need to pass a record Id from the main windows form into a modal Dialog Load Event.. I have tried throwing a with param in but then I have to change the Load event params and vb flags it.. I am trying to pass the value of _CurrentProp which is an integer into the dialog. This is the dialog constructor and the load event inside that dialog..
Private Sub PropertySettingsMenuClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PropertyDetailsToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim _propertSettings As New PropertySettingsWindow()
End Sub
Private Sub PropertySettings_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim _properties As New List(Of property_info)
_properties = db.property_info.ToList
For Each a In _properties
If Not p_settingsCityList.Items.Contains( Then
End If
For Each b In _properties
If Not p_settingsPropertyList.Items.Contains(b.property_Name) Then
p_settingsPropertyList.Items.Add(Convert.ToString(b.idProperties) + " -- " + b.property_Name)
End If
p_settingsZipCode.ReadOnly = True
p_settings_Address.ReadOnly = True
p_settings_PropertyName.ReadOnly = True
End Sub
I am going to simply assign the value to a global variable inside the PropertySettings Class but everything I try seems to fail in one way or another... Any ideas...

Add a public property RecordID to your dialog window, then open the dialog like this
Dim _propertSettings As New PropertySettingsWindow()
_propertSettings.RecordID = 15
In the dialog form you can simply access the record id with
_properties = db.property_info_by_id(RecordID).ToList
Starting with .NET Framework 4.0, you can use auto-implemented properties
Public Property RecordID As Integer
With previous versions you would have to write
Private _recordID As Integer
Property RecordID As Integer
Return _recordID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_recordID = value
End Set
End Property

Related dims in buttons turning to 0

I have this snippet from my code
Private Sub BtnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOne.Click
Dim ownerNum As Integer 'sets variable
ownerNum = Ownerfnc(Indicatorbtn, ownerNum) 'gives variable a number
End Sub
Function cntOwner(ByRef indicator As Object, ByRef old As Integer) As Integer
If indicator.FillColor = Color.Transparent Then
indicator.FillColor =
Return player
Return old
End If
End Function
when i click the button it sets the variable to the correct number but if i click it again it sets it back to 0 is there a way to stop it from doing it?
Declare your variable globally (outside procedure) to persist it's value.
At the moment, your variable declared locally within procedure. That way it will be recreated -hence get reset to default value- every time the procedure called. For reference, read this : MSDN - Scope in Visual Basic.
Thanks for the answers, needed to explain a bit more that i have 42 different variables that where in 42 different button clicks.
The answer was to just put static instead of dim and that worked fine for anyone that was looking for a solution like this
you should declare your variable outside the events of button click. every time you you click the button the value of ownerNum is reseting. try dis code
Dim ownerNum As Integer 'sets variable
Private Sub BtnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOne.Click
'now every time you click the ownerNum is not reseting.
ownerNum = Ownerfnc(Indicatorbtn, ownerNum) 'gives variable a number
End Sub
Function cntOwner(ByRef indicator As Object, ByRef old As Integer) As Integer
If indicator.FillColor = Color.Transparent Then
indicator.FillColor =
Return player
Return old
End If
End Function

How to get values from a dialog form in VB.NET?

I have a "frmOptions" form with a textbox named "txtMyTextValue" and a button named "btnSave" to save and close the form when it's clicked,
then, I'm showing this dialog form "frmOptions" when a button "btnOptions" is clicked on the main form "frmMain", like this
Private Sub btnOptions_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOptions.Click
End Sub
Private Sub ShowOptionsForm()
Dim options = New frmOptions
End Sub
How can I get in the main form "frmMain" the value inserted in the textbox "txtMyTextValue" when the "btnSave" is clicked?
You want to capture the information from the dialog only if the result is OK (user presses Save instead of Cancel or closes the dialog some other way), so do this:
Private Sub ShowOptionsForm()
Dim options = New frmOptions
' Did the user click Save?
If options.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
' Yes, so grab the values you want from the dialog here
Dim textBoxValue As String = options.txtMyTextValue.Text
End If
End Sub
Now inside of your dialog form, you need to set the result Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK when the user clicks the button that corresponds to the OK action of the dialog form, like this:
Public Class frmOptions
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
' Set the result to pass back to the form that called this dialog
Me.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
End Sub
End Class
The simplest method is to add a public property to the frmOptions form that returns an internal string declared at the global level of the frmOptions
Dim strValue As String
Public Property MyStringValue() As String
Return strValue
End Get
End Property
Then, when your user clicks the OK button to confirm its choices you copy the value of the textbox to the internal variable
Private Sub cmdOK_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOK.Click
strValue = txtMyTextValue.Text
End Sub
Finally in the frmMain you use code like this to retrieve the inserted value
Private Sub ShowOptionsForm()
Using options = New frmOptions()
if DialogResult.OK = options.ShowDialog() Then
Dim value = options.MyStringValue
End If
End Using
End Sub
I prefer to avoid direct access to the internal controls of the frmOptions, a property offer a indirection that could be used to better validate the inputs given by your user.
You can use Events to take care of this. With this approach the Settings Form does not have to be Modal and the user can click the Save Button at any time.
In frmOptions:
'You can expand the signature to take more than just a single String.
Friend Event SavedOptions(ByVal strData As String)
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
RaiseEvent SavedOptions(txtMyTextValue.Text)
End Sub
In frmMain:
Private Sub ShowOptionsForm()
Dim options = New frmOptions
AddHandler options.SavedOptions, AddressOf OnOptionsSave
End Sub
Private Sub OnOptionsSave(ByVal strData As String)
'Or whatever you want to do on frmMain with Options Data.
End Sub
You can access the value from the frmOptions instance. However, this breaks the law of demeter.
You should expose the value with a property within your class.
Public Class frmOptions
Public ReadOnly Property MyTextValue As String
Return Me.txtMyTextValue.Text
End Get
End Property
End Class
Then you can access the value:
Private Sub ShowOptionsForm()
Dim options = New frmOptions
Dim frmOptionTextValue As String
Dim frmOptionsDiagResult As DialogResult
frmOptionsDiagResult = options.ShowDialog()
If frmOptionsDiagResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
frmOptionTextValue = options.MyTextValue
End If
End Sub
Finally, if you are using a Dialog then make sure to set the Dialog Result for the button.

How to pass data from one form to another using a class (VB.Net)

In my main program (form) I have two list boxes, one text box, and a button.
When I pick two items in each list boxes and enter a number in the text box, it is suppsoed to be stocked in an array. I wanted to do this using a class. (I just asked a question about this, it works well now). The problem is I want to show the results in a different form.
The code in my class looks like this:
Public Class Stocking
Public sale(3, 4) As Integer
Public numberSellers(3) As Integer
Public numberProducts(4) As Integer
Public Sub addItem(ByRef my_sellerListBox As ListBox, ByRef my_productListBox As ListBox, ByRef my_saleTextBox As TextBox)
Dim sellerLineInteger As Integer
Dim productColumnInteger As Integer
sellerLineInteger = my_sellerListBox.SelectedIndex
productColumnInteger = my_productListBox.SelectedIndex
' add in two dimensional array
If sellerLineInteger >= 0 And productColumnInteger >= 0 Then
sale(sellerLineInteger, productColumnInteger) = Decimal.Parse(my_saleTextBox.Text)
End If
For sellerLineInteger = 0 To 3
For productColumnInteger = 0 To 4
numberSellers(sellerLineInteger) += sale(sellerLineInteger, productColumnInteger)
Next productColumnInteger
Next sellerLineInteger
End Sub
Public Sub showItems(ByRef my_label)
my_label.Text = numberSellers(0).ToString 'using this as a test to see if it works for now
End Sub
End Class
My main form looks like this:
Public Class showForm
Public sale(3, 4) As Integer
Public numberSellers(3) As Integer
Public numberProducts(4) As Integer
Dim StockClass As New Stocking
Public Sub addButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addButton.Click
StockClass.addItem(sellerListBox, producttListBox, saleTextBox)
End Sub
Public Sub SalesByMonthToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SalesByMonthToolStripMenuItem.Click
And in my second form, to show the results stocked in the array is:
Public Class saleForm
Dim StockClass As New Stocking
Public Sub saleForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Only using one label as a test for now.
End Sub
End Class
End Sub
I tested it and tried to see if the results shows on the main form, it does. So I'm guessing the problem is because I use a different form. Also I think it might be because I call the class again in my different form and doesn't keep the data.
The problem is that your saleForm is instantiating a new Stocking object. You need to send the Stocking object that is created in your primary form to the new form, during the creation of saleForm, or you need to make the Stocking object in your main form publically available, perhaps through a property.
So, in your main form, you might have something like this:
Public StockClass As New Stocking
then, because it's not protected as a private variable, you could access it from your secondary form through something like
The danger, of course, is that this tightly binds the two forms together. It would be better, in the long run, to learn how to send the StockClass that is populated in the first form to the second form during initialization, but I don't remember enough on WinForms development to help with that, sorry.

Saving textbox name when clicked in order to input text

Hey all i am in need of some help getting my code working correctly like i am needing it to. Below is my code that when the user click on the textbox, it pops up a keyboard where they can click on any letter and it will type that letter into the textbox. Problem being is i can not seem to get the name of the text box to return so that it knows where to send the letters to.
Order in firing is:
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown
Call keyboardOrPad.runKeyboardOrPad("SHOW") 'Just shows the keyboard
Call kbOrPad.keyboardPadType("PAD", TextBox1)
End Sub
Public Sub putIntoTextBox(ByRef what2Put As String, ByRef whatBox As TextBox)
whatBox.Text = what2Put '<-- has error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. for the whatBox.text
End Sub
kbOrPad class
Dim theBoxName As TextBox = Nothing
Public Sub keyboardPadType(ByRef whatType As String, ByRef boxName As TextBox)
theBoxName = boxName '<-- shows nothing here
Dim intX As Short = 1
If whatType = "PAD" Then
Do Until intX = 30
Dim theButton() As Control = Controls.Find("Button" & intX, True)
theButton(0).Enabled = False
intX += 1
ElseIf whatType = "KEYB" Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClickLetters(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim btn As Button = CType(sender, Button)
If btn.Text = "Backspace" Then
Call Form1.putIntoTextBox(btn.Text, theBoxName) 'theBoxName taken from keyboardPadType
End If
End Sub
Some visuals for you:
Pastebin code:
make sure that theBoxName is a Module scoped variable, then I would populate it like this giving you the flexibility of implementing a shared TextBox MouseDown Handler:
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown
Dim tb As TextBox = CType(sender, TextBox)
Call keyboardPadType("PAD", tb)
End Sub
Try something like this
Public Class Form1
Dim myKborPad As New kbOrPad
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown
Dim tb As TextBox = CType(sender, TextBox)
Call myKborPad.keyboardPadType("PAD", tb)
End Sub
Edit Based on your PasteBin code.
I noticed you already have an instance of your keyboardPadType declared in your Module, use that instead of what I said earlier. That code should look like:
Dim myKborPad As New kbOrPad
and use the theKbOrPad that you created in your module like this:
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown
Dim tb As TextBox = CType(sender, TextBox)
Call keyboardOrPad.runKeyboardOrPad("SHOW")
Call theKbOrPad.keyboardPadType("PAD", tb)
'Call kbOrPad.keyboardPadType("PAD", tb)
End Sub
Also about the current error your are getting, you are trying to use the default instance of your Form1 , it isn't the actual Form that you are running, you can code around this by making the method you are trying to use as shared. Like this:
Public Shared Sub putIntoTextBox(ByRef what2Put As String, ByRef whatBox As TextBox)
whatBox.Text = what2Put
End Sub
But however I would actually prefer to put it into your Module like this
Public Sub putIntoTextBox(ByRef what2Put As String, ByRef whatBox As TextBox)
whatBox.Text = what2Put
End Sub
and call it like this
Call putIntoTextBox(btn.Text, theBoxName)
after making above changes your code worked.
First, you should replace the ByRef with ByVal (anytime you don't know whether you should use one or the other, use ByVal).
Secondly, I believe you don't need the method, putIntoTextBox, I think you should be able to do that directly (might be threading problems that prevent it, but I don't think that's likely based on your description). You don't show where Form1 is set (or even if it is), and that's another potential problem.
Finally, the better way to call back into the other class is to use a delegate/lambada.
(I know, no code, but you don't provide enough context for a working response, so I'm just giving text).

Search ListBox elements in VB.Net

I'm migrating an application from VB6 to VB.Net and I found a change in the behavior of the ListBox and I'm not sure of how to make it equal to VB6.
The problem is this:
In the VB6 app, when the ListBox is focused and I type into it, the list selects the element that matches what I type. e.g. If the list contains a list of countries and I type "ita", "Italy" will be selected in the listbox.
The problem is that with the .Net version of the control if I type "ita" it will select the first element that starts with i, then the first element that starts with "t" and finally the first element that starts with "a".
So, any idea on how to get the original behavior? (I'm thinking in some property that I'm not seeing by some reason or something like that)
I really don't want to write an event handler for this (which btw, wouldn't be trivial).
Thanks a lot!
I shared willw's frustration. This is what I came up with. Add a class called ListBoxTypeAhead to your project and include this code. Then use this class as a control on your form. It traps keyboard input and moves the selected item they way the old VB6 listbox did. You can take out the timer if you wish. It mimics the behavior of keyboard input in Windows explorer.
Public Class ListBoxTypeAhead
Inherits ListBox
Dim Buffer As String
Dim WithEvents Timer1 As New Timer
Private Sub ListBoxTypeAhead_KeyDown(sender As Object, _
e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.A To Keys.Z, Keys.NumPad0 To Keys.NumPad9
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
Buffer &= Chr(e.KeyValue)
Me.SelectedIndex = Me.FindString(Buffer)
Case Else
Buffer = ""
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ListBoxTypeAhead_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LostFocus
Buffer = ""
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Timer1.Interval = 2000
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Buffer = ""
End Sub
End Class
As you probably know, this feature is called 'type ahead,' and it's not built into the Winform ListBox (so you're not missing a property).
You can get the type-ahead functionality on the ListView control if you set its View property to List.
Public Function CheckIfExistInCombo(ByVal objCombo As Object, ByVal TextToFind As String) As Boolean
Dim NumOfItems As Object 'The Number Of Items In ComboBox
Dim IndexNum As Integer 'Index
NumOfItems = objCombo.ListCount
For IndexNum = 0 To NumOfItems - 1
If objCombo.List(IndexNum) = TextToFind Then
CheckIfExistInCombo = True
Exit Function
End If
Next IndexNum
CheckIfExistInCombo = False
End Function