Can I access all page layouts specific to an object via the Salesforce API - api

Can we access all page layouts specific to one object using Salesforce API?
We are currently restricted to use Record Types and therefore have one page layout per record type. We would like to avoid having to create a record type for every page layout we need but simply access different page layouts associated to one object.
To give you a bigger picture, we would like to control the page layout of a second tab (in a web browser coded in .NET), based on values entered in the first tab. The first tab would be the same for all, but the second tab would be specific to one of the 80 funding programs. As it is now, we have to create 80 record types to associate the 80 different page layouts. We would like not to have to create the record types.
Thank you!

the describeLayout call in the SOAP api will return all the layouts associated with an object (that the calling user has access to)

I think Salesforce Metadata API can be helpful in that case. But the Problem is it returns the zip files. I am not sure that the xml file returned by the Retrieve call is serialized form of the Object returned by the Salesforce API from DescribeLayout Call.

I hope that you have found out the solution by now, but in case it's negative, here's one solution :
In the SFDC Metadata API you will find the listMetadata method which returns the names and other properties of the components. Here's sample code for you which enlists all of the Account object page layouts in the org : ( ofcourse you have to login as an admin thro the API using Metadatabinding first) :
// this is the Login method ... please refer to Metadata Api documentation
metadatabinding = (MetadataBindingStub)new MetadataServiceLocator().getMetadata();
// this is another method in which you call the listMetadata method
ListMetadataQuery query = new ListMetadataQuery();
double asOfVersion = 23.0;
// Assuming that the SOAP binding has already been established.
FileProperties[] metadatafile = metadatabinding.listMetadata(
new ListMetadataQuery[] {query}, asOfVersion);
if (metadatafile != null) {
for (FileProperties fp : metadatafile) {
System.out.println("Component fullName: " + fp.getFullName());
System.out.println("Component type: " + fp.getType());

public void listMetadata() {
try {
ListMetadataQuery query = new ListMetadataQuery();
double asOfVersion = 21.0;
// Assuming that the SOAP binding has already been established.
FileProperties[] lmr = metadatabinding.listMetadata(new ListMetadataQuery[] {
}, asOfVersion);
String layoutName[] = {
"SVMXC__Activity_Master__c-Activity Master Layout"
System.out.println("Component length: " + lmr.length);
if (lmr != null) {
for (FileProperties n: lmr) {
if (n.getNamespacePrefix() != null && n.getNamespacePrefix().equals("SVMXC")) {
System.out.println("Component fullName SVMXC: " + n.getFullName());
System.out.println("Component type SVMXC: " + n.getType());
} else {
System.out.println("Component fullName direct: " + n.getFullName());
System.out.println("Component type: " + n.getType());
} catch (Exception ce) {


How to add condition based url validation in vuelidate

I used vuelidate in my vue.js project form validation. It's works good.
But I need URL validation with a condition based. My requirement below.
My create meeting form have location type field & that based location info field.
Screenshots below:
Type - 1
Type - 2
If the user chooses virtual URL validate added. otherwise not to add URL validate.
If anyone has this solution Kindly share me.
I got my solution. It's based on validation callback return object.
validations() {
const self = this;
return {
model: {
location: { required },
location_info: {
condUrlVald: self.model.location == 'V' ? url : required
model.location is location type field variable. Value 'V' is location type 'Virtual'
Refer by:

Claims based authorization with ASP.NET MVC

I was reading up a lot of blog posts and stackoverflow answers but still I am unable to find a real world open source project which uses claims based authentication and authorization, so that I can get an idea on how to actually implement these.
So far what I could find is Thinktecture.IdentityModel and this blog implements a claims based authorization on a sample website. If you guys could point me some Open source projects using claims, that would be really helpful.
What I am interested is how to retrieve claims for my application using the database.
So far, what I have tried is that using an in memory claims store to simulate the databsae, I have created a CustomClaimsTransformer and CustomAuthorisationManager like this.
public class CustomClaimsTransformer : ClaimsAuthenticationManager
public override ClaimsPrincipal Authenticate(string resourceName, ClaimsPrincipal incomingPrincipal)
//validate name claim
string nameClaimValue = incomingPrincipal.Identity.Name;
return CreatePrincipal(nameClaimValue);
private ClaimsPrincipal CreatePrincipal(string userName)
int userId = ClaimStore.Users.First(u => u.Value == userName).Key;
var claims = ClaimStore.ClaimsSet.Where(c => c.Key == userId);
var claimsCollection = claims.Select(kp => kp.Value).ToList();
return new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claimsCollection, "Custom"));
public class CustomAuthorisationManager : ClaimsAuthorizationManager
public override bool CheckAccess(AuthorizationContext context)
string resource = context.Resource.First().Value;
string action = context.Action.First().Value;
if (action == "Show" && resource == "Code")
bool likesJava = context.Principal.HasClaim(ClaimStore._httpMyclaimsUsers, "True");
return likesJava;
else if (action == "Read" && resource == "Departments")
bool readDeps = context.Principal.HasClaim(ClaimStore._httpMyclaimsDepartments, "Read");
return readDeps;
return false;
How to implement these in a real world scenario without having too many IF conditions?
Try the following link , it seems like a decent solution
Also you can define your policy and load it
How to: Implement Claims Authorization in a Claims-Aware ASP.NET Application Using WIF and ACS
I finally managed to design my own system with the required functionality using the existing identity 2.0 tables + a few of my own.
I'm gonna call every AREA-CONTROLLER-ACTION trio as resources in my system. WebAPI included. Area itself is a resource. Controller itself is a resource. Action itself is a resource. Any combination of them, is also a resource. I'll auto generate everything from the system itself using reflection.
Also, I'm going to use the same AspNetRoles table to store my User Groups. Users belong to one or more groups (Super Admin, Admin, Agent, Client etc.).
Using the existing Role based model as a user group based model with claims, I could get it working.Super admins are on god mode. They can create lower level users/groups/assign permissions etc.
Users can have special permissions. For example, Everyone in Agent group is denied access to updating a hotel, but a special agent who might also be the owner of a hotel can be given specific access to updating only their hotel.
Since the entire access control system runs on MVC area-controller-action sets. No one initially has no access (including super admins) and we gradually define which parts the groups/users has access to. And we give super admins and admins exclusive access through a claim. Access to everywhere is denied by default.
Once I Auto generated the AREA-CONTROLLER-ACTION sets, I let the user select which group has access to which item.
When the user logs in, I get all the resources the current user has access to and store them as claims. Based on that, using a claims auth manager, when a user request access to some resource, I can check their claims and decide if they should be given access to.
foreach(var claim in permissionClaims) {
var parts = claim.Value.Split(new [] {
}, StringSplitOptions.None);
if (parts.Length == 3) {
//var httpMethod = parts[0];
var action = parts[1];
var api = parts[2];
//Current.Log.Warn("Checking Access : " + req + " [action: " + action + "]");
// is this request for a API action?
if (api.Contains("API")) {
// if so, req must be for a API action
if (req.Contains("Api") && action.Contains(req)) {
Log.Trace("User has access to API : " + req + " [action: " + action + "]");
return true;
} else {
// this is for a MVC action
if (action.Contains(req)) {
Log.Trace("User has access to MVC : " + req + " [action: " + action + "]");
return true;
I have explained the approach in detail here - ASP.NET MVC Fine Grained Identity & Access Control.

How to list all the activities in a specific google domain?

Any ideas on how can I list all the activities in my domain by using the new google+ domain's API in java?
The Developers' Live video shows at 4:00 minute mark that you can do something like this:
Plus.Activities.List listActivities = plus.activities().list("me", "domain");
The Link for this code is here.
But when I actually run the same line of code it shows me the following error.
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"location" : "collection",
"locationType" : "parameter",
"message" : "Invalid string value: 'domain'. Allowed values: [user]",
"reason" : "invalidParameter"
} ],
"message" : "Invalid string value: 'domain'. Allowed values: [user]"
The error makes sense as in the activities.list documentation it says that "user" is the only acceptable value for collection and not "domain."
So what should I do about this issue?
As you say, the only available way is to list posts by the currently logged user. You have to use user delegation (with service accounts) and loop over all users in the domain in order to get all published activities.
You can use the updated field on the response to check if there is anything new in a user's list of activities.
This line of thought applies to the whole Domains API: every operation is done on behalf of a user, there is no "admin" account with superpowers. This can be a limitation when acting on a big number of users, as you are forced to authenticate for each one in turn (if someone has an idea on how to achieve this in a more efficient way, please share!)
As the documentation sais, only "public" is allowed:
However even using the code provided in the example in the API doc, after going through successful authentication I get 0 activities.
/** List the public activities for the authenticated user. */
private static void listActivities() throws IOException {
System.out.println("Listing My Activities");
// Fetch the first page of activities
Plus.Activities.List listActivities = plus.activities().list("me", "public");
// Pro tip: Use partial responses to improve response time considerably
ActivityFeed activityFeed = listActivities.execute();
// Unwrap the request and extract the pieces we want
List<Activity> activities = activityFeed.getItems();
System.out.println("Number of activities: " + activities.size());
// Loop through until we arrive at an empty page
while (activities != null) {
for (Activity activity : activities) {
System.out.println("ID " + activity.getId() + " Content: " +
// We will know we are on the last page when the next page token is null.
// If this is the case, break.
if (activityFeed.getNextPageToken() == null) {
// Prepare to request the next page of activities
// Execute and process the next page request
activityFeed = listActivities.execute();
activities = activityFeed.getItems();
Anybody know how to get this to work?
when you use Google+ API you must use "public" but when you use Google+ Domains API you must use "user" parameter value.

my zend session name spacing does not work

I am new to Zend and very keen to learn, so I would really appreciate some help and guidance.
I am trying to create a 'method in a class' that will save the session variables of product pages visited by members to a site i.e
i,e examplesite com/product/?producttype= 6
I want to save the number 6 in a session variable. I also do not want to have a global session for the entire site; I just want it for selected pages. So, I guess I have to have Zend_Session::start() on the selected page; but I am not clear how this should be done.
Should I instantiate it in the page view page. i.e products page or do this in the indexAction() method for the products page. I have attempted to instantiate it below but it did not work.
public function rememberLastProductSearched()
{ //my attempt to start a session start for this particular page.
$session->productSearchCategory = $this->_request->getParam('product-search-category');
return" $session->productSearchCategory ";
//echo " nothing there
return " $session->productSearchCategory";
With the rememberLastProductSearched() method I was trying to get the method to first check whether the user had searched for a new product or just arrived at the page by default. i.e whether he had used the get() action to search for a new product. If the answer is no, then I wanted the system to check whether their had been a previous saved session variable. so in procedural syntax it would have gone like this:
//$dbc database connection
$producttype = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_GET['producttype']));
$producttype = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_SESSION['producttype']));
Can you please help me with the Zend/oop syntax. I am totally confused how it should be?
you're asking about simple work flow in an action, it should begin something like:
//in any controller
public function anyAction()
//open seesion, start will be called if needed
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('products');
//get value
$productCategory = $this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype');
//save value to namespace
$session->productType = $productCategory;
now to move this off to a separate method you have to pass the data to the method...
protected function rememberLastProductSearched($productType)
//open seesion, start will be called if needed
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('products');
$session->productType = $productType;
So now if you want to test for presence of a value...
//in any controller
public function anyAction()
//open seesion, call the namespace whenever you need to access it
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('products');
if (!isset($session->productType)) {
$productCategory = $this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype');
//save value to session
} else {
$productCategory = $session->productType;
That's the idea.
Be mindful of your work flow as it can sometimes be very simple to inadvertently overwrite your session values.
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace("productSearch");
if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype')) { //isset GET param ?
$session->productType = $this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype');
$searchedProductType = $session->productType;
} else { //take the session saved value
if ($session->productType) {
$searchedProductType = $session->productType;
//now use $searchedProductType for your query

Variable in controller is lost when passing between views

I am currently stuck with an issue in my MVC 4 application. I have private variable in controller, that holds instance of a simple class:
private InstallationStatus status = null;
When data get submitted on a view, it gets filled like this:
InstallationStatus installStatus = Install();
if (installStatus != null)
status = installStatus;
TempData["installPercent"] = 0;
return View("InstallationProgress", status);
This part works as intended, variable is set to the instance as it should be.
After that view periodically checks another variable (using ajax):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var progress = 0;
$("div.status-message").text("Progress: " + progress + "%");
var statusUpdate = setInterval(function () {
type: 'GET',
url: "/AppStart/GetInstallProgress",
datatype: "application/html; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
progress = parseInt(data);
if (progress >= 100) {
var data = $(this).serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: "#Url.Action("CompletedStatus", "AppStart")",
success: function () {
window.location = "/Login/Login"
$("div.status-message").text("Progress: " + progress + "%");
}, 2000);
When it calls "CompletedStatus" action on the controller, variable "status" on the controller is null (the instance set previously is not there?
How do I ensure that its value will persist? It seems to me like whole instance of controller gets lost, but that doesnt really matter to me - the source for "status" is webservice and once I get the instance of InstallationStatus, I cant get it again - I need to keep it.
I tried using TempData to store it but since there can be more than one step between storing it and retrieving it TempData proved unreliable.
The final process is:
Request installation status and navigate to view for installation progress (status will be received when progress will finish).
navigate to view where I will by updating installation progress
using javascript whenever I get callback from server with info about
when installation finishes (status is returned) pass that status to
another view
In the example above I have some dummy code-behind, so the status is returned immediately, but that has no impact on the problem I have.
Currently I can do 1 and 2 and I can call the final view, but I cant pass the status in there because I dont have it on controller anymore and TempData are not reliable for this (sometimes it is still there, sometimes it is not).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When it calls "CompletedStatus" action on the controller, variable
"status" on the controller is null (the instance set previously is not
How do I ensure that its value will persist?
private InstallationStatus status = null;
It won't unless it's a static value and that would be a very bad thing to do. Remember that variable values (private members' values) are only scoped within the http request. If you do another request then that's a totally whole new scope for your private variables.
I tried using TempData to store it but since there can be more than
one step between storing it and retrieving it TempData proved
That's because TempData will not have the value you expect it to have once you do another request. One good example of using this TempData is when you want to pass/move some values between a POST and GET, that is when you do a POST and do a redirect. TempData does not fit your case.
Now for a possible solution to your scenario, a good question is: is the installation process called once? Is it unique per user? If it is, which I highly suspect it is, then you need to uniquely identify each request. You can simply use a GUID to identify each request. Save that into your database (better than saving in a session) along with some other information like the status of the installation. Pass that guid back to your client and let them pass it back to the controller and retrieve an update on the status of the installation.