I have converted a Selenium Test Suite into JUnit from Selenium IDE, and trying to execute from eclipse. But there is an error in my script in
Error message: The method addTestSuite(Class) in the type TestSuite is not applicable for the arguments (Class).
Please advise what could be the reason. I have also verified Creating Test Suite in Webdriver and updated test suite but still throws that error.
JUnit TestSuite
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;
#SuiteClasses(value = {Open_Google_IE.class, Open_Google_FireFox.class})
public class OpenGoogle {
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
return suite;
public static void main(String[] args) {
As far as I can see, the code is OK.
addTestSuite() can only take classes that extend junit.framework.TestCase. Please make sure your classes extend that one, or find another way around...
your class has to extend SeleniumTestBase
like this one :
public class CreateAccountTestCase extends SeleniumTestBase {
How can I use "before" to create the driver instance and launch Firefox in cucumber feature file.
I am familiar with background but never used before.
This example is taken from ToolsQA
Let’s do some easy and small example of Cucumber Hooks just to understand the concept.
Feature: Test Hooks
Scenario: This scenario is to test hooks functionality
Given this is the first step
When this is the second step
Then this is the third step
Step Definitions
package stepDefinition;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
public class Hooks_Steps {
#Given("^this is the first step$")
public void This_Is_The_First_Step(){
System.out.println("This is the first step");
#When("^this is the second step$")
public void This_Is_The_Second_Step(){
System.out.println("This is the second step");
#Then("^this is the third step$")
public void This_Is_The_Third_Step(){
System.out.println("This is the third step");
****Note***: There is no logic used in the step definitions. Just printing the step summary log.*
Now hooks come in the picture, in case of your scenario, you will like to initialize the driver here.
package utilities;
import cucumber.api.java.After;
import cucumber.api.java.Before;
public class Hooks {
public void beforeScenario(){
System.out.println("This will run before the Scenario");
public void afterScenario(){
System.out.println("This will run after the Scenario");
Make sure that the package import statement should be import cucumber.api.java.After; & import cucumber.api.java.Before;
Often people mistaken and import Junit Annotations, so be careful with this.
Aparts from hooks, you can make use of other usefull annotations in Cucumber, please refer the tutorial on ToolsQA.com here.
I have been on a search recently for an answer to my question and I cannot seem to find it. I am trying to execute a simple test to run a JUnit test in static. When I try to execute the test I receive the following Failure.
java.lang.Exception: Method SimpleINt()should not be static.
I have JUnit 4 and hamcrest installed and pathsbuilt.
(I am still new to Selenium/Java so I am sure there is an easy explanation for this.)
package iMAP;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Test1 {
public static void SimpleINt ()
int i = 34;
The JUnit documentation for #Test states:
The Test annotation tells JUnit that the public void method to which it is attached can be run as a test case. To run the method, JUnit first constructs a fresh instance of the class then invokes the annotated method. Any exceptions thrown by the test will be reported by JUnit as a failure.
So, what is implicitly said here: the expectation is that #Test is only used for non static methods.
Beyond that: don't use keywords because you can. Learn what they mean. And static is something that you rather avoid (instead of using it all over the place).
Junit Methods should not be static as much I read and study. Just delete Static and try this:
package iMAP;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Test1 {
public void SimpleINt ()
int i = 34;
How to implement the DriverSetup class in Selenium Webdriver framework..
Currently I am launching driver in #BeforeClass for each testng test class, please let me know if how can I implement the common driverLaunch/driverSetup class for all test
Thanks in Advance..
Did u mean a common setup for all classes? If so create a base class and extend it in every test class. In Base class have #BeforeClass to do the required.
It would be somewhat like:
public class BaseClass {
WebDriver driver;
public void setUp() {
driver = new FirefoxDriver(); // or any driver u want, or based on requirement create a if else scenario
And in Testclass do like:
public class TestClass extends BaseClass {
// your class body with tests here
So whenever u run ur tests through testng it will call the setUp method in BaseClass and setup browser for u.
Init your WebDriver in #BeforeTest or in #BeforeSuite and close it in #AfterTest or #AfterSuite. So in this case every test method will get run in the same browser.
I am trying to integrate TestLink with TestNG
Approach is below
1>Write ITestListner with onTestFailure and onTestSuccess
2> get Annotation of the method(like testName which will be equivalent to test name in testlink) which is being failed/success in a variable
3>Make connection with TestLink using API available and update the test case.
However I am struggling to find method Annotation value in ITestListner and requirement is to get annotation values in ITestListner only so that correct test cases can be updated in Test_link
Can someone please help me how to get Test Method annotation value in ITestListner or any other approach in which i can integrate testlink update with TestNG
Hi Thanks niharika for help
,First of all you are correct in explaining use of TestNG but we are using TestNG for Selenium and already there are around 1000 test cases writen in test Methods and we have to live with that
Some how i have figured the solution ,we can still get the testName of the test method using two listners
This is just work around I am not sure if this is the best approach but as of now solving my purpose
package com.automation.testng.listner;
import org.testng.*;
public class MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink implements IInvokedMethodListener {
public static String testName;
public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod arg0, ITestResult arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void beforeInvocation(IInvokedMethod m, ITestResult tr) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//This give the Annotation Test object
org.testng.annotations.Test t=m.getTestMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(org.testng.annotations.Test.class);
MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink.testName = t.testName().toString();
MyITestListner goes like below
package com.automation.testng.listner;
import org.testng.*;
public class MyITestListner_TestLink extends TestListenerAdapter {
/*IAnnotationTransformer at;
public Listner_1()
this.at = new Annotation_listner();
public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr)
System.out.println("Hurray !I am being inboked from Test listner");
MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink a = new MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink();
public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr)
MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink a = new MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink();
Basically we are getting the method and then using Test Annotation class setting the static variable which can be used in MyITestListner
The ITestListener is the one which is used after <test> tag. For getting the method name and annotation specifics, you need to implement IInvokedMethodListener and in the after/before methods of this interface, and use something like method.getTestMethod().getMethodName() to get the executing method name.
If you are adding testName at the method level, I think you are doing it wrong since the help of testng mentions this "The name of the test this test class should be placed in. This attribute is ignore if #Test is not at the class level."
If you are indeed specifying the #Test at your class level then you can get it as below :
A bit ugly and you probably want to wrap those parts in null checks in your code but this is how you get the testName specified in the annotation from the ITestResult:
I'm having a problem getting this test case to work. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I know I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know what.
import org.junit.*;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.server.*;
public class register extends SeleneseTestCase {
Selenium selenium;
private SeleniumServer seleniumServer;
public static final String MAX_WAIT = "60000";
public final String CRN = "12761";
public void setUp() throws Exception {
RemoteControlConfiguration rc = new RemoteControlConfiguration();
seleniumServer = new SeleniumServer(rc);
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "http://google.com/");
public void register_test() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Thread.sleep(500000);
And I'm getting the following errors:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: No tests found in register
at jumnit.framework.TestSuite$1.runTest(TestSuite.java:97)
I'm stumped.
You can't both extend TestCase (or SeleniumTestCase) and also use JUnit annotations (#Test). The test runners for JUnit3 and 4 are different, and my assumption is when JUnit sees that you've extended TestCase, it uses the old runner.
Remove the #Test annotation, and instead follow the old convention of naming your test with the word "test" prefixed, and that will fix it.
public void testRegister() throws Exception {
PS. I'd recommend following more standard Java naming conventions, such as camel casing.
PPS. Here's a link that explains this in more detail.
This means you did not created method names starting with test in following test cases class what you running currently
I was able to solve this error in my case--that is, running tests with a <junit> Ant task--by pointing to a 1.7 or later version of Ant. Ant 1.7+ honors nested <classpath> elements, in which I was pointing to a JUnit 4.x jar, which as CodeSpelunker indicated understands #Test annotations. http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#delegating-classloader provided the aha moment for me.
I'm using mockk in Kotlin for Android and I had this error.
My class was declared like this (autogenerated by Android Studio):
class MyClassTest : TestCase() {
but removing TestCase fixed the error
class MyClassTest {