Xcode warns about missing protocol definition, even though #protocol is used - objective-c

Since I had a import-cycle recently, I'm moving all #import statements (concerning my own files) from the header into the corresponding .m-file. I also added #class and #protocol forward-declarations to soothe the compiler. However, I still get he following warning:
Cannot find the protocol definition for 'MyCustomDelegate'.
As I said, there is an #protocol MyCustomDelegate before I use it in the #interface-Block. Interestingly this warning only occurs if the corresponding delegate is declared in another file (whose header is imported in the .m-file).
I read that one solution is to declare the delegate in a separate header file and import that file directly in the header of the class that implements the delegate. Is this really the way to go? Are there any other solutions? I think those delegates already bloated our code enough, now I should go on and even declare an own file for it?
Small sample code to better illustrate the problem:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol NewFooControllerDelegate;
#interface NewFooController : UITableViewController
#property (nonatomic, weak) id<NewFooControllerDelegate> delegate;
#protocol NewFooControllerDelegate
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol NewFooControllerDelegate;
// warning points to line below
#interface HomeTableViewController : UITableViewController <NewFooControllerDelegate>
#import "HomeTableViewController.h"
#import "NewFooController.h"
#implementation HomeTableViewController

HomeTableViewController.h references the protocol, but it hasn't been declared yet.
If you import NewTaskController.h in HomeTableViewController.h before it attempts to use it, it should solve your problem.
Of course you can then remove the import from HomeTableViewController.m

Not sure if this is "best way", but try import header of class that implement protocol before class header file.
#import "NewFooController.h"
#import "HomeTableViewController.h"
#implementation HomeTableViewController
And you can remove protocol declaration in HomeTableViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface HomeTableViewController : UITableViewController <NewFooControllerDelegate>


Cannot find interface declaration for superclass of

I know this is a common subject but I did not find any answer to help me out with this problem.
Well, I do have (by now) 3 .h files,
One is the superclass of the two others.
Superclass : ExportationAutoFilterNew
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <HIDDEN/PluginFilter.h>
#class MyOutlineView;
#interface ExportationAutoFilterNew : PluginFilter
#property (assign, nonatomic) NSUserDefaults *prefs;
#property (assign, nonatomic) MyOutlineView *databaseOutline;
Then, sub-classes : DetectNewExams & ExportExams
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <HIDDEN/PluginFilter.h>
#import "ExportationAutoFilterNew.h"
#interface DetectNewExams : ExportationAutoFilterNew
- (void)detectExams:(NSDate*)currentDate timeInterval:(double)timeInterval afterExitHidden:(BOOL)check;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <HIDDEN/PluginFilter.h>
#import "ExportationAutoFilterNew.h"
#interface ExportExams : ExportationAutoFilterNew
- (void)exportExams:(NSManagedObject*)curObj;
The .m goes like this
Superclass : ExportationAutoFilter
#import <HIDDEN/PreferencesWindowController.h>
#import <HIDDEN/browserController.h>
#import "ExportationAutoFilterNew.h"
#import "DetectNewExams.h"
#implementation ExportationAutoFilterNew
Xcode for this file (ExportationAutoFilterNew.m) :
Instance method '-detectExams:timeInterval:afterExitHidden:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
For the call of :
[self detectExams:lastExportDate timeInterval:0 afterExitHidden:YES];
Sub-classes : DetectNewExams
#import <HIDDEN/PreferencesWindowController.h>
#import <HIDDEN/browserController.h>
#import "DetectNewExams.h"
#import "ExportExams.h"
#implementation DetectNewExams
In this file (DetectNewExams.m), Xcode says :
Instance method '-exportExams:' not found(return type defaults to 'id')
Calling :
[self exportExams:curObj];
And then : ExportExams
#import <HIDDEN/PreferencesWindowController.h>
#import <HIDDEN/browserController.h>
#import "ExportExams.h"
#implementation ExportExams
I'm wasting hours on this thing and I can't figure the problem out, may you help me ? I looked up for compiling circle but I don't think I created one with my imports ..
Your interface is not properly declared. Try this.
#interface ExportationAutoFilterNew : PluginFilter
#property (nonatomic) NSUserDefaults *prefs;
#property (nonatomic) MyOutlineView *databaseOutline;
Now that you have posted the actual error, this becomes more clear. But you still haven't posted enough context.
Instance method '-detectExams:timeInterval:afterExitHidden:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
That means that the method declaration hasn't been seen at the time the code was compiled or the method is declared on some class that whatever was being called is not an instance of.
Since you haven't shown the call site or the declaration of the variable being called, this is a guess. The method is declared on the DetectNewExams class. I'd bet you have a variable that points to an instance of ExportationAutoFilterNew and, therefore, the compiler is correctly warning that the method doesn't exist on the class.

Objective C protocol - some stupidly basic help needed, please

I'm having a problem when I try to add a second protocol. The first one is working just fine. So I created a test application to try out using two protocols (because I'm still learning how to use protocols). I do not know why I am having so much trouble understanding protocols. I've even gone through tutorials and still struggle with them.
My first issue when I tried to add the second protocol and use it I received the following error:
Assigning to ‘id’ from incompatible type ‘ *const _strong'
But, let's ignore that for now, because my test application is giving me this error for both protocols in my test app:
Cannot find protocol declaration
So, I will post the code for my test application, because I MUST understand the basics before tackling more difficult issues.
DelegateA Header
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#protocol IDDelegateADelegate <NSObject>
#interface IDDelegateA : NSObject
//other properties here
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<IDDelegateADelegate> delegateA;
DelegateA Implementation
#import "IDDelegateA.h"
#implementation IDDelegateA
#synthesize delegateA;
//other methods and properties go here
DelegateB Header
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#protocol IDDelegeteBDelegate <NSObject>
#interface IDDelegeteB : NSObject
//other properties here
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<IDDelegeteBDelegate> delegateB;
DelegateB Implementation
#import "IDDelegeteB.h"
#implementation IDDelegeteB
#synthesize delegateB;
//other methods and properties go here
The test class Header that uses these delegates
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "IDDelegateA.h"
#import "IDDelegeteB.h"
#interface IDTestingDelegates : NSObject <IDDelegateA, IDDelegateB>
Right here I receive the Cannot find protocol declaration error for both delegates. I've been searching on SO as well as going through tutorials and sample code. Best answer on SO was here. But I'm just not getting what I'm doing wrong. Can somebody please point out what I am missing here?
#interface IDTestingDelegates : NSObject <IDDelegateA, IDDelegateB>
should be
#interface IDTestingDelegates : NSObject <IDDelegateADelegate, IDDelegeteBDelegate>
You have to list the protocols in <...>, not interfaces.
#interface declares a class, while the ClassName <X> syntax expects X to be a protocol (in your declaration of IDTestingDelegates).
Not sure exactly what you were trying to achieve here.

Using #class to get access to a delegate protocol declaration

I've read that you should try to use #class in your header file instead of #import but this doesn't work when your #class contains a delegate protocol that you're trying to use.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#class MyCustomClass; // <-- doesn't work for MyCustomClassDelegate, used below
#interface MyView : UIView <MyCustomClassDelegate>
I think I'm overlooking something, is there a way to get #class to work in this situation or is #import my only choice?
Edit: One work around for this is, of course, declaring your #import MyCustomClass and MyCustomClassDelegate in the private interface section of the .m file instead of the .h file.
you can use #protocol to forward declare a protocol if you only need it for variables such as this:
#protocol MyProtocol;
#interface MyClass {
id<MyProtocol> var;
In your case the declared class is trying to conform to a protocol so the compiler must know about the protocol methods at this point in order to deduce weather or not the class conforms.
In this case, I think your options are to split the protocol into its own file and #import that header, or declare the protocol in that header above the class declaration that uses it.
You can only forward-declare a protocol in the same header file for usage in method return values or parameter types. In your case you want the class to conform to the protocol, so it won't work since it defines behavior that will be added to the class itself (i.e. the methods it will respond to).
Therefore, you must #import the protocol. For this reason, it is probably a good idea to split the protocol and class up into separate files. See this answer for more information.
MyCustomClassDelegate is a protocol, not a class. Telling the compiler about the existence of MyCustomClass tells it nothing about the existence of the protocol.
You will need to declare your delegate protocol before the class:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#class MyCustomClass;
#protocol MyCustomClassDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)myCustomClass:(MyCustomClass *)customClass
#interface MyCustomClass : NSObject <MyCustomClassDelegate>
And you cannot even use #protocol to forward-declare the delegate protocol; the compiler must see the complete declaration, therefore change your #class for an #import:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "MyCustomClass.h" // the compile now knows what MyCustomClassDelegate is
#interface MyView : UIView <MyCustomClassDelegate>
You cannot forward declare a protocol you conform to.
If you are using MyView as a MyCustomClassDelegate only in MyView's implementation, you can use Extension in MyView's .m file, such as this:
#import "MyView.h"
#import "MyCustomClassDelegate.h"
#interface MyView () <MyCustomClassDelegate> {
#implementation MyView

Import two objective-c protocols in each others file ends with compiler errors

there are two protocols, each in its own file:
// PMAService.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "PMAPost.h"
#import "PMAServiceProcessingDelegate.h"
#protocol PMAService <NSObject>
-(BOOL)processPost:(PMAPost *)post withDelegate:(id<PMAServiceProcessingDelegate>)delegate;
// PMAServiceProcessingDelegate.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "PMAPost.h"
#import "PMAService.h"
#protocol PMAServiceProcessingDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)successfullyProcessedPost:(PMAPost *)post by:(id<PMAService>)service;
-(void)notProcessedPost:(PMAPost *)post by:(id<PMAService>)service withError:(NSError *)error;
each of the protocols needs the opposite for a method declaration. as soon as i create the import in each of the files, the compiler is not able to compile anymore since it tells me that it cannot find one of the protocols.
error messages for PMAService.h (for the #import statement of PMAServiceProcessingDelegate.h)
'PMAServiceProcessingDelegate.h' file not found
error messages for PMAServiceProcessingDelegate.h (one for each method declaration):
Cannot find declaration for 'PMAService'
Cannot find declaration for 'PMAService'
is there something i missed out? isn't it allowed to import protocols like this?
You have a circular dependency that you can solve using a forward declaration:
// PMAService.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "PMAPost.h"
#protocol PMAServiceProcessingDelegate;
#protocol PMAService <NSObject>
-(BOOL)processPost:(PMAPost *)post withDelegate:(id<PMAServiceProcessingDelegate>)delegate;

#protocol implementation in #interface in Objective-C

I need to develop an application which has a interface which implements methods of 3 protocols.
Assume protocol A extends protocol B and protocol C, and interface implements protocol A.
This is how my code looks,
// This is in MyClass.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "protocol_A"
#interface MyClass : NSObject <protocol_A>
//This is MyClass.m file
#import "MyClass.h"
#implementation myClass
NSLog(#"I'm in protocol_A");
NSLog(#"I'm in protocol_B");
NSLog(#"I'm in protocol_C");
//This is protocol_A.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "protocol_B.h"
#import "protocol_C.h"
#protocol protocol_A <protocol_B, protocol_C>
//This is in protocol_B.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol protocol_B
//This is in protocol_C.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol protocol_C
i'm getting an exception , and my app is getting crashed...
***Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<MyClass 0X323nm31>setvalue:forundefinedKey:]:this class is not key value coding-compilant for the key window'.
Plz Tel me how to solve this problem??
So where you're getting this from (and the reason you're getting it 3 times) is you've got a mistake in your protocol definitions. You have:
//This is in protocol_C.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol protocol_C
You can't declare class members in a protocol: only methods. Because of this, you don't need (and, as you've discovered) can't have the curly braces in the protocol definition. As such, you need this for your protocol definitions:
//This is in protocol_C.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#protocol protocol_C
Removing those should solve your issue.
When making new files, I always go through Xcode's new-class-files process, as it frequently gives you lots of convenient stuff. Here is the contents of a new protocol_D declaration fresh from Xcode:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#protocol protocol_D
Hope this helps!
TL;DR: Protocol definitions can't have curly-braces anywhere in them.
Protocols generally go in a .h file; always go in a .h file if you plan on using them anywhere.
Just like everything else, you need to #import the .h file that contains the definition of the protocol before you use it.
So, in MyClass.h (it really should be capitalized -- Classes are always capitalized in Objective-C), #import the various protocol .h files.
Your protocol_A.h file declares conformance to protocol_B and protocol_C, yet you haven't imported the headers for protocol_B and protocol_C. This means that you are declaring conformance to protocols that as far as the compiler is concerned, don't exist in protocol_A.h. You need to import the headers:
In protocol_A.h:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "protocol_B.h" //note these new imports
#import "protocol_C.h"
#protocol protocol_A <protocol_B, protocol_C>
Also see Apple's Communicating with Objects, which discusses delegates, protocols, and selectors. Though its listed under Mac OS X, most (if not all) appears to apply to iOS also.