Oracle PL/SQL - Generate Invoice - sql

I have a basic database for a shop with product, sales and customer tables. I need to generate an invoice for each customer every 3 months to show the customers total expenditure.
What I'm not sure about is the way to go about this. Should I have an invoice table?
Any help or tips greatly appreciated.

How about creating a view based on a select statement using those tables. Then just refer to the view. You can also create a stored procedure or function that accepts an input like customer ID. I'd go with the view route personally.

What invoices you've generated is valuable information that you don't want to lose. How else do you know who's paid which invoice?
You want to be able to say exactly what invoices you've sent out, the value of those invoices and exactly what items they correspond to.
Personally not only would I have an invoice table but an invoice items table as well.


How do I create SQL script to create a new column in the dataset and generating a subcategory on each item if it matches another table?

enter image description hereMy business task is to match our sales data with subcategories based on UPCs in our master spreadsheet. That way, we can make better data viz comparing product sales within each subcategory. What is the best way to approach this problem?
I have 4 year's worth sales data that carries product name, quantity sold, and main categories per line. It does not have subcategories. I oversee the data through Connected Sheets, generate a pivot table with desired outputs in the rows and columns, and then I built a FILTER function/VLOOKUP function in google sheets in order to search for a product subcategory based on its UPC. Since the data set is huge, I am running into some problems where it would not produce subcategory results if its a discontinued item or if there are duplicates in my master list of subcategories per product.
I think it would be more efficient if I created a table of our items from our master spreadsheet and downloaded that table into Bigquery so that I would have a subcategory matched to the UPC code. From there, I'd create a query to have a new column generated in the sales data to populate a subcategory IF the UPC code of the product on the line would match the UPC on the table I've added.
Does that make sense? How would I go about doing that? What would the SQL look like in order to perform such task?
I haven't started the task yet, still exploring options on BigQuery and/or Connected Sheets. Any help would be appreciated!

How to create a sales query in SAP Business One

I would like to create a sales query for the past 12 months that can be reapplied once a month.I would like to do the whole thing with the query generator, but I can not find a table from which the sales emerge. I am familiar with the sales analysis, but I would like to simplify the whole thing. Is there a corresponding table at all or is it possible to create one?
If i understand correctly,
are you looking for .ORDR ? this is the sales order header table.
there is also .RDR1 which contains the row data.
if you go to view, then turn on 'system information' table/field details will be displayed in the bottom left.

Databases design and primary key composed

I have a table named minibar_bill and i use it for keeping evidence of client's expenditure. I'm trying to build a hotel/pension system management.
I thought that i could make a table
Minibar_bill with (id_bill, id_minibar_product, id_client)
And i would like to add those info on an invoice based on bill_id...
How should i do it ?
I mean i want to have something like that:
So first 3 records will be :
1, 1, 123
1, 2, 123
1, 3, 123
And i want the id_bill to be on invoice ... maybe i could switch id_product with id_bill
Where id_bill(1) - would be the first bill record in database
id_minibar_product(1,2,3) - would be product 1,2,3 which has been consumed by client
id_client(123) - client id which we use on invoice to collect data from Client table in order to print them on invoice( i will use C# for UI ).
What I have tried:
I've tried to make a db with field id_bill and id_product but i think it's a wrong approach since i made them a composed primary key and i cannot add them to foreign key in Invoice table.
Here are some suggestions for your design:
It's a good idea to name things descriptively, but if you create a table called Minibar_bill, that's going to be inconsistent and short sighted if you want to start charging in-room movies and in-room dining, services etc. to the room. I suggest you call it something more generic - remove Minibar from all of your table names.
You must never put comma separated values into a single field.
There are a million sales data models online, including, as already suggested, templates in MS Access. There's no point reinventing the wheel
I suggest you have something like this
Client A list of clients
Products A list of products you can be billed for (not just minibar)
Bill A client has zero or more bills (usually one)
BillLine A bill has zero ore more lines. Each line represents
One product being charged for on a bll
So Bill is the header. It's up to you whether you add a column indicating when / if it is invoiced, paid etc., or whether you want to create a seperate invoicing module.
With regards to this comment:
What i wish for is to link Invoice to minibar_bill in order to have the status on a single Invoice of all products from minibar which have been bought by a customer.
If you have a seperate invoice table you can write the BillID to it to link it.
I'm not sure if you understand that all this info exists across different tables, and when, for example, you print an invoice, you go and collect all the info from across the tables at that time.

Prestashop wrong invoice order

I have a problem, a customer places an order and the invoice doesn't match what he bought and paid for.
he buys 3 articles the invoice displays 12....
where should I look for to solve this BIG problem? I am on Prestashop 1.6.9
I didn't delete orders manually throught database, this is my first order...
Thanks !
Are these products combinations and if so do they contain one attribute or more than one? Do you have any modules that are overriding the OrderInvoice class? Check in override--classes--order.
I would probably start in classes--order--OrderInvoice.php. The Invoices are created using this class and I believe they use the method getProducts to loop through the products from the order.

Specific info on access report

Probably get shot for posting this again but last attempt was put on hold so sorry in advance. i am very new at this so apologies if its a simple answer;
I created a table with name of purchaser, items purchased, date of purchase and cost of purchase. From that i wanted to create a report that would show each purchasers name only once with a combined total cost of all purchases.
I created a query that did just that using only the purchasers name and the total cost of their purchases. I then created the report from that query.
The report shows each name once with a total cost of purchases which was great except for the query continually adds those total purchases without the ability to select a date range and likewise the report shows the same info.
When i add the purchased date to the query/report so i can filter between 2 date ranges it then shows each name "X" amount of times with a total for each purchase made which is not what i am looking for as this ends up with a long report.
Hope this makes more sense than my last attempt at this question. I am very new at this so a simple answer would be great.
Thanks in advance
You need to get two parameters for the query, say [Start] and [End].
You need to add the date column twice so that it can be compared to [Start] AND [End]
You need to add the date column (on both occasions) with a Total "Where"; this tells access that the column has no other purpose than to impact a WHERE-constraint on the base dataset.
If you run into trouble, take the SQL below, correct all names in it, paste it into the query's SQL view, and then see what the design view looks like!
SELECT table.customer, Sum(table.price) AS sum
FROM table
WHERE (((>=[Start]) AND ((<=[End]))
GROUP BY table.customer;