Entity Exception : the underlying provider failed to open with Timeout expired - sql

OK, I'm stumped. I am trying to create a .NET Winforms app to talk to a database via Entity Framework. I originally created a ASP.NET MVC3 app (with a seperate DAL layer) that can talk to the database after initially failing. SO the first time that it tries to open the connection, it times out. If I then hit F5 in the browser, it connects fine!
I referenced this DAL in my Winforms app.
I can connect to the database via SQL Auth in SQL Management Studio fine.
I can create the ADO.NET Data classes in VS2010 (it connects, gets the tables and stores the connection string in the app.config).
However, once I run the Winforms app, I am unable to connect. I get the mentioned exception with an InnerException of "Timeout expired."
I copied the connection string from the web.config to the app.config.
The SQL database is hosted on my Windows Home Server called SERVER. I am in a Workgroup (no Domain). I uses SERVER\SQLEXPRESS in Management Studio and VS to successfully connect to it.
Things I've tried:
Disable the firewall on the client machine.
Enabled DTC on the server and added msdtc.exe to the exclusion list on the server.
Made sure Named Pipes in enabled on the SQL server instance.
Tried different SQL users.
Tried different ways of constructing the connection in C#.
Generated a new ADO.NET Data class local to my WinForms project (not referencing the DAL). VS connects fine, reads the tables, generates the code. But the running app causes a "Timeout Expired" SqlException.
So running the app is unsuccessful in connecting. When I watch the app in ProcessExplorer I can see an entry in the TCP window when it tries to Connect on remote port 4845 with a SYN_SENT message. Not sure if that's right.
I've google'd and bing'd this for the last few days, I've read all the articles and replies here on Stackoverflow that mention this exception, but I have hit a wall.
This is the ConnectionString that VS generated after reading the DB:
<add name="LLDBEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/LLDB.csdl|res://*/LLDB.ssdl|res://*/LLDB.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=SERVER\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=LLDB;persist security info=True;user id=sa;password=sapwd;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Any help appreciated, even any hints on how to figure out what's happening.

Your connection string looks more like a connection string to an SQL Server, rather than SQL Express.
Have a look at this for a connection string to SQL Express: SQL Server Express connection string for Entity Framework Code First

Ok, solved.
I noticed that it would actually connect on the second attempt with the same app and connection. At that point I found this link: http://kromey.us/2011/06/microsoft-sql-server-2008-times-out-on-first-connection-attempt-447.html
So I opened the firewall port listed under IPAll Dynamic Port in SQL Server Configuration Manager on the TCP/IP Properties for the instance and now it all works fine. I still don't know why it would get through on the second attempt....


SQL2008 to SQL2014 authentication issues

We recently migrated an application database to a new version from winserv2008/sql2008 to winserv2012R2/Sql2014. A service that pulls on this DB needs to be redesigned to accommodate some minor table/view definition changes.
Running the service code through tests under my personal security context works fine. However, installing and starting the service under .\LocalSystem is problematic. Looking at the service logs in event viewer I see that the service tries to connect to the sql server but gets a ERROR[28000] Login failed for user 'Domain\LocalSystemName$'.
The connection is via ODBC, SQL Server Native Client 11.0. Connection string is like:
"dsn=dsn_name;Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Database=database_name;Integrated Security=False;uid=accountname;pwd=accountpassword;Connect Timeout=15;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;"
Also, through the course of troubleshooting I've discovered/confirmed several things.
The sql server credentials I am using are correct, they are also being used to connect from a SQL2016 instance to the SQL14 server as a linked server.
The original service install on a utility server appears to be hitting the new database fine after the ODBC connection settings were switched.
My questions are:
Have you run into anything like this before?
Am I missing something simple in my connection string?
Are there per machine security settings in sql14 that I'm missing?

Unable to connect to SQL server using vb.net

I am using Connection string in my web.config. I have given user id, password, data source etc in the connection string. When i tried to connect to the SQL server using "Connection.Open()" I am getting an exception stating The user is not authorized. The user name that is mentioned is my windows user name(yes my windows user name and not the one mentioned in connection string). I am not sure why and how this is happening. I tried several times and the same thing is happening.
If you believe that VB.NET is part of the problem, try using the same connection parameters from the same client, but with different client software. For example try connecting from Access or SQL Server Management Studio or Excel. This will help you narrow down whether your problem is with the security configuration versus the code or client software. Often times if you try to connect from a remote workstation you can end up with a failure against a server that has not been configured to allow remote connections.

SQL Server 2008R2 SSRS Reports Cannot Connect To Datasource: Cannot create a connection to data source

We're attempting to deploy an existing SQL Server/SSRS configuration to a new set of hardware. SSRS is running on the same server as the SQL Server database we're trying to get reports from.
Whenever we attempt to test any of the reports, we receive the error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot create a connection to data source 'sqlConnection'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server
The Windows user has full rights to the server.
The logins all appear to exist.
TCP is running.
Named instances are fine.
SQL Browser Service is running
"sqlcmd -L" shows the database server listed
I'm at a complete loss.
Create a udl file, if it connects then the problem is the code / application, if it does not connect, then it's your firewall, connections string, dll library, service you are running IIS under not having the right permissions etc etc. Well the important thing here is probably the connection string. Do the following: create an empty text file and rename it "myconnection.udl". Now double click on the file and it will launch an applet. You can configuer the connection to your database and test it. (it will pick up registered connection libraries etc). If it gives OK, then open the udl file in notepad, you will see the correct connection string. Paste to your app connection settings. UDL files are generally misunderstood. They are simply a text file that holds the connection settings. They then call the connection dll. If the udl file works then you have a correct connection string 100%
We created a new report and deployed it and it just worked. After some investigation, the report that I had been asked to use as a test initially has a parameter that defaults to connect to a completely different SQL Server which the new environment cannot, and should not see. All the other reports are working.
My guess is that we actually corrected the problem early on when we modified the service credentials, but by then we had fallen into a loop of testing against what turned out to be a bugged report.
TLDR: There was a bug in the report we were testing against. We had already corrected the problem and didn't even realize it because, apparently, we're idiots.

SQL Server Database Connection in VS 2010

I have completed my program in MVC in VS 2010. In the connection string I have the following
<add name="RacePaceDBContext"
connectionString="data source=XX.XXX.XX.XXX,1433;Initial Catalog=RacePaceDataNew;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;Password=password;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
Which connects to a SQL Server running on an EC2 instance on Amazon AWS.
The program runs fine and the connection works great. The program connects and creates/reads data etc.
However, I am not sure why when I try "Connect To Database" in the server explorer on the left, and fill in the same settings it just doesn't connect. Any ideas why this would be different? As want to be able to log in and see my tables, data etc without having to log onto AWS. The same is true when I use MySQL Workbench to try connect - it gives me an error telling me the server isn't accessible.
it might firewall issue, Please make sure your client can connect to xx.xxx.xx.xxxx:1433.
You can also refer this : https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=435146
Hope this helpful.

Running into an SQL Error with an MVC Application deployed on IIS

So I am new to working on web projects in general. I am working on an MVC application in Visual Studio 2008. I have generated an SQL database within VS, and I have deployed my application on IIS. However when I try to do anything in the application which will spark an SQL query, I get the following error:
"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."
I have hit google on this problem, and people have suggested a number of solutions but I am unsure how many of them are relevant to me doing this when I'm doing this in VS2008,. I have tried a few simple things suggested like setting the trust level to full, and setting the Load User Profile to true in IIS, but no luck yet.
What edition of SQL are you running where you deployed the application to? If it is not SQL Express, you will need to remove "User Instance=True" from the connection string.