How to run a .awk file? - awk

I am converting a CSV file into a table format, and I wrote an AWK script and saved it as my.awk. Here is the my script:
#AWK for test
awk -F , '
aa = 0;
hdng = "fname,lname,salary,city";
l1 = length($1);
l13 = length($13);
if ((l1 > 2) && (l13 == 0)) {
fname = substr($1, 2, 1);
l1 = length($3) - 4;
lname = substr($3, l1, 4);
processor = substr($1, 2);
#printf("%s,%s,%s,%s\n", fname, lname, salary, $0);
if ($0 ~ ",,,,")
else if ($0 ~ ",fname")
printf("%s\n", hdng);
else if ((l1 > 2) && (l13 == 0)) {
else {
perf = $11;
if (perf ~/^[0-9\.\" ]+$/)
type = "num"
type = "char";
if (type == "num")
printf("Mr%s,%s,%s,%s,,N,N,,\n", $0,fname,lname, city);
} ' < life.csv > life_out.csv*
How can I run this script on a Unix server? I tried to run this my.awk file by using this command:
awk -f my.awk life.csv

The file you give is a shell script, not an awk program. So, try sh my.awk.
If you want to use awk -f my.awk life.csv > life_out.cs, then remove awk -F , ' and the last line from the file and add FS="," in BEGIN.

If you put #!/bin/awk -f on the first line of your AWK script it is easier. Plus editors like Vim and ... will recognize the file as an AWK script and you can colorize. :)
#!/bin/awk -f
BEGIN {} # Begin section
{} # Loop section
END{} # End section
Change the file to be executable by running:
chmod ugo+x ./awk-script
and you can then call your AWK script like this:
`$ echo "something" | ./awk-script`

Put the part from BEGIN....END{} inside a file and name it like my.awk.
And then execute it like below:
awk -f my.awk life.csv >output.txt
Also I see a field separator as ,. You can add that in the begin block of the .awk file as FS=","


Edit only specific lines when I find special character with awk

I have this kind of file :
When the lines start by ">" and include "minus" , I need to reverse (rev) and translate (tr) the next following lines. I should get :
I would like to go with awk. I tried that but it does not work..
awk '{if(NR%2==1~/"plus"/){print;getline;print} else if (NR%2==1~/"minus"/){system("echo "$0" | rev | tr ATCGatcg TAGCtagc")} else {print;getline;print}}' file
Any help?
This gnu-awk should work for you:
awk '
p {
cmd = "rev <<< \047" $0 "\047 | tr ATCGatcg TAGCtagc"
if ((cmd |& getline var) > 0)
$0 = var
p = /^>/ && /-minus/
} 1' file
Awk is a tool to manipulate text, not a tool to sequence calls to other tools. The latter is what a shell is for. There are times when you need to call other tools from awk but not when it's simple text manipulation like reversing and translating characters in a string as you want to do.
Using any awk in any shell on every Unix box without spawning a subshell once per target input line to call other Unix tools (including the non-POSIX-defined rev which won't exist on some Unix boxes):
$ cat tst.awk
split("ATCGatcg TAGCtagc",tmp)
for (i=1; i<=length(tmp[1]); i++) {
tr[substr(tmp[1],i,1)] = substr(tmp[2],i,1)
f {
out = ""
for (i=1; i<=length($0); i++) {
char = substr($0,i,1)
out = (char in tr ? tr[char] : char) out
$0 = out
f = 0
/^>.*minus/ { f=1 }
{ print }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
I'd use perl, as it has builtin reverse and tr functions:
perl -lpe '
if (/^>/) {$rev = /minus/; next}
if ($rev) {$_ = reverse; tr/ATCGatcg/TAGCtagc/}
' file

Run awk in parallel

I have the code below, which works successfully, and is used to parse, clean log files (very large in size) and output into smaller sized files. Output filename is the first 2 characters of each line. However, if there is a special character in these 2 characters, then it needs to be replaced with a '_'. This will help ensure there is no illegal character in the filename.
This would take about 12-14 mins to process 1 GB worth of logs (on my laptop). Can this be made faster?
Is it possible to run this is parallel? I am aware I could do }' "$FILE" &. However, I tested and that does not help much. Is it possible to ask awk to output in parallel - what is the equivalent of print $0 >> Fpath & ?
Any help will be appreciated.
Sample log file
" datahere2;dtat'ah'ere2;Œœ
Expected Output
# cat em'ah'ere2
# cat errorfile;Œœ
pushd "_test2" > /dev/null
for FILE in *
awk '
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
$0=gensub("[,|;: \t]+",":",1,$0)
if (NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$/ && $0 ~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/)
print $0 >> Fpath
print $0 >> "errorfile"
}' "$FILE"
popd > /dev/null
Look up the man page for the GNU tool named parallel if you want to run things in parallel but we can vastly improve the execution speed just by improving your script.
Your current script makes 2 mistakes that greatly impact efficiency:
Calling awk once per file instead of once for all files, and
Leaving all output files open while the script is running so awk has to manage them
You currently, essentially, do:
for file in *; do
awk '
Fpath = substr($1,1,2)
Fpath = gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_","g",Fpath)
print > Fpath
' "$file"
If you do this instead it'll run much faster:
sort * |
awk '
{ curr = substr($0,1,2) }
curr != prev {
Fpath = gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_","g",curr)
prev = curr
{ print > Fpath }
Having said that, you're manipulating your input lines before figuring out the output file names so - this is untested but I THINK your whole script should look like this:
#/usr/bin/env bash
pushd "_test2" > /dev/null
awk '
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
sub(/[,|;: \t]+/, ":")
if (/^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+:[\x00-\x7F]+$/) {
else {
print > "errorfile"
' * |
sort -t':' -k1,1 |
awk '
{ curr = substr($0,1,2) }
curr != prev {
Fpath = gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_","g",curr)
prev = curr
{ print > Fpath }
popd > /dev/null
Note the use of $0 instead of $1 in the scripts - that's another performance improvement because awk only does field splitting (which takes time of course) if you name specific fields in your script.
Assuming multiple cores are available, the simple way to run parallel is to use xargs, Depending on your config try 2, 3, 4, 5, ... until you find the optimal number. This assumes that there are multiple input files, and that there is NO single files that is much larger than all other files.
Notice added 'fflush' so that lines will not be split. This will have some negative performance impact, but is required, assuming you the individual input files to get merged into single set of output files. Possible to wrokaround this problem by splitting each file, and then merging the combined files.
#! /bin/sh
pushd "_test2" > /dev/null
ls * | xargs --max-procs=4 -L1 awk '
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
$0=gensub("[,|;: \t]+",":",1,$0)
if (NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$/ && $0 ~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/)
print $0 >> Fpath
print $0 >> "errorfile"
}' "$FILE"
popd > /dev/null
From practical point of view you might want to create an awk script, e.g., split.awk
#! /usr/bin/awk -f -
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
$0=gensub("[,|;: \t]+",":",1,$0)
if (NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$/ && $0 ~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/)
print $0 >> Fpath
print $0 >> "errorfile"
And then the 'main' code will look like below, easier to manage.
xargs --max-procs=4 -L1 awk -f split.awk

How can I use sed to generate an awk file?

How do I write sed commands to generate an awk file.
Here is my problem:
For example, I have a text file, A.txt which contains a word on each line.
The # refers when the word starts/ ends/ starts and ends. For example, app# shows that the word starts with 'app'. #ple shows that the word ends with 'ple'. #ol# shows that the word has 'ol' in the middle of the word.
I have to generate an awk file from sed commands which reads in another file, B.txt (which contains a word on each line) and increments the variable start, end, middle.
How do I write sed commands whereby for each line in the text file, A.txt, it will generate an awk code ie.
{ {if ($1 ~/^app/)
For example, if I input the other file, B.txt with these words into the awk script,
The output would be; start = 1, end = 1, middle = 2.
I'd use ed over sed for this, actually.
A quick script that creates A.awk from A.txt and runs it on B.txt:
ed -s A.txt <<'EOF'
1,$ s!^#\(.*\)#$!$0 ~ /.+\1.+/ { middle++ }!
1,$ s!^#\(.*\)!$0 ~ /\1$/ { end++ }!
1,$ s!^\(.*\)#!$0 ~ /^\1/ { start++ }!
0 a
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { start = end = middle = 0 }
$ a
END { printf "start = %d, end = %d, middle = %d\n", start, end, middle }
w A.awk
# awk -f A.awk B.txt would work too, but this demonstrates a self-contained awk script
chmod +x A.awk
./A.awk B.txt
Running it:
$ ./
start = 1, end = 1, middle = 2
$ cat A.awk
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { start = end = middle = 0 }
$0 ~ /^app/ { start++ }
$0 ~ /ple$/ { end++ }
$0 ~ /.+ol.+/ { middle++ }
END { printf "start = %d, end = %d, middle = %d\n", start, end, middle }
Note: This assumes that the middle patterns shouldn't match at the start or end of a line.
But here's a attempt using sed to create A.awk, putting all the sed commands in a file, as trying to this as a one-liner using -e and getting all the escaping right is not something I feel up to at the moment:
Contents of makeA.sed:
s!^#\(.*\)#$!$0 ~ /.+\1.+/ { middle++ }!
s!^#\(.*\)!$0 ~ /\1$/ { end++ }!
s!^\(.*\)#!$0 ~ /^\1/ { start++ }!
1 i\
#!/usr/bin/awk -f\
BEGIN { start = end = middle = 0 }
$ a\
END { printf "start = %d, end = %d, middle = %d\\n", start, end, middle }
Running it:
$ sed -f makeA.sed A.txt > A.awk
$ awk -f A.awk B.txt
start = 1, end = 1, middle = 2
Off the top of my head, and not tested:
/\(.*\)#$/s//{if ($1 ~ /^\1/) start++; next}/
/#\(.*\)$/s//{if ($1 ~ /\1$/) end++; next}/
/\(.*\)/s//{if ($1 ~ /\1/) middle++; next}/
The construct \(.*\) matches any text and saves it in a back-reference, then \1 recalls the back-reference. The empty pattern following the s command refers back to the pattern that matched the line. The next prevents the third pattern from matching after one of the other two has already matched.

Insert a line at the end of an ini section only if it doesn't exist

I have an smb.conf ini file which is overwritten whenever edited with a certain GUI tool, wiping out a custom setting. This means I need a cron job to ensure that one particular section in the file contains a certain option=value pair, and insert it at the end of the section if it doesn't exist.
Ensure that hosts deny=192.168.23. exists within the [myshare] section:
printcap name = cups
winbind enum groups = yes
security = user
enable recycle bin=no
hosts deny=192.168.23.
[Another Share]
invalid users=nobody,nobody
valid users=nobody,nobody
Long-winded solution using awk
After a long time struggling with sed, I concluded that it might not be the right tool for the job. So I moved over to awk and came up with this:
opt="hosts deny=192.168.23."
awk '
# Match the line where our section begins
/^[ \t]*\['"$section"'\][ \t]*$/ {
print $0;
# Match lines containing our option
this_section == 1 && /^[ \t]*'"$opt"'[ \t]*$/ {
# Match the following section heading
this_section == 1 && /^[ \t]*\[.*$/ {
if (opt_found != 1) {
print "\t'"$opt"'";
# Print every line
{ print $0; }
# In case our section is the very last in the file
if (this_section == 1 && opt_found != 1) {
print "\t'"$opt"'";
' $file > $tmp
# Overwrite $file only if $tmp is different
diff -q $file $tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
mv $tmp $file
# reload smb.conf here
rm $tmp
I can't help feeling that this is a long script to achieve a simple task. Is there a more efficient/elegant way to insert a property in an ini file using basic shell tools like sed and awk?
Consider using Python 3's configparser:
import sys
from configparser import SafeConfigParser
cfg = SafeConfigParser()[1])
cfg['myshare']['hosts deny'] = '192.168.23.';
with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
To be called as ./ smb.conf (i.e., the first parameter is the file to change).
Note that comments are not preserved by this. However, since a GUI overwrites the config and doesn't preserve custom options, I suspect that comments are already nuked and that this is not a worry in your case.
Untested, should work though
awk -vT="hosts deny=192.168.23" 'x&&$0~T{x=0}x&&/^ *\[[^]]+\]/{print "\t\t"T;x=0}
/^ *\[myshare\]/{x++}1' file
This solution is a bit awkward. It uses the INI section header as the record separator. This means that there is an empty record before the first header, so when we match the header we're interested in, we have to read the next record to handle that INI section. Also, there are some printf commands because the records still contain leading and trailing newlines.
awk -v RS='[[][^]]+[]]' -v str="hosts deny=192.168.23." '
{printf "%s", $0; printf "%s", RT}
RT == "[myshare]" {
printf "%s", $0
if (index($0, str) == 0) print str
printf "%s", RT
' smb.conf
RS is the awk variable that contains the regex to split the text into records.
RT is the awk variable that contains the actual text of the current record separator.
With GNU awk for a couple of extensions:
$ cat tst.awk
index($0,str) { found = 1 }
match($0,/^\s*\[([^]]+).*/,a) {
if ( (name == tgt) && !found ) { print indent str }
name = a[1]
found = 0
{ print; indent=gensub(/\S.*/,"","") }
$ awk -v tgt="myshare" -v str="hosts deny=192.168.23." -f tst.awk file
printcap name = cups
winbind enum groups = yes
security = user
enable recycle bin=no
hosts deny=192.168.23.
[Another Share]
invalid users=nobody,nobody
valid users=nobody,nobody
$ awk -v tgt="myshare" -v str="fluffy bunny" -f tst.awk file
printcap name = cups
winbind enum groups = yes
security = user
enable recycle bin=no
hosts deny=192.168.23.
fluffy bunny
[Another Share]
invalid users=nobody,nobody
valid users=nobody,nobody

Redirect input for gawk to a system command

Usually a gawk script processes each line of its stdin. Is it possible to instead specify a system command in the script use the process each line from output of the command in the rest of the script?
For example consider the following simple interaction:
$ { echo "abc"; echo "def"; } | gawk '{print NR ":" $0; }'
I would like to get the same output without using pipe, specifying instead the echo commands as a system command.
I can of course use the pipe but that would force me to either use two different scripts or specify the gawk script inside the bash script and I am trying to avoid that.
The previous example is not quite representative of my usecase, this is somewhat closer:
$ { echo "abc"; echo "def"; } | gawk '/d/ {print NR ":" $0; }'
A shell script parallel would be as follows. Without the exec line the script would read from stdin; with the exec it would use the command that line as input:
/tmp> cat
exec 0< <(echo abc; echo def)
while read l; do
echo "line:" $l
/tmp> ./
line: abc
line: def
From all of your comments, it sounds like what you want is:
$ cat tst.awk
if ( ("mktemp" | getline file) > 0 ) {
system("(echo abc; echo def) > " file)
ARGV[ARGC++] = file
{ print FILENAME, NR, $0 }
if (file!="") {
system("rm -f \"" file "\"")
$ awk -f tst.awk
/tmp/tmp.ooAfgMNetB 1 abc
/tmp/tmp.ooAfgMNetB 2 def
but honestly, I wouldn't do it. You're munging what the shell is good at (creating/destroying files and processes) with what awk is good at (manipulating text).
I believe what you're looking for is getline:
awk '{ while ( ("echo abc; echo def" | getline line) > 0){ print line} }' <<< ''
Adjusting the answer to you second example:
awk '{ while ( ("echo abc; echo def" | getline line) > 0){ counter++; if ( line ~ /d/){print counter":"line} } }' <<< ''
Let's break it down:
awk '{
cmd = "echo abc; echo def"
# line below will create a line variable containing the ouptut of cmd
while ( ( cmd | getline line) > 0){
# we need a counter because NR will not work for us
# if the line contais the letter d
if ( line ~ /d/){
print counter":"line
}' <<< ''