Want to add XSD documentation to Javadoc generated pojo JIBX - documentation

Any ideas on how to include the xsd:annotation and xsd:documentation content defined in the schema as javadoc in the generated pojo using jibx???
For now I only get the schema fragment on top of the class but cant see the annotation documentation for the schema.
thanks for you time.

You seem to be experiencing an unexpected behavior, unless the lack of details in your question threw this answer off... If you're still in a bind after attempting troubleshooting as described below, the best would be for you to update your request with more information, such as an XSD fragment showing the setup, the versions you're using (Java, JiBX) and the command line you use for your codegen utility.
Start by taking a look at customizations documentation; make sure that the import-docs option, which is responsible to "Convert xs:documentation annotations in the schema definition to Javadocs in the generated [...]", is not set to false. The default value is true, so it should work...
Check that from a command line perspective, you're not overriding it. Alternatively, you could ensure is set explicitly (see this).

JiBX does automatically includes xsd:documentation content in the generated source code which will end up in your javadocs.
For a nice example, take a look at the opentravel.org schema which is included in the JiBX schema library.
Here is the opentravel schema definition for a 'ping' message:
Now download and unzip the javadoc.jar for the generated code from maven central:
Notice how the xsd:documentation displays nicely in the javadoc.
Hope this example helps!
Don Corley
JiBX contributor


Get extention point contribution as text

Is there a way to get the raw XML text which another plugin has contributed to an extension point?
The normal way to access data that is contributed to an extension point is to use IConfigurationElement objects:
IConfigurationElement[] configElems = Platform.getExtensionRegistry()
But I already have JAXB parser for the kind of data that is contributed to this extension point. I'd like to use that one instead of Eclipse's classes.
EDIT 1: An alternative would be to use some kind of Eclipse-configuratoin-to-JAXB bridge library. But I don't find any.
EDIT 2: It's probably possible to find the plugin.xml of the contributing plug-in and read that manually... Probably not a good idea.
EDIT 3: I think I will do this: Instead of contributing the data directly clients get to give a file name. I then read that file using my old parser.
No, I don't see anything that would give you the XML.
getConfigurationElementsFor gives you information extracted from many different plugin.xml files so it is not clear what XML could be returned anyway.
org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ExtensionRegistry is the extension registry implementation, but a lot of the information that uses comes from org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.RegistryObjectManager.

Make IntelliJ aware of links to Java elements in XML files

I have a custom XML format that links to Java resources. For the sake of simplicity let's assume my XML file would look like this:
Eventually my references will be somewhat more complicated. It will not contain the fully qualified class name directly and I will need some logic to resolve the correct class, but I want to keep the example as simple as possible here.
Now I want it to be possible to Strg+Click on the element's text and want IntelliJ to carry me to the .java file, just like it is possible in Spring-XML files. In the IDEA Plugin Development FAQ there is a link called "How do I add custom references to Java elements in XML files?" which so much sounds like exactly what I need. Unfortunately it links to a discussion where someone is more or less done implementing something like this, having some minor problems. Nevertheless I understood that I probably need to write an implementation of the interface com.intellij.psi.PsiReference. Googling for "PsiReference" and "IntelliJ" or "IDEA" unfortunately did not bring up any tutorials on how to use it, but I found the class XmlValueReference which sounds useful. Yet again googling for "XmlValueReference" did not turn up anything useful on how to use the class. At least the PSI Cookbook tells me that I can find the Java class by using JavaPsiFacade.findClass(). I'd be thankful for any tutorials, hints and the like, that tell the correct usage.
The above linked discussion mentions that I need to call registry.registerReferenceProvider(XmlTag.class, provider) in order to register my provider once I eventually managed to implement it, but of which type is "registry" and where do I get it from?
First of all, here's a nice tutorial that came up a few days ago, which explains the basics of IntelliJ plugin development (you should take a look at the section Reference Contributor).
You will likely have to define your own PsiReferenceContributor, which will be referenced in your plugin.xml like this:
<psi.referenceContributor implementation="com.yourplugin.YourReferenceContributor"/>
In your reference contributor, there's a method registerReferenceProviders(PsiReferenceRegistrar) where you will be able to call registry.registerReferenceProvider(XmlTag.class, provider).
Finally, in your instance of PsiReferenceProvider, you will have to test the tag name to filter out tags which don't contain class references, then find the right Java class using JavaPsiFacade.findClass().
From my experience, the best place to get help regarding IntelliJ plugin development is JetBrains' forums.

C#, Gendarme, Sonar and Jenkins : Exclude generated files from Gendarme

I'm working with gendarme for .net called by Sonar (launched by Jenkins).
I've a lot of AvoidVisibleFieldsRule violations. The main violations are found in the generated files. As I can't do anything on it, i would like to exclude *.designer.cs from the scan.
I can't find a way to do that. There is a properties in Sonar to exclude generated files but it doesn't seem to be applied for gendarme.
Is there a way to do such a thing ?
Thanks for all
Gendarme expects you provide an ignore list,
The ignore file format is bit of weird, but you can learn it by experiments.
Indeed that is actually not normal at all. Generated code is excluded by the plugin with the standard configuration. What version of the C# plugins are you using ?
Anyway, the configuration property you can try is "sonar.exclusions" (see http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Advanced+parameters).
If you do not solve your problem right away, the best thing would be to drop a mail to the user mailing list (see http://www.sonarsource.org/support/support/) and send the verbose output of your build. To get this output simply add "-X" to the command line.
Hope it helps

Generating "user" and "developer" documentation from the same codebase using Doxygen

I'm new to Doxygen and I'm trying to document an API I am planning to open source. I'd really like to build two sets of documentation, one for end users of the API and one for those who intend to modify it. Is there a way to tag Doxygen comment blocks in a way such that I can generate "user" and "dev" documentation trees? Is there a better solution to my problem? Thanks!
Depending on how your code is structured, you might be able to get away with using two Doxygen config files each including separate source files. The "user" config file would only list the source files containing the public interface to the API, while the "dev" config file would list all source files for the whole project.
This does mean that all your interfaces (e.g. abstract base classes) will need to be documented with the user in mind, but that is usually not a problem as by definition there is unlikely to be any implementation details in an abstract base class.
All your "dev" documentation then sits in the actual classes implementing the interfaces, which are never seen by the API and can be safely omitted by the "user" Doxygen config file.
Of course if your code isn't structured this way it's not going to work, so the only solution I can think of is to fill your comments with a bunch of conditional statements.
In addition to what Malvineous already said, there is the \internal doxygen command.
\internal lets you hide or show part of the documentation by changing INTERNAL_DOCS in the Doxyfile
More information here: http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/commands.html#cmdinternal

Find child plug-ins of features in eclipse workspace

I want to find all the child plug-ins of a feature ? I know the name of the feature, but IWorkspaceRoot.getProject(String) does not really help me. I get an IProject that I don't know how to convert to a feature object (IFeature ?). Maybe I am on the wrong track and there is a better / easier way to do this. Any ideas ?
You could check that a selected IProject is a feature project by checking for the nature called org.eclipse.pde.FeatureNature.
Then you could try to use IProject.getAdapter(IFeature.class) call, the cast the result to IFeature. I did not try this with feature projects, but works well with Java projects.
The correct answer is the use of PDECore static class. This class provides a FeatureModelManager, that would provide the corresponding information:
FeatureModelManager manager = PDECore.getDefault().getFeatureModelManager();
How to obtain this information? I looked with the plug-in spy to find which project defines the 'Deployable Features' export wizard (use Alt+Shift+F3 when the wizard is selected), and then looked at the implementation of the wizard class, where the addPages() method contains the previously described code block.