is there a way to get all the comments of a card through the Trello API? I can get the card, the list which it is in, the members assigned to it etc. but can't see a way to get the comments.
Comments are a type of action ("commentCard"), so look into the /card/:id/actions
Try this API URL
Method: GET{card_Id}/actions?filter=commentCard&key={trellokey}&token={trellotoken}
GET /1/cards/[card id or shortlink]/actions
you'll get list of action-objects in json, each has its type, type for comment "commentCard",
comment text in
Trello.actions.get( + "/data", function() {})
seems to do it for me with client.js. Hope that helps :)
Using the Reddit API, is it possible to return a list of Reddit comments if the submission title includes a specific keyword? For example, if the keyword is "Lime Sparkling Water", I want to return all the comments under submissions that have "Lime Sparkline Water" in the title.
I've tried using the Pushshift API for Reddit but looks like we can only isolate the submission data or the comment data and not isolate the comments data based on the submissions data.
Please help :)
Yes, this is possible with PRAW.
You can use PRAW's stream function, that page also has examples how to use PRAW.
An example being:
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("AskReddit")
for submission in
# do something with submission
This will return all submissions within "AskReddit". From there you could check the post title:
if 'Lime Sparking Water' in submission:
# do something with the submission
Although, I know this is a hypothetical phrase to search, you'd be better off searching lowercase phrases/words and .lower()
I'm testing our Loqate's Adress Verification
The API is asking for a Key and Id as part of the required parameters, I have the Key, but for the Id it says in the description that it's a "Find Method" but I don't know where or which they are.
What are valid Id's I can put in there?
Anyone here have any experience with this?
The function, you mentioned, needs another function to unfold their whole functionality.
First of all you need to get some suggestion made by a search of a user e.g.
This function will give you back suggestions. If the type is "address" you can use the given id of the respond to get the whole data of an address you found.
Hope this helps!
I know I can tag a user with <#U423DFDE|username> but I can't figure out how to tag #here
<!here> is the solution. There are other commands that work with the <!___> format.
Check out this part of the official Slack documentation for an overview about all such variables.
I use this:
var message= {
"text": "<!here> test text"
} ;
For channel use <#idchannel>, for username use <#memberIdName>
You can find it here:
This is how my url looks be:
I can't understand why it doesn't work! I'm successfully logged in.
* EDIT *
I tried also this query but it doesn't work!
Try including the token parameter (T).
This document describes how to get a token.
In the s you must pass the feed ID, not url. Here is example:
Is there any way of accessing the data on Flixster? Specifically, I'd like to retrieve a list of all of my movie ratings. I know you can get an rss feed of these, but it only appears to return a subset of all of the ratings.
View your Rotten Tomatoes / Flixster movie ratings by accessing this URL, first replacing USERIDHERE in the URL.
You can find out your user id by clicking to view your Profile, which will contain your unique id in the URL, such as:
Yes, there is a new-ish Rotten-Tomatoes API at
Here's a simple program, using the API, that I've found:
...and you can read her blog post for more information.
Just tested both fetching and parsing, and it still appears to work.