"(#100) Error finding the requested story" encountered when POSTing like on a post - api

I'm using Graph API to get posts that a user is tagged in, and then issuing a like on the posts by POSTing to [post_id]/likes. However, even though the post obviously exists, because I was able to retrieve the post_id, when issuing the like, the following error is encountered:
(#100) Error finding the requested story
I find that this seems to affect only posts with post_id in the format of [user_id]_[post_id].
Is this a known bug or is there a workaround?

an old question but might help someone.
For me the issue was that if the post privacy is public then you can access in the way you doing and it works fine, but if the privacy has some custom setting then you will get the above mentioned error.
The fix that worked for me was to get the permission "read_stream" from the user, if user gives you this permission than you can use the post in similar way as you are doing (i.e. [post_id]/likes )


BIM 360 field API login issues

Frustrating issue with attempting to use REST to login to the BIM 360 Field API, it was suggested that to use the postman application in order to ensure that my code wasn't an issue, however I'm now getting an unauthorized error, this has been attempted with an admin account and a developer account with the same response (login details are definitely valid), I was wandering if anyone has encountered this problem before or has any idea how would go about getting past this, I need to get the ticket response in order to go any further with developing an application for this, I'm already in contact with someone from Autodesk but due to timezone differences responses are difficult!
I've attached a picture to highlight the simplicity of what I'm attempting to do with no joy!
Thanks in advance
In case somebody else hits the same issue, FYI -
Dan and I looked at this issue, and we learned (in a hard way) that the base URL for BIM 360 Field in European region is:
Notice "eu" in the URL. In the U.S., it is https://bim360field.autodesk.com
I wrote a post about this, too, for future reference:
I also found it worked when I used https but not http although the examples in the help use http.

Google+ HTTP API returns less activities than supposed to

I've been using Google Plus HTTP API for several weeks now and I'm experiencing a strange issue.
When I try to retrieve public activities from this community: https://plus.google.com/communities/115653528125420367824, I always get 4 results, no more. I've tried increasing the maxResult parameter of the request but it doesn't change anything...
And when I use the nextPageToken to retrieve the missing activities, the "items" field of the response is empty.
You can try it yourself with the Google APIs Explorer here: https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/plus/v1/plus.activities.list?userId=115653528125420367824&collection=public you will see that only 4 activites are returned and the next page of result is empty.
This is really strange and happened recently, it used to work fine. Maybe it is caused by the fact that the content of some activities of this community contains a stringified JSON object. What do you think?
The activities methods are only supported for retrieving posts by users and Google+ Pages. They are not supported for use with Communities and should not be expected to work correctly. There is definitely no guarantee that this behavior while it might have worked or currently works in some cases today will continue to work in the future.

Google+ .Net API - Getting Authenticated and retrieving profile

I'm trying to get a users profile information for google+ via the .NET API but am having trouble.
Does anyone know if they have changed how the special ID "me" works?
In the documentation it says this can be used as a special ID to get the currently authenticated users information however this throws a 404 from both the API in my code and on Google's own test page https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/people/get. I was logged in when trying this.
Does anyone know how to get the user ID as I would happily use that instead of me but it isn't returned after the user authenticates as far as I can see (just an authcode)?
I also tried using user IDs returned when using the standard .net Oauth stuff but it isn't the correct ID, I assume it is for something else.
As for my method of getting to this stage, I first downloaded the example files here: http://code.google.com/p/google-api-dotnet-client/wiki/GettingStarted
They don't have a plus example so I took the Tasks.ASP.NET.SimpleOAuth2 example and swapped out tasks (which worked fine) for the plus equivalent.
I also tried rolling this into my own project.
Neither worked. I get the user forwarded to Google where they give me access fine and then when I return they are authenticated successfully as far as I can see, however when I call service.People.Get("me") it returns a 404.
If anyone could help with the above questions (using me, or gettign the user ID) I would appreciate it.
To the moderator who closed the initial version of this question, I have tried to make this as direct a question as possible so please don't close it. This is a legitimate question I would really like help getting to he bottom of.
This is now out of date given recent platform updates. Although the plus.me scope still exists and this code will work, you should be using the plus.login scope for retrieving profile data in C#. For a great way to get started with retrieving and rendering profile information, please start from the Google+ C# quick start available here:
First off, the 'me' id still works and is unchanged. The way that it works is:
You authenticate the user using a standard OAUTH2 flow
You use the library to perform a People.get with the special value 'me'
The 404 error code is a little troubling, this means that the client isn't finding the endpoint. To debug this, you might want to use a packet sniffer like fiddler to see what the actual URL it's querying is.
Anyways, how about some C# code. The following example shows how to use the plus service to get the currently authenticated user (assuming you have authenticated someone). What's different from your snippet is that you need to form a get request for the API call, then run fetch on the get request. I've included the following example, for getting 'me', and the following code works:
var auth = CreateAuthenticator();
plusService = new PlusService(auth);
if (plusService != null)
PeopleResource.GetRequest prgr = plusService.People.Get("me");
Person me = prgr.Fetch();
All of the configuration of the server and getting a client working is pretty hard and pasting all of the code here would be less helpful than just giving you a sample.
And so... I have written a sample application that demonstrates how to do this and also includes a wrapper that makes it easier to develop using the Google+ API in C#. Grab it here:
Google+ C# Server-Side demo and library
Seems you need to use:
Person test = service.People.Get("me").Fetch();
and not
req = service.People.Get("me");
Person test = req.Fetch();
Even though they seem to be identical the first works and the second doesn't.
Still not sure why google's own page doesn't work though. Now to find out how to add things to the scope like birthday.

Table blocked on YQL?

I'm trying to retrieve a user timeline from Twitter using YQL's community Twitter table. The full REST url is
(keys have been mangled to protect the guilty)
The response I get is:
The current table
'twitter.status.timeline.user' has
been blocked. It exceeded the allotted
quotas of either time or instructions
As I seem to be doing the querying correctly, I'm at a bit of a loss as to why I should get this response, particularly since it works as it should through the YQL console. The only thing I can think of is that I need to authorize my query somehow with an API key, or oAuth credentials, but I haven't been able to find a comprehensible example of how to do this.
Can anyone possibly point me in the right direction on this? YQL's community tables seem to offer a marvelous way to do very complicated things with ease, so I'd hate to fall at the last hurdle so to speak.
According to the twitter docs the call to this API endpoint is supposed to return the last tweets from the authorized user, right? Not from any kind of user. Just checking that this is really what you want to achieve.
From: http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/home_timeline
Returns the 20 most recent statuses,
including retweets if they exist,
posted by the authenticating user and
the user's they follow. This is the
same timeline seen by a user when they
login to twitter.com.
This is the definition of the datatable that you are using. I am a bit confused about the #id parameter in the example of that datatable because I don't see it being used anywhere.
The error message you get sounds like an internal YQL error message and not like something that comes from Twitter, doesn't it?
Sorry for not being able to provide answer right now but maybe raising other related questions can help somebody else or you to figure it out. If I crack this later I will add to this again.

Facebook app to edit posts

Is it possible to make a Facebook app which edits user's post on his wall automatically (edits EVERY POST that user makes, app has user's permission and everything)
I don't think that's possible, but maybe I'm wrong?
Based on the Graph API docs, I actually think it could work.
Get the extended permission called
"offline_access". See
Periodically pull from
to see if the user has posted new
If so, for each new post that has appeared:
Pull and store the text of the post.
Manipulate the text as desired.
Delete the original post using
Publish your modified version of the
post using "POST". See
#Jon: You cannot delete a post that your application has not published.
See here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/
No, it's not possible for security reasons. Even though you probably have the best of intentions, there are lots of people who unfortunately don't. The few ruin it for all.