how to debug maven tycho plugin? - tycho

I followed steps mentioned in and downloaded tycho source code.
To debug eclipse project (which uses maven tycho), I followed steps steps mentioned in
Now when I run maven build and start remote debug application, it gives error as:
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.Connection refused: connect
how can I get eclipse-maven port number?
Is there any other approach to debug tycho?

solved! execute mvnDebug command from command line so it will halt at breakpoint and then start eclipse remote debug application. It works..
Previously I executed maven debug command from eclipse maven debug configuration which doesnt work.


Plugin and dependency not found

i've created a project with Jhipster, when i open the project with IntelliJ i have these problems in pom.xml:
pom.xml problems
I tried maven clean/package/install, the first two run successfully but when i run maven install a test fails:
test failure
I also tried to use plugin registry (in maven settings) and invalidate caches but still not work. In the end i tried different JDK but i have the same problems. Can someone help me please?
I use JDK 11.0.15, Node 16.15.1, Git 2.36.1 and i'm on windows 10.
For those interested in troubleshooting pom.xml i solved by updating the repository (on IntelliJ go file/settings/build, execution, deployment/build tools/maven/repositories both remote and local) and reloading all maven projects.

Do any body knows how to create a "Run/Remote" Configuration IntelIj to connect wildfly server,please let me know

I want to create a "Run/Remote" Configuration IntellIj to connect remote wildfly server running in Ubuntu the code is in Intellij in windows,want to debug,please let me know
I have created a Remote Gradle task in Intellij,and imported and builded the WAR file project in Linux,then i started wildfky server in linux & i run the gradle task in Intellij,although when i click the debug gradle task all the threads are instantiated & debug is suddenly stopping in Intellij without any breakpoint hit in Intellij IDEenter image description here

debugging project without eclipse debugger

I am using maven project in eclipse mars . My Project is not building in the eclipse so i am compiling my project through dos mode. I not being able to debug the somebody please help me to solve issue
You can debug a tomcat server even if you don't run it inside Eclipse, using remote debug.
Please take a look at Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse or this blog for Intellij / this one for Eclipse
The idea is to start your tomcat server in debug mode then connecting your debugger to the "remote" (even if on your local PC) JVM (The JVM of the server).

why running a maven spring project on intellij giving "connection refused on port" error

I am running a sample "hello world" spring maven project from my machine and debugger port is allowing to run or debug the class also browser gives blank screen
To debug a maven project:
start a maven project in debug mode using 'mvnDebug' command instead of 'mvn'.
For your case should be:
mvnDebug jetty:run
It should open a debug port of 8000 by default on your machine.
tell your IDE to remotely connect to the running JVM of your server like you did in the picture (make sure you got the correct port).
The connection refused happens because there is no actual running JVM listening on 8081, as described in your picture.
You mentioned that you get a blank screen in the browser. Maybe you also have a misconfiguration in your pom file. The myspringlearning plugin definition doesn't seem right. You should just make sure you:
have a maven webapp project in your pom.xml (packaging should be war)
the jetty plugin should automatically pick it by default, on port 8080, just 'mvn jetty:run' in your project root

GRAILS plugin error

I am trying to test my grails app using Hudson. I have in grails I will run the command of test-app -unit and will recieve the following message:
Running script /home/test/grails-1.1.1/scripts/TestApp.groovy
Environment set to test
Plugin [hibernate-1.1.1] not
installed, resolving..
Reading remote plugin list ...
Error reading remote plugin list
[Connection timed out], building
Unable to list plugins, please check
you have a valid internet connection:
Connection timed out
Reading remote plugin list ... Error
reading remote plugin list [Connection
timed out], building locally...
Unable to list plugins, please check
you have a valid internet connection:
Connection timed out
Plugin 'hibernate' was not found in
repository. If it is not stored in a
configured repository you will need to
install it manually. Type 'grails
list-plugins' to find out what plugins
are available. Finished: FAILURE
I believe the reason for this is that I do not have access to an external network on the server. If I do a list-plugins there is no returns it just times out.
I also beleive that this is a grails issue not a hudson issue.
The answer is the following:
navigate to the /path/to/hudson/Jobs/JOBNAME/
run - grails install-plugin /location/to/grails-1.1.1/plugins/
This will install the hibernate plugin for the specific job. This workaround can also be used for other plugins needed.
This has been tested in hudson.
Grails is going to need the Internet somehow to get plugin information. What you might be able to do is get Grails installed on a machine that does have access, get all of the plugins you need (i.e. by running what Hudson would normally run, test-app or whatever), and then copy over the entire grails installation to $GRAILS_HOME on your Hudson machine.
I can't say I've ever tried this, but it seems like it should work.