How to search int or string in all fields - sql

SqlDataAdapter da =
new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT *
FROM Patient
Where Registration_Id = '" + textBox1.Text + "'
OR Patient_Name = '" + textBox1.Text + "'", cn);
How to search int or string in all fields?
Edit code:
if (comboBox1.Text == "Registration_Id")
da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT *
FROM Patient
Where Registration_Id = '" + textBox1.Text + "'", cn);
else if (comboBox1.Text == "Patient_Name")
da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT *
FROM Patient
Where Patient_Name = '" + textBox1.Text + "'", cn);

For one that method can be subject to SQL injection attack so you need to sanitize it. Otherwise one solution (after you check for attacks) is:
FROM Patient
Where column1 like "'%" + textBox1.Text + "%'"
or column2 like "'%" + textBox1.Text + "%'"
or columnn like "'%" + textBox1.Text + "%'"
This can be made simpler by the fact that if they don't know the id of the item then don't check that column. Otherwise have a dropdown that chooses which column they are searching by.


System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression.' Grid view update

I am working on a grid view update but System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression error. Please someone help.
protected void ResultGridView_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
TextBox txtFName2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtFName");
TextBox txtDate2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtSM");
TextBox txtCaseType2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtCaseType");
TextBox txtFileno2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtFileno");
TextBox txtCustName2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtCustName");
TextBox txtAddress2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtCustName");
TextBox txtConno2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtConno");
TextBox txtPlotarea2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtPlotarea");
TextBox txtPlotRate2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtPlotRate");
TextBox txtconstarea2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtconstarea");
TextBox txtConstFloor2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtConstFloor");
TextBox txtconstrate2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtconstrate");
TextBox txtPlotvalue2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtPlotvalue");
TextBox txtconstvalue2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtconstvalue");
TextBox txttotalvalue2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txttotalvalue");
TextBox txtRemarks2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtRemarks");
**TextBox txtDatee2 = (TextBox)ResultGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtDate2");**
string da = txtDatee2.Text.ToString();
DateTime dt =
DateTime.ParseExact(da, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string dateshort = dt.ToShortDateString();
string ID = ResultGridView.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Final SET Finance ='" + txtFName2.Text + "' ,SM ='" + txtDate2.Text + "',Case_Type ='" + txtCaseType2.Text + "',File_no ='" + txtFileno2.Text + "',Cust_Name ='" + txtCustName2.Text + "' ,Address ='" + txtAddress2.Text + "',Con_no ='" + txtConno2.Text + "' ,Plot_area ='" + txtPlotarea2.Text + "' ,Plot_Rate ='" + txtPlotRate2.Text + "' ,const_area ='" + txtconstarea2.Text + "' ,Const_Floor ='" + txtConstFloor2.Text + "' ,const_rate ='" + txtconstrate2.Text + "' ,Plot_value ='" + txtPlotvalue2.Text + "' ,const_value ='" + txtConno2.Text + "' ,total_value ='" + txttotalvalue2.Text + "' ,Remarks ='" + txtRemarks2.Text + "'**,Date2 = '"+ dateshort +"'** WHERE ID=" + ID + "";
ResultGridView.EditIndex = -1;
At least, first text expressions for date values should be formatted as to the ISO sequence:
string dateshort = dt.ToString("yyyy'/'MM'/'dd");
second, in Access, these must be wrapped in octothorpes:
"', Date2 = #" + dateshort + "# WHERE ID="
This must be modified for other datetime fields as well.
Or, do your self a big favour and turn to call a parameterised query.

How to update the data of the selected row in datagridview?

This is my code:
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(global::Registro_Elettronico_Reperti.Properties.Settings.Default.Registro_RepertiConnectionString);
string sql = "UPDATE Registro_Reperti SET [Ritirato da]='" + cbox_competenza.Text + "', Operatore='" + txt_operatore.Text + "', PerID= '" + txt_perid + "', Ritirato = 'Si' WHERE Id=?????";
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand exeSql = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, connection);
MessageBox.Show("Operazione completata", "Messaggio", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
How to get the id of the row in the WHERE clause??

DataGridView sorts dates in wrong order

I have a DataGridView and a searchbox where I can search for different dates in a certain column. Now since the date is formated as string he will give me the wrong order:
I type in 20 and get:
and so on. I have read another thread here about this problem but the solutions didn't help me. My SQL statement looks like following:
DataTable datTable = new DataTable();
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT ["+form1.timeBox.Text+ "] FROM [" + form1.getTableName() + "] WHERE convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) >= '" + form1.getFromDate().Trim() + "' ORDER BY convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) ASC", connection);
sqlDatAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd.CommandText, connection);
form1.setDataGrid = datTable;
is the function which grabs the entered string from the Textbox to search for. I tried to cast and convert to datetime and so on but it gets still shown in the wrong order. Can anyone help?
you are ordering by the formatted column; there is no need to do so and that is the part creating your problem.
i'm against string concatenation to build sql commands but your code should be rewritten as follows:
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT ["+form1.timeBox.Text+ "] FROM [" + form1.getTableName() + "] WHERE convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) >= '" + form1.getFromDate().Trim() + "' ORDER BY " + form1.getTimeCol() + " ASC", connection);
nstead of using '>=' use 'Like' operator with '%' character at the end of your "form1.getFromDate().Trim()", which will give you the required result.
Using 'Like' your query will look like:
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT ["+form1.timeBox.Text+ "] FROM [" + form1.getTableName() + "] WHERE convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) Like '" + form1.getFromDate().Trim() + "%' ORDER BY convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) ASC", connection);

get data after union max and min sql statement

Is there any way to combine these sql statements in one statement:
Dim s As String =
"SELECT byu,MAX(atttime) AS attime FROM att
WHERE pno='" + DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value.ToString + "'
and attdate ='" + curdate + "' and atttime>='" + mxtime + "'
and atttime<='" + mxtime2 + "' "
Dim xmd As New SqlCommand(s, con)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = xmd.ExecuteReader
If dr.Read Then
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value = dr("attime")
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(14).Value = dr("byu")
End If
Dim s2 As String =
"SELECT byu, MIN(atttime) AS attime FROM att
WHERE pno='" + DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value.ToString + "'
and attdate ='" + curdate + "' and atttime>='" + mintime + "'
and atttime<='" + mintime2 + "' "
Dim xmd2 As New SqlCommand(s2, con)
Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader = xmd2.ExecuteReader
If dr2.Read Then
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value = dr2("attime")
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(15).Value = dr2("byu")
End If
the table att has data as:
pno attdate atttime byu
2 2015/01/02 07:05:02 0
2 2015/01/02 07:07:02 1
2 2015/01/02 18:08:11 0
2 2015/01/02 19:15:02 1
i was trying since morning and didn't come up with something, the problem that when i union the 2 sql statement i couldn't get the "byu" of MAX(atttime) and also the "byu" of MIN(atttime) via SqlDataReader. I almost red all the questions in the site that related to this and nothing worked for me so far.the result of above code is:
2 2015/01/02 07:05:02 0
2 2015/01/02 19:15:02 1
please help, thanks.
You can join you queries like this and execute them as a batch statement
Dim s As String =
"SELECT byu as byu1,MAX(atttime) AS attime1 FROM att
WHERE pno='" + DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value.ToString + "'
and attdate ='" + curdate + "' and atttime>='" + mxtime + "'
and atttime<='" + mxtime2 + "' group by byu ;" +
"SELECT byu as byu2,MIN(atttime) AS attime2 FROM att
WHERE pno='" + DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value.ToString + "'
and attdate ='" + curdate + "' and atttime>='" + mintime + "'
and atttime<='" + mintime2 + "' group by byu ;"
This is the only idea i dont know how many columns you are getting from database you have to set your cells() value respective of column order which you are getting from database
Dim xmd As New SqlCommand(s, con)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = xmd.ExecuteReader
If dr.Read Then
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value = dr("attime1")
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(14).Value = dr("byu1")
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value = dr("attime2")
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(15).Value = dr("byu2")
End If

string concatation in sql query

i am having confusion with this string concatenation
could some body please brief me how this string concatenation taking place?
The confusion i am having is that, how this +, "", ' are working in this
int i = Magic.Allper("insert into tbl_notice values ('" + Label1.Text + "','" + companyTxt.Text + "','" + txtBranch.Text + "','" + dateTxt.Text + "' ,'" + reportingTxt.Text + "','" + venueTxt.Text + "','" + eligibilityTxt.Text + "')");
Anything between two " characters is taken as a String in Java so "','" produces ','. SQL requires Strings wrapped in '. So "'" + venueTxt.Text + "'" parses to 'variable value' when the query is made.
("insert into tbl_notice values ('" + Label1.Text + "','" + companyTxt.Text + "','" + txtBranch.Text + "','" + dateTxt.Text + "' ,'" + reportingTxt.Text + "','" + venueTxt.Text + "','" + eligibilityTxt.Text + "')");
Assuming that
Label1= Hello
companyTxt = ABC
txtBranch = Engineering
dateTxt = 2010-12-01
reportingTxt = Fergusson
venueTxt = Batcave
eligibilityTxt = No
The above values are replaced in the SQL statement, making it look like
("insert into tbl_notice values ('" + Hello + "','" + ABC + "','" + Engineering + "','" + 2010-12-01 + "' ,'" + Fergusson + "','" + Batcave + "','" + No + "')");
The "+" operator joins the string values, resulting in
("insert into tbl_notice values ('Hello','ABC','Engineering','2010-12-01' ,'Fergusson','Batcave','No')")
I strongly recommend that you don't use string concatenation in SQL queries. They provoque SQL injections. This will cause security issues.
What is SQL Injection?
In response to your question, this concatenation simply takes every TextBox.Text property value and concatenate it into your insert statement.
I strongly recommend that you're using parameterized queries using ADO.NET lise the following example (assuming SQL Server):
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connString))
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
string sql = "insert into tbl_notice values(#label1, #companyTxt, #txtBranch, #dataTxt, #reportingTxt, #venueTxt, #eligibilityTxt)";
command.CommandText = sql;
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
SqlParameter label1 = command.CreateParameter();
label1.ParameterName = "#label1";
label1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
label1.Value = Label1.Text;
SqlParameter companyTxt = command.CreateParameter();
companyTxt.ParameterName = "#companyTxt";
companyTxt.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
companyTxt.Value = companyTxt.Text;
// And so forth for each of the parameters enumerated in your sql statement.
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Close)
int rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
I would use the string.Format method for clarity
int i = Magic.Allper(string.Format("insert into tbl_notice values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}')",
You might also want to create an extension method that will make sure the strings are safe to pass to SQL in this fashion
public static string ToSqlFormat(this string mask, params string[] args)
List<string> safe = args.ToList();
safe.ForEach(a => a.Replace("'", "''"));
return string.Format(mask, safe);
which will let you write
string insert = "insert into tbl_notice values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}')";
int i = Magic.Allper(insert.ToSqlFormat(