Configure a Proxy Array Consisting of 3 Squid Proxy Servers - apache

I am trying to configure and install 3 squid proxy servers using CentOS. I have compiled and installed three separate servers in the following directories:
From here I am completely lost. I need to use squid for load balancing and I only have one ip address to do it (localhost). I was assigned 3 separate ports as well. This first squid server works as a load balancer. It then forwards the client request to the second and third squid server based on a load balance rule. If no cached copy then forward back to the origin server.
The first squid server should use the CARP protocol and "1/3" of the client requests should be sent to the second squid server and "2/3" should be sent to the third squid server.
Any ideas on the squid.conf file?

I would use LVS:
ipvsadm -A -t x.x.x.x:3128 -s wlc
ipvsadm -a -t x.x.x.x:3128 -r localhost:3128
ipvsadm -a -t x.x.x.x:3128 -r localhost:3129
ipvsadm -a -t x.x.x.x:3128 -r localhost:3130
x.x.x.x is your local IP.


GitLab CI runner with SSH ProxyJump

I have the following settings in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config file:
Host serverA
User idA
Host serverB
User idB
ProxyJump serverA
I’ve also copied the public keys, so if I locally run ssh serverB I’m correctly connected to serverB as idB through serverA.
Now, here’s my runner configuration in /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml:
name = "ssh-runner-1"
url = "http://my-cicd-server"
token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
executor = "ssh"
user = "idB"
host = "serverB"
identity_file = "/home/gitlab-runner/.ssh/id_ed25519"
When I run a CI/CD job on this runner I get a « connection refused » error:
ERROR: Preparation failed: ssh command Connect() error: ssh Dial() error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
I conclude that the ProxyJump configuration is not applied, and since the machine with the runner can’t directly connect to serverB, I get denied access.
How can I configure the runner to apply the proxy jump configuration?
The GitLab runner uses a Go-based SSH client. It does not respect your system SSH configuration and does not have the same configurability as the standard ssh (usually OpenSSH) packages you typically find installed in operating system distributions or similar packages.
The Go client does not support the ProxyJump configuration.
Your best bet would probably be to configure a tunneled connection where your entrypoint does not require SSH configuration options that are not supported.
Local port forwarding
One way might be to open a local port-forwarding tunnel, then in your GitLab configuration, specify the host as localhost and port as the forwarded port.
For example:
Open the tunnel -- local port 2222 forwards to port 22 on ServerB via ssh connection through ServerA
ssh -L 2222:ServerB:22 -N ServerA
Configure runner to use the tunnel:
host = "localhost"
port = 2222
With this approach, you may have to write some automation on your server to restore the tunnel connection in the event it is broken. How you might do this depends on your operating system and preferred service manager. Or use a tool like autossh
This is basically how the ProxyJump configuration works under the hood.
IP/Port forwarding system
A similar approach would be to have your jump system automatically forward connections to the desired destination. This might be something like a software firewall rule (e.g. using iptables routing rules). That way the forwarding occurs transparently. Then simply tell the runner to target ServerA and the traffic will be transparently moved to ServerB.
This approach is more reliable, since you won't have to do anything to keep the tunnel alive if it ever drops. However, the configuration is much more complex and requires a static IP for ServerB.
For example, on ServerA, assuming the IP of ServerB is the following iptables configuration could be used:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
Then the GitLab runner configuration:
host = "ServerA"
port = 2222
Lastly, it may also be useful to know that disable_strict_host_key_checking is an undocumented configuration option for the runner as well, in the event you need this.

How to tunnel through a SINGLE PORT using sshuttle?

I can tunnel my whole network traffic using sshuttle by this simple following command (which digitalocean is my IP address and I have a public key, saved there):
sudo sshuttle --dns -r root#digitalocean -x digitalocean 0/0
I don't know how to make the sshuttle tunnel through one specific port (like 8800) so that I can access my local nearby server and use a browser (e.g. Firefox) tunnelled through that port: using a Manual proxy with localhost:8800 address.
I know that I can use the following command to tunnel my traffic through a specific port (like 8800), but as I don't have the password of this digitalocean server, I'm not able to use ssh to access it.
sudo ssh -N -D 8800 root#digitalocean
If anyone is still looking for similar things this is in fact very straightforward:
sshuttle --dns -r user#host:8800 0/0 -x host

LXD / Container / Apache2 / Iptables - Unable to load external sources in website

I have a container setup with LXD running several wordpress webpages (apache2)
All is working fine.
I added portforwarding by:
lxc config device add CONTAINER lxd_proxy_port80 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:INTERNALIP:80
…and same for port 443. Thats all working correctly.
Unfortunately I cannot see originating IP’s in my apache2 logs (var/log/apache2/access.log) but only see the local IP.
By using iptables I wanted to change this. I did:
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d LOCALIP --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d LOCALIP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
and deleting my proxy device with
lxc config device remove CONTAINER lxd_proxy_port80
lxc config device remove CONTAINER lxd_proxy_port443
I can actually access files on my server correctly and I also see now my external IP in the apache2 access logs.
However, wordpress does not reach update-servers anymore (external) and seems to have problems reaching the outside world and one of my wordpress pages cannot access the index.php file anymore (it hangs loading). I suppose the latter effect is due to some external content not being loaded correctly.
Could you help me understand what is going on?
This conversation answers the questions:
A good video on this:
My solution did end up working by adding a -d MYIP/32 in the iptables rule to only make it apply for incoming traffic.

Error: Connection reset by peer while connecting to Elastic cache using stunnal method

I am using elastic cache single node shard redis 4.0 later version.
I enabled In-Transit Encryption and gave redis auth token.
I created one bastion host with stunnal using this link
I am able to connect to elastic cache redis node using following way
redis-cli -h hostname -p 6379 -a mypassword
and i can do telnet also.
when I ping (expected response "PONG") on redis-cli after connection it is giving
"Error: Connection reset by peer "
I checked security group of both side.
Any idea ?
Bastion Host ubuntu 16.04 machine
As I mentioned in question, I was running the command like this:
redis-cli -h hostname -p 6379 -a mypassword
The correct way to connect into a ElastiCache cluster through stunnel should be using "localhost" as the host address,like this:
redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 -a mypassword
There is explanation for using the localhost address:
when you create a tunnel between your bastion server and the ElastiCache host through stunnel, the program will start a service that listen to a local TCP port (6379), encapsulate the communication using the SSL protocol and transfer the data between the local server and the remote host.
you need to start the stunnel, check if the service is listening on the localhost address (, and connect using the "localhost" as the destination address: "
Start stunnel. (Make sure you have installed stunnel using this link
$ sudo stunnel /etc/stunnel/redis-cli.conf
Use the netstat command to confirm that the tunnels have started:
$ netstat -tulnp | grep -i stunnel
You can now use the redis-cli to connect to the encrypted Redis node using the local endpoint of the tunnel:
$redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 -a MySecretPassword
localhost:6379>set foo "bar"
localhost:6379>get foo
Most probably ElastiCache Redis Instance is using Encryption in-transit and Encryption at-rest and by design, the Redis CLI is not compatible with the encryption.
You need to setup stunnel to connect redis cluster
"Error: Connection reset by peer" indicates that Redis is killing your connection without sending any response.
One possible cause is you are trying to connect to the Redis node without using SSL, as your connection will get rejected by the Redis server without a response [1]. Make sure you are connecting through the correct port in your tunnel proxy. If you are connecting directly from the bastion host, you should be using local host.
Another option is that you have incorrectly configured your stunnel to not include a version of SSL that is supported by Redis. You should double check the config file is exactly the same as the one provided in the support doc.
It that doesn't solve your problem, you can try to build the cli included in AWS open source contribution.[2] You'll need to check out the repository, follow the instructions in the readme, and then do make BUILD_SSL=yes make redis-cli.

ssh through proxy via dynamic port forwarding

I am trying to use dynamic port forwarding to ssh to various servers in my university from home.
I used local port forwarding successfully:
ssh -L 10001:server1:22 my_user#proxy_server
ssh -p
but I am using 12 servers, and I'd like to create only one tunnel (dynamic).
Is it possible to configure ssh to use a SOCKS proxy?
You can add the '-L' option several times to have more then one forwarding through one ssh connection.
ssh -L 10001:server_1:22 -L10002:server_2:22 -L ... my_user#proxy_server