PDF "Canonicalization" - pdf

I am writing a library to generate PDF reports using prawn reports.
One of the features I wish to my gem is the ability to provide means of testing the generation of reports.
The problem is that two visually equal PDFs can have different files.
Is there a way to make sure that 2 visually equal PDF have the same bits in the file? Something like XML canonicalization.

'Visual equality' (or visual similarity': where only a small percentage of pixels is different for each page) of 2 different PDFs can occur even if the internal structure of PDF objects is very different. (Think of a page of 'text', which may use real fonts or which may use 'outline' vector graphics for each glyph's shape...)
That means this equality can only be determined by rendering the two files at the same resolution to page images and then comparing both image sets pixel by pixel. The result of the comparison could be another pixel image that shows all differing pixels as red, or, at your preference, just the number of pixels which do not agree.
A scriptable way to do this with the help of ghostscript, pdftk and ImageMagick I've described in this answer:
How to unit test a Python function that draws PDF graphics?
Alternatively, you may have a look at
(which is available for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows): it also can compare two PDF files visually.
[ Your literal question was this: "Is there a way to make sure that 2 visually equal PDF have the same bits in the file?" -- However, I'm not sure if you really meant it that way -- hence my above answer. Otherwise I'd have to say: If two PDF files are visually equal, just generate their respective MD5sum to determine if they have the same bits in each file... ]


Extract spot color from PDF to separate file

Is it possible to extract from PDF selected (or all) spot color to separate file (also PDF - i need to preserve vector lines)? It would be best if separation will produce file with separated spot and second file with everything except this spot.
It's certainly 'possible', though not currently by using Ghostscript. You could use the devices which currently exist to filter images, text and linework to instead check the colour space of the object and use some other criteria (i.e. 'spot colour') to decide whether to pass a marking operation on to the output device. You would need to look at the ghostpdl/devices/gdevoflt.c file, and investigate the colour representation in Ghostscript.
Ghostscript's pdfwrite device can't produce two PDF files from the same input (and I suspect most PDF consumers/editors won't be able to either), you would have to run the file twice. The reason is that the graphics state would need to be maintained separately from the colour and maintained in synch between the output files.
You need to think about a few things; what exactly do you mean by 'spot colour' ? objects specified in a /Separation colour space ? What about DeviceN ? What about colourants such as /None or /All ?

How is hidden text stored in OCR-enhanced PDF files

// EDIT 26.03.2018 - Who wants to continue my work can have a look on my source-files https://github.com/n0l0cale/ocr-sampledata
I'm actually looking for some details about PDF Files. It's most important for me that the files will be usable for a very long time and if possible the OCR should be automatically applied for new files (which seems to be not really possible with Adobe Acrobat...).
For that I've been looking for different solutions how to OCR my PDF Files. I found three candidates which seems to be doing what they should do... (more or less). But all three variants have their pro&cons... But there seem to be different approaches how to store data in PDF Files.... for all three Variants... Let me explain:
a File OCRed with Adobe Acrobat:
results in a file that Acrobat is able to open in one step (no preloading of any background layer) and after a preflight-script I'm able to see the text which is stored hidden:
a File OCRed with Abby Finereader:
does not seem suitable for the default adobe preflight-script as it does not display any additional layers:
But far as I was able to reproduce these Files seems to have a Background-Text-Layer, which contains the OCRed Text, which is the underlying layer for the Image that is shown to the user at the end. Unfortunately this seems to be loaded separately and this is confusing while opening the file with Adobe Acrobat...
a File OCRed with Tesseract 4 (Alpha):
is also doing some weird magic with the hidden text part:
But in all three cases I'm able to search for words in the files and see the text using "Remove hidden information" and selecting "hidden text":
I'm seriously confused.... Does anyone know how these programs are storing their hidden text information really?
P.S.: For those wondering what this ominous preflight script is: https://theblog.adobe.com/hidden-gems-in-acrobat-dc-how-to-optimize-hidden-ocr-text/
Does anyone know how these programs are storing their hidden text information really?
You correctly have found out that the approach of Abby Finereader is different from that of Adobe Acrobat and of Tesseract:
Abby creates a page content stream in which first the text is drawn normally on the page and eventually covered by the scanned image.
Acrobat and Tesseract create content streams in which first the image is drawn and then the text is drawn invisibly (using text rendering mode 3 which draws nothing).
The difference between the latter two results is the choice of font used:
Acrobat uses regular standard 14 fonts for which a PDF viewer has a font program to render them as normal glyphs.
Tesseract uses a font GlyphLessFont it embeds a font program for into the result file. When rendered the glyphs in this font do not show as our normal Latin glyphs but merely as empty space.
Considering the visual effect you observed for the Abby result, the approach used by Acrobat or Tesseract might be preferable.
Whether one prefers fonts with visually recognizable glyphs (as used by Acrobat) or without (as used by Tesseract), is mostly a mere matter of taste. They are used only in the invisible rendering mode anyways.

Large PDF sizes but less quality

I'm organizing a large amount of PDFs, some of which need to be inverted, or have their contrast adjusted. But when I use convert to modify a PDF, the new file size become much bigger than the original file size, using the density and quality command to achieve the original quality. A typical command looks like this:
convert -density 300 OrignalPDF.pdf -quality 100 -negate NewPDF.pdf
This results in a pdf that looks very nearly as sharp as the original, but when switching between the two (with the original inverted within the pdf viewer's settings (qpdfview)), one notices that the new one seems very slightly shrunken and that all the lines become slightly thicker/bolder. Obviously this isn't too bad, but shouldn't I be able to invert the colors with almost no noticeable changes?
This slight change becomes even more ridiculous when one notices the size disparity: the original image was 276 KB and the modified file is 28 MB. That's more than 100 times larger! Given that I have hundreds of PDFs, out of which more than 20 or 30 need to be (custom) modified, how can I keep the total size near the original total size, while retaining quality?
Imagemagick's documentation says:
However the reading of these formats is very complicated, as they are full computer languages designed specifically to generate a printed page on high quality laser printers. This is well beyond the scope of ImageMagick, and so it relies on a specialized delegate program known as "ghostscript" to read, and convert Postscript and PDF pages to a raster image.
So, ImageMagick converts PDF to raster image first and then it makes a simple PDF from this raster image. And the output PDF is unsearchable, contains no vectors, no hidden text etc but just the page wide raster image. But PDF (and PostScript) is not just a set of images but a set of commands, text, vectors, fonts, and even a sub-scripts inside (to calculate output color, for example). PDF is more like an application rather than a static image.
Anywa, I suppose you may have 2 types of input PDF files:
with page-wide images inside (for example, scanned documents). You should process 1st type only using imagemagick. This type of files will be converted into the nearly the same file size.
with pure text and vectors inside (for example, PDF invoices). This type of files should not be processed using imagemagick as the conversion damages the input file (and finally increases the output file size). If you still need to adjust contrast or compression of images inside files of this type then consider using the ghostscript directly, check this tutorial.

Multipage background in PDF, using pdftk or other tool

How to add multipage background (eg. odd and even backgrounds) to 10 thousands pages PDF, with keeping output file as small as possible?
I'm doing massively multipage documents (eg. 10000 pages in one document). Each page has background, which I apply in such way:
I have lot of .dvi documents, I join them using dviconcat
next I do dvipdf on joined .dvi
and next I use pdftk to apply background, using pdftk infile.pdf background bg.pdf output outfile.pdf
In this way, I have fairly small file, eg. 200MB, comparing to situation when I produce lot of .pdf files with background and join them using pdftk and resulting file is eg. 2G.
I think it's because background is not repeated every page, but it's copy is stored in PDF only once and there is some kind of reference in pages.
Unfortunately, now I need to use 2pages / 2 sides background. Different background for odd pages and different for even. PDFtk don't know how to do it. I can prepare 10.000 pages background, but it will be huge (eg. 1G).
Any suggestion how could I accomplish it, without playing with multi-gigabytes files? Is it doable at all? If yes - with pdftk or some different tool?
One solution would be to do the background when you convert PostScript to PDF. Using a BeginPage procedure you can paint the background before you pain the page contents. By checking the page count in BeginPage you can choose which background to paint, so you can have different ones for even/odd/whatever pages.
If you specify each background as a PostScript form, then your BeginPage can be small, also (and rather more importantly) the current version of Ghostscript, 9.14, will attempt to pass PostScript forms into a PDF file as a PDF form,and it can identify and consolidate duplicates so it 'should' only embed each form once. This should result in the minimum possible file size.
However, this code is at an early stage of development and might not work for you, also you'll need to do some PostScript programming.
I'm not familiar with pdftk, but would it be possible to produce all the even page, add a background to them. Produce all the odd pages, add a different background, then use pdftk to merge and interleave the pages ?
NB Ghostscript doesn't handle .dvi files, so I'm rather at a loss to know how you use Ghostscript to 'join' them. Also, if you are somehow creating the PostScript files using Ghostscript, you would almost certainly be better off using Ghostscript to produce the PDF file directly. (I'm assuming here that you are using Ghostscript's ps2pdf, but even if you aren't it'll still be quicker to produce the PDF in one step, and almost certainly produce better output too)

PDF Colo(u)r Analysis (without Acrobat itself ?)

Is there a library/tool which would list all colours used in a PDF document ?
I'm sure Acrobat itself would do this but I would like an alternative (ideally something that could be scripted).
So the idea is if you have a very simple PDF document with four colours in it the output might say :
You could explore the insides with pdfbox, but you would have to write some code to find and catalog all those colors.
Most PDF tools have access to this information but no api to access it. You could take any tool and add it in
Apago PDFspy generates an XML file containing all kinds of metadata extracted from PDF files. It reports color usage including spot colors.
We recently added a function called GetPageColorSpaces(0) to the Quick PDF Library - www.quickpdflibrary.com to retrieve much of the ColorSpace info used in the document.
Here is some sample output.
Resource,\"QuickPDFCS2eb0f578\",Separation,\"HKS 52 E\",DeviceCMYK,0.95,0,0.55,0
Resource,\"QuickPDFCSd9f10810\",Separation,\"Pantone 117 C\",DeviceCMYK,0,0.18,1,0.15
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft.
Our product, DotImage with the PDF Reader add-on, can do this. The easiest way is to rasterize the page and then just use any of our image analysis tools to get the colors.
This example shows how to do it if you want to group similar colors -- the deployed example will only work for PNG and JPEG, but if you download the code, it's trivial to include the add-on and get PDF as well (let me know if you need help)
Source here:
Run it here:
If you are working with specific and simple PDF documents from a constrained source then you may be able to find the colors by reading through the content stream. However this cannot be a generic solution.
For example PDF documents can contain gradients or transparency. If your document contains this type of construct then you are likely to end up with a wide range of colors rather than a specific set.
Similarly many PDF documents contain bitmapped images. Given that these will need to be interpolated to be displayed at different resolutions, the set of colors in a displayed PDF may be bigger or different to (though obviously broadly similar to) the embedded bitmap.
Similarly many PDF documents contain constructs in multiple color spaces that are rendered into different color spaces. For example a PDF might contain a DeviceRGB bitmap, a line in an ICC based CMYK color and a Lab based rectangle. The displayed version might be in sRGB for display or CMYK for print. Each of these will influence the precise set of colors.
So the only 100% valid answer is going to be related to a particular render of a PDF at a particular resolution to a particular color space. From the resultant bitmap you can determine the colors that have been used.
There are a variety of PDF libraries that will do this type of render including DotImage (referenced in another answer) and ABCpdf .NET (on which I work).