Objective C arc -- keeping a reference to a Class - objective-c

I want to have an ivar of type Class, and to keep the pointer around after it is passed in. But no matter what I do, arc will not let me do that. For instance, if I declare
#property (nonatomic, strong) Class myClass;
the compiler decides that myClass should be unsafe_unretained. And if I try this:
-(id) initWithClass: (Class) passedInClass {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.myClass = passedInClass;
return self;
what happens is that even if the class is non-nil in the calling code, it is nil within the init method.
Short of turning off arc, is there any way to get around this?
EDIT: This question is just wrong. It does work. See the accepted answer.

Works as advertised with Xcode 4.3.2 targeting 10.7 and 5.1:
#interface MOYNObject : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) Class myClass;
#implementation MOYNObject
#synthesize myClass;
- (id)initWithClass:(id)pClass
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
self.myClass = pClass;
CFShow((__bridge const void*)self.myClass);
return self;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
MOYNObject * o = [[MOYNObject alloc] initWithClass:[NSString class]];
// ...
return 0;
Are you ahead of or behind 4.3.2?


App crashing while working with class and not going to catch

In my AppDelegate.m, I am doing something like this
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
#try {
// initalizing Meeting config
MeetingConfig *config = [[MeetingConfig alloc] init];
NSLog(#"Initalized Meeting Config: %#", config);
[config setRoomName:#"test123"];
NSLog(#"SetRoom name for Meeting config: %#", config.roomName);
NSString *clientId = #"";
NSLog(#"Unused Client id is: %#", clientId);
//Call UIView from here
}#catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"exception: %#", exception);
return YES;
Where my MeetingConfig.m file looks like this
#implementation MeetingConfig
- (id) init
if (self = [super init]) {
self.apiBase = #"https://api.in";
self.showSetupScreen = false;
self.autoTune = true;
return self;
- (void) setAuthToken:(NSString *)authToken
self.authToken = authToken;
- (void) setApiBase:(NSString *)apiBase
self.apiBase = apiBase;
// more code
and MeetingConfig looks like this
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MeetingConfig : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSString* roomName;
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSString* authToken;
#property (nonatomic, assign)Boolean autoTune;
#property (nonatomic, assign)NSString* apiBase;
#property (nonatomic, assign)Boolean showSetupScreen;
- (void) setRoomName:(NSString *)roomName;
- (void) setAuthToken:(NSString *)authToken;
- (void) setShowSetupScreen:(Boolean)showSetupScreen;
- (void) setAutoTuneEnabled:(Boolean)autoTune;
- (id) init;
Can someone help me in determining what I could be doing wrong here? and why doesn't it log exception in NSLog? Also, I am super new to objective C (i have been asked to stick with Objective c) and if anyone have any suggestion in regards to the code then please let me know.
You're using assign for reference/pointer types: #property retain, assign, copy, nonatomic in Objective-C
They should probably be declared copy, because this is a kind of value object, I think.
No exceptions were caught because no exceptions were thrown. Throwing/catching exceptions for control flow is not common in Objective-C
You don't need to write explicit setter functions for #properties
You should prefer to use BOOL type instead of Boolean, with values of YES/NO instead of true/false.
You should return instancetype not id from init, at least in reasonably modern Objective C
Consider making an initialiser that takes all the properties (initWithRoomName:clientID:) and make them read only once set
You don't need to declare -(id) init in your header since it gets that from NSObject

How can I pass a NSString parameter to a function?

I want to initialize an object. The problem is how to pass the NSString correctly.
Object code:
#import "ClaseHoja.h"
#implementation ClaseHoja
#synthesize pares;
#synthesize nombre;
self=[super init];
return self;
-(id)initWithValues:(NSString*)nom par:(int)par
if([super init]){
return self;
When I call the function I do this:
NSString *nombre="Hello";
int par=20;
ClaseHoja *ch = [ClaseHoja alloc] initWithValues:nombre par:numPares]];
I would suggest:
Add the missing # to #"Hello" and fix the [] in your alloc/init call.
If you're using Xcode, I'd let the compiler synthesize the properties for you. No #synthesize is needed. If you're using a stand-alone LLVM on some other platform, though, you might need it, but by convention, you'd specify an ivar with a preceding _.
I'd define nombre to be copy property and explicitly copy the nombre value passed to your init method. You don't want to risk having a NSMutableString being passed to your method and having it unwittingly mutated without your knowledge.
I'd suggest renaming the initWithValues:par: to be initWithNombre:pares:, to eliminate any doubt about what properties are being updated.
You don't need init without parameters. You can just rely on the one provided by NSObject.
You'd generally use NSInteger rather than int.
In your custom init method, you want to make sure to do if ((self = [super init])) { ... }
// ClaseHoja.h
#import Foundation;
#interface ClaseHora: NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *nombre;
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger pares;
- (id)initWithNombre:(NSString*)nombre pares:(NSInteger)pares;
// ClaseHoja.m
#import "ClaseHoja.h"
#implementation ClaseHoja
// If you're using modern Objective-C compiler (such as included with Xcode),
// you don't need these lines, but if you're using, for example stand-alone
// LLVM in Windows, you might have to uncomment the following lines:
// #synthesize nombre = _nombre;
// #synthesize pares = _pares;
- (id)initWithNombre:(NSString*)nombre pares:(NSInteger)pares {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_pares = pares;
_nombre = [nombre copy];
return self;
And you'd use it like so:
NSString *nombre = #"Hello";
NSInteger pares = 20;
ClaseHoja *ch = [[ClaseHoja alloc] initWithNombre:nombre pares:pares];
You need to pass like this. Another thing you miss # sign before the string.
NSString *nombre = #"Hello"; int par=20;
ClaseHoja *ch = [[ClaseHoja alloc]initWithValues:nombre par:par];

Objective-C Where to define initial Class Properties

just wanted to ask where I define initial class properties?
From other languages I am used to define some standard properties in the head before the content of the class starts.
For example paths to files. Settings and so on.
Where I fill these initial properties with values in Objective-C?
Generally it's something like:
extern NSString * const staticValue1;
extern NSString * const staticValue2;
#interface MyClass : NSObject
NSString *_strval;
int _intval;
float _fltval;
#property (retain, nonatomic, readwrite) NSString *strval;
#property (assign, nonatomic, readwrite) int intval;
#property (assign, nonatomic, readwrite) float fltval;
NSString * const staticValue1 = #"Something";
NSString * const staticValue2 = #"Something else";
#interface MyClass
#synthesize strval = _strval;
#synthesize intval = _intval;
#synthesize fltval = _fltval;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
[self setStrval:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"This is a %#", #"string"]];
[self setIntval:10];
[self setFltval:123.45f];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self setStrval:nil];
[super dealloc];
This demonstrates the use of synthesized properties which are being used here to manage the memory of the instance variable _strval, which requires retaining/releasing to avoid memory leaks. Note that [self setStrval] is initialised with an autoreleased object (from [NSString stringWithFormat) and will be retained by the setter method. Alternatively these methods can be called using the following syntax, if you prefer:
self.strval = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"This is a %#", #"string"];
self.intval = 10;
self.fltval = 123.45f;
Maybe some of what you are after can be implemented with class methods.
Class methods are coded with a + (instead of the instance methods' -), and can't refer to instance variables, as they are not associated with any specific instance of the class.
This is a class method to return a default string:
+ (NSString *)myDefaultString
return #"Some default value";
You call it by simply calling it with the class name at the receiver's place. Imagine you have defined the method in a class called MyClass, the you call it like this:
NSString *str = [MyClass myDefaultString];
You'll notice that there is no alloc/init calls in this.
Public property needs to be define in .h file.
#interface MyClass {
#property(nonatomic, reatin) NSString *a;//Define as per needs, then synthesise in .m file
For private property you need define inline category in .m file-
#interface MyClass ()
#property(nonatomic, reatin) NSString *b;//Define as per needs, then synthesise in .m file
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize a = _a;
#synthesize b = _b;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
//You can initialise property here or in init method
self.a = #"Demo1";
self.b = #"Demo2";
//Now you can have other code for this class.

Problems with Pass-by-Reference in ObjC

I wanna do pass by reference in ObjC.
Here is the illustration of the scenario:
// MainClass.h
#interface MainClass
Board *board;
OtherClass *other;
// MainClass.m
#implementation MainClass
- (id)init
if (self = [super init])
board = [[Board alloc] init];
other = [[OtherClass alloc] initOtherClassWithBoard: board];
return self
// Other class.h
#interface OtherClass
Board *refBoard;
- (void)initOtherClassWithBoard: (Board*)ref;
#implementation OtherClass
- (id)initOtherClassWithBoard: (Board*)ref
if (self = [super init])
refBoard = ref;
return self;
So my question is does my OtherClass is holding a reference Board from MainClass?
Or OtherClass's Board is a copy but not a reference.
If I wanna do a reference then how should I change it?
What if I add this on both classes
#property (nonatomic, retain) Board *board;
You always refer to objects in Objective-C via pointers, a.k.a. references. Therefore, objects are always passed by reference in Objective-C.
It's a reference. It won't be a copy unless you do something to make it a copy (like use #property (copy) or send it a copy message).

Help with a method that returns a value by running another object's method

I have a Class that runs the following method (a getter):
// the interface
#interface MyClass : NSObject{
NSNumber *myFloatValue;
- (double)myFloatValue;
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput;
// the implementation
- (MyClass *)init{
if (self = [super init]){
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:3.14];
return self;
// I understand that NSNumbers are non-mutable objects and can't be
// used like variables.
// Hence I decided to make make the getter's implementation like this
- (double)myFloatValue{
return [myFloatValue floatValue];
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput{
if ([self myFloatValue] != floatInput){
[myFloatValue release];
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:floatInput;
When I mouse over the myFloatValue object during debugging, it does not contain a value. Instead it says: "out of scope".
I would like to be able to make this work without using #property, using something other than NSNumbers, or other major changes since I just want to understand the concepts first. Most importantly, I would like to know what mistake I've apparently made.
I can see a couple of mistakes:
The line #implementation should read #implementation MyClass
The function setMyFloatValue is missing a closing ] and } —it should read:
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput{
if ([self myFloatValue] != floatInput){
[myFloatValue release];
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:floatInput];
I've just tested it in Xcode and it works for me with these changes.
Why not just set property in interface and synthesize accessors in implementation?
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
float *myFloat
#property (assign) float myFloat;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myFloat;