objective-c loading data from excel - objective-c

I'm writing an application for the iPad that will tell us whether or not someone is on court at a tennis tournament. Basically, just an application with a list of names each with an on/off button next to them. Once the on button is pressed, their name turns red, thus they are on court.
Is there any way, to make this easier for myself, I would be able to connect it to my computer and load in a list of names once the application is complete? That would save me from having to individually enter/modify names manually.
Thanks in advance,

Though your question is pretty... vague, one suggestion :
importing Spreadsheet-like data could easily be done by import the .csv version (Comma-separated value) of a Spreadsheet.
A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and
text) in plain-text form. Plain text means that the file is a sequence
of characters, with no data that has to be interpreted instead, as
binary numbers. A CSV file consists of any number of records,
separated by line breaks of some kind; each record consists of fields,
separated by some other character or string, most commonly a literal
TAB or comma. Usually, all records have an identical sequence of
Example :
Then, you could simply :
(1) Load your csv file as a simple text file
NSString* contents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filename
(2) Get the lines
NSArray* lines = [contents componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
(3) Parse each line's fields
for (NSString* line in lines)
NSArray* fields = [line componentsSeparatedByString:#","];

This is a CSV problem overall, not specific to this code. Indeed if CSV fields contains commas, this is broken. Happens a lot if your numbers standards uses commas for floating point numbers instead of dots.
I tend to always used CSVs where the field separator is TAB (aka "\t") instead of comma. Much more unlikely to be broken. This is usually configurable in CSV-producing tools such as Excel.


Objc-DataFile-Unreadable Substring-Unknown to any encoding

I have a DataFile, built by subsidiairy Application. I need to locate some substring contained in the data file. They are identifiable by the character symbols delimiting them. For instance : *!substringqSxt .The substring will vary from a project to another so I need to locate the symbols delimiting them to read the following substring. I also printed the file to different encodings trying which one was used and matched the original data file. found it was MacOsRomanStringEncoding.
I use NSRange:rangOfStringto locate the delimiting symbols. Here is my code :
char *debutAudio ="jjbj";
char *finAudio ="qSxt";
NSString *debutAudioConverted = [[NSString alloc]
initWithCString: debutAudio
NSString *finAudioConverted = [[NSString alloc]
initWithCString: finAudio
NSRange debutaudioRange =[dataFileContent rangeOfString:debutAudioConverted];
NSRange finaudioRange =[dataFileContent rangeOfString:finAudioConverted];
NSLog(#"range is %#",NSStringFromRange(debutaudioRange));
NSLog(#"range is %#",NSStringFromRange(finaudioRange));
Both NSLog returns range is {9223372036854775807, 0}
so not locating the delimiting strings there.
And if I ask to look for other strings contained in the file like "Settings" the rangeOfString will return the proper location and length.
I thought the file may contain multiple encodings, and tried converting with initWithCStringto any possible encoding but nothing would do.
Also if I open the file in text edit and use the "Find" function, it will not locate the delimiting string, but will locate other words. My guts tell me its related. I dont know where to look for info. Could the file be protected, I am reading a copy of it though.
I have found the problem occuring here. The proper encoding is still MacOsRoman. The problem is the prefix string *debutAudio "jjbj"there is actually a tiny space , like a quarter space between each characters. I have tried every unicode spaces listed here :https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars/spaces.html#adj
without any success. Now I will tried to find some half or quarter space under MacOsRoman see if that is working.

making a list of traditional Chinese characters from a string

I am currently trying to estimate the number of times each character is used in a large sample of traditional Chinese characters. I am interested in characters not words. The file also includes punctuation and western characters.
I am reading in an example file of traditional Chinese characters. The file contains a large sample of traditional Chinese characters. Here is a small subset:
首映鼓掌10分鐘 評語指不及《花樣年華》
增減20處 趙本山香港戲分被刪
教李小龍武功 葉問決戰散打王
My strategy is to read each line, split each line into a list, and go through and check each character to see if it already exists in a list or a dictionary of characters. If the character does not yet exist in my list or dictionary I will add it to that list, if it does exist in my list or dictionary, I will increase the counter for that specific character. I will probably use two lists, a list of characters, and a parallel list containing the counts. This will be more processing, but should also be much easier to code.
I have not gotten anywhere near this point yet.
I am able to read in the example file successfully. Then I am able to make a list for each line of my file. I am able to print out those individual lines into my output file and sort of reconstitute the original file, and the traditional Chinese comes out intact.
However, I run into trouble when I try to make a list of each character on a particular line.
I've read through the following article. I understood many of the comments, but unfortunately, was unable to understand enough of it to solve my problem.
How to do a Python split() on languages (like Chinese) that don't use whitespace as word separator?
My code looks like the following
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs
wordfile = open('Chinese_example.txt', 'r')
output = open('Chinese_output_python.txt', 'w')
LINES = wordfile.readlines()
Through various tests I am sure the following line is not splitting the string LINES[0] into its component Chinese characters.
A_LINE = list(LINES[0])
I mean you want to use this, from answerer 'flow' at How to do a Python split() on languages (like Chinese) that don't use whitespace as word separator? :
from re import compile as _Re
_unicode_chr_splitter = _Re( '(?s)((?:[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff])|.)' ).split
def split_unicode_chrs( text ):
return [ chr for chr in _unicode_chr_splitter( text ) if chr ]
to successfully split a line of traditional Chinese characters.. I just had to know the proper syntax to handle encoded characters.. pretty basic.
my_new_list = list(unicode(LINE[0].decode('utf8')));

How do I read a specific line from a large text file with Objective-C?

Say I have text file my.txt like this
this is line 1
this is line 2
this is line 999999
this is line 1000000
In Unix I can get the line of "this is line 1000" by issuing command like "head -1000 my.txt | tail -1". What is the corresponding way to get this in Objective-C?
If it's not too inefficient to have the whole thing in memory at once then the most compact sequence of calls (which I've expanded onto multiple lines for simpler exposition) would be:
NSError *error = nil;
NSString *sourceString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:#"..."
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
NSArray *lines = [sourceString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
NSString *relevantLine = [lines objectAtIndex:1000];
You should check the value of error and the count of lines for validation.
EDIT: to compare to Nathan's answer, the benefit of splitting by characters in set is that you'll accept any of the five unicode characters that can possibly delimit a line break, with anywhere where several of them sit next to each other counting as only one break (as per e.g. \r\n).
NSInputStream is probably what you're going to have to deal with if memory footprint is an issue, which is barely more evolved than C's stdio.h fopen/fread/etc so you're going to have to write your own little loop to dash through.
The answer does not explain how to read a file too LARGE to keep in memory. There is not nice solution in Objective-C for reading large text files without putting them into memory (which isn't always an option).
In these case I like to use the c methods:
FILE* file = fopen("path to my file", "r");
size_t length;
char *cLine = fgetln(file,&length);
while (length>0) {
char str[length+1];
strncpy(str, cLine, length);
str[length] = '\0';
NSString *line = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s",str];
% Do what you want here.
cLine = fgetln(file,&length);
Note that fgetln will not keep your newline character. Also, We +1 the length of the str because we want to make space for the NULL termination.
The simplest is to just load the file using one of the NSString file methods and then use the -[NSString componentsSeparatedByString:] method to get an array of every line.
Or you could use NSScanner, scan for newline/carriage return characters counting them until you get to you line of interest.
If you are really concerned about memory usage you could look at NSInputStream use that to read in the file, keeping count of the number of newlines. It a shame that NSScanner doesn't work with NSInputStream.
I don't think this is an exact duplicate, because it sounds like you want to skip some lines in the file, but you could easily use an approach like the one here:
Objective-C: Reading a file line by line (Specific answer that has some sample code)
Loop on the input file, reading in a chunk of data, and look for newlines. Count them up and when you hit the right number, output the data after that one and until the next.
Your example looks like you might have hundreds of thousands of lines, so definitely don't just read in the file into a NSString, and definitely don't convert it to an NSArray.
If you want to do it the fancier NSInputStream way (which has some key advantages in character set decoding), here is a great example that shows the basic idea of polling to consume all of the data from a stream source (in a file example, its somewhat overkill). Its for output, but the idea is fine for input too:
Polling versus Run Loop Scheduling

Reading blocks of text from a CSV file - vb.net

I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.
Each block of text will be grouped so the first three rows will be parsed using certain rules and so on. Notice that the last two groups have only one single column but each group must be handled in a different way.
I have the chance to propose the customer the format of the file so I'm thinking to propose the following.
[group 1]
[group N]
A kind of sections like the INI files from some years ago. However I'd like to hear your comments because I think there must be a better way to handle this.
I proposed to use XML but the customer prefers the text files.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Ps. using VB.net and VS 2008
You can use regular expression groups set to either an enum line mode if each line has the same format, or to an enum multi-line if the format is not constrained to a single line. For each line in multiline you can include \n in your pattern to cross multiple lines to find you pattern. If its on a single line you don't need to include \n also know as Carriage return line feed in your regex matching pattern.
vb.net as well as many other modern programming language has extensive support for grouping operations. You can use index groups, or named groups.
Each name such as header1 or whatever you want to name it would be in this format: <myname>
See this link for more info: How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?.
Good luck.

How to get data from a .rtf file or excel file into database(sqlite) in iphone sdk?

I had lots of data in a .rtf file(having usernames and passwords).How can I fetch that data into a table. I'm using sqlite3.
I had created a "userDatabase.sql" in that I had created a table "usersList" having fields "username","password". I want to get the list of data in the "list.rtf" file in to my table "usersList". Please help me .
Thanks in advance.
I would write a little parser. Re-save the .rtf as a txt-file and assume it look like this:
Now do this (in your code):
open the .txt file (NSString -stringWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error:)
read line by line
for each line, fetch user and password (NSArray -componentsSeparatedByString)
store user/password into your DB
Edit: for parsing excel-sheets I recommend export as CSV file and then do the same
Parsing RTF files is mostly trivial. They're actually text, not binary (like doc pdf etc).
Last I used it, I remember the file format wasn't too difficult either.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Username Password\par
Username2 Password2\par
UsernameN PasswordN\par
Do a regular expression match to get the last { ... } part. By sure to match { not \{.
Next, parse the text as you want, but keep in mind that:
everything starting with a \ is escaped, I would write a little function to unescape the text
the special identifier \par is for a new line
there are other special identifiers, such as \b which toggles bolding text
the color change identifier, \cfN changes the text color according to the color table defined in the file header. You would want to ignore this identifier since we're talking about plain text.