Branch only on specific extensions in clearcase - branch

I am attempting to write a configspec which will only branch on certain file types (I.E. Docs can be painful so we wish to avoid those).
Right now I have the following extensions:
*.txt and *.pl (for example)
I have tried:
element * CHECKEDOUT
element -directory * \main\LATEST
element '{*.txt||*.pl}' \main\BLARG\LATEST
element '{*.txt||*.pl}' \main\LATEST -mkbranch BLARG
And some variations using parentheses, and whatnot.
I am just perplexed, I did find that in certain contexts you can use the comparison operators similar to c++ but can't get this to work.
(looking at the query language section from here:
I should be able to use: query && query
Is it possible to only allow branching on specific filetypes by use of a configspec, and if so, any hints/tips/something to get me headed in the right direction?
Reading from the link I sent (one of the pages on that site anyways), you can set it up using something to the effect of
element * CHECKEDOUT
element -directory * \main\LATEST
element *.[hc] \main\BLARG\LATEST
element *.[hc] \main\LATEST -mkbranch BLARG
This should match any h and c files that you are looking at and allow to branch based on those.
element * CHECKEDOUT
element -directory * \main\LATEST
element *.txt \main\BLARG\LATEST
element *.txt \main\LATEST -mkbranch BLARG
That will work and only matches .txt files, which is great, I was just hoping that it would match for additional sets, maybe I could add an additional line or two and maybe that would accomplish what I'm attempting to do.
element * CHECKEDOUT
element -directory * \main\LATEST
element *.txt \main\BLARG\LATEST
element *.pl \main\BLARG\LATEST
element *.txt \main\LATEST -mkbranch BLARG
element *.pl \main\LATEST -mkbranch BLARG
Our team only branches on certain sets of files for a variety of reasons, one being that in some cases it's difficult to merge (Note .doc files). I was going to write up a configspec that would automatically branch what our team designates as "branchable", but otherwise just checkout main.
I hope my issue is clearer, and I think that it's not quite what you're talking about in your initial answer VonC (I think), please let me know if your answer still holds.

No, it doesn't seem to be easily possible (unless you list each type you want to branch), and for a reason.
The idea behind branching is to isolate the history for a group of files (not for some specific parts of said group).
That idea has been reinforced with UCM and its notion of UCM component (a coherent set of files, which branches as a all, and which is labelled as a all unit).
See more on "component" in the article "Best practices for using composite baselines in UCM".
So trying very hard to bend the tool in order to achieve that one selective versionning organization might not be the right thing to do.
Isolating those file in their own "component", and then using them through symlinks back into your original tree structure is one possible solution (there might be other) which is at least better (and which is reminiscent of the notion of submodules or sub-forests used by other (D)VCS)
Plus, if you branch for the reason it is "difficult" to merge:
it won't remove the merge issue if you make modification in your own branch (a merge will have to be done sooner or later)
.doc Word document could, in theory be merged through the ms_word type manager.
See "About merging Microsoft Office files in ClearCase"
for automatic merge to not be blocked by binary artifacts like a .ppt for instance, activate for that type a copy-merge policy, as illustrated in "Clearcase UCM is trying to merge pdf files".
I realize you are branching for other reasons that might be valid, but again, I like my branching policy simple, manageable and scalable.


Access snakemake expand-ed variables in a script

I often have a snakemake rule like the following:
rule aggregate:
input: expand("samples/{sample}/data.txt", sample=samples)
This gives the correct list of sample data files in snakemake.input, but it loses the association between samples and their files. I usually need the association sample -> sample file in and to get it in I either (A) recreate the list of files or (B) recreate the list of sample IDs in the same order as the files. Both are unsatisfying due to duplication of data and requiring that two places of code be kept in sync if either changes.
If like this example, there's only one variable being expanded, then adding it to params is OK, i.e. params: samples then zipping that together with inputs. But for more than one expanded variable, there is a big possible error where you give the variables in the different orders in the Snakefile and That causes a silent error where all the data is mislabeled.
Is there a canonical or recommended way to handle this?
I would better rework the script, and call it from the shell section. This script should not know that it is being called from Snakemake, and get all relevant information from command line. Clean interface between the caller and the script is crucial, and would help you to rethink the task itself.

How to filter by tag in Jaeger

When trying to filter by tag, there is a small popup:
I have been looking for logfmt around, but all I can find is key=value format.
My questions are:
Is there a way for something more sophisticated? (starts_with, not equal, contains, etc)
I am trying to filter by url using http.url="". I am pretty sure the value exists because I am copy/pasting from my trace. I am getting no results. Do I need to escape characters or do something else for this to work?
I did some research around logfmt as well. Based on the documentation of the original implementation and in the Python implementation of the parser (and respective tests), I would say that it doesn't support anything more sophisticated (like starts_with, not equal, contains). And this is because the output of the parser is a simple dictionary (with no regex involved in the values).
As for the second question, using the same mentioned Python parser, I was able to double-check that your filter looks fine:
from logfmt import parse_line
{'http.url': ''}
This makes me suspect of an issue on the Jaeger side, but this is as far as I could go.

Search all programs within a package for a MODIFY statement

I want to search all programs - within a package - that use the statement:
modify itab_xyz from wa_itab_xyz
Preferably, the string should be searched with wild cards like itab*
for a range of itab_(values) like itab_abc, itab_def, itab_ghi
How do i do this in SAP ABAP?
Below is a screenshot of all programs within a package one can search from.
One possibility would be to use program RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN.
You can restrict the selection by package and you can also enter a specific string to search for in the code.
I use the transaction code_scanner (program is afx_code_scanner).
The biggest problem with this program and the RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN provided above is that they won’t find everything. IMO the most important missing component to them is implicit enhancements. They can be very impactful to system functions, and if you are searching for an error message or hard coded value skipping them could mean not finding something critical.
At the time I looked (about 7 years ago), I was unable to find a delivered tool that would actually scan all the code in the system. I ended up enhancing the code_scanner to look for enhancements, WDA components, BSP code, and forms code.
I don’t know if the open source component above includes those. At first glance it doesn’t seem to, but I don’t have time to really dig into it.
You could use a tool from the Galileo-Open Source library. This program searches ABAP Source, OTR-Texts, Message and Textpools for static Text, wildcard patterns or regex patterns.
It refers to some additional classes from the library, so you either need to copy these as well or just use ABAPgit to get the whole library. You can also contact me, so I can send you a transport containing the library.
Additional information (October 1, 2020):
I created a version of the report that you can copy/paste to the ABAP editor. It is too long to include it in the response, but you can find it here.
Do not forget to copy the text elements / selection texts.
Required Text Elements:
B00 Scope
B01 Search pattern
H01 Type
H02 Name
H03 Key
H04 Match
Required Selection Texts:
P_CASE Case-sensitive
P_DEVC Package
P_LANGU Language
P_MESS Messages
P_PATT Pattern
P_REGEX Regular expression
P_TPOOL Textpools
P_WILDC Wildcard pattern

How to find an example instance of a cyclic dependency in jQAssistant?

I found the output of the dependency:packageCycles constraint shipped with jQAssistant hard to interpret. Specifically I'm keen on finding an example instance of classes that make up the cyclic dependency.
Given I found a cyclce of packages, for each pair of adjunct packages I would need to find two classes that connect them.
This is my first attempt at the Cypher query, but there are still some relevant parts missing:
MATCH nodes = (p1:Package)-[:DEPENDS_ON]->(p2: Package)-[:DEPENDS_ON*]->(p1)
WHERE p1 <> p2
WITH extract(x IN relationships(nodes) |
(:Type)<--(:Package)-[x]->(:Package)-->(:Type)) AS cs
Specifically, in order to really connect the two packages, the two types should be related to each other with DEPENDS_ON as shown below:
| ^
For above pattern I would have to return the two types (and not the packages, for instance). Preferably the output for a single cyclic dependency consists of a list of qualified class names (otherwise multiple one cannot possibly distinguish the class chains of more than one cyclic dependency).
For this specific purpose I find Cypher to be very limited, support for identifying and collecting new graph patterns during path traversal does not seem to be the easiest thing to do. Also the attempt to give names to the (:Type) nodes resulted in syntax errors.
Also I messed a lot around with UNWIND, but to no avail. It lets you introduce new MATCH clauses on per-element basis (say, the elements of relationships(nodes)), but I do not know of another method to undo the damaging effects of unwind: the surrounding list structure is removed, such that the traces of multiple cyclic dependencies merge into each other. Additionally the results appear permuted to me. That being said below query is conceptually also very close on what I am trying to achieve but does not work:
MATCH nodes = (p1:Package)-[:DEPENDS_ON]->(p2: Package)-[:DEPENDS_ON*]->(p1)
WHERE p1 <> p2
WITH relationships(nodes) as rel
MATCH (t0:Type)<-[:CONTAINS]-(:Package)-[x]->(:Package)-[:CONTAINS]->(t1:Type),
RETURN t0.fqn, t1.fqn
I do appreciate that there seems to be some scripting support within jQAssistant. However, this would really be my last resort, since it is surely more difficult to maintain than a Cypher query.
To rephrase it: given a path, I'm looking for a method to identify a sub-pattern for each element, project a node out of that match, and to collect the result.
Do you have any ideas on how could one accomplish that with Cypher?
Edit #1: Within one package, one has also to consider that the class that is target to the inbound edge of type DEPENDS_ON may not be the same class that is source to the outgoing edge. In other words, as a result
two classes of the same package may be part of the trace
if one wanted to express the cyclic dependency trace as a path, one must take into account detours that navigate to classes in the same package. For instance (edges in bold mark package entry / exit; an edge of type DEPENDS_ON is absent between the two types):
Maybe it gets a little clearer using the following picture:
Clearly "a, b, c" is a package cycle and "TestA, TestB1, TestB2, TestC" is a type-level trace for justifying the package-level dependency.
The following query extends the package cycle constraint by drilling down on type level:
p1 <> p2
p1, p2
p1.fqn, t1.fqn, EXTRACT(t IN nodes(path) | t.fqn) AS Cycle
I'm not sure how well the query will work on large projects, we'll need to give it a try.
Edit 1: Updated the query to match on any type t3 which is located in the same package as t1.
Edit 2: The answer is not correct, see discussion below.

Controlling Doxygen's LaTeX output for making PDF documentation

I'm using Doxygen to generate documentation for my code. I need to make a PDF version of this and using Doxygen's LaTeX output appears to be the way to do it.
However I've run into a number of annoying problems, and not knowing anything about LaTeX previously haven't really got much of an idea on how to approach them, and the countless references for LaTeX related things are not much help...
I worked out how to create a custom style thing in a sty file and how to get Doxygen to use it. After a lot of searching I found out how to set the page margins etc. through this, and I'm guessing the perhaps this is the file I want for doing the other things I want, but I cant seem to find any commands for doign what I want :(
The table of contents at the start of the document contains a lot of items Id rather it didn't as it makes the contents very long. Is there some way to limit this contents to just say the first two levels, rather than having entries for every single individual function, variable, etc.? Id quite like to keep all the bookmarks however. I did try the "COMPACT_LATEX" option but as well as removing items on the contents pages, it removed the bookmarks and the member lists at the start of each section, which I do really want to keep.
Is there a way to change the order of things, like putting the full class description at the start of the section, rather than after all the members and attributes?
Wow, that's kind of evil of Doxygen.
Okay, to get around the tocdepth counter problem, add the following line to your .sty file:
\AtBeginDocument{\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}% or whatever level you want
You can set the PDF bookmarks depth to a separate value:
% requires you \usepackage{hyperref} first
bookmarksdepth = section, % of whatever level you want
Also note that if you have a list of figures/tables, the tocdepth must be at least 2 for them to show up.
I don't see any way of rearranging those items within the LaTeX files---Doxygen just barfs them out there, so we can't do much. You'll have to poke around the Doxygen documentation to see if there's any way to specify the order I guess. (Here's hoping!)
You're so close.
Googling on "latex contents level" brought me to LaTeX - customizing the depth of the table of contents for different parts of the thesis which suggests
where n starts at zero for only the highest level division. This is presumable defined in all the default styles, but is worth a try in doxygen.
You could write a Perl/Awk script to simply delete the unwanted lines from the table of contents. For the file burble.tex, Latex will generate the file burble.toc, which will contain lines such as:
\contentsline {subsection}{Class F rewrites}{38}
\contentsline {subsection}{Class M rewrites}{39}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Definition and properties of the translation}{44}
\contentsline {paragraph}{Well-formedness}{54}
Simple regexes will identify which levels each line belongs to, and you can filter the file based on that. Once you have the table of contents the way you want it, insert \nofiles in the appropriate place (the style sheet?), which means that Latex will read the auxiliary files but not overwrite them.