Using abstract classes in Matlab (without properties) - oop

Let we have one abstract class:
classdef ACalculation < handle
methods (Abstract)
[result] = calculate (this, data);
plot (this, data, limX, limY);
And some other classes that implements ACalculation
classdef Maximum < ACalculation
function [result] = calculate (this, data)
function plot (this, data, limX, limY)
To functions of implementation class i give all needed information, so i don't need any properties.
So it looks like I need static classes. But if I have static classes I have a problem with calling this functions.
I'd like to do something like that:
criteria = Maximum();
result = criteria.calculate(data);
Is it bad way to use inheritance?
Should I ignore matlab advices to change functions to static?
What else could I do here?

I think that in this case, static interface implementation is quite a good pattern.
Define your classes in the following way:
classdef ACalculation < handle
methods (Abstract,Public,Static)
[result] = calculate (data);
plot (data, limX, limY);
classdef Maximum < ACalculation
methods (Public,Static)
function [result] = calculate (data)
function plot (data, limX, limY)
Then, you can write a function that expects an ACalculation type:
function foo(acalc,data)
acalc.plot(data,[100 200]);
Then create a Maximum empty instance and pass it to foo:
foo ( Maximum.empty(0), [1 2 3]);
If you want to change the calculation method, call
foo ( Minimum.empty(0), [1 2 3]);
When you say that such a pattern will not work, you are thinking like Java/C#/C++ developer. But unlike in C++ where static and virtual keyword cannot coexist, Matlab has no such limitation, because everything is done at runtime, and an "instance" can be empty or an array of n elements.

If calculate is a static method of Maximum‘, you would use ‘result = Maximum.calculate(data) to call it, without instantiating to criteria.
It's not (necessarily) a bad way to use inheritance, or bad advice from MATLAB.


Class structure in Lua/Corona

So I'm working on a game in Lua and I'm trying to use metatables and classing but I think I'm importing my PHP knowledge and doing things slightly sideways.
-- Basic Monster
Monster = {}
function Monster:new(newX, newY)
local newMonster = {x = newX, y = newY}
setmetatable(newMonster, {__index = Monster})
return newMonster
function Monster:moveTo(newX, newY)
self.x = newX
self.y = newY
function Monster:takeDamage()
self.hitPoints = self.hitPoints - playerWeapon.damage
if self.hitPoints <= 0 then
function Monster:tap()
function Monster:die()
Groblin = {}
setmetatable(Groblin, {__index = Monster})
function Groblin:new(newX, newY)
local groblin = display.newImage('assets/images/goblin.png');
groblin.hitPoints = 4
physics.addBody(groblin, 'static')
return groblin
I'm basically looking to be able to spawn several different types of monsters, and retain some base class functionality for them, but I'm uncertain in the above example how I tie in the base class to the Groblin class I made as I feel like I blew out that subclass altogether by what I'm doing inside of Groblin:new.
If you want classes that you can subclass, try using middleclass. It's not very trivial to do subclasses in standard lua and middleclass has taken care of the boilerplate.
Also, make use of local -- use it anywhere it can be used.
A simple way to do this with your example would be:
function Groblin:new(newX, newY)
local groblin = Monster:new( newX, newY )
setmetatable(groblin, {__index = Groblin})
groblin.image = display.newImage('assets/images/goblin.png');
-- ...
return groblin
Use the base class ":new()" method to construct the object and then add the unique fields for the subclass. This insures the base class is properly constructed. Re-setting the metatable to "Groblin" in the subclass constructor insures that any methods defined for the Groblin subclass are called if available, and where the Groblin table does not re-define a method the superclass method will be called.
It probably is better to use a library that provides a consistent approach for object creation and subclassing, but hopefully that gives you a better idea of how to do things manually.
Check out for inheritance.
Pay a little attention on the explanation of how the use of self in Account:new works out best while SpecialAccount extends Account.
I generally follow a little different approach than the mentioned in above link. In the above approach -
SpecialAccount = Account:new()
s = SpecialAccount:new{limit=1000.00}
You are calling Account:new() twice, and more problem arises when Acoount:new() does some validaiton on constructor parameters and throws exceptions. For ex: ensuring that the limit passed in non-nil.
So I follow this
SpecialAccount = setmetatable({__index = Account})
Does the trick of allowing superclass constructor to be used in subclasses.
PS: I prefer to treat new function as a constructor. It essentially does the same job.

Calling the actual class in Matlab

Let's say I have this class:
classdef abstractGame
%UNTITLED Summary of this class goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
methods (Abstract, Static)
methods (Static)
function init()
gambledAmount = validNumberInput(abstractGame.getGambleString(), 1, 100, 'helpText', 'round');
function str = getGambleString()
str = 'How much do you want to gamble?';
And other classes extends from this class. I would like the child classes to redefine the getGambleString method, and for the init-method to use the one the deepest class defines (instead of abstractGame.[...] I want something like calledClass.[...]).
How should I call that?
Thanks in advance.
That is a static virtual function problem; such a construct, though, doesn't exist even in C++, then I suppose there is no chance to have it in matlab. (virtual function definition.)
Btw, in matlab, non-static methods behave as virtual (as in Java), therefore, if you accept not to use static functions, you can obtain the effect you need.
Proof (simplified code):
classdef abstractGame
function str = init(obj)
str = getGambleString(obj);
function str = getGambleString(obj)
str = 'How much do you want to gamble?';
classdef game < abstractGame
function str = getGambleString(obj)
str = 'Hi!';
d = game;
ans =

Matlab equivalent to calling inside static class

Confer the following code:
classdef highLowGame
function [wonAmount, noGuesses] = run(gambledAmount)
noGuesses = 'something';
wonAmount = highLowGame.getPayout(gambledAmount, noGuesses); % <---
function wonAmount = getPayout(gambledAmount, noGuesses)
wonAmount = 'something';
Is there a way to call a static method of the same class (inside a static) method without having to write the class name? Something like "self.getPayout(...)" - in case the class turns out to get to 500 lines and I want to rename it.
Not an answer to your question directly, but it's worth noting that you can also put "local functions" after the end of your classdef block in your class.m file, and these behave like private static methods, but you do not need to invoke them using the class name. I.e.
% myclass.m
classdef myclass
methods ( Static )
function x = foo()
x = iMyFoo();
function x = iMyFoo()
x = rand();
% end of myclass.m
As far as I can tell, "no" with a "but". In general, you can only specify the static method with the class name. However, you can fake your way around the restriction since MATLAB has feval:
classdef testStatic
methods (Static)
function p = getPi() %this is a static method
p = 3.14;
function self = testStatic()
testStatic.getPi %these are all equivalent
Here, class(self) and mfilename both evaluate to 'testStatic', so the functions above end up evaluating 'testStatic.getPi'.
Or, alteratively, you can write a non-static method, self.callStatic; then always use that. Inside that, just call testStatic.getPi. Then you'll only need to change that one line.

Can properties of an object handle returned from a function be used without first assigning to a temporary variable?

I have a function that returns a handle to an instantiated object. Something like:
function handle = GetHandle()
handle = SomeHandleClass();
I would like to be able to use the return value like I would if I was writing a program in C:
foo = GetHandle().property;
However, I get an error from MATLAB when it tries to parse that:
??? Undefined variable "GetHandle" or class "GetHandle".
The only way I can get this to work without an error is to use a temporary variable as an intermediate step:
handle = GetHandle();
foo =;
Is there a simple and elegant solution to this, or is this simply impossible with MATLAB's syntax?
To define static properties, you can use the CONSTANT keyword (thanks, #Nzbuu)
Here's one example from MathWorks (with some errors fixed):
classdef NamedConst
properties (Constant)
R = pi/180;
D = 1/NamedConst.R;
AccCode = '0145968740001110202NPQ';
RN = rand(5);
Constant properties are accessed as className.propertyName, e.g. NamedConst.R. The values of the properties are set whenever the class is loaded for the first time (after the start of Matlab, or after clear classes). Thus, NamedConst.RN will remain constant throughout a session as long as you don't call clear classes.
Hmm, I don't like to disagree with Jonas and his 21.7k points, but I think you can do this using the hgsetget handle class instead of the normal handle class, and then using the get function.
function handle = GetHandle()
handle = employee();
classdef employee < hgsetget
Name = ''
function e = employee()
e.Name = 'Ghaul';
Then you can use the get function to get the property:
foo = get(GetHandle,'Name')
foo =
EDIT: It is not excactly like C, but pretty close.
The only way to have a static property in MATLAB is as a constant:
classdef someHandleClass < handle
properties (Constant)
myProperty = 3
then someHandleClass.myProperty will return 3.

Creating classes dynamically in matlab

Given a structure, is there a way to create a class in MATLAB? Take for instance
>> p = struct(); p.x = 0; p.y = 0;
>> p
p =
x: 0
y: 0
>> name = 'Point'
name =
What I would like to do, is given a string containing the name of the class and a struct with containing the fields I would like to create a class without having to write a file explicitly writing the definition.
Right now if we use class(p) we will obtain struct. What I want to do is create an object of the type Point so that when I do class(obj) then I get Point.
Any ideas how to accomplish this besides writing a file in MATLAB with the class definition and then executing it?
Either you have specific functionality (methods) associated with the Point class as opposed to e.g. the Line class, in which case you should write out the classes by hand, anyway, or you can make a single dynamicprops class that can have dynamically created properties, and unless you really need to call a method named class, you much simplify your life by calling classname instead.
classdef myDynamicClass < dynamicprops
properties (Hidden)
myClass %# this stores the class name
function obj = myDynamicClass(myClassName,varargin)
%# synopsis: obj = myDynamicClass(myClassName,propertyName,propertyValue,...)
%# myClassName is the name of the class that is returned by 'classname(obj)'
%# propertyName/propertyValue define the dynamic properties
obj.myClass = myClassName;
for i=1:2:length(varargin)
obj.(varargin{i}) = varargin{i+1};
function out = classname(obj)
out = obj.myClass;
I don't know of any way of creating objects dynamically, so I'd say the answer to your question is no. However, to solve your problem, I would propose something very similar to what Mikhail said:
Work with a struct with fields x, y and classname:
and then write a function myclass(x) which returns x.classname. If for some reason you need to use class() you could even overload it with your own function which checks if x is one of your special structs and calls builtin('class', x) otherwise:
function out=class(varargin)
if nargin==1 && isstruct(varargin{1}) ... #check if we were given a struct
&& isfield(varargin{1}, 'classname') ... #...which contains a field classname
&& ischar(varargin{1}.classname) %# ... which is a string
out=varargin{1}.classname; %# ok, our special case :-)
out=builtin('class',varargin{:}); %# normal case - call builtin class()
One solution that I've used in the past is to write a MATLAB function that takes this information (i.e. the class name and fields) and writes an M-file containing the required classdef construct.
This works well if you're using this information to describe a prototype that you want to expand later.