Track changes in a Java source - eclipse-plugin

I want to track changes in a java source file in my eclipse plugin to update some references I keep of methods/variables/types if they are renamed.
I am interested in the IJavaElement before it was changed and how it is after the change.
I found
JavaCore.addElementChangedListener(/**/, ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE);
to obtain notifications of changes. The JavaElementDelta that the listener-event provide enables me to get the IJavaElement. Unfortunately, the notifications are difficult to handle.
For instance, if the user renames a method and pauses for a fraction of a second an event is fired and once the user finish typing the new name a further event is fired. That makes it necessary to track all those (incomplete) changes. That is cumbersome.
Is there a better way to obtain the before-after name an IJavaElement in a source file?


RavenDb: OnBeforeStore / OnAfterSaveChanges not firing when perfoming Patch or Add Attachment

I want to make sure that every time I make a change to a document, a certain action is performed. For this I wanted to use OnBeforeStore or OnAfterSaveChanges.
Unfortunately, these two events are not triggered when I save a change via patch or add/delete an attachment.
We use the CQRS pattern and have several commands making changes to entities / collections. I need a central place to execute every change to a particular collection, no matter which command is used.
Is there such a thing in RavenDB?
There is no "central place" that track every change to collection.
About the OnAfterSaveChanges event, it should fire on those actions too.

Scintilla 'Before change' notification

I need to do certain processing when a Scintilla editor first becomes 'dirty' before the document actually changes.
The SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT notification seems like the obvious candidate, but unfortunately this is fired after the change that made the document dirty has occurred.
Looking through the other available notifications, SCN_MODIFIED also is fired after the change has happened (and the same is true of SCEN_CHANGE of course).
The best I can think of is to start macro recording in response to SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED (i.e. when the document is saved or all changes are undone). Then when I detect the first change with SCN_MODIFIED, I stop recording, undo all changes until I get back to the save point, perform my custom processing (which happens to be modifying a date field in the document), then replay the recorded macros to restore the undone changes.
This seems horribly convoluted. Is there an easier way? (Maybe it would be simpler to create my own custom version of Scintilla with a SCN_BEFORECHANGE notification, but I'd prefer to avoid creating a fork. And a cursory glance through the source suggests that there are a great many points from where this notification would have to be sent, making it easy to miss some.)
Update: The real requirement was that when the user executes 'Undo' after first modifying the document, the 'automatic' edit and the user's first edit are not in the wrong order in the undo buffer. The simplest solution turned out to be, not to force the automatic update to be first, but to coalesce these two actions into a single undo action using SCI_BEGINUNDOACTION/SCI_ENDUNDOACTION. See my comment below on how I did this.
The SCN_MODIFIED notification does seem to fit your spec. The modificationType field provides information about what has been done, including:
SC_MOD_BEFOREINSERT 0x400 Text is about to be inserted into the document.
SC_MOD_BEFOREDELETE 0x800 Text is about to be deleted from the document.

Run code when user deletes module from a page

I'm currently developing a DNN module. It would be nice if we were able to run custom code whenever a module is deleted from a page by the user, and also when a module gets restored from recycle bin.
I haven't found any examples on how this could be done, so I'm not sure if this is possible? Any ideas?
I am unaware of any event mechanism inside DNN where you could set your hooks. You could probably debug the DNN code and trace the call stack until you find a usable spot where you can inject some code (which would likely be destroyed after the next DNN update), or maybe detect a way that was intended to be used by the core team.
However, if a module is deleted from a page, the IsDeleted field in the Modules table is set to true. If it gets restored from the bin, it is again set to false.
You can use a TRIGGER in your Sql Server that fires when the Modules table is updated, checks if the update refers to an IsDeleted field, write stuff into a Notification table, and use Sql Query Notification based on SqlDependency to run some code (see for an introduction).
Some steps to go, but it should work (and be less exhausting than climbing the Matterhorn :-) ).
There is absolutely hooks in DNN Platform (DotNetNuke) that a developer can attached C# code to.
While there isn't a turn key example that I can provide at the moment, check out the following:
You are looking to hook onto the ModuleRemoved event by the sounds of it.
Here is an example for the user logging in that you could adapt to your event:
Does DNN fire an event when a user logs in?
I hope this helps in the future.

Core Data NSManagedObject - tracking if attribute was changed

I have an object - Config. I want to know if the Account attribute on Config has changed. When this happens, I want to send a NSNotification so that all code that cares about when the Account changes will know. My initial thought was in my NSManagedObject subclass that I would override the setAccount method to set a transient attribute AccountDidChange to true. Then in didSave if AccountDidChange was true I would send the notification and then set it back to false. Is there a better way? My issue though is that from what I've read, by changing AccountDidChange back to false, I would have dirtied my object and need to save again.
A little more info:
The Config object is the current configuration of the application. Account could actually be changed to ActiveAccount. There is a relationship to the Account Entity that has a list of all Accounts. The idea is that the user can change the active account of the application. So we have a set of servers and the user can only be logged into one at a time. Config.Account points to that active account and it is used to setup connections to the server to retrieve information. I am using this notification that Config.Account has changed to tell other objects to clean up their information - like list of alerts. Basically, all information is per Account so it needs to be removed and then refetched on its next load with the new active account.
Also, the given names are not my actual object names - just trying to make the example easier to follow.
Take a look at KVO (Key-Value Observing): Key-Value Observing Programming Guide. That's the standard way to do this in Cocoa, and is a fundamental technology that you need to understand to be a good Cocoa programmer.
KVO will let objects that care about changes to the Account property (which you should probably name account, not Account) register to be notified when the property is changed. KVO will "just work" for standard NSManagedObjects, without any additional work on your part.
The relevant methods are as follows:
-addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: which you call on your Config object to set up the observation
-observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: which will be called on the observer object anytime an observed value is changed
-removeObserver:forKeyPath: which you need to make sure you call when the observer no longer needs change notifications (including before the observer is deallocated).
This is all described in a lot more detail in the linked documentation.
Without knowing anything about your application, it's hard to know why you'd want to be notified only upon save. NSManagedObjectContext posts NSManagedObjectContextWillSaveNotification and NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification. The notification's userInfo has arrays containing inserted, updated and deleted objects, but the notifications aren't as fine-grained as individual properties. I suppose you could manually keep track of changed accounts between didSave notifications. That'll probably get inefficient if you have lots of Configs in your store.
Changes to NSManagedObjects are immediate, they're just not saved to the persistent store until you call save: on the managed object context. Perhaps if you explain more about exactly what you're trying to accomplish and why, I can better help.

Notifications in wxWidgets?

I'm working on a small application using C++/wxWidgets, where several parts of the GUI need to be updated based on e.g. received UDP datagrams. More specifically, a secondary thread tries to keep a list of available "clients" in the network (which may come and go away) and e.g. corresponding comboboxes in the UI need to be updated to reflect the changes.
The documentation mentions that for this kind of thing EVT_UPDATE_UI would be a good choice. As far as I can understand from the sparse documentation, this event is sent automatically by the system and provides some support for assisted UI change.
However, I'd feel more comfortable using a more direct approach, i.e. where e.g. a window object could register/subscribe to receive notifications (either events or callbacks) upon particular events and another part of the code is sending out these notifications when required. I could do this in C++ using my own code, however I guess if wxWidgets already supports something like that, I should make use of it. However I haven't found anything in that regards.
So, the question is: does wxWidgets support this kind of notification system (or similar alternatives) or would I be best served coding my own?
AFAIK there is nothing directly usable in wxWidgets, but doing it on your own seems easy.
What I would do:
Create a wxEvtHandler-descendent class to hold the list of available "clients" in the network. Let this class have a wxCriticalSection, and use a wxCriticalSectionLocker for that in all methods that add or delete "clients".
Create a worker thread class by inheriting wxThread to handle your UDP datagrams, using blocking calls. The thread should directly call methods of the client list object whenever a client has to be added or removed. In these methods update the list of clients, and ::wxPostEvent() an event to itself (this will execute the whole notification calls in the main GUI thread).
Handle the event in the client list class, and notify all listeners that the list of clients has changed. The observer pattern seems to me a good fit. You could either call a method of all registered listeners directly, or send a wxCommandEvent to them.
Have you tried calling Update() on the widget(s) that change? Once you update the contents of the combo box, call Update(), and the contents should update.