Using Castle Windsor WcfFacility to create client endpoints - wcf

I have created three assemblies. A web site, a WCF service and a contracts assembly that holds the interfaces that the services implement. I would like to use Castle Windsor to create the services for me on the client (website) so that I do not have to have an endpoint in the web.config of the web site for each service that I wish to use.
I would like to look at the contract assembly and get all the service interfaces in a namespace. Right now for every service I have something like the following when registering the components with the container.
container.Register(Component.For<ChannelFactory<IMyService>>().DependsOn(new { endpointConfigurationName = "MyServiceEndpoint" }).LifeStyle.Singleton);
container.Register(Component.For<IMyService>().UsingFactoryMethod((kernel, creationContext) => kernel.Resolve<ChannelFactory<IMyService>>().CreateChannel()).LifeStyle.PerWebRequest);
and in my web.config I have the setup code.
<add name="AuthToken" type="MyNamespace.Infrastructure.AuthTokenBehavior, MyNamespace.Contracts" />
<AuthToken />
<binding maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" closeTimeout="00:01:00" openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00">
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxArrayLength="2147483647"></readerQuotas>
<security mode="None" />
<endpoint name="MyServiceEndpoint" address="http://someurl/MyService.svc" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="MyNamespace.Contracts.IMyService"></endpoint>
I end up with multiple service endpoints that all look almost exactly the same and when we deploy onto clients machines they have to set the address of every endpoint even though the base url is the same for every one.
I would like to have a base url in my web.config that is grabbed through code and then have the services registered with the container using reflection on the contracts assembly. I do need the specialised endpoint behaviour that is in the above config file.
Where so I start? the WcfFacility looks great but the doco is a bit lacking...

I agree the docs for the wcf facility are lacking and that is sad because it is a really great tool and it would be a real shame if people didn't use it because they could not get started, so let me see if I can help you out a little bit if I can...
Let's create a three project application that has:
A class library for shared contracts
A console application that acts as a server
A console application that acts as a client
The idea is that we want to be able to use the service names when we register the services and to share a base URL (I think that is what you were asking and if not, hopefully you can extrapolate from here). So, firstly, the shared contracts simply has this in it (nothing special, normal WCF fare):
public interface IMyService1
void DoSomething();
public interface IMyService2
void DoSomethingToo();
Now the server console application looks like this, we firstly implement the service contracts (again nothing special there, just classes implementing interfaces) and then just register them all as services (notice no need for any configuration file here and you can change the way you decide what are services etc using all the options that Windsor gives you - my scheme is a bit limited but it gives you an idea):
namespace Services
public class MyService1 : IMyService1
public void DoSomething()
public class MyService2 : IMyService2
public void DoSomethingToo()
//... In some other namespace...
class Program
// Console application main
static void Main()
// Construct the container, add the facility and then register all
// the types in the same namespace as the MyService1 implementation
// as WCF services using the name as the URL (so for example
// MyService1 would be http://localhost/MyServices/MyService1) and
// with the default interface as teh service contract
var container = new WindsorContainer();
f => f.CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero);
.Configure(c =>
new DefaultServiceModel()
.BoundTo(new WSHttpBinding())
// Now just wait for a Q before shutting down
while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Q)
And that is the server, now how to consume these services? Well, actually that is quite easy, here is a client console application (it references just the contracts class library):
class Program
static void Main()
// Create the container, add the facilty and then use all the
// interfaces in the same namespace as IMyService1 in the assembly
// that contains the aforementioned namesapce as WCF client proxies
IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
f => f.CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero);
c => c.Named(c.Implementation.Name)
.AsWcfClient(new DefaultClientModel
Endpoint = WcfEndpoint
.BoundTo(new WSHttpBinding())
// Now we just resolve them from the container and call an operation
// to test it - of course, now they are in the container you can get
// hold of them just like any other Castle registered component
var service1 = container.Resolve<IMyService1>();
var service2 = container.Resolve<IMyService2>();
That's it - hopefully this will get you started (I find that experimenting and using the intellisense usually gets me where I need to go). I showed you both the service and client sides but you can just use one or the other if you prefer.
You should be able to see where the binding is configured and how I have gone about constructing the URLs so in your case you could easily just pluck your base URL from a configuration file or whatever you want to do.
One last thing to mention is that you can add your custom endpoint behaviour by adding it as an extension to the endpoint, so in the client example you would have something like this:
Endpoint = WcfEndpoint
.BoundTo(new WSHttpBinding())
.At(string.Format("http://localhost/MyServices/{0}", c.Name.Substring(1)))
.AddExtensions(new AuthTokenBehavior())


Can we use ChannelFactory<T> when the contracts (.NET classes, interfaces) are NOT defined in some common library consumed by client and service?

I was exploring ChannelFactory and while doing so I did following:
A service contract in assembly named "Common":
namespace Common
using System.ServiceModel;
[ServiceContract(Name = "ITestService", Namespace = "http://test/")]
public interface ITestService
[OperationContract(Name = "SayHello")]
string SayHello(string request);
A service hosted under web application called "WcfServiceApp":
Note that I have created another service interface (contract) to create a service. But the names of contracts and the namespaces are same as the contract defined in the "Common" assembly.
namespace WcfServiceApp
[ServiceContract(Name = "ITestService", Namespace = "http://test/")]
public interface ITestServiceWithDiffDotNetName
[OperationContract(Name = "SayHello")]
string SayHelloAgain(string name);
// This service implements new service contract.
public class TestService : ITestServiceWithDiffDotNetName
public string SayHelloAgain(string request)
return "hello " + request;
// This service implements common service contract
public class TestService2 : Common.ITestService
public string SayHello(string request)
return "hello " + request;
There are two ".svc" files (TestService.svc and TestService2.svc), each for services created above. Web.config has following:
<service name ="WcfServiceApp.TestService" >
<endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="WcfServiceApp.ITestServiceWithDiffDotNetName"></endpoint>
<service name ="WcfServiceApp.TestService2" >
<endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="Common.ITestService"></endpoint>
<serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
A client which calls these two services:
Note that client is using ChannelFactory and the service contract defined in "Common" library.
ChannelFactory<ITestService> commonServiceChannel = new ChannelFactory<ITestService>(new BasicHttpBinding(), "http://localhost/WcfServiceApp/TestService.svc");
var proxy = commonServiceChannel.CreateChannel();
var response = proxy.SayHello("Mike"); // response = "Hello"
ChannelFactory<ITestService> commonServiceChannel2 = new ChannelFactory<ITestService>(new BasicHttpBinding(), "http://localhost/WcfServiceApp/TestService2.svc");
var proxy2 = commonServiceChannel2.CreateChannel();
var response2 = proxy2.SayHello("Mike"); // response2 = "Hello Mike"
I observed that first service (created using some different service contract) receives the null argument whereas argument received in second service (created using service contract used to create ChannelFactory) is "Mike" as expected.
In Fiddler, I can see that request parameter correctly.
Why does this happen?
If all XML names and namespaces are same (although names of .NET interfaces are different), should the service call not succeed as underlying SOAP messages would be same?
I am afraid what will happen if my customer's applications want to create service in Java and my application is supposed to call it?
Try this, get the WSDL document from each version of your service. Compare the WSDL documents (.NET 4.5 supports single file WSDL documents out of the box) to see what WCF is expecting in the soap message for each service. Chances are a default XML namespace was taken from the .NET (different) namespaces somewhere thus making the "identical" service contracts actually be different. WCF does a lot for you in naming the XML namespaces and you will likely need to manually override those defaults throughout the service, operation and data contracts to make both services support identical soap messages.
On integrating with Java, as long as the Java client can be generated from the WSDL the service outputs there's a chance there won't be any issues. The big exception is configuring the security and authentication aspects of the Java client. This good blog post on specific WCF bindings for Java interop would be worth a look when working with Java based clients.
Thanks to Sixto Saez first.
I compared the WSDL files generated (using svcutil.exe) by both the services and found that they were NOT EXACTLY SAME. However, it was not due to any conflict in the name or namespace of either ServiceContract or OperationContract itself!
It was due to difference in the parameter names used in the definition of the OperationContracts!
You can see that OperationContract "SayHello" has a parameter named "request". On the other hand, OperationContract named "SayHelloAgain" has a parameter named "name". When I changed the name of the parameter from "request" to "name" as it is in second OperationContract, it worked!
So the conclusion is:
ChannelFactory WORKS when the contracts (.NET classes, interfaces) are NOT defined in some common library consumed by client and service. Only thing is that WSDLs generated by those service contracts have to match with each other.

Multiple services exposing single end point

I am new to WCF and want to know how do I have multiple services in one project and exposing single end point. I did some home work and realized that we can use interfaces to achieve this. But I am unable to proceed on this.
Can you all give you opinion.
I have services like Employee Service and Customer Service
From client I should access it like IService.IEmployee.GetEmployee(); or IService.ICustomer.GetCustomer().
Hope I made it clear. Please guide me
Each service has always its own endpoint and each implemented service contract within the service requires its own endpoint as well.
You need facade in this case. You will have single service with single contract which will wrap the logic for both Employee.Service and Customer.Service.
The simplest implementation is like:
public interface ICustomerService { ... }
public interface IEmployeeService { ... }
public interface IService : ICustomerService, IEmployeeService { ... }
// Your WCF service
public class Service : IService { ... }
Now Service can either implement both ICustomerService or IEmployeeService interfaces or it can just internally create instances of some implementations and delegate calls like:
public class Service : IService
private CustomerService customerService;
public Service()
customerService = new CustomerService();
public Customer GetCustomer()
retunr customerService.GetCustomer();
If you have a service (implementation), you can expose any number of endpoints for that service. A service implementation class can implement multiple service contracts, e.g.
public class YourServiceImplementation : IEmployeeService, ICustomerService
Each endpoint you define for this service implementation however requires one single contract to be associated with it - you cannot have a single endpoint that supports multiple contracts at the same time:
<service name="YourNamespace.YourServiceImplementation">
<endpoint name="Employee"
contract="YourNamespace.IEmployeeService" />
<endpoint name="Customer"
contract="YourNamespace.ICustomerService" />
So if your client needs to access both the employee and the customer service, you would need to add two separate client-side proxies, one for each service contract.

“Could not find default endpoint element that references contract”

While calling webservice during uninstallation of windows application I am getting error as
Could not find endpoint element that references contract
ServiceReference2.IService1' in the ServiceModel client configuration
section. This might be because no configuration file was found for
your application, or because no endpoint element matching this name
could be found in the client element.
I am using Installer class in which I am calling webservice client. Following is code of installer.cs
Source code :
namespace webMiner
public partial class demoInstaller : Installer
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=comp;User Id=abc;Password=******;");
public demoInstaller():base()
AfterUninstall += new InstallEventHandler(AfterUninstallEventHandler);
public override void Uninstall(System.Collections.IDictionary savedState)
Int32 flag = -1;
string keyName = "";
RegistryKey regeditkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("sevenuser", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
keyName = regeditkey.GetValue("currentuser").ToString();
webMiner.ServiceReference2.Service1Client sc = new webMiner.ServiceReference2.Service1Client();
flag = sc.unInstallOperation(keyName);
Where unInstallOperation() will call webservice operation which contains updation of account.
How to solve this issue?
Really feedup with this issue
I have no problem when i call serviceclient from another page or from another class file it give me problem when I am calling during uninstallation of application i.e in Installer class. This is app.config client configuration code that i have used
source code:
<endpoint address=""
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IService1"
contract="IService1" name="BasicHttpBinding_IService1" />
Is there any need to add this in web.config file of web service??
You probably need to use the name of your endpoint when you are instatiating Service1Client
var sc = new webMiner.ServiceReference2.Service1Client("BasicHttpBinding_IService1");
Or, as it was in my case, you have your another class in another project in solution and two app.config classes. So, you need to copy/paste the desription af enpoints and bindings in main app.config.
Try to update the service reference, and check if client configuration is in the startup project config file.

How do I add WCF client endpoints programmatically?

I need my service to consume other services, and I need to configure these dependencies in code. How do I do this?
This is very simple in config via the following (example):
<endpoint name="registerService"
address="" binding="basicHttpBinding"
But for some reason finding the code equivalent is not as easy as I thought it'd be.
If you're using the Visual Studio generated proxy (via "Add Service Reference..."), then you're using the ClientBase abstract class & you'll have a number of constructors that allow you to pass in a config section, an endpoint, a binding etc.
And if you're instantiating a ChannelFactory then you again have a number of constructors to use.
// create bindings & endpoints
var binding = new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding();
var endpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/MyService.svc");
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IMyService>(binding, endpoint);
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
// then call your operations...

WCF, ChannelFactory, "Could not find endpoint element..."

I'm trying to call a WCF service from within another service, in part using an example I found here on StackOverflow which implements ChannelFactory.
I've created a separate console app project within my solution for testing (VS 2008, btw),
namespace MyService.Test
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MySolution.MyTestClient proxy = new MyTestClient();
proxy = new MyTestClient();
proxy.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8723/MySolution/");
// Instantiate a request object and assign values to its member variables.
MySolution.RemoteServiceMethod() theObject = new RemoteServiceMethod();
theObject.SomeProperty = "123";
theObject.SomeOtherProperty = "alpha";
Console.WriteLine("Calling the remote service method now...");
catch (FaultException<MySolution.RequestException> e)
// exception code hereMySolution
This is from the local service's App.Config showing the endpoint:
<endpoint address="http://MyService/MyService.asmx"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="ServiceSoap"
name="ServiceSoap" />
This is from the test project's own App.Config:
<endpoint address="http://localhost:8723/MyService"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IServiceContract"
contract="ServiceContract.IServiceContract" name="BasicHttpBinding_IServiceContract" />
This is the method I've exposed in my local service, which in turn passes a request object to the remote service:
public ServiceContract.Response.ZZZ_Response SubmitRemoteServiceRequest(ServiceContract.Request.ZZZ_Request sc_TheirServiceRequest)
var factory = new ChannelFactory<ServiceReference.ServiceSoap>("ServiceSoap");
var wcfClient = factory.CreateChannel();
bool closedSuccessfully = false;
// Instantiate a response object which I will return to the consumer.
ServiceContract.Response.ZZZ_Response zzz_Response = new ServiceContract.Response.ZZZ_Response();
// Instantiate request and response objects, respectively, which I use internal to my service to call remote service.
ServiceReference.MyServiceRequest scMyServiceRequest = new ServiceReference.MyServiceRequest();
ServiceReference.MyServiceResponse scMyServiceResponse = new ServiceReference.MyServiceResponse();
// Now you can make calls on the wcfClient object
scMyServiceResponse = wcfClient.MyServiceMethod(scMyServiceRequest );
closedSuccessfully = true;
if (!closedSuccessfully)
return zzz_Response;
The error I receive is this:
Could not find endpoint element with name 'ServiceSoap' and contract 'ServiceReference.ServiceSoap' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the client element.
I'm confused, where exactly am I missing the endpoint element, in the app.config for the local service (which has a Service Reference defined that points to the remote service), the app.config for the test app, or elsewhere?!
UPDATE: I found a workaround of sorts after reading this MSDN article, or I guess just a different way of instantiating the ChannelFactory:
var factory = new ChannelFactory<ServiceReference.ServiceSoap>(new BasicHttpBinding(), "http://urlToRemoteService/RemoteService.asmx");
Instead of trying to grab from nonexistent or incorrect info in my app.config, I'm instead manually plugging in the values for the Binding (BasicHttpBinding), and the address to the remote service. This seems to get me past the "Could not find endpoint element" error, but I'm not sure if this is the best solution.
Well, in your test app's code, you request the endpoint element by the name of "ServiceSoap":
var factory = new ChannelFactory<ServiceReference.ServiceSoap>("ServiceSoap");
but in your config, there's no such endpoint:
<endpoint address="http://localhost:8723/DelinquencyService"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IServiceContract"
contract="ServiceContract.IServiceContract" name="BasicHttpBinding_IServiceContract" />
The config contains an endpoint element by the name of "BasicHttpBinding_IServiceContract" (defined by the name= attribute on your <endpoint> node).
So either you change the line in your test app to request that endpoint element:
var factory = new ChannelFactory<ServiceReference.ServiceSoap>("BasicHttpBinding_IServiceContract");
or you change your app.config for the test app to use ServiceSoap as the name:
<endpoint name="ServiceSoap"
contract="ServiceContract.IServiceContract" />
Either of the two should solve your problem.
In your "normal" client app, this works because when you create the client proxy, you don't specify an endpoint element name at all - WCF will just use the one and only element that's present. If you should have more than one endpoint element (e.g. using different protocols), this call without specifying which endpoint element to use would throw an exception, and you'd have to change it to specify which endpoint element (by its name) to use, too.