unable to login with the credentials of user who does not have an appid for facebook application in silverlight - silverlight-4.0

Am trying to login to my facebook app. created with c#.net and silverlight. here, I am sending a request containing appid that I have requested from the facebook sdk to login to my application which is successful with my facebook credentials where as no other user is able to login in to my application with their facebook credentials.
Enums.ExtendedPermissions[] permissions = { Enums.ExtendedPermissions.publish_stream,
Enums.ExtendedPermissions.share_item, Enums.ExtendedPermissions.video_upload};
Session = new BrowserSession("MyAppId");
Session.LoginCompleted += browserSession_LoginCompleted;
Session.LogoutCompleted += browserSession_LogoutCompleted;
please let me know the way to resolve my issue. Thanks in advance.

Is your app public?
If your don't want it to be public yet, you have to add the other users.
In the developers.facebook.com page, you can add users as testers, admins etc. to your app. You can find this section by your app and then Roles. I think your the only one standing in the role section now.


Get long access token from instagram mobile app

I'm using `
https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?client_id={{ instagramAppId }}&redirect_uri={{ redirectUrl }}&scope=user_media,user_profile&response_type=code
` url to verify user via instagram api.
Is it possible to get access token from instagram mobile app? The web view with insta login needs credentials to login, even though user is logged in mobile app.
Webviews keep their own cookie jars, so you have to log in separately. You can't use the mobile app's tokens. You can open the login page in a browser instead of a web view. Then, if the user is already logged in to Instagram in this given browser, you will instantly get a response from the authorization endpoint. Still, the user needs to be logged in in the concrete browser, being logged in in the app won't help.

Is there any way to authenticate users with instagram in my ionic app?

I want to know if someone could already do something like this, because the new Instagram basic display API is kind of different. Thanks in advance
I've been working in a Ionic 3 app, which authenticated users with Instagram API. But now Instagram API is no longer working, and was migrated to Facebook.
With the new API, Facebook no longer allows users to authenticate into an app using the Instagram Basic Display API, and the Graph API for Businesses and Creators requires a Facebook token.
I suppose they now want you to only use the Facebook auth flow to authenticate your users for your app, and then have them log in again to Instagram for Basic Display after your primary authentication.
"Data returned by the API cannot be used to authenticate your app
users or log them into your app. If you need an authentication
solution we recommend using Facebook Login instead."
"All endpoint requests must include a Facebook User access token."

ServiceM8 Oauth Authentication not working

I am trying to set up an integration API between ServiceM8 and another 3rd party application. I need to create a webhook which requires Platform Services Authentication using Oauth.
I have created a developer account and a store item after which I got the APP ID and APP Secret which are required for the authenticatcation.
I initiated the authentication by redirecting the user to the url
https://www.servicem8.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=[App ID]&redirect_uri=[my redirect url]&scope=manage_jobs
The user was es expected directed to the login page.
However after logging in, instead of prompting the user to accept the required permissions and redirecting to the redirect_url the user is being redirected to the ServiceM8 dashboard page.
Can someone please help me.

Parse Twitter authentication log out does not delete the token

I am trying to let the users of my android app log in it via their Twitter account and ran into the following problem. I am using the Parse to store my data and users' information. When the user logs in and then logs out from the app via Twitter, there is a window with the message "authorize app to use your account", so the app is still associated with a particular twitter user. My problem is there is no window with email and password entries, when the user logs out via Twitter (ParseUser.logOut()). How can I unlink the app from the current user and present a new log in window.
Thank you!

in youtube API 3 user authentication required or registering the app by the developer is enough?

i want to develop an android app using youtube API 3.
It is necessary that the user who will be using the app has to login with his/her gmail credentials to actually view a video?
Or just registering the app here https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application is fine and the user watching the video or using the app need not login to his/her gmail account.
It is necessary that the user who will be using the app has to login with his/her gmail credentials to actually view a video?
No. Authentication via OAuth is only necessary if your application requires access to "private user data". Simply viewing a video does not meet those requirements.
More details here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication