LinqPad Member Description ("Quick Info") NOT Show up - linqpad

I got trouble on Member Description show up.
For example, I have two laptops.
Laptop A, I install ".NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer)" version.
I type code like follow:
void Main()
var q = {"A", "B", "C"};
When typing the "." , there is a member list show up, When I move my cursor to member "Aggregate", it should show up a member description like "Applies an accumulator function over a sequence.". Unfortunately, this importance description NOT SHOW UP.
Laptop B, I install ".NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer)" + Visual studio 2010 Express. The member description show up without any problem.
So, How to fix the problem on Laptop A without install visual studio. Laptop A has 1 G Ram, I don't want install heavy things like visual studio, but I need the method description.
Please give me step by step fix instruction, it will be great appreciate!

Installing the .NET Framework without Visual Studio means that you don't end up with the reference assembly folders that contain the XML documentation files that describe what each type and member does.
So yes, you'll get autocompletion listings, but you won't get the descriptions of what each member does.
There are a couple of ways to work around this (without installing Visual Studio). The first is to install the Framework 4 SDK. I've not tried installing this, but I strongly suspect it would contain the full reference assemblies.
The other is to copy over the reference assemblies from your machine with VS installed to the other computer. The reference assemblies for Framework 4.0 are in this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0


How to change the VB.NET language version in Visual Studio 2015

In Visual Studio 2015 it is possible to select which version of the C# language is being coded in, as shown here.
I'm looking for the same option for VB.NET - how can I restrict syntax, etc. to old VB.NET versions?
I want to do this so that I stop accidentally using VB 14 features in a project I'm sharing with someone using Visual Studio 2012. I'd rather not spam up my machine with a Visual Studio 2012 install or have to create a new VM for a fairly occasional requirement.
NOTE: I don't want to change the target .NET Framework version.
The VB.NET compiler has the /langversion option for this. Also supported by MSBuild. But not by the IDE, that makes it awkward to change it.
Still possible, you have to edit the .vbproj file. Use a text editor, Notepad will do. And copy/paste this snippet, insert it in the 4th line so it is effective for all configurations and platforms:
And double-check that it is effective:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim test As String
End Sub
End Module
error BC36716: Visual Basic 12.0 does not support 'nameof' expressions.
Well, that works, also flagged by IntelliSense with red squiggles. You probably want to create your own project templates so you don't have to do this over and over again. Use File > Export Template.
If you're using ReSharper it turns out this is an option:
Left Click on the project in Solution Explorer
Select the Properties Window (not the Project Properties - you want the properties snap in)
Under ReSharper options there is a "VB Language Level" option, which gives options all the way back to VB.NET 8.
I haven't tested how well this works.
I don't think this is possible when using VB.
See this related connect bug: Connect: VB 14 compiler removes line continuations even when web.config specifies VB 8 as compiler

"Type is not defined" error on project build

I created a new windows applications project and added a reference to my utilities project like I have done many times before. When I start coding, the editor will find the utility namespace without difficulty but when I build I get "Type My.Utils.Data is not defined".
I've compared my project to my other projects and can't find a difference.
When I try to debug, I get a dialog saying "Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target "C:.....\myproject.exe" is missing
You need to make sure that the consuming project is targeting a .NET Framework version which is equal to or higher than the other project that it is referencing. If the referenced project is targeting a higher version of the framework, Visual Studio will not give you a useful message like, "Wrong Framework Version". Instead, it gives you a very confusing error about the assembly being missing, even though it's there.
I ran into this error and had a more unusual root cause. I'll add it here because someone may experience the same. (I don't expect this to be the "normal" cause of this error.) Anyway, I created a service reference and I removed the text "Reference" from the name of it and called it "ServiceName" rather than "ServiceNameReference. Apparently that created a naming conflict that blew up the reference.vb file.

New pc causing "namespace of type specified in the imports doesn't contain any public member" in VB.NET

I just got a new PC (Win 7) with VS 2010 (same version as my old PC). I got a VB.NET solution from source control that contains two projects. One of the projects builds fine. The other project flags every non-MS Imports statement with:
Namespace or type specified in the Imports &1 doesn't contain any public members or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.
The ironic thing is that the working project within the same solution references all the same DLL's. I've removed and re-added the DLL's so I know they're there, and I can expand them in Object Browser, so I know they contain public methods.
I've ran out of ideas of things to try. Can someone throw me a bone, plz?
I had the same problem which I fixed by changing the Project Properties->Compile->Advanced Compile Options->Target Framework value from .Net Framework 4.0 Client Profile to .Net Framework 4.0
I had this happen. For me, the new DLL was targeting Dot Net 4.5, while the project which referenced it was only targeting 4.0. Switching the new dll to match fixed the issue.
I've had a similar issue as this before. In my case the problem was that the dll's were located on a network share drive (which in my system showed as q:) so when I referenced them the file path was q:\folder structure\file.dll. Upon switching machines, my system no longer referenced that share drive as q:\ but by another drive letter, causing my program to error out similarly.
In my case, I was able to correct this issue and prevent it from happening again by changing the way I referenced the dll from the drive letter it was assigned by my local system to the network path (\SERVER NAME\Drive Letter\file path\file.dll).
I was experiencing the same issue. The DLL I was referencing was built in framework 3.5. The project I was referencing the DLL was being built in 2.0. I switched the referring project to 3.5 and it built perfectly.
I had this problem with projects which were referencing the same version of the framework. I solved it with the following steps.
Remove reference to DLL
Clean and ReBuild DLL
Clean and ReBuild Project
ReAdd Reference.
This happened to me in a Visual Studio 2019 VB project with System.Data.SqlClient . Since the Import of System.Data.SqlClient was failing, all of my Sql classes used in declarations on the page -- SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataReader -- were undefined.
To fix it, I just had to use a full reference to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection when declaring my very first variable for one of those classes on the page:
Using conn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())
By changing just that first declaration on the page, it fixed the compilation error on the Imports line and all subsequent declarations on the page. (Even stranger, after building the project once like that, I was able to revert the declaration back to just referencing SqlConnection, and the Import worked and the page is compiling fine. So it may have been a temporary issue unrelated to my temporary fix)
I had already fixed this problem once I got to the point of googling this, and all I had to do was delete and re-add the reference in the solution explorer

How can I distribute a visual studio solution that references a class library

I have a visual studio solution written using
The solution contains 4 projects.
A Service
A Settings library
A WiX Setup project
Here's how it used to work.
Last week, I had no shared settings library, and all was fine. But, because both the GUI and the Service contained an identical class named ConfigXML.vb (for serializing and deserializing settings), which I was regularly making changes to and copying and pasting between projects, I decided to extract the class into a library project of it's own (3 above).
This week, nothing works!
I added project references to 1. and 2. and things do work the same as they ever did. When I "start debugging" I can see and use the GUI as normal.
However, the problem I have is that when I create and install a new Setup of the solution, both the GUI and the Service fail to start.
I presume that the problem is the settings library is no longer where it was expected to be / hasn't been registered properly, needs to be placed in a directory by the Setup.msi or something similar.
This is my first time doing something like this, so I expect it's an obvious fix that I need.
I gather from the name of that class "...XML.vb" that there is an XML file that lives along side this class on disc. If there is such a file, then you need to add that file to the project and then right click on it go to "Properties" and set the "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy if Newer"

Where can I get Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll?

I'm trying to write a IL Weaver with Mono.Cecil, and for it to remain debugable in VS2010, I need the PdbReaderProvider class, or some similar implementation of ISymbolProvider. I've downloaded the latest Mono dlls from, but in the zip there is no Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll. I've downloaded the source code from but I can't seem to be able to get that particular project compile under .net 4.
Could somebody help me out and point to a compiled working .net dll of Mono.Cecil.Pdb, preferably with a working PdbReaderProvider inside?
Indeed, you need to get the source from Cecil's github repository. Then you just have to open Mono.Cecil.sln inside VS 2010, select the solution configuration net_4_0_Debug (or net_4_0_Release) and build the solution. The solution is self contained so you don't need anything else.
You'll get both Mono.Cecil.dll and Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll inside bin/net_4_0_Debug (or bin/net_4_0_Release).
Alternatively, get the NuGet package which includes all Cecil assemblies. If you're on the MS stack, of course.