Copying pending changes between NSManagedObjectContexts with shared persistent store? - objective-c

I have two instances of NSManagedObjectContext: one is used in main thread and the other is used in a background thread (via an NSOperation.) For thread safety, these two contexts only share an NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.
The problem I'm having is with pending changes in the first context (on the main thread) not being available to the second context until a -save is performed. This is understandable since the shared persistent store won't have copies of the NSManagedObjects being tracked by -insertedObjects, -updatedObjects, and -deletedObjects are persisted.
Unfortunately, this presents a problem with the user experience: any unsaved changes won't appear in the (time consuming) reports that are generated in the background thread.
The only solution I can think of is nasty: take the inserted, updated and deleted objects from the first context and graft them onto the object graph of the second context. There are some pretty complex relations in the dataset, so I'm hesitant to go in this direction. I'm hoping someone here as a better solution.

If this is under 10.7 there are some solutions: one is you can have nested ManagedObjectContexts, so you can “save” in the one being modified and it won’t save all the way to the disk, but it will make the changes available to other children of the master context.
Before 10.7 you will probably have to copy the changes over yourself. This isn’t super-hard since you can just have a single object listen for NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification and then just re-apply the changes exactly from the main context. (Should be about 20 lines of code.) You never have to save this second context I assume?

Not sure if you have any OS restraints but in iOS 5 / Mac OS 10.7 you can use nested managed object contexts to accomplish this. I believe a child context is able to pull in unsaved changes in the parent by simply doing a new fetch.
Edit: Looks like Wil beat me to it but yeah, prior to iOS 5 / Mac OS 10.7 you'll have to listen for the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification and take a look at the userInfo dictionary for the added/updated/deleted objects.

An alternate solution might involve using a single managed object context and providing your own thread safety over access to it, or use the context's lock and unlock methods.

I would try to make the main thread do a normal save so the second context can just merge the changes into his context. "fighting" a APIs intended use is never an good idea.
You could mark the newly saved record with an attribute as intermediate and delete later if the user finally cancels the edit.
Solving those problems with attributes in your entities and querying in the background thread with a matching predicated would be easy...
And that would be a stable solution as well. I am coming from a database driven world (oracle) we often use such patterns (status attributes in records) to make data visible/invisible to other DB sessions (which would equal to threads in an cocoa app). Works always without problems. Other threads /sessions do always only see commited changes that's how most RDBMS work.


Get value of control refnum in one step in SubVI

I'm trying to de-spaghetti a big UI by creating SubVIs that handle only the controls that are relevant, via control refnums.
Now, when extracting the code from the main VI and re-wiring into the subVIs, things get clutter-y.
To read/write these refnums, I have to do a two-step process. First add a terminal to get the control refnum value and then another to get the value of the control.
Wiring the refnums everywhere is not really an option as that will create more spaghetti if there are more than two of them. (usually 4-10)
Is there a better way?
Guys, this is a low-level question about the picture above, not really a queston about large scale architecture / design patterns. I'm using QMH, classes, where appropriate.
I just feel there should be a way to get the typed value from a typed control ref in one step. It feels kind of common.
In the caller VI, where the controls/indicators actually live, create all your references, then bundle them into clusters of relevant pieces. Pass the clusters into your subVIs, giving a given subVI only the cluster it needs. This both keeps your conpane cleaned up and and makes it clear the interface that each subVI is talking to. Instead of a cluster, you may want to create a LV class to further encapsulate and define the sub-UI operations, but that's generally only on larger projects where some components of the UI will be reused in other UIs.
I'm not sure there is a low-touch way to de-spaghetti a UI with lots of controls and indicators.
My suggestion is to rework the top-level VI into a queued message handler, which would allow you to decouple the user interaction from the application's response. In other words, rather than moving both the controls and the code that handles their changes to subVIs (as you're currently doing), this would keep the controls where they are (so you don't need to use ref nums and property nodes) and only move the code to subVIs.
This design pattern is built-in to recent versions of LabVIEW: navigate to File » Create Project to make LabVIEW generate a project you can evaluate. For more information about understanding how to extend and customize it, see this NI slide deck: Decisions Behind the Design of the
Queued Message Handler Template.
In general, it is not the best practice to read/write value using refnum in perspective of performance. It requires a thread swap to the UI thread each time (which is a heavy process), whereas the FP Terminal is privileged to be able to update the panel without switching execution threads and without mutex friction.
Using references to access value
Requires to update the front panel item every single time they are called.
They are a pass by reference function as opposed to a pass by value function. This means they are essentially pointers to specific memory locations. The pointers must be de-referenced, and then the value in memory updated. The process of de-referencing the variables causes them to be slower than Controls/Indicators, or Local Variables.
Property Nodes cause the front panel of a SubVI to remain in memory, which increases memory use. If the front panel of a SubVI is not displayed, remove property nodes to decrease memory use.
If after this you want to use this method you can use VI scripting to speed up the process:

Is it possible to reuse an NSKeyedUnarchiver?

I'm working on an iOS game and I'm using the NSCoding protocol to save my levels in my editor and to load them in game. I was wondering if it was possible to somehow reuse an NSKeyedUnarchiver after it's been used to load the level. For instance when the player wan't to restart the level. I can't simply create and load a new instance of the level, because I want to keep the same objects, just reset their properties.
You can re-use the data, which is passed down to decoder. You cannot "reset" the existing objects to initial state, though.
While you can do this on your own, I'd suggest to just invalidate the whole tree of objects and re-load them from possibly cached data.
That surely depends on the number of objects, but if you have enough of them for the process to be visibly slow, I believe you have lots of other more important optimisations to do.

Correct approach to Add or Edit with CoreData Managed Objects

A common scenario is to have a view that allows to Add or Edit an underlying model,
we could simply source the view with a initWithObject:(MyManagedObject*)object and
create a new one if object is nil.
Now when leaving the view, we can ask the ManagedObjectContext if it is dirty, but how do we know if it is dirty because the object was modified, or due to some other objects that may have been modified someplace else?
And if we want to provide the user with a cancel option, how would one rollback the changes on only the current object (and delete the object if it was just newly created in this view?)
Is it advised to use multiple ManagedObjectContexts? (One for each view? -- in this case synchronization may become an issue, no?) Or should one use the UndoManager? Can this be achieved using undoGroups?
There are three common ways that I am aware of. And most certainly I would love to hear other people to post how they've dealt with this.
Undo Groups
Before presenting a detailed view controller modally (with a save and cancel options), I create an undo group and then create an managed object instance in a managed object context and do the preliminary setup.
On the delegate methods for save and cancel I end undo groups and with cancel I also do a undoNestedGroup.
Good: You can undo edits with ease.
Bad: If there are certain actions beyond that you would not want to cancel, it's going to be very tricky. In other words its a cancel all or nothing approach.
Manual Handling
This is really viable when adding a new item, since it's too hard to track individual edits. It basically means that in your delegate method for cancel you delete the object you know you added before presenting the detailed view controller.
Draft Contexts
This means you'll create another managed object context instance which you either merge back to the main context or throw away with all the changes. As you said, the merging part can be somewhat pain, but it's entirely doable. Compared to undo groups approached this has the benefit of merging back only the changes that you save. So, while still a bit tricky, you can better fine-tune, what changes you want to keep and which you want to cancel.
With iOS5 Apple added nested contexts where you can create a child context easily for the detailed view controller to use and either just save or throw it away. No extra code is necessary to take care of the merging of contexts.
Good: You keep your main context untouched from all modifications until you are ready to save.
Bad: Its more complicated to implement prior to iOS5 (which introduces nested contexts which is awesome).
Best regards,

iOS synchronization - what is a good way for a Core Data object to know it has to be pushed to server?

I am building sync functionality between an iPad and a web server. I'm using an approach pretty close to the one described here. I only have one type of object, let's called it a Story, that has to be synchronized. It is a Core Data entity (managed object).
The remaining problem I have to solve is knowing "whenever something changes and needs to be synchronized to the server." One approach would be to go find every piece of code that modifies a Story and have it also set some needsSyncing flag. That does not seem elegant and it seems that over time, developers could forget to update the flag for new types of modification.
Do Core Data objects have a way to observe themselves, so any time any change is made, a particular method is executed? That would make this pretty easy.
Another option might be using the isUpdated method right before doing a save operation on the managed object context. You'd either have to have save called in only one place or do this at every place you save (sounds like the first option). I guess I could make a helper method that goes through all Story objects right before saving and see if any of them need their flag to be set. The only drawback to that is that I'd be traversing all Story objects in the system for any save, even for saves that have nothing to do with a Story.
Anyway I'll stop trying to guess the solution out loud - does anyone have experience with a good way to do this?
SDK has you covered. See the NSManagedObjectContext class reference, at the very end of the page, the MOC will post notifications that you can subscribe to, including NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification. You can listen for these and do the update call pretty much coincident with saving the MOC.

Context pattern? Why does Core Data need it?

I'm still fairly new to Core Data and am trying to understand why it requires the passing around of a NSManagedObjectContext. As I understand it, passing the context is needed so that multiple threads don't affect the same context, but I was also under the impression that this pattern is sometimes considered an antipattern, as noted here.
Could Core Data theoretically be implemented in a thread safe way that would avoid using this pattern? How do other ORMs (such as Ruby's ActiveRecord for example) avoid this pattern? For example, couldn't CoreData implement a per-NSManagedObject saving method such as in this extension. This light framework doesn't handle multithreading, but couldn't NSManagedObjects use some kind of internal GCD queue(s) to support it, with an internal context they don't expose?
Sorry if I'm missing anything major.
The NSManagedObjectContext is the in-memory container of your applications object graph, just as the persistent store (XML, SQLite, etc.) usually represents the on disk container of your object graph.
There are some advantages to this approach:
Faulting can be applied to a set of objects, or in the case of CoreData the entire object graph
It's a convenient abstraction for forcing the application to batch it's I/O.
It provides a single point of contact for efficiently performing operations over the entire object graph (NSFetchRequests, etc.)
Undo can be applied to the object graph, not just individual objects.
It's also important to remember that CoreData is not an ORM framework, it's an object persistence framework. The primary responsibility of CoreData is to make accessing data stored in a persistent format on disk more efficient. However it doesn't attempt to emulate the functionality of relational databases.
To your point about concurrency, new concurrency models have been introduced in the upcoming release of Mac OSX. You can read more about that at
In the abstract though, the concurrency model chosen for a managed object context has more to do with the specifics of an individual application than the context pattern itself. Instances of NSManagedObjectContext should generally never be shared between threads.
In the same way that each thread requires it's own instance of NSAutoReleasePool, each thread should also have it's own MOC. That way, when the thread is done executing, it can commit it's changes to the store on disk and then release the context, freeing up all the memory consumed by objects processed on the thread.
This is a much more efficient paradigm than allowing a single context to continuously consume system resources during the lifecycle of a given application. Of course, this can be done by invoking -reset on the context as well, which will cause all of the NSManagedObject's in use by the context to be turned back in to faults.
You need one NSManagedObjectContext per thread. So you would have one to fill your UI on the main thread and for longer operations you would have another for each background thread. If you want results to be merged in from those other threads then there is a notification you can subscribe to that provides something to quickly merge what was changed into your main MOC.