VB Date and Datetimepicker - vb.net

I was wondering what was the proper way to create a If statement for if the datetimepicker date is greater than 2 weeks from the current date.
I was thinking something along the lines of
If (datetimepicker.value > DateTimeInterval.Day(14))
but I am not sure the correct way.

You'll need to subtract the current date from the picker date. To get a TimeSpan:
If DateTimePicker1.Value.Date - DateTime.Now.Date > TimeSpan.FromDays(14) Then
'' It's more than 2 weeks
End If


Finding the week number from a date in Visual Basic

I want to compare 2 dates and check that they are in the same week. Is there a way to find the week number of each date and compare them, or an alternative function to compare the dates and see if they're in the same week?
Thank you :)))))))))))))))))
Look at the vba Format function - use something like Format(DateVariable, "ww") to get week number of a date.
in VBA, use DateDiff which returns 0 (zero) for a match:
WeekMatch = Not CBool(DateDiff("ww", Date1, Date2, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem))

SQL Server : get data where date + last 2 financial years

I wish to find data from where current date and also include data from the last 2 financial years
Basically I want data going back from 'today' to 01/04/2019. I want to add this line of data to dynamically happen, not just a one off for the future
Thus if the date today was 05/06/2022, I would want the date going from that date, backwards until what would be 01/04/2020
The column name is Date - please help
I am quite sure that it should be possible to do it in some simpler way, but you can use something like below:
declare #b date
set #b = datefromparts(year(getdate()),4,1) --first daty of fiscal year in current calendar year
select case when #b<getdate() then dateadd(year,-2,#b) else dateadd(year,-3,#b) end

Get the month and year now then count the number of rows that are older then 12 months in SQL/Classic ASP

I know this one is pretty easy but I've always had a nightmare when it comes to comparing dates in SQL please can someone help me out with this, thanks.
I need to get the month and year of now then compare it to a date stored in a DB.
Time Format in the DB:
2015-08-17 11:10:14.000
I need to compare the month and year with now and if its > 12 months old I will increment a count. I just need the number of rows where this argument is true.
I assume you have a datetime field.
You can use the DATEDIFF function, which takes the kind of "crossed boundaries", the start date and the end date.
Your boundary is the month because you are only interested in year and month, not days, so you can use the month macro.
Your start time is the value stored in the table's row.
Your end time is now. You can get system time selecting SYSDATETIME function.
So, assuming your table is called mtable and the datetime object is stored in its date field, you simply have to query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mtable where DATEDIFF(month, mtable.date, (SELECT SYSDATETIME())) > 12

Always Return the Previous Saturday's Date Using NOW Function in MS Excel 2007

I have a workbook that I am using the NOW function to return today's date and then I have another cell to convert to WEEKNUM that I use to MATCH on with a different tab. I need to be able to create a formula to read today's date and always return the previous Saturday. Example: Today is 6-8-2015. I want this formula to return 6-6-2015. Any ideas on how to make this work. I am struggling here.
How about:
This will return the time 'now' minus the number of days from Saturday where Sunday = 1, Monday = 2 etc.
Note, this does include the timestamp along with the day (eg. 6/6/2015 14:48). If you want just the date you could daisy-chain a text function around it.

Calculating Months

I have an application where the user selects the dates of a first statement and a last statement. Example, first statement = 1/1/08, last statement = 12/1/08, should equal 12 statements.
However, when using the following code, the result is 11:
numPayments = DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, CDate(.FeeStartDate), CDate(.FeeEndDate))
Is there another way to calculate this, or do I have to be stuck with adding 1 to the result?
Add 1, as you write. ;)
The difference between 1/1/2008 and 12/1/2008 is 11 months. No changing that. ;)
Yes, you'd always have to add one though you may be able to add one to the end date or subtract one from the start date to also get this effect. Consider the case where the start and end dates are the same. Their difference is 0 but you'd still want 1 statement to show just to note one odd case.
Well, the number of months between Jan 1st and Dec 1st is 11... what you're looking for is the difference of months +1. So just add one :)
Also, the DateDiff function you're using is a VB6 hold-over. Better to express it like this:
numPayments = (Date.Parse(.FeeEndDate) - Date.Parse(.FeeStartDate)).TotalMonths + 1
You could try this one. Hope this is very helpful.
Dim myDate As Date
Dim dateNow As Date
Dim nextMonth As Date
myDate = Now
dateNow = Format(myDate, "MM/dd/yyyy")
nextMonth = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 5, dateNow) 'compute the next 5 months from date now. Let say, #12/6/2012# the result will be #5/6/2013#
MessageBox.Show(DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, dateNow, nextMonth) & "months==> " & nextMonth)
'This will count the number of months interval. The result will be 5 months=>> #5/6/2013 because we count december to may.